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Rules For Spanking: MMF Bisexual Romance by A. Anders, Alex Anders (2)

“That is true. Your precious Peter Baron only wants to go out with me because he thinks it will get him a raise,” Lucy insisted.

“Dear, do you really believe that I’m that’s naïve. Don’t you think I’ve considered that? That’s not why Peter wants to get to know you. Haven’t you considered that he might want to go out with you because he likes you?”

Lucy listened to her father surprised. She had to admit that she hadn’t considered that. Could there be something about Peter that Lucy had missed?

No, there couldn’t be, she decided. She and Peter had talked. He was obnoxious and as full of himself as all the other men were. She knew who Peter was and she didn’t like him.

That being said, she had to give some credence to her father’s suggestion. She had always known her father to be a smart man. He wasn’t always the most compassionate or the most present, but he was intelligent. If her father said it, there had to be at least a little truth to it.

“Peter is not the right person for me, Dad. But if you want me to come work at the company, I will. I guess I don’t really have a choice.”

“I’m proud of you Lucy. I’ll transfer some money into your account. Finish off your vacation and then report into the office on Monday. Your new life begins here, Dear. I couldn’t be prouder of you for stepping up to your responsibilities in this family.”

Lucy hung up the phone dazed by what had happened. How could she have agreed to work with Peter Baron? He was aggressive and dominating and there was nothing about him that she liked. Sure, he might also be good looking, but the wrapping didn’t matter when it covered a package like him.

Lucy fell onto the bed thinking about how unrecognizable her life had become.





Lucy reported into work Monday morning as she had promised her father. After going through more paperwork than she could’ve imagined, she went up to her father’s office. Knocking on the door she heard a “come in,” in reply.

“I’m glad to hear that you were on time,” her father said not taking his eyes off of his computer.

“You told me to come in at nine,” she reminded him. “So, are you gonna tell me what I’m supposed to do here?”

Her father looked up from his work and stared at her. Lucy didn’t hide her displeasure. She didn’t want to be there and she wanted him to know it.

“No, I will be assigning you to someone and they’ll show you the ropes.”

“Great,” Lucy said sarcastically. “So, when do I get the pleasure?”

Lucy’s father stared at her for a moment. “I can’t believe I’m going to have to tell you this. You’re an adult and this is a professional environment. Fix your attitude. Do you understand?”

Lucy couldn’t believe that her father was treating her like a child. She was twenty-five years old. How dare he? She had done everything he told her to do. She had even arrived on time. What more did he want from her?

Lucy remained quiet as her father continued to stare.

“Good,” he acknowledged. Getting up, Lucy’s father stepped from behind his desk. Leading her out, they passed his assistant and then crossed the length of the building to the corner office at the end of the hall. Lucy’s father knocked before opening the door. Inside was the last person that Lucy wanted to see.

“Peter, you know Lucy. Lucy will be working with us. I want you to show her the ropes. You’re working on the Vernon project, correct?”

Peter, who had been working diligently on his computer, looked up. “Yes, Mr. Hollingsworth. It’s due in two weeks.” Peter’s eyes darted towards Lucy before returning to his boss.

“Then, let’s push it back a week. That way you have enough time to introduce Lucy to what you’re doing and integrator her into the process.”

“Yes, Sir. Not a problem. One thing, though. Did you have a particular role in mind for Lucy?” Peter asked suddenly a little tenser.

“She doesn’t need to do any of the heavy lifting. This is still your project. Think of it as a teaching tool. Get her integrated into what we do here. Get her feet wet. Understand?”

Peter smiled obligingly. “Get her feet wet. Yes, Sir.”

“Very good,” Lucy’s father said turning to her. “Then I’ll leave you in Peter’s capable hands.” He then gave her a knowing smile and walked out.

Lucy watched her father go and then turned to stare at Peter. She had no clue why her father would do this to her. Hadn’t she been as clear as possible about her lack of interest in Peter? Why then, with all of the people that worked in the office, did her father partner her with him? Was he trying to get her to quit?

“Peter,” Lucy acknowledged breaking the silence.

“Lucy,” Peter said looking as happy to see her as she was to see him. “I can’t remember the last time we’ve seen each other. Oh wait, I do, however, remember the last time we were supposed to see each other. It was when you stood me up at the gala. Thank you for that by the way. I could have found myself another date but you made sure that I would have to suffer through the event by myself.”

“Yeah, I guess I should apologize for that. Something important came up.”

“You know, they’ve invented this thing called the phone. It’s amazing. You can enter someone’s personal number and it rings, often times in their pocket. You should check it out. You might find it handy.”

“Are you done?” Lucy asked moving to the chair in front of Peter’s desk.

“Sure. Let’s say that I am.”

“Good. So, what is it that you are supposed to explain to me?”

“Oh, nothing too complex. Just how a multibillion-dollar corporation runs and how to make it turn a profit.”

“Oh, good. I thought it was going to be something complex,” Lucy said absurdly.

“No, we should be done with the gist of it by lunch,” Peter said playing along.

“Great. So tell me, what is it that you all do here?” Lucy asked genuinely unsure.

Although it had seemed that Peter’s mood was lightning, a stunned look washed across his face. “You don’t know what we do here?”

“No. Should I?” Lucy asked seriously.

“No. Why should you?” Peter replied trying to hide his resentment at her obscene privilege.

Peter then spent the next hour explaining the intricacies of what they did at her family’s company. The company was both an investment firm and a lender of last resort. Peter described the company as a hallmark of capitalism.

The company found large companies, who because of their financial status, may not be able to get loans anywhere else. They then invested in them by acquiring a significant amount of their voting stock. With controlling interest, they would then go in and make the changes necessary for them to become profitable. Once those changes were reflected in their stock price, their company sold their stock turning a huge profit.

“Well, that seems pretty basic,” Lucy said relieved that she could follow what was going on.

One of the deals she had struck with her father to ensure her allowance was for her to get a business degree at University. What Peter described was right in line with the basics of what she had been taught.

“Yeah, it’s pretty basic. But the challenge comes when trying to evaluate a prospective company. You always have to get creative with the assets. If it were easy to turn a company around, there would be no need for companies like ours.

“The trick is to look past the spreadsheets and the numbers. You have to identify what the company is at its core and then reorganize the company in a way that allows its strongest assets to shine.”

“And what is the project I’m supposed to be helping you with?”

“I’m putting together a presentation for a prospective company, Vernon Industries. It’s an international mining company which has been feeling the squeeze from aggressive Chinese investment in the industry. They’re now underwater with their costs/profit ratio and we need to determine if there’s anything there worth rescuing.”

“Is there?” Lucy asked genuinely interested.

“That’s what we need to find out. Do you know how to read a spreadsheet?”

Lucy gave Peter a bit of a stink eye. “Yes, I know how to read a spreadsheet.”

“Good.” Peter pointed at a stack of folders on the ground behind her. “Those are the hard copies of the company’s balance sheets. They cover from 1955 to 1982. I want you to go through them, create an Excel spreadsheet and enter into it every item that generated more than $100,000 of income.”

Lucy looked back at the stack of folders. “Wait, you want me to go through all of those folders? There’s gotta be, like, 100 of them. Why?”

Peter paused before replying. “Because a company’s new direction often lies in something they have had past success with but haven’t realized it. We need to figure out how they made money in the past and see if there are any patterns that they might’ve missed.”

“But each folder has, like, a hundred pages. Isn’t this something you should have some grunt do?”

“Yes. And that’s why I am having a grunt do it,” Peter said with a smile.

“I don’t think this is what my father had in mind,” Lucy protested.

“No. This is exactly what your father had in mind. What? Did you think that you would just waltz in here and start running the company? Five minutes ago you didn’t even know what we did. Hell, knowing you, a week ago you are probably on some beach getting your nails done.

“Your father wanted me to get your feet wet. This is what getting your feet wet looks like. Now, I will need that spreadsheet on my desk within the next three days. You are dismissed,” Peter told her before returning his attention to his screen.

Lucy considered arguing Peter’s point but the problem was that he was right. A week ago she was on a beach. And yes, a part of her did expect to come in and start running things.

But even with that being the case, there was no way she was going to let him get away with this. He was using the opportunity to get back at her for blowing him off at the gala. Well, if Peter thought she was going to let him bully her around, he had another thing coming. She was going to get her revenge.

Until then, however, Lucy decided to bide her time. As horrible as her task sounded, it was her job and she needed the money. And who knew, perhaps if her father saw her taking her work seriously and buckling down, he would see his way to reinstating her allowance.

She was sure that this was just a test. Her father wanted her to be a little more responsible. Lucy understood that. That was fine. But Peter, eventually he was going to have to learn that he couldn’t tell her what to do. She was her own woman. Everyone, including her father, was going to have to learn that.

For the next three days, Lucy did nothing but work. She had her own office and on her second day, she got an assistant. Pedro was young but very good looking. To Lucy’s surprise, he was also a little flirtatious.

After working with Pedro for a few days, Lucy wondered whether all secretaries were like this. Either way, she liked it. She couldn’t see herself taking it any further than flirtation but as a gentle ego boost every day, it was nice.

After handing in her work on time, Peter gave her more of the same. The monotony seemed endless and after a full week on the job, she decided to venture out of her office into the shared kitchen. The first few times she entered, it was empty. But realizing that people usually took breaks at eleven and 3 PM she was able to surround herself with other human beings.

Surrounding herself was one thing. Talking with them was another. Lucy wasn’t sure if it was just her, but every time she entered the kitchen, everyone seemed to be artificially quiet. Did people usually stand silently around a watercooler? Or was everyone shutting up as soon as she stepped into the room?

It was in the middle of her second week when Lucy overheard a group of guys talking. They kept saying something about Baby Doll. Lucy didn’t understand it. Was it an account they were working on? Was it a person? And why did they stop talking about it whenever they saw her? What was with the guilty look on their faces when they did?

Needing an answer to this, Lucy decided to go to Peter. Things with Peter had been going smoother since the first day. It was almost like they were getting along.

“What’s Baby Doll?” Lucy said barging into Peter’s office.

Peter, who was on the phone, flicked his eyes up as she entered. “Listen, I’m going to have to call you back later. I love you,” Peter said to Lucy surprise. She hadn’t known that he was in a relationship. A part of her had thought that he might have still been interested in her.

“Have you ever heard of knocking?” Peter said snarkily.

“What? Is that one of those corporate rules that you’re always talking about?” Lucy asked dismissively.

“Actually, yes. That would be a perfect example of one.”

“Noted. What’s Baby Doll?”

“What?” Peter asked surprised.

“You heard me. What’s Baby Doll? I know it’s something. Don’t pretend like it’s not.”

Peter looked at Lucy like a deer caught in headlights. It took a moment for him to gather himself. “I wouldn’t worry about it,” he said casually.

“Why would I worry about it? And why shouldn’t I worry about it?” She asked confused.

“Listen, you have to expect that when someone like you comes in to an office, a few people might get on edge.”

“Someone like me? What does that mean?” She asked not realizing that it had anything to do with her.

“You know, the boss’ daughter.”

“So you’re saying that Baby Doll is me? People are calling me Baby Doll?” She asked disturbed.

“I wouldn’t be offended by it. Hey, you had to expect some pushback when you got here.

“The guys here went to Yale and Harvard. They work twelve hour days and sixty hour weeks. Their entire life is about getting promoted. But then you, the boss’ daughter waltzes in…  Well, you have to expect at least a few of them to feel threatened.”

Lucy cringed at the idea. All of her fellow executives were making fun of her behind her back. And was it just about her being the boss’ daughter or was it also a crack about her weight? Baby Dolls weren’t exactly Barbie looking. The whole thing was demeaning and she decided to put an immediate end to it.

“Wait, Lucy. What are you thinking?” Peter asked a little concerned.

“What do you mean?”

“I can always tell when you’re up to no good. You get a certain look in your eyes”

Lucy looked at Peter surprised. He had never struck her as being very attentive about anything concerning her. How could he have picked up on a look that no one else in her life had ever mentioned?

“I don’t have a look,” Lucy denied.

“Yeah, right. There’s no look. Then tell me, what were you just thinking.”

Lucy considered lying. In the end, she just chuckled and admitted the truth. “I was thinking about what I’m going to have to do to put an end to that nickname.”

“Lucy, trust me on this, just let it go. It’s not offensive and it’s not as mean as it could be. You have to understand how much of a threat they see you as.”

“But I’m just like them. I’m trying to learn the business and do my part,” she said starting to feel hurt.

“But you aren’t like everyone else. Your father brought you in with the hopes of one day running the company. Now, do you really think you’ve earned that position or is it something that your father’s trying to hand you on a silver platter?”

“But I didn’t ask for any of this. Peter, you know me. You really think that I would choose to be here if I could be traveling or at least grabbing brunch with my friends? I didn’t want any of this.”

“I may know that, but do any of them? Listen, the nickname is harmless. They’re just a bunch of frat boys letting off a little steam. Don’t do anything. Don’t say anything. Just leave it alone. Eventually it’ll go away and they’ll think of you as one of them.”

Lucy considered whether or not she could let it go. She wasn’t sure that she could.

“Promise me, Lucy?”

Lucy considered it. Peter seemed to be asking a favor as if they were friends. Maybe they were becoming friends. Clearly he was in love with someone else. Perhaps now her father would stop trying to force the two of them together. With that pressure off of her shoulders, maybe the two of them could be friends.

After all, it turned out that Peter wasn’t that bad of a guy. Sure, he always entered a room like he had a big dick and that rubbed Lucy the wrong way. But who didn’t have something annoying about them?

Besides, the more Lucy saw him, the better looking he got. His angular face, his curly blonde hair. Now that they worked together and corporate rules prevented him from saying anything obnoxious, he was kind of pleasant to be around. Maybe she should take his advice, if for no other reason than to foster a better relationship between the two of them.

“Fine. I’ll let it go,” Lucy said resigning.

“Good. Now get out.”

Lucy’s mouth dropped open. “Rude,” she said as she turned towards the door.

“Yeah. And don’t forget to knock next time Miss Etiquette,” he said not letting her get away with anything.

Lucy left Peter’s office with a smile on her face. After their history, it was actually becoming fun to work with Peter. It wasn’t like could be BFFs or anything, but they had a repartee that she enjoyed.

Lucy returned to her office and did her best to put the nickname out of her mind. It didn’t work. As much as she tried, it continued to bother her. Her coworkers had a nickname for her and were talking about her behind her back. Who would be okay with that?

As Lucy scanned the endless files piled on her desk, she leaned back and thought about Cristiano. What was he doing at that exact moment? Was he thinking of her? Did he even remember her? Would he recognize her if he saw her wearing a suit and sitting behind a desk?

It saddened Lucy to think that she might never see Cristiano again. He was still the love of her life. Cancún and her new job had helped to push thoughts of him to the back of her mind, but they were still there. When thoughts of Cristiano became overwhelming, the only thing that made things better was calling Pedro into her office and flirting a little with him.

“Pedro, can you come in here, please?” Lucy yelled through her open door.

Pedro appeared a moment later with his notepad and pen in hand.

“Yes, Lucy?” He asked having been told by her to call her by her first name.

In truth, Lucy just wanted to stare at the good looking guy for a little while but she knew she had to say something before the situation got awkward.

“Hey, have you heard people referring to me as Baby Doll?” She asked saying the first thing that came to mind.

Pedro froze. Lucy looked at him surprised.

“Wait, have you?” She asked again.

Pedro looked at Lucy and released a deep breath. After that, he reached back for her office door and closed it. Everything about his reaction took Lucy by surprise.

“Yeah, I might’ve heard something,” he admitted reluctantly.

“What did you hear?” Lucy asked concerned but intrigued.

“I heard that it’s something that people call you,” he said uncomfortably.


“And that they call you that because they don’t take you seriously.”

Lucy was taken aback. “Really?”

“That’s just what I heard from the other assistants.”

Lucy thought about it. The nickname seemed to be more serious than Peter had let on. They were using it to undermine her credibility. And it wasn’t just one or two of them saying it. Even the assistants were discussing it. Lucy didn’t like this at all.

“Do you have any idea how this got started?” Lucy asked starting to get upset.

“I don’t know how,” Pedro said suggestively.

“Do you know who started it?”

Pedro swallowed as if caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “I only know what people told me.”

Considering it, Lucy went through the suspects in her mind. There were a lot of people it could have been.

“If you know, then tell me,” she said becoming a little more serious.

“Again, I only know what people told me.”

Lucy was getting annoyed. “I got that. Spill it, Pedro.”

Pedro took another deep breath. “Someone told me that it was Peter.”

“Wait, Peter Baron?” She asked stunned.


Lucy felt dazed. Could that be true? Was it possible that while he was pretending to be her friend, he was making her the butt of everyone’s jokes? Lucy felt like she was going to throw up. She did her best to hold herself together.

“I see. Well, thank you for telling me that. You can go.”

Pedro looked at her sympathetically. “I’m sorry.”

“No, it was good that you told me. Thank you. I appreciate it. You can close the door on the way out.”

Lucy sat still as she watched Pedro leave. Once the door was closed, Lucy collapsed into tears. How could she have been so foolish as to trust Peter? How could she think that anyone here saw her as anything other than the boss’ spoilt daughter?

Lucy now understood why Peter had been urging her to let it go. She couldn’t let this go anymore, though. He had declared war on her and Lucy wasn’t one to back down from a fight.

For the next week, Lucy pretended like everything was fine between her and Peter and together they worked on their presentation. Supplying the numbers for it, Lucy was sure to memorize every detail of the presentation script knowing it back and forth.

On the day of the presentation, Lucy realized that it was being presented to more than just to her father. The audience would be every executive on their floor. This was considered to be a big deal and Lucy sat back waiting for her opportunity for revenge.

Peter began his presentation just as they had planned. First was an introduction to Vernon Industries, their portfolio, and all of their remaining assets. Next was an outline of their analytical techniques and finally was Peter’s conclusion. Peter’s advice was that their company not move forward with their acquisition.

“They simply don’t have enough transferable assets,” Peter told the men seated around the conference room table. “At best we would break even. At worst we stand to lose between ten and $60 million.”

It was then that Lucy raised her hand drawing everyone’s attention. Peter looked at her confused.

“Lucy, usually all the questions are left until the end,” Peter told her unsure why she would have any questions at all considering she helped put together the presentation.

“Oh, really? I’m sorry,” Lucy replied.

“That’s no problem. Anyway. As I was saying…”

“It’s just that I think a few of your numbers are off,” Lucy continued.

“What?” Peter said trying to hide his near panic.

“Yeah. Go back to slide seven,” Lucy told him.

Rattled, Peter flipped back through a few pages.

“Yes, see, right there. You list the value of their transportation equipment as $7,000,000. That should have been $70,000,000. At 70 million, turning a profit from our company’s acquisition should be fairly easy.”

Lucy’s father turned to her curiously. “How is that?” He asked her.

Lucy got up. “Do you mind, Peter?” She asked forcing him to concede the spotlight. Dazed by what was going on, he simply shook his head and stepped out of her way.

Standing where Peter had just stood, Lucy walked everyone through the details of the acquisition as if she had written it herself. In truth, she had. She had spent the last few days researching the presentations of all of the company’s previous acquisitions and mirrored them accordingly. All that was left after that was to feed Peter incorrect numbers for his presentation and wait for his presentation to begin.

By the end of her talk, her father was impressed. “Good work, Lucy. It was a good catch. We’ll move forward with the acquisition. Meeting dismissed.”

Lucy accepted congratulations from the rest of the men as they exited. When it was just her and Peter left, she turned to him and smiled.

“No hard feelings, Baby Doll?” She asked with complete satisfaction. Peter looked at her stunned. “And I suggest that you don’t make too big a deal out of this. It’s natural that some of the others might be resentful of a guy in your position. I’m sure it’ll all blow over.”

It was on those words that she turned on her heels and walked out. Peter now knew what it felt like to be humiliated at work. Considering that there was nothing he could do to top that, she declared herself the victor. Having won, she felt comfortable bring their cold war to an end.

With things between her and Peter settled, Lucy decided it was time to celebrate. Tomorrow was the company-wide picnic at Griffith Park. Originally she wasn’t going to go. Now, not only was she going, but she was planning on having a good time.

Arriving early she spotted Pedro. He had a beer in his hand. Looking forward to a little light flirting, she went over and join him.

“Do you have another one of those?” Lucy asked him.

“I have one right here,” Pedro told her reaching into a bucket of ice.

“Perfect,” Lucy said retrieving it and taking a swig.

“I didn’t see you much as a beer drinker,” her assistant told her.

“I’m usually not but I figured it’s time to celebrate.”

“I heard some of the other assistants talking. They say the presentation went well for you and, unfortunately, not as well for Peter.”

“I know. Could you imagine someone at Peter’s level making such a simple accounting error? He’s got to feel so embarrassed. I hope he still comes,” Lucy said with a knowing smile.

“Yeah,” Pedro laughed. “How could someone like him make a mistake like that?” He asked knowing that this was her payback for the nickname.

Lucy looked at Pedro in his casual clothes and saw him in a new light. She had always thought of him as younger, but really the two were about the same age. Who would say anything if something were to happen between them? They were both consenting adults.

Besides, there was no question Pedro was interested in her. They flirted almost every day. Perhaps it was time to explore just how far their flirting would go.

Lucy was about to make a move on Pedro when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Lucy, can I have a word with you?” her father asked her.

“Sure. Pedro, don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back.”

“Okay,” Pedro said with a smile.

After the two of them walked for a bit, her father turned to her and stopped.

“I want you to know that I know what you did yesterday,” he told her displeased.

“What do you mean?”

“For the presentation. I know that you fed Peter a false number so that you could one up him during his presentation.”

“Dad, why would I do something like that? Peter and I were working together on the presentation. I don’t know how he got that number. I certainly didn’t give it to him,” Lucy said.

“Cut the bullshit, Lucy. This isn’t some lunch room full of high school girls. Everyone in that room knew what you did. I knew it and I played along because I didn’t want to undermine your credibility with the others.

“Lucy, I’m trying to groom you to take over this company. For that, you need their respect. You can’t just be someone who tells them what to do and stabs them in the back when it’s convenient. They need to be able to trust you.”

“But, Dad,” Lucy began feeling like a thirteen-year-old girl being chastised by her father.

“No, Lucy. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t know what brought about this and I don’t care. You and Peter are going to clear things up today. I don’t care how you do it. I just expect it done. Do you hear me?”

“But, Dad…”

“I said, do you hear me?” Her father said as sternly as he had ever said anything.

Lucy wilted under his gaze. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. And if you ever do anything like this again, I promise you, Lucy, not only will you lose your job, but you will lose every penny of your inheritance with it. Do you understand?”

Shrinking as she stood there, she replied, “yes, Sir.”

“Now, find Peter and make this right. By the way, have you seen him arrive yet?” Lucy’s father looked around. “Oh, wait, there is.”

Lucy turned in the direction of her father’s gaze. He was right. Peter had just arrived and to Lucy’s surprise, he had brought someone. It was another guy.

As the two walked towards them, Lucy lost her breath. Her face went white. She recognized the man. It was a face she hadn’t seen in weeks. Peter had come to the company picnic with Cristiano. Lucy struggled to figure out what was going on.

“Peter,” Lucy’s father greeted. “It’s good to see you. I’m glad you came. And who’s this?”

“Hi, Sir. I wouldn’t miss it. This here is my boyfriend, Cristiano.”

“Your boyfriend?” Lucy’s father asked surprised. “Oh!”

“Yeah.” Peter grabbed Cristiano’s hand pulling him closer. “I know.”

“I didn’t know that you dated men,” Lucy’s father said casually.

“I don’t usually. But Cristiano was special. And when you meet someone as special as him, you don’t hide him. You share your relationship with the world.”

Lucy’s father looked uncomfortable but only mildly. “Well, yes. Congratulations on finding someone special.” He turned to Cristiano. “Treat him good. You have a good man there.”

“I will, Sir,” Cristiano replied.

“Please, you don’t work for me. Call me Harold.”

Cristiano smiled awkwardly. “Then I will… Harold.”

“Anyway, I’ll leave you all to talk. Lucy,” Harold nodded to his daughter and then left the three alone.

Lucy stared at the two of them unable to speak. She could barely breathe. Although she had heard the words, she couldn’t believe what was going on. With her father gone, Cristiano looked at Lucy with as much surprise as she looked back.

“What’s going on, Pete? I thought you said you didn’t know Lucy,” Cristiano said turning to him upset.

Peter looked at Cristiano feigning surprise. “Lucy! Wait a minute, is this the Lucy you were engaged to?” Peter asked casually.

“Don’t act dumb. You know she is. Is this why you insisted that I come? Are you trying to humiliate me with her?”

“Humiliate you? Why would I do that? I love you. You know I love you,” Peter insisted. “I was willing to bring you to my work and introduce you to my potentially homophobic coworkers. Do you think I would do all that to humiliate you? What type of sick person you think I am?”

Lucy watched their exchange sure that she was about to throw up. The tears ran down her cheeks uncontrollably. There was nothing on earth that could have made her feel worse than the way she felt right then. It felt like Peter had reached into her chest and pulled out her heart. As she stood watching it beat in his hand, Lucy could do only one thing, run away.

Cutting through everybody, Lucy ran through the middle of the park. Not stopping until she reached the parking lot, she got into her car. This was all too much for her. Her world was again crumbling around her and all she could do was watch it fall.





Cristiano watched Lucy run across the park. His heart ached for her. He had never wanted to hurt her. If he would have known that she would be there, he never would have come.

But more than that, Pete had made a decision for him that he wasn’t ready to embrace. Yes, he loved Pete, but it was easier to love him when no one was looking, especially someone from his past.

And Lucy wasn’t just someone from his past. With his memory loss, Lucy was the only one from his past. On top of that, only weeks ago they had been engaged. Pete had more than just put him in an awkward situation. He had violated Cristiano’s trust.

“Why did you do that?” Cristiano barked at Pete.

“Do what?” Pete asked feigning innocence.

“Don’t try and bullshit me. I know that you knew I was engaged to her. I always wondered why you had reacted the way you did when I had told you Lucy’s name. I had thought that you recognized it from a newspaper or something. But the whole time she was someone you worked with. How could you lie to me like that?”

Pete looked at Cristiano defensively. “First of all, I never lied.”

“You did lie.”

“No. When you told me her name, I simply asked how I would know her. I never said that I didn’t know her.”

“Pete, I am not going to let you talk your way out of this. You humiliated her and you embarrassed me. Has this been your plan all along? Was the only reason you dated me was so that you could use me against her? Do you even really love me?”

Pete took a step towards Cristiano and grabbed his shoulder. “Don’t say that. You know I love you. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you.

“And I admit it. When you said her name I knew immediately who she was. But I didn’t know your relationship with her when we first met in the coffee shop. I didn’t know your relationship with her when I came in search of you at the bar. Maybe pursuing you took on an added bonus once I knew who you were engaged to. But I think I made it clear that I was going to pursue you anyway.

“And after everything started going so well between us, I don’t know why I didn’t tell you. I don’t know why I brought you here and blindsided you like this? But you have to understand, she and I had a long, complex relationship,” Pete admitted.

“Relationship? What type of relationship did you have?” Cristiano asked caught off guard.

“Do you want me to be honest?”

“Yes, Pete. Of course I want you to be honest.”

Pete paused for a moment, looked at his feet, and then took a deep breath before answering. “Until I met you, I was in love with Lucy.”

“You were in love with Lucy?” Cristiano asked confused.

“You said you wanted me to be honest,” Pete said defensively.

Cristiano thought about everything. “Then, I don’t get it. If you loved her, why would you use me to hurt her?”

Pete looked exhausted. “It’s a long story. As much as I loved her, she never seemed to feel the same for me. So many times I had tried to show her how I felt but every time I did, she would do something or say something to rub my face in my feelings.

“I think her father knew how I felt. Maybe I had asked about her one too many times. Even he tried to get me a fair shot with her. But it turns out that for most the time I was in love with her, she was in love with someone else. She was in love with you.

“Of course, the only way I found out about her feelings for you was when you told me. Luckily, by that time I was long on my way to falling for you. And I knew that keeping my relationship with her secret was a mistake. But at what point was I supposed to tell you?

“I wanted you to like me. I wanted you to love me back. How would your feelings for me change if you knew that I had been in love with your ex-fiancée?”

“So you instead decided to use me in some game?”

“I don’t know what I was doing. We had this thing going at work and she had humiliated me in front of everyone. It blinded me. All I could think about was getting back at her. And what better way to strike back then to show her that the man she had loved had chosen me over her,” Pete admitted ashamed.

Cristiano stared at Pete taking it all in. His heart felt heavy from everything that was said. “Do you know what I truly don’t understand?”

“What’s that?” Pete asked feeling humbled.

“How is it that I keep falling for people who find it so easy to lie to me to get what they want?”

Pete stared at Cristiano with his mouth open unable to reply.

“That’s what I thought,” Cristiano said before turning and walking away.

“Where are you going?” Pete said calling after him.

“I’m going back to my place.”

“Your place?”

“Yeah. I think I need a little time by myself. Don’t call me. I’ll call you,” Cristiano pronounced before heading to the parking lot and calling a taxi.

Cristiano rode back to his apartment feeling devastated. How could the man he loved to do this to him? Couldn’t he trust anyone? Was this what his life was like before he lost his memory?

Cristiano thought about the look on Lucy’s face when she had first seen them. There was so much pain. How could the man he loved be so cruel as to do this to someone that he had once loved? Was Pete capable of doing this to him? How long was it before his boyfriend turned on him? How long was it before Cristiano was in Lucy’s shoes?

The taxi dropped Cristiano off and he fled into his apartment. He hadn’t spent much time there over the last few weeks instead choosing to stay at Pete’s. Other than the increased distance to work, Pete’s place was better in every way. And when Cristiano needed to get around, Pete was always quick to offer him his car. Cristiano didn’t feel like their relationship was a lie, but how could he ignore the way Pete had used him?

What lingered the most in Cristiano’s thoughts, though, was how Lucy must’ve felt. It had never been Cristiano’s plan to cut her out of his life. Time had simply gotten away from him. His romance with Pete had been a whirlwind. Swept up in the passion, it was hard for Cristiano to think of anything else.

But no matter what Lucy had done or said, she didn’t deserve that. Cristiano believed her that they had once been engaged. If they had, there had to be a reason for it. At one point he must have loved her. If he had, that was no way to treat a woman that he had loved.

Cristiano thought about Lucy and Pete all day. By the time he went to sleep he was no closer to figuring out what he should do next. As he dreamed things seemed to get a little clearer. He imagined himself sitting in the bar where he worked waiting for Lucy to arrive. When she did Cristiano gave her a drink and told her that by drinking it she would get the night’s rules.

Once the drink was done and the rules were told, Cristiano and Lucy went back to his place. There, there were a number of sex toys on a cloth covering his bureau. In the dream, Cristiano made her choose one. With it he dominated her. Following that, they made love.

After making love, Cristiano wrapped his arms around Lucy and asked her to marry him. When she said yes, Cristiano’s heart felt like it would explode. Cristiano loved Lucy so much that the power of it shook Cristiano awake.

“Was that real?” Cristiano asked himself.

As soon as he did, a flood of memories came rushing back. The first was of him and Lucy lying in bed talking about a man that her father wanted her to marry. Lucy had called him Peter Baron but Cristiano now knew him as Pete.

After that came a lifetime of memories. There were so many of them that Cristiano couldn’t recall just one. His childhood in Spain, his time working as a cowboy, his move to Los Angeles, it all came back to him. Cristiano suddenly knew who he was. The only thing left to understand was why he had fallen for Pete in the first place.

With his greater understanding of his past and his life, he searched his memories for other men that he might have loved. There were a few that he was attracted to but none that he loved as much as Pete. As he lay there putting it all together, he began to understand when his interest in men truly took shape.

For so long he had fought his attraction towards the same gender. It was that fight that caused him to withdraw from his family for the isolation of cowboy life. He thought that alone on the Pampas of Spain, he wouldn’t be tempted by men.

He was wrong. In fact, it was during a particularly cold night when he and a fellow cowboy climbed into the same sleeping bag. That was also the night that he had truly lost his virginity.

Wanting to get as far away from the experience as possible, the next day Cristiano quit his job and escaped to Los Angeles. The move seemed to work. He found a job as a bartender and often got to work at fancy parties. It was at one of those parties that he met a woman he would later fall in love with. He had wanted to marry her and was intending to do so until a car crash took away his memories.

Now that he again felt the love that he had had for Lucy, what was Cristiano supposed to do? What was he supposed to do considering that, in spite of everything, he was still in love with Pete?

Cristiano didn’t know what he should or was supposed to do, but by the time the sun rose, he knew what he was going to do. The only question now was whether it would work.





Lucy couldn’t understand how Cristiano could have ended up with Peter. It was as if her two worlds had collided. Unable to see another moment of them together, Lucy had run to the parking lot, gotten into her car, and sped away.

She didn’t care what her father felt about her leaving. She didn’t care about anything. She just needed to get home as quickly as possible before the truth of what had happened finally sunk in.

When she was locked behind her condo door she couldn’t hold it back any longer. With the weight of everything hitting her at once, she couldn’t take another step. Like a sack of potatoes, she fell to the ground.

Balled up on the floor by the door she sobbed trying to figure out what had happened. When and how had Cristiano and Peter met? Was Peter the one that Cristiano had told her about?

Nothing seemed to make any sense as Lucy laid curled on the floor. Her heart thumped in agony. The pain was almost too much for her. Why had any of this happened to her? Would everyone’s life be better if she just ended it all now?

Lucy cried until her tear ducts were all cried out. Still struggling to breathe, her eyes and emotions felt raw. Without realizing it, the day had turned into night and never having turned her lights on, Lucy spent the next few hours laying on the floor in the dark.

It wasn’t until midnight that Lucy was able to gather enough strength to drag herself into bed. To her surprise, she quickly fell asleep. Unlike in Mexico, she didn’t want to keep thinking of everything.

She no longer needed to know what went wrong between Cristiano and her. She knew what went wrong. In spite of all of the sex that they had had, Cristiano had tricked her. It was even possible that he and Peter had been planning something like this all along. The entire world was out to humiliate her and the only way of escaping it was with sleep.

Although Lucy had woken up at 11 AM, she didn’t open her eyes until she heard her phone beep at noon. Who could possibly be texting her? She had abandoned most of her friends when she started dating Cristiano and things hadn’t gotten better once she had started to work.

Lucy kept trying to put the mystery of the text out of her mind but somehow it continued to creep back. Could it possibly be Pedro? He did have her number. Had he seen her run off? Had he gotten concerned? Was the text him checking up on her to ensure that she was all right?

Lucy conjured an image of Pedro in her mind. He was certainly a good-looking guy. What would he be like in bed? Was he a gentle lover or did he have a dominant side that he hid? When

Lucy’s imagination got the better of her, she sat up and scanned the room for her phone. It was nowhere in sight. Consigning herself to having to get up, she gathered her strength and sat on the edge of the bed. She felt weak. It was more than just her emotional state that was weakening her. She hadn’t eaten in twenty-four hours.

Fighting her way to her feet, she stood up. The world swayed around her. Taking one small step and then another everything settled down. She was still dizzy but she felt steadier. And leaving her bedroom for the living room, she spotted her purse on the floor near the door.

Picking up speed as she walked towards it, she thought about what Pedro might have texted. Would it be something friendly or flirtatious? The last thing she wanted to be was alone, so would there be away for her to turn what he said into an invitation for him to come over?

Picking up her purse, she retrieved her phone. There was definitely a text message waiting for her but the name atop of it wasn’t Pedro’s. It was Cristiano’s.

Lucy’s body froze and peaked with sweat. Why had he texted her? She wondered. What did the message say?

Lucy stared at the message indicator feeling her heart race. She opened her mouth to breathe. She could feel herself shake. Why was she letting Cristiano have this effect on her? Was there anything she could do to stop it if she tried?

Unable to stand not knowing what he had written, Lucy opened the message and read it. It said:

‘Rule #1) You will go to Bar Sinister tonight at midnight.

Rule #2) You will wear a tight, short black dress with black underwear and a black bra.

Rule #3) When you get to the bar you will ask the bartender for a “properly prepared slippery nipple”.

Rule #4) You will refer to me as Sir.

P.S. I have my memory back.’

Lucy stared at the screen in shock. What the fuck was going on? Could this be real? Had Cristiano truly gotten his memory back? If so, when? Was it before or after she had seen him at the picnic?

A new energy filled Lucy as she turned to the phone to read the message again. Touching the screen, her phone lit up one more time and then died.

“Nooo!” She yelled horrified.

Desperate to reread what Cristiano had written, she scoured her apartment for her charger. Finding it and plugging in her phone, she still couldn’t turn it on.

“No! No! No!” She screamed unable to believe her luck.

“Just think, Lucy. Think! Where was it that he had said to meet him? It was Bar something? Was it Bar Somersault? No. Bar Samson. No, but it was something like that. Think, Lucy! Think!”

Lucy paced around her condo racking her brain. Picking up her phone and staring at it again, all she saw was an image of a battery being filled. Out of all of the times that her phone could have died, why did happen now? It was like it was evil.

“Bar Sinister! It was Bar Sinister!” She declared as she ran to her computer.

Typing in the name a link popped up. Following it, she arrived at a page that she didn’t expect. Bar sinister was the name of a goth bar. Could that be right? Goth wasn’t either of their scenes. Why would Cristiano tell her to go there? And if this was really where he had said, why would he choose this place as a destination for one of their games?

The ten minutes it took for her to be able to turn on her phone again felt like an eternity. Accessing the text she confirmed the location. It was Bar Sinister. Considering what he had instructed her to wear, Lucy didn’t believe that it was a mistake. Now only two questions remained; was it really Cristiano who had sent the message, and was she actually going to go?

As Lucy considered her possibilities, she felt her appetite come rushing back. With nothing in her fridge to eat, she quickly got changed and headed for the elevator. Exiting her building and walking a half block away, she approached her favorite brunch place. Seated, she had to resist the urge to order everything on the menu.

“I’ll have the Crabs Benedict. And if there is any way I can get that as soon as possible, I would appreciate it,” she told the petite blonde waitress.

Waiting for her meal, Lucy kept turning the situation around in her head. What if Cristiano had just gotten his memory back? What if this was the first thing that he decided to do? Was it possible that his love for her had returned? The thought was almost too tantalizing to believe.

By the time Lucy finished brunch, she knew what she was going to do. Cristiano had put her through a lot. She wasn’t about to let him off the hook so easily. Her plan was to make herself look as beautiful as possible and then, just when Cristiano was going to do whatever he had planned, she was going to reject him like he had rejected her.

This was what he deserved. He needed to know how it felt. If they had any chance of getting back together, she needed him to understand what she had gone through. And more than that, she felt like he deserved a little payback.

Lucy spent the next five hours getting ready and the five hours were barely enough. There was some waxing that needed to be done. She needed a manicure and pedicure. And most importantly, she needed gorgeous underwear and the perfect dress.

With all of that behind her, last came the makeup. She wanted to look beautiful and like the perfect goth chick. She wanted to make him drool before she ripped out his heart. And by the time she was done, she looked exactly the part.

Figuring out how long it would take to get to the bar, Lucy sat at home counting the minutes before she had to leave. At exactly 11:30 she headed for her car. At exactly 11:55 she found parking. And at exactly midnight she arrived at the entrance of Bar Sinister.

Heading inside, she looked around. It was definitely a goth bar. The guys had mohawks and nose piercings. The girls wore skimpy dresses and kitten ears. Everyone was dressed in black.

Crossing the outdoor entrance into the two-story bar, dubstep blared through the speakers. The dance floor ahead of her was packed. On a platform against the front wall was a DJ and behind her was an eight-foot wide digital display. The colorful lights on it highlighted the female go-go dancers. All were barely dressed and each gyrated to the rhythm of the music.

There was an inescapable feeling of sex in the club. Lucy wasn’t immune to it. But determined to follow her plan, she pushed through the writhing bodies and found the bar.

“What can I get you?” The hot bartender with the stubble asked Lucy.

Expecting that there would only be one bartender, Lucy wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. “Ummm, do you know how to make a slippery nipple?” She said testing the water.

The bartender took a closer look at her. “Would you like that prepared any particular way?”

“I would like that perfectly prepared,” she said hoping that she had gotten it right.

The bartender smiled. “So you would like a perfectly prepared slippery nipple?”

Lucy smiled with recognition. “That’s what I want. A perfectly prepared slippery nipple.”

“Coming right up.”

Anxiously watching for the bartender make her drink, she began to wonder what Cristiano had planned next. This was the end of his instructions. She kind of expected him to appear behind the bar. He didn’t. Nervous and slightly insecure about whether she had done everything right, she followed the bartender with anticipation. Her pulse slowly increased.

“One perfectly prepared slippery nipple,” the bartender told her as he placed the drink in front of her.

With the bartender standing there staring at her, she reached for her wallet.

The bartender raised his hand to stop her. “No, it’s already been paid for.”

“Oh,” she acknowledged wondering why he hadn’t yet left to go serve someone else.

“You have to drink it,” the bartender told her.


“I was told that you have to drink it.”

Lucy suddenly felt a rush. She should have known. When Cristiano set up their games, he left nothing to chance. Thrilled by what could happen next, she lifted the drink and threw it down her throat. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t as good as Cristiano’s.

“Here you go,” the bartender said sliding a note card across the bar and then walking off.

Excited, Lucy picked up the note. It read:

‘You have been a bad girl. You must be disciplined. Come upstairs and submit to your master.’

Reading those words Lucy felt her pussy engorge. In an instant, she was trembling with anticipation. What would she find upstairs? She didn’t know but she was sure that tonight their game would be taken to another level.

Lucy scanned the dance floor looking for the stairs. She found them on the opposite side of the room. Pushing through the crowd her heart thumped. Everything around her seemed to slow down and become quiet. All she could focus on were the stairs that became closer with every step.

Ascending the wrought iron staircase a whole other scene appeared. There were men and women sitting on couches and others standing around in groups. Lucy’s eyes darted from left to right searching the crowd for Cristiano.

Not immediately seeing him she looked deeper into the room. Ahead of her was a velvet rope that separated the crowd from an open area. It was as she approached the roped off area that she saw Cristiano.

He stood tall and imposing wearing a leather strap crisscrossed across his chest. On top of it, he wore a leather jacket. He had a stern uncompromising look on his face and he stood next to a metal pipe. The pipe ran across the top of an archway and from it hung two wrist straps.

Seeing where she had been sent, Lucy’s heart slipped into overdrive. Her body tingled like it was on fire. As Cristiano looked around their eyes met. Tangled within his web, Lucy knew that there was now nothing she could do to escape.

Without a word, Cristiano pointed at her and then pointed at the ground by his feet. He was beckoning her. Drawn towards him, Lucy felt like there was nothing she could do to resist. As she stepped over the velvet rope she felt all of the eyes in the room turned towards her. Although her focus was entirely on Cristiano, in her periphery she could see people get up and surround the outskirts of the velvet rope.

Standing next to Cristiano again after so long, Lucy shook. Feeling his strength waft off of him, she felt like she could cry with excitement.

Cristiano leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Take off your dress and grab the bar.”

Lucy knew that this wasn’t a request. She was being ordered. The thought that everyone was going to see her in her underwear both terrified and excited her. She could barely reach back and take hold of the zipper her hand shook so much. But as her dress parted in the back to reveal her bare skin, she felt a pulse between her legs which could only be her first orgasm of the night.

With the zipper now down to her ass, Lucy took hold of the cloth and worked it past her hips. When it hit the ground, she stepped out of it. Looking into Cristiano’s eyes for reassurance, she got none. So stepping forward and doing the only thing she knew would please him, she grabbed the pipe and allowed him to strap her wrists.

She could feel all eyes on her as she stood there with her ass out. It was thrilling. She wondered how long Cristiano would let her hang there without as much as a touch. She got her answer when she felt strands of leather lightly brushed down the center of her back. She shivered in response.

Suddenly needing his punishment more than she could’ve imagined, it came as a relief when the leather left her body and returned with a swat. The feeling was more intense than any she had felt before. Knowing that everybody’s eyes were locked on her, every nerve in her body tingled with delight. When the dozens of lashes kissed her ass, her legs almost buckled. Although Cristiano hadn’t swung hard, the feeling was already close to the limit of what Lucy could take.

Before she could react or even squeak, the flog left her ass and returned even harder. Lucy groaned. Stripped down in front of everyone she felt glorious. Everyone could see who her master was and it was exhilarating. Just then Lucy felt his lips on her ear.

“Say, please, Sir, may I have another,” he demanded.

“Please, Sir, may I have another,” she quickly replied.

“Louder!” Cristiano shouted.

“Please, Sir, may I have another!” She yelled. As soon as she did, the flog’s leather straps landed on the soft flesh of her ass right below the line of her lace panties. Lucy deeply inhaled as her vision blurred and she threatened to pass out.

“Again!” He demanded.

“Please, Sir, may I have another.”

The flog left her ass and returned with force. Needing to release the pain she bounced up and down attempting to shake it. When she settled she heard Cristiano’s booming voice repeat itself.


“Please, Sir may I have another.”

As she said it the stinging leather straps seemed to grab her ass squeezing the air from her lungs. Lucy was beyond turned on. Desperate to feel his touch, she rubbed her legs together. Out of breath, she needed desperately to feel his cock pushed into her yearning pussy. Cristiano couldn’t help but see it and remember what it meant, he stepped next to Lucy’s ear again.

“Good girl. Now, let’s go. Put on your dress and follow me.”

Lucy couldn’t recall ever being as happy as she was at that moment. Released from the restraints, she reached down, collected her dress, and stepped into it. As she pulled it up she couldn’t help but think about all of the eyes still focused on her. In a moment of curiosity, she looked around.

There were couches within the velvet rope where people sat watching from up close. They were all strangers except for one. Peter was one of those seated on a couch and he sat staring at her with his mouth open. He looked shocked.

For a moment Lucy wondered what was going on. She learned everything she needed to know when Cristiano took her by the hand and led her out leaving Peter where he sat. She didn’t know what to think seeing him there. Was this all a part of Cristiano’s plan? Was Cristiano taking her somewhere to fuck her? Did Peter know that that was what Cristiano was doing?

Suddenly understanding that Cristiano was choosing her over Peter, Lucy was turned on more. A slight brush on her clit could’ve made her spiral into orgasm. But starving for his cock she had to wait as they walked to her car, drove to his place, and then retreated to his bedroom.

Alone, Cristiano turned into an animal. Locking his lips onto hers, he tore at her dress reducing it to shreds. Picking her up like she was nothing and tossing her onto the bed, he climbed on top of her, removed her panties and then pushed her left leg into the air. Cristiano then released his cock, slid it along her lips and thrust it into her pussy with force.

Her hole swallowed all of him hungrily. Dripping, her insides drenched Cristiano’s manhood. When he withdrew to thrust in again, the side of his leg touched her clit rocketing her into her second orgasm of the night.

“Ahhh!” She screamed praying that he wouldn’t stop.

Cristiano didn’t and flipping her onto all fours, he took a position behind her that aligned the base of his cock with her unsuspecting G spot. Having already orgasmed, she could feel every stroke against the bean inside of her. The sensation was intense. Reaching forward and grabbing her hair, he yanked back her head. With her back caved in, Cristiano leaned forward causing the pressure against her G spot to increase.

As Lucy groaned, Cristiano grew stiffer. Slapping his groin against the roundness of her ass, Cristiano’s balls swung connecting with her clit. As her toes clenched and inner thighs ached, she felt herself slowly passing out.

The orgasm that followed this time was different. With it came the sudden urge to pee. Unable to resist, Lucy spasmed. Feeling a liquid spray out of her, Cristiano gripped her hair and clamped onto her waist as he exploded into the woman he loved.

Frozen in a moment of wild orgasm, both of them stood there. Lucy’s mind spiraled as did Cristiano’s. When Lucy’s mind finally let go and faded to black, she fell forward onto the mattress and Cristiano collapsed on top of her exhausted.

When Lucy eventually came to, it was to the sound of Cristiano panting near her ear. He had his arm wrapped around her thick body holding her tightly. She couldn’t think of anything else but pleasure. Moments like this were what she had dreamed about after Cristiano left and having one again was like a dream come true.

Lucy and Cristiano lay in silence for a long time soaking in what they had done. When all of the pleasurable feelings had faded away Lucy fought the urge to fall asleep by interlocking her fingers with his and gripping his hand.

Clearing her throat, she spoke. “I love you,” she said nervous about his response.

“I love you too,” he replied without hesitation.

“So, you have your memory back?”

“Yeah. I’m so sorry,” he said mournfully.

It was then that Lucy turned to look Cristiano in the eyes. “What you did hurt me but I understand that there was nothing you could do about it. You didn’t remember me. To you I was just some stranger.”

“I should’ve trusted you, though. You told me that I had asked you to marry me. I should’ve understood how much I loved you from that. I wouldn’t take such a step so lightly. I would have only asked someone to marry me who I deeply and truly loved.”

“No, it was my fault. I wasn’t completely honest with you. I gave you reason not to trust me. It’s no wonder that you left.”

“I wish I could blame it on that, but that isn’t completely it,” Cristiano admitted ashamed. “You see, after I lost my memory you were telling me that I was in love with you but I was having feelings that made me not believe you.”

“What you mean? Like what?”

“There were guys everywhere and I was having feelings for them. It wasn’t that I loved them or anything. I just couldn’t stop looking at them and they made me feel a certain way.”

“What are you saying to me? Are you gay?”

“No, I can’t be. I am completely and unquestionably in love with you. But, the thing is, I’m now in love with Pete too,” Cristiano admitted sheepishly.

“But I don’t get it. Why him? Out of every guy in the world, why Peter?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been asking myself that ever since my memory came back. I remember you telling stories about him. I can remember everything. But I never knew what he looked like and from what he tells me, he never knew I existed.”

Lucy thought about it. Certainly that part had to be true. Foolishly she had gone to great lengths to hide Cristiano from everyone in her life. The only way Peter could have known who Cristiano was was if he had hired someone to follow her. Not even Peter was capable of doing something like that.

“So, what now?” Lucy asked him. “Are you going to be with Peter or are you going to be with me?”

“I was thinking about that. I was thinking that maybe I wouldn’t have to choose,” he said apprehensively.

“What, you want us to choose?” She asked confused.

“Not exactly.” With that, Cristiano took Lucy’s hands and talked to her as if presenting a delicate plan. “Tell me, how did this thing between you and Pete start?”

Lucy thought about it for a moment. “Are you asking how we met?”

“Okay, how did you meet?”

“It was at one of my father’s company parties. After a few drinks, a lot of the single executives would start hitting on me. Peter was one of them. He was just like the rest. None of them saw me for me. All they ever saw was my inheritance and a way of getting a step up in their careers.”

“And you say that Peter wanted the same thing?”

“Yeah. The only difference between him and the rest of them was that my father seemed to choose him. My father kept trying to force the two of us to be together. He never understood that Peter was just using me to get to him.”

“Are you sure that that was why Pete was hitting on you?”

“Yeah. Why would you ask that?”

“Because that wasn’t what he told me.”

“Well, of course he would tell you something different. Who wants to look like a giant dick?”

“Maybe. Or maybe you had the wrong impression the whole time,” Cristiano suggested.

Lucy stared at Cristiano wondering what he was talking about. Of course she knew what Peter wanted. He was just like all of the rest, ambitious, driven, and not the type of guy who would otherwise date a chubby girl like her.

“Okay, I’ll bite. What was it that he told you?” Lucy asked curiously.

“What he told me was that he had been in love with you.”

Lucy laughed. “That’s bullshit. Peter was in love with me? Let me tell you, Peter has been a bigger asshole to me than anyone.”

“But why? Who started this back and forth revenge thing you two have going on?”

“He did,” she said without hesitation.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. Why would you ask me that?”

“It’s just that I remember you. I love you but sometimes you can say things without realizing how someone might take it. Is it possible that, without knowing it, you might have started this with something you said?”

Lucy was about to respond when she paused and gave it a second thought. Cristiano wasn’t wrong. Lucy knew that she was impulsive and didn’t always think before she spoke.

Was it possible that she had said something that had triggered his nasty comment? Was it possible that Peter had actually had feelings for her before their vengeful back and forth had begun?

Lucy let her eyes wander as she thought about it and as she did, a few things started to make sense. She had always wondered why Peter let her father continued to force them to be together. That was always a mystery to her.

If he disliked her as much as she disliked him, certainly Peter could have made an excuse to back out of their forced events. Yet he didn’t. He kept showing up and whenever he saw her, he had had a smile on his face. Lucy had thought the smile was because he enjoyed making her life miserable. Maybe the smile was for something else.

“That’s impossible,” Lucy decided. “There is no way that Peter was actually in love with me.”

“But, what if he is?”

Lucy looked at Cristiano suspiciously. “You mean, what if he was. He’s clearly in love with you now.”

“To be honest, I’m not convinced that he’s over you. And I can assure you, it’s possible for someone to love two people at the same time.”

Lucy looked away from Cristiano considering everything he had said. She didn’t understand how she might’ve gotten everything so wrong. What if Peter had been in love with her? What if he was still in love with her? Did any of that actually matter to her? As she thought about it, she realized that it did.

What had always upset her about the way that Peter acted was the cruelty of the deception. When she had first met him, Lucy thought that Peter was a very good looking guy. That was why the idea that he was pretending to be interested in her bothered her so much.

Lucy had gone through high school and college and no one who looked like Peter was ever interested in her for more than her inheritance. Was it at all possible that she had rejected him, not for what he had done, but in response to all the asshole that came before him?

“Okay, let’s say I believe you, which I don’t. But let’s say that I do. What are you suggesting?”

“How about we all get together and talk. We could grab some dinner and…”

“That’s too much,” Lucy declared interrupting him.

“Then how about drinks? We could get together, have a drink, and maybe the two of you could talk it out.”

“And if we can’t?”

“Well, then I guess I’ll have to come up with another plan.”

Lucy stared at Cristiano intently. Was that a veiled threat? Was he saying that if the two of them couldn’t get along, he would choose between them and that he might not choose her? Just having gotten him back, the last thing she wanted was to lose him again. And hadn’t her father ordered her to work out things with Peter?

“Okay, yeah. Set it up. I’ll meet with him,” she said pulling away and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Cristiano smiled until he saw her get up. “Where are you going?”

“I’m gonna go home. I need some time to think about this.”

“But you’ll meet with him, right?”

“I’ll do it. You can set it up for tomorrow,” she said before getting dressed and wishing him good night.





Peter entered the bar nervous about what he would find. Cristiano had suggested that they arrive separately. Knowing Lucy as he did, he figured that he would have plenty of time and that she would be late. Spotting Cristiano at the bar, he discovered that she had been on time. When had she ever done that before?

Joining the two of them, an awkward silence fell over the group. Lucy was the one to break it.

“So you’re in love with me, huh?” She said to Pete.

Startled Pete opened his mouth and allowed words to come out. “So you like to be tied up and spanked, huh?” He said unwilling to back down.

“Lucy, Pete, what are you doing?” Cristiano asked upset.

“She started it,” Pete quickly pointed out.

“Lucy, do you remember how I said that you can say things that cause him to say things?” Cristiano said turning to Lucy.

“I only said what you told me…” Lucy paused and thought about it for a moment. “Okay, I can see what you mean. But, I just wanna remind everybody that he brought you to the picnic to get back at me. That was a pretty shitty thing to do.”

“And you fed me incorrect numbers to humiliate me in front of my boss and all of my coworkers. That was a pretty shitty thing to do,” Pete reminded her.

“And you started the nickname Baby Doll which was also a shitty thing to do,” Lucy said.

“And you stood me up at the gala. Considering we have established how I felt about you, yeah, that was also a shitty thing to do.”

Pete and Lucy stared at each other intensely before both of them smiled and then broke into a laugh.

“Okay. Do you both now see how you have done some pretty shitty things to each other?” Cristiano asked the two.

“I guess,” Pete admitted.

“Maybe,” Lucy said hesitantly.

“Maybe?” Pete repeated.

“Yeah, maybe,” Lucy reiterated.

“Classic,” Pete said with a smile. Considering letting it go, Pete instead turned his body to fully confront her. “What I don’t get is why in the world were you always so mean to me. You obviously knew how I felt about you, yet you took every opportunity to make me feel like crap about it.”

“Wait a minute, I didn’t know how he felt about me,” Lucy explained.

Pete looked at Lucy in utter disbelief. “You didn’t know how I felt about you? You couldn’t tell that I was completely in love with you?”

“No,” Lucy said honestly.

“Then why did you think it was that I kept wanting to go out with you even after how mean you were to me?”

“I thought it was my father’s idea.”

“Your father? No. He was just the only one to see how crazy I was about you and to have mercy on me.”

Lucy stared at Pete disbelievingly. “Now I know you’re full of crap.”

“Really? Think about. Since the night we met how many times have I called you or texted you or shown up at some event where I knew you’d be?”

“A lot.”

“That’s right. A lot. And I did it because I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I tried. Believe me. But you are a hard thought to shake.”

Lucy looked at Pete disturbed. “But I don’t get it. Why would someone like you be interested in someone like me?”

Pete stared at Lucy confused.

“Don’t look at me like that. You know I’m talking about.”

Pete looked at Cristiano who indicated that he didn’t know either. “I’m sorry, I don’t.”

“Don’t play these games,” Lucy insisted.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Pete said becoming upset.

“A fat girl! There. Are you happy? I said it.”

Peter’s heart broke hearing the way Lucy described herself. “Lucy?”

“Don’t Lucy me,” she said uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Pete reached out and placed his hand on her wrist. She made a halfhearted attempt to pull away and Pete resisted.

“Listen to me. I don’t want you to forget this. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I would lay awake at night because I couldn’t stop thinking about you and when I did, my heart hurt.

“When I knew that I would see you that night, I would walk around like the happiest man alive. I loved you so much, Lucy. How could you not see yourself the way I see you?”

Lucy could feel the ice around her heart melt listening to Pete’s words. Perhaps she had gotten it all wrong. If this was who Peter had always been, Lucy thought it was no wonder that Cristiano had fallen for him. She couldn’t believe that she had never seen it before.

“But I still don’t understand. Why? Even if you thought I was pretty or something, why would you like me after all the things that I’ve said and done?” Lucy asked bewildered.

Pete smiled. “Your energy. Your spirit. I must admit, I find you funny. You make me laugh. I don’t know, I just like you. Does everything need an explanation?”

Lucy’s half smile hid her myriad of conflicting emotions. “Wow. I don’t think I know what to say. But, just so you know, it wasn’t like I didn’t think that you were good looking too.”

“You did?” Pete said surprised.

“Yeah, don’t act surprised. You know how you look?”

“How do I look?” Pete asked sincerely.

“Lucy looked at him disbelievingly. “Please. With that body and that face, you could have any woman you want.”

“Yet, the only woman I ever wanted, I couldn’t have,” Pete said losing his smile. “Lucy, I don’t think you understand just how much I loved you.”

Lucy looked back at him with sincerity. “Yeah, I don’t think I did. But I’m starting to.”

Lucy and Pete stared into each other’s eyes until Cristiano interrupted. “Okay, I think that was awkward enough for me. Perhaps you two would like me to excuse myself. Perhaps you would like to get a room,” Cristiano said genuinely feeling like a third wheel.

Both Lucy and Pete looked at him and laughed.

“Isn’t this what you wanted?” Lucy said.

“Yeah, weren’t you the one who forced us together?” Pete added.

“No, I was the one who suggested that we go to a bar. Destiny or something was what force you two together.”

Pete looked at Lucy and blushed. For him, it did feel like destiny had brought the two of them together.

“Okay, Cristiano. Pete and I aren’t fighting anymore. What was your plan now?”

Cristiano chuckled. “Actually, I wasn’t sure I would even get you two to talk. I didn’t think I would need any plans past that,” he admitted.

Pete looked at Cristiano and Lucy. “Then, let’s decide. What do we do now? Do I still have a boyfriend or is that now over?”

Cristiano jumped in. “No, you still have a boyfriend. I’m not going anywhere.”

Lucy spoke up next. “Then, do I no longer have a fiancé?”

“No. I still love you. I still want to marry you. If you will have me, I would like you to remain my fiancée.”

Pete looked at Cristiano and then at Lucy. “So, wait, where does that leave us?”

Cristiano put his hands on Pete and Lucy’s wrists. “Instead of the two of us, why can’t it be the three of us?” He asked with a smile.

Pete looked at Cristiano and then Lucy and then smiled. “No, we couldn’t do that. Could we?”

Lucy blushed. “I’m not sure I could do that. I mean, it sounds very interesting and it might be fun, but how would it work?”

“It would work however we chose,” Cristiano explained.

Pete stared at his two companions and could feel his cheeks warm. With his fair skin, he was sure that he was red. This was beyond anything he could imagine before the night had started. Although he wouldn’t admit this to his boyfriend, there was a part of him that was still in love with Lucy. The idea that he could be with both of them at the same time made him hard.

“So, what do you propose?” Pete asked Cristiano.

“Why don’t we all go out on a date?”

“Like, a real date?” Lucy asked.

“Yes. A real date,” Cristiano confirmed.

Pete looked at Cristiano with his mind spinning. “I’m not even sure which of us is supposed to set that up. What’s the etiquette in a threesome?” Pete asked with a laugh.

“I’ll set it up,” Cristiano informed everyone.

“Of course you will,” Lucy teased.

“Of course he will,” Pete agreed. “I can see that your experiences with him were like mine.”

“You mean how he always has to be in control?” Lucy asked with a devilish smile.

“So he’s like that with you as well, huh? I’m glad it wasn’t just me,” Pete said enjoying making fun of his boyfriend.

“Okay, you two. You both enjoyed it. Don’t pretend like you didn’t,” Cristiano said with a smile and a hint of defensiveness.

“We did, Sweetheart,” Lucy said putting her hand on his forearm.

“Of course we did, Baby,” Pete said putting his hand on Cristiano’s other forearm. “I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy someone controlling every moment of their life. Right, Lucy?”

“Right, Pete.”

Cristiano looked at his boyfriend and fiancée. “I hate you both,” he said with a smile. “This night is over. Go to your separate corners. I’ll message you with our plans for tomorrow.

“You’re not mad at us, are you, Sweetheart?” Lucy asked mockingly.

Pete got up and put his arm around Lucy’s shoulders. “Yeah, Baby, you’re not mad at us, are you?”

The two gave Cristiano matching innocent smiles. Cristiano looked at the both of them.

“I’m not kissing either of you goodbye,” Cristiano said and then walked out.

“Come on, Honey, don’t be like that,” Lucy said jokingly after him.

“Yeah, come on, Honey,” Pete reiterated as Cristiano crossed the bar and exited the room.

When Cristiano was gone, Pete turned to Lucy. “You don’t suppose he’s really upset, do you?”

“If he is then we’ll make it up to him tomorrow,” Lucy suggested.

“What do you think he’s gonna plan?”

“I don’t know but I’m sure it’ll be good.”

Pete thought for a second. “Do you think it will be anything like what he planned for you at Bar Sinister?”

Lucy’s cheeks got red as Pete watched. “Maybe. We can only hope,” she said before pulling out of his arms, turning on her heels, giving him a final smile and then walking out.

Pete watched her leave remembering the image of his boyfriend flogging her at Bar Sinister. As he did he adjusted his hardening cock. He couldn’t wait to find out what tomorrow would bring. After so long, it was possible that he was going to get everything he ever wanted.





The next day Lucy sat at her desk at work staring at her phone. She hadn’t heard from Cristiano since he had left the bar the night before. Considering it was past lunch, Lucy wondered whether she should check in with him. Having second thoughts whether she should, she decided to check in on Peter instead.

Exiting her office and walking down the hall, Lucy arrived at Peter’s door. She knocked.

“Come in,” Peter said from inside.

Lucy entered and closed the door behind her.

“Listen, I wanted to set aside some time so that we can go over our strategy for the Vernon acquisition,” Lucy said casually.

“Sure. You can just have our assistants block out some time,” Peter said from behind his desk.

“Okay, great,” she replied before making a move towards the door. “Oh, by the way, have you heard from Cristiano yet?”

Peter’s body language changed. With the hint of a smile on his face, he replied, “No. He didn’t come over last night.” He then paused and asked nervously, “What about you? Did you hear from him?”

“No. He didn’t come by my place either.”

Peter looked relieved. “Okay. Well, if you hear from him, let me know.”

“I will. You do the same.”

“I’ll let you know,” Peter confirmed.

Flashing Peter a quick smile, Lucy left his office. Heading back to her own she wondered if the two of them had messed things up by teasing Cristiano. She had never known him to be thin-skinned but maybe he felt ganged up on. Lucy was considering texting him to make sure that everything was all right when she stepped into her office and saw a package on her desk.

She stared at it for a moment and then turned to Pedro. “Did you put something on my desk?”

Pedro looked up from his screen. “No, why? Were you expecting something?”

Lucy tried to hide her confusion. “No. That’s okay. Never mind. I’m going to close my door for a few minutes,” she told her assistant.


Lucy shut her door and made her way to her desk. The package was wrapped in brown paper and was almost 2 feet long and about 6 inches wide. There was no way that someone could sneak it into her office without Pedro seeing it. It wasn’t possible. So what was going on?

Working her way to her chair, she sat down and examined the box. She picked it up. It was light. Her best guess was that it contained a handful of long stemmed roses. Could the package be from Cristiano? Roses really weren’t his style. Then again, she didn’t think that a threesome with another man was either.

Digging into the brown paper wrapping, underneath she found a shiny gold box. It was definitely the type of box that roses came in. Pushing her nail through the tape she lifted the cover and was surprised by what she found. There weren’t roses inside. There were leather covered paddles. And there wasn’t just one of them, there were two.

Lucy felt a rush staring at the paddles. As she reached in to touch it, she found a note. Taking it out and unfolding it, she read it.

‘Put these in your desk and tell no one,’ the note said.

Lucy’s heart thumped reading the note again. She knew who this had to be from. Who else would send her something like this? It couldn’t have been Peter. She had been with him.

No, Cristiano had gotten the package into her office either with Pedro’s help or when Pedro wasn’t looking. Lucy couldn’t determine which but she was sure the gift had something to do with his plan for the night.

Hearing a knock on the door Lucy jumped.

“One moment,” Lucy said gathering the box and wrapping paper and shoving it into her bottom drawer. Wanting to get as far away from it as possible, Lucy got up, walked to her bookshelf and picked up a book. “Come in,” she said casually.

When the door opened, it was Peter. He entered her office talking.

“Lucy, there was something I wanted to mention to you.”

With him already closing the door, she replied. “Sure, what is it?”

Lucy stepped towards Peter as he reached for her, slipped his hand behind her head and pulled her lips to his own. Lucy was stunned. When he didn’t release her and instead kissed her harder, Lucy loosened up and allowed her lips to melt into his. She wasn’t sure who initiated it but her mouth opened. Feeling his tongue enter in search of hers, she wrapped her arms around his body landing her right hand on his ass cheek.

Kissing Peter was amazing. He held her with such strength and as their tongues danced, Lucy felt lightheaded needing to cling to his body for support. Pulling his ass towards her, she suddenly felt something on her stomach. Peter was a great deal taller than her so as they continued to kiss, she searched her mind trying to figure out what it was.

When she realized, her body froze. What she was feeling was his very hard cock. It was huge. She had never felt a cock so large before.

Startled, Lucy pulled away. Staring at him unsure of what to say, she suddenly felt like a little girl standing in front of a man. She didn’t know what to do. Luckily for her, Peter straightened his jacket, buttoned the top button and headed to the door.

Lucy hadn’t meant to end their kiss. She was now more intrigued by him than she had ever been. Hoping that he would change his mind and returned to her, her heart sunk as he quickly opened the door and left without a word.

Lucy felt dazed thinking about what had just happened. Why had Peter done that? He had never done anything so aggressive before. She certainly liked it and wanted more. She just couldn’t understand how his mood could have changed so quickly from minutes before when he was casually replying to her from behind his desk.

With the door still closed, Lucy returned to her desk drowning in thoughts of the recent events. Cristiano had to be behind this, didn’t he? The paddles were certainly him, but was Peter’s change of attitude Cristiano’s work as well?

When her workday came to an end, Lucy had gotten no closer to solving her mystery. Now ready to go home, she wondered what she was supposed to do with the paddles. Was she really supposed to just leave it in her desk? What good were they if they were here? Were they just something to make her fantasize about her two men dominating her?

Coming to no clear conclusion, Lucy got up deciding to leave the paddles where they were. Having received no other instructions for the night, she thought it best to follow the one she got to the letter. Cristiano never did anything by chance. And more than that, when it came to their games, he never made mistakes.

Leaving her office headed for the elevator, she saw Peter doing the same. Reminded again about her note and the kiss between them, Lucy couldn’t think of what to say. Waiting at the elevator with two others, Lucy said nothing.

Riding it down to the garage, she peeked over at Peter a few times. His eyes were locked forward. Why was he acting like this? Was he embarrassed about the kiss? Was this another part of Cristiano’s game?

Exiting the elevator Lucy took a final look over at Peter. When he didn’t return her gaze and instead walked off, Lucy headed in the opposite direction for her car. Certainly Cristiano would text her now, wouldn’t he? Having lived with Peter, Cristiano had to know what time work ended at their office. He had to know that she would be hungry for the night’s instructions.

Starting her car she wondered if he was doing this on purpose. Was he making her wait to build up her anticipation? If he was, it was certainly working.

It was not until Lucy was at home and walking up to her condo that she got Cristiano’s next message. It read:

‘Tonight you will be at my bar at 9 PM. You will wear a short skirt without underwear, and a jacket without a blouse or bra. You will not communicate with Pete until I give you permission. When you prove that you have been a good girl and have followed all of my instructions, you will get the rules for the night.’

Lucy’s heart beat harder after reading the text. Cristiano hadn’t forgotten about the night and it seemed that he had decided on the rules of their game. Heat emanated from Lucy’s body as she thought about it. She was ready for the night to begin.

Ever since she had felt it pressed against her, she couldn’t stop thinking about Peter’s cock. What would it be like for her to hold it in her hands? What would it feel like as he slid himself inside of her?

Tingling all over, Lucy moved aimlessly through her condo. She could barely sit still. Removing her work clothes and bra, she sat on the bed in her panties. Pushing her hand between her thighs, she grabbed her crotch to relieve the yearning. Her pussy pulsed with heat.

Deciding that she needed to get something to eat, she had a meal delivered. A mixture of horny and nervous, she only finished a little of it. And hopping in the shower after that, she got herself ready for the night.

As 9 o’clock approached, she headed out. Deciding not to drive, she took a taxi. Arriving at the bar, her heart thumped. Entering and looking around, she felt like ants were crawling under her skin. She was so turned on that she could barely stand it.

When Lucy spotted Cristiano behind the bar, she lost her breath staring at him. He was so beautiful. There was still a part of her that couldn’t believe that a guy, who most women would fight over, wanted to be with her. How had she gotten so lucky? What had she done to deserve him?

Summoning her strength she snapped herself out of her trance and made her way to the bar. As she got closer she recognized the person who sat with his back to her. It was Peter. He was dressed in a suit and even from the back, he looked gorgeous.

Headed to the empty stool next to Peter, Cristiano spotted her and placed a glass of wine on the bar three seats away from him. Lucy was momentarily confused but quickly understood. He didn’t want her and Peter sitting together. She wasn’t sure why but she assumed it was a part of his game.

Lucy sat and looked down the bar at Peter. She was sure that he could see her but he refused to look up from his drink. Cristiano approached Lucy and leaned over the bar to whisper in her ear.

“You will not speak to Pete until I give you permission. Is that clear?” He said in a low, stern tone.

Nervously exhilarated, Lucy agreed by shaking her head.

“Good,” Cristiano said before leaning back a bit. “Tonight there will be three rules. When you have drunk a third of your wine, you will get the first rule. After another third, you will get the second rule. When you have finished your wine, you will get the third rule. Is that clear?”

Forcing herself to speak, she said, “yes”.

Cristiano looked at her momentarily displeased but then stood back up and walked away.

Lucy watched him go. Everything about what was going on excited her. Unsure if she should, she peeked over at Peter. He sat still staring at his drink. He had a serious look on his face that made Lucy wonder what the night would hold. When a couple took the two stools between her and Peter, Lucy looked away.

Turning her attention back to her drink, she wanted to lift the glass and knock the whole thing back. She knew that she couldn’t, though. Cristiano always designed the games to build anticipation. She imagined that if she drank the entire glass, he wouldn’t give her all of the rules at once. He would simply pour another glass and reset the game to the beginning.

Taking hold of her glass Lucy took a sip of the wine. She recognized the flavor. It was her favorite. If she had needed another sign that he had gotten his memory back, this would’ve been it. Unable to stop herself, she took another sip quickly consuming the first third. She had tried to take her time with it, but her desire had gotten the better of her.

Having completed the first task, Lucy pushed the stem of the glass between her fingers and placed her palm on its base. She was hoping that it would draw Cristiano’s attention. It didn’t. He was making the drinks for the couple next to her.

Waiting for his attention, Lucy felt the ache between her legs grow. She desperately wanted to drink the entire glass and force the night to begin. She didn’t. Squeezing her legs together, she made herself be patient instead.

Once the couple had received and paid for their drinks, Cristiano’s eyes bounced over to Lucy’s glass. With almost no reaction, he approached her and leaned across the bar to whisper into her ear.

“You will have safe words tonight. To stop, you will say Apple. To wait, you will say banana. To restart, you will say grapes. Repeat it back to me,” he demanded.

Lucy did what she was told.

Hearing his words echoed back correctly, he leaned away and returned to his work. As she watched, he leaned over the bar and whispered something into Peter’s ear. Afterwards, Peter looked up surprised and stared into Cristiano’s eyes. Cristiano stared back unyieldingly. Getting no response, Peter looked across the bar at Lucy. Their eyes met for second before Peter looked away and searched his thoughts.

Very curious about what was said, Lucy looked up at Cristiano. He was looking back. After a moment of eye contact, Cristiano also walked away.

Lucy could barely stand not knowing what was going on. Needing to know more, she lifted the glass to her lips and drank another third of her wine. She knew that this wasn’t exactly how Cristiano had planned it. But she couldn’t help it. She needed to know more.

After Cristiano didn’t immediately turn back, she decided to get his attention. Every time he got close to looking her way, she stuck her hand into the air to signal him. When he still didn’t see her, Lucy became frustrated. It was like he was ignoring her. It was like it was another part of his game.

When Cristiano did finally look in her direction, he approached her with a pleased look on his face.

“Yes?” He said ignoring her glass.

“I think it’s time for another rule,” Lucy said pointing at her wine.

Cristiano looked down at her glass. “No, not yet,” he said pleased with himself.

Cristiano made a move to walk away.

“Wait,” Lucy insisted. Taking another sip, Lucy placed the glass on the bar and waited for the level to settle. Once it did she looked back up at Cristiano. “How about now?”

Cristiano leaned over and took a long look at the glass. After much longer than Lucy thought necessary, he looked at her and agreed. Leaning closer to her ear, he whispered, “Tonight you will refer to me and Pete as Sir. In other words, yes, Sir. No, Sir. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied.

“Good,” he said as he pulled away.

“Wait, Sir. Does this mean that I can talk to Peter now?” She asked feeling desperate for someone’s touch.

Cristiano looked at her for a moment. “You may now talk to Pete,” he told her.

As Cristiano pulled away, Lucy immediately looked down the bar towards Peter. Making plans to rush to him, she discovered that he was gone. Turning around and scanning the room she couldn’t find him anywhere. Had he gone to the bathroom?

Lucy looked at the glass that sat in front of where Peter had sat. It was empty. As someone quickly took the open bar stool, Lucy began to consider that Peter had left.

Had Peter abandoned their night? Did Cristiano plan go too far causing Peter to refuse? What was going on? Lucy didn’t know and decided that she would finish the last of her wine and find out.

Knowing that she couldn’t just knock the rest of it back, she took a sip. Lucy wasn’t much of a drinker and she could already start to feel the effects of the alcohol. Not only was she becoming more courageous but she was feeling desperate to be dominated. She needed to be held and controlled. She needed to feel the stinging touch of leather across her ass.

Taking another sip and then another, eventually there was nothing left in the glass. Returning it to the bar she wondered if it was a good idea to have finished it so quickly. The thought didn’t last long. Meeting Cristiano’s eyes again, she decided that whatever was going to happen couldn’t begin soon enough.

Cristiano looked at her and offered her a pleased smile. He swaggered as he approached and this time leaning over the bar he spread his arms occupying as much of the space as he could.

Leaning close to her ear he said, “You will now go to your office, sit at your desk and wait,” Cristiano demanded unwaveringly.

Lucy looked at Cristiano surprised. She hadn’t expected that. “Back to my office, Sir?”

Cristiano stared at her knowing that he didn’t have to say it again.

Lucy hadn’t known what would happen next but she certainly hadn’t expected this. It wasn’t even 10 o’clock. Cristiano wouldn’t be off of work until after 2 AM. Why would he tell her to go so early if he wouldn’t have the chance to join her for hours? Was this her punishment for drinking the wine so quickly? Perhaps it was better for her to have another glass before she left.

“Go now, Sir?”

“Now!” Cristiano commanded.

That was all her master had to say. Lucy got up, crossed the bar and exited to the street. There, she called a taxi. It arrived and she poured herself into it.

Her office was very close. The ride didn’t give her much time to consider what the night would entail. There had been games where he had left her tied up for what felt like hours. Although she had the ability to end their game at any time, she didn’t. She desired to fulfill her master’s wishes. She had the feeling that tonight would be one of those nights.

As Lucy arrived at the building, she wondered how hard it would be to get in. Her key card which she had instinctually slipped into her clutch, got her into the two main doors. Her next obstacle was the security guard behind the desk.

“I need to get up to my office,” she told the older dark-skinned man.

“Twelfth floor?” The man asked to Lucy’s surprise.


Lucy considered asking him how he knew but decided that the fewer questions the better. She didn’t want to draw too much attention to herself in case tonight’s game got wilder than she expected.

The security guard walked Lucy to the elevator and he used his key card to allow her to go up. Lucy’s mind flashed with all the possible things she might find. What could Cristiano be planning on doing? And why here?

When the elevator opened onto her floor, Lucy headed to the main door. Their company was the only one on the floor. Entering it she found it empty. It was also dark. Not wanting to draw attention to her presence, she made her way to her office. Leaving the lights off as she closed the door, she sat behind her desk.

Lucy sat and stared at the door for a moment. Nothing stirred. Spinning her chair she faced the large window behind her desk. From where she sat she could see the lights of the entire city. Directly across the street was another office building. She wondered how many people were sitting at their desk in the dark staring back at her.

It was as she looked closer at the windows that Lucy heard the door handle behind her squeak. Her heart pounded as she spun around. Backlit by the faint lights in the hallway entered a man. Lucy strained to see who it was. A few steps into the room it became clear. Lucy stood up and stared at him unsure of what she should do.

“Come here!” the good looking man said.

“Yes, Sir,” Lucy replied.

Circling her desk she stood staring at him. Her chest rose and fell quickly waiting for her next command. She didn’t have to wait long.

“Undress,” Peter ordered her with an authority that Lucy had never seen before.

Lucy’s breath hitched. Her eyes darted behind him. The door was open. Anyone walking by would see them. She lifted her hand to point at it.

“Sir?” She said indicating her concern.

“Undress!” Peter demanded as if the open door was intentional.

Lucy’s heart thumped as she turned her focus back to the gorgeous man. He was much taller than her and looked down at her with authority. His broad shoulders, the way he stood tall, he gave her no impression that she could resist.

Unbuttoning her jacket she felt her nipples kissed by the cool office air. Lowering her skirt, she felt more than just naked. She felt exposed. It was exhilarating.

“Good girl,” Peter said sounding like Cristiano. “Now, suck my cock,” he next ordered.

Hearing those words, Lucy immediately remembered their kiss. She had felt his manhood. It was more than she could’ve imagined. Slowly walking towards him, she remained locked in on his eyes.

Close enough that their bodies could touch, Lucy stopped. Reaching down and unbuckling his belt, her hand brushed something hard below. It was pushing on his waistband wanting to be free.

With his belt unbuckled and pants unlatched, the head of his cock sprung past his waist. She could feel it. Unable to look away any further, she looked down. Suddenly needing it in her mouth, she slowly lowered herself to her knees, unzipped his pants and reached into his boxer briefs freeing his cock.

As Lucy’s hand traveled down his tool she was shocked to learn how far it continued. He was huge. Taking hold of it before lowering his underwear, it was thicker than a handful. She couldn’t wait to get it into her mouth and she got her wish as she gripped his shaft with both hands and worked the head of his cock between her moist lips.

Gently stroking his cock while she sucked, her tongue played with his head. She felt so powerful gripping his cock. It was as if she had his life in her hands. Lowering a hand to his balls she gently massaged them as she continued to stroke. She loved sucking him so much. The only thing she could imagine being better would be feeling his thickness slowly pushing into her dripping pussy.

“Good girl,” another voice said surprising Lucy.

Slowing but not stopping, a jolt traveled through Lucy’s body as she remembered that she was naked at work. Whoever it was could see her body. But her fear turned to pleasure as she recognized the voice. She wasn’t sure how, but it was Cristiano. Both of her men were now there and her pussy clenched with anticipation.

Not stopping what she was doing, Lucy heard Cristiano step closer. Focused on the gorgeous instrument in her hands, she felt Peter’s body wobble as Cristiano took hold of him. When Peter’s jacket hit the ground she knew what Cristiano was doing. When his shirt followed, Lucy peaked up needing to see what she imagined.

The light from the nearby buildings showed Lucy everything she needed to see. Cristiano’s muscular mocha arm was wrapped around Peter’s pale chest. Cristiano’s free hand was clutching Peter’s chin. With Peter’s face turned, their tongues extended and they kissed. Lucy couldn’t imagine anything hotter.

Turned on even more than she thought she would be, Lucy groaned feeling the ache in her loins. Sucking Peter’s monster cock, she suddenly needed to be touched herself. Pushing the cock as deep into her throat as she could, she leaned to the side so that her arm brushed Peter’s leg. The sensation sent a wave of pleasure through her body.

Stroking his cock more vigorously, she looked up in time to see Cristiano slowly thrust and Peter tilt his head back and groan. Peter’s cock stiffened as he did. It was then that, without warning, Cristiano let go of Peter and stepped away.

“Get up,” Cristiano ordered Lucy.

Lucy, hungry for more, let go of Peter’s flinching cock and stood up. She was no longer the only one naked. Peter was as well. The only one still dressed was Cristiano. And looking like the master of his domain, he focused his piercing eyes on Lucy causing her naked body to tingle.

“Today, you received a package,” Cristiano told her.

“Yes, Sir,” Lucy acknowledged excitedly.

“Get it now,” Cristiano demanded.

Lucy left her position in front of the two men and retreated to her desk. Opening her bottom drawer she retrieved a box. Cradling it in her hands she looked up at Cristiano needing to know what to do next.

“Bring them to us,” Cristiano ordered.

Stepping towards her two men, Lucy felt like she was going to explode. Removing the lid, she presented the two paddles to her masters. Peter reached into the box retrieving one and Cristiano took the box and retrieved the other. Tossing the box aside Cristiano looked Lucy in the eyes as he undressed. As Cristiano’s clothes hit the ground, Lucy looked back and noticed the door was now closed.

When both gorgeous men stood naked with a paddle in their hand, Lucy stared not knowing what to do.

“Go to the window,” Cristiano demanded.

Lucy hurried to do what she was told. She got a thrill standing in front of the glass wall naked. She wondered if anyone from the other buildings were watching and if anyone could see her from the street below.

“Lean forward and place your hands on the window,” Cristiano ordered.

As she did, Lucy heard the two men approach from behind. Her heart raced. Feeling the body heat of the two men behind her, she felt something cool and smooth touch her ass. It was against her right butt cheek and quickly a similar sensation appeared on her left. Lucy closed her eyes and smiled.

When the first left her ass it returned with a smack. Lucy flinched. The second left her cheek and returned with even more force. Lucy shook. Her mouth dropped open with desire.

With each paddle, Lucy felt a sting followed by warmth radiated across her ass. The pain felt so good. With each swat, Lucy climbed closer to orgasm.

When Cristiano grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, her ass pushed out. With a tight grip on her hair, Cristiano swatted even harder.

“Who is your master?” Cristiano growled in a rumbling tone.

“You are, Sir,” she replied.

Hearing that, Peter leaned over growling into her other ear. “Who is your master?”

“You are, Sir,” Lucy responded to Peter.

Both men paddled her ass until her legs weakened. Feeling raw, Lucy began to bounce. The pain was both too much and not enough. As her mind let go and her eyes drifted she was sure that she saw a man in the adjacent building watching their silhouette. She loved every second of it and she would’ve burst into orgasm if suddenly the paddles hadn’t stopped.

With the two men moving quickly, Cristiano turned her around as Peter swiped his arm clearing the top of her desk.

“Get on your back,” Cristiano demanded.

Lucy rushed to do what she was told. Climbing on the desk she watched the two men gather around. Peter, with his huge, hard cock, climbed on top of her. Her eyes widened as she finally got what she had so desperately wanted.

Peter placed her legs on top of his arms and pushed her knees to her chest. As her legs spread and her pussy opened, he positioned himself above her and aligned the tip of his cock with her opening. Lowering his hips, her lips spread swallowing his swollen head.

He was big. There was no doubt about it. She reached forward slowing his hips. Taking her signal, he obliged.

Pushing into her slowly but steadily, Lucy felt her pussy fill with Peter’s impressive manhood. It was almost too much for her. As he reversed course and pulled himself out, Lucy arched her back in response. When he returned back in the second time, it was easier. By the third and fourth thrust, Lucy felt like Peter’s cock was the missing part of her that had finally come home.

When Lucy opened her eyes again, it was in time to see Cristiano’s large figure ascended the desk. Standing behind Peter’s toned rippling body, Lucy knew what was going to happen next. She had fantasized about something like this for so long. Seeing the man she loved approach the man fucking her nearly sent her spiraling. And when Cristiano reached down and wiped something between Peter’s ass cheeks and then kneel behind him, Lucy’s loins pulsed drawing forth a pleasurable agony from deep within her core.

As Lucy watched, Cristiano stopped Peter’s hips with one hand and gripped onto his shoulder with the other. Without touching his cock, Cristiano pressed his tip against his boyfriend’s hole. He pushed himself inside of him without mercy. Peter threw his head back and moaned loudly. Cristiano pulled back his hips and then threw his cock into him again.

As Cristiano fucked Peter, Peter again fucked Lucy. Lucy’s view was phenomenal. It was as if Cristiano was fucking her with Peter’s cock. The sensation was amazing. Being driven to the point of ecstasy, Lucy inhaled unable to breathe.

When the wave of pleasure finally overtook Lucy, she was drowning. Her body spasmed. Her mind tumbled into nothingness as she next heard Peter bellow with pleasure followed by Cristiano growl with orgasmic relief.

It was quickly after that that Lucy blacked out. She didn’t know how much time had passed but when she came to, she felt the weight of two men pressing against her chest. There were four arms wrapped around her and the heat of three bodies enveloped her.

There was nowhere in the world where she would have preferred to be. How she had gotten so lucky to be with these two gorgeous men, she didn’t know. But trying to extend the moment out as long as she could, she closed her eyes taking in every sensation.

She felt two heartbeats thumping against her breast. She smelt the musk of two masculine men tickle her nose. And she heard the tick of the door handle opening across the room.

It took her a moment for her to realize what she had heard. Once she did her eyes sprung open and her head whipped to the side.

“What’s going on here?” The man in the doorway said.

Lucy’s heart sunk hearing the voice. She didn’t have to guess who it was. She had heard it her entire life. The man standing in the doorway staring at the pile of bodies on her desk was her father.

“Dad,” Lucy said in a panic.

“Lucy?” Her father replied surprised.

“Get out, Dad. Get out!” She said feeling like he had walked into her childhood bedroom unannounced.

“Peter?” Her father said recognizing his employee. “And you,” he continued in recognition of Cristiano.

“Get out, Dad!” Lucy shouted again.

It was upon hearing his daughter’s final screams that Lucy’s father reversed course and exited the room closing the door behind him.

“Oh fuck!” Peter said pulling himself from in between the two bodies. “Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Peter repeated as he searched the room for his clothes.

“Is this bad?” Cristiano asked getting off of Lucy.

“Yeah, this is bad,” Lucy replied rolling off the desk and reaching for her jacket.

Quickly getting dressed, Lucy waited for the two men to do the same.

“What are we going to do?” Peter asked fearing for his job.

“I don’t know,” Lucy told him as she returned all the items to her desk.

“Do you think he’s going to fire me?” Peter asked concerned.

“Do you think that he’s going to disinherit me?” Lucy asked Peter knowing he didn’t know the answer.

As Lucy and Peter stood contemplating their futures, Cristiano stepped in between the two and grabbed their attention.

“Stop, both of you,” Cristiano demanded. “I know he is your boss, Pete. And I know that he is your father, Lucy. But we have no reason to be scared of him. Now that we have found each other, we can’t be stopped. And if he tries, he’ll find out that he isn’t just taking on one of us, he is taking on all of us. If the three of us stick together, there is no way we could lose.”

Lucy listened feeling a wave of comfort washed over her. With Cristiano, she felt protected. That was one of the reasons she loved him so much. Cristiano’s words, however, didn’t prepare her for what would come next.





Deciding it was better to return to their perspective homes, Lucy woke up the next day dreading going into work. There was no way that her father would let this go. He was too much of a traditionalist. Hell, having a fiancé and a boyfriend was hard enough for her to accept. So the question wasn’t if her father was going to react badly to what he saw, it was how badly.

At 8 AM on the dot, Lucy got an email from her father’s assistant. She had been scheduled for a meeting with him promptly at 9:15. The email filled her with dread. What was her father planning on doing? Was she about to be disowned? Was she about to be kicked out onto the street with nothing?

Letting her mind wander as she got dressed she remembered what Cristiano had said the night before. She wasn’t alone anymore. She had Cristiano and Peter to fall back on. Perhaps life wouldn’t be as leisurely as it had been, but there was no doubt that it would be filled with incredibly hot sex and lots of love.

Feeling more confident, Lucy finished dressing, grabbed a bite to eat, and then headed into work. Arriving at her office she looked over at Pedro. If there were any rumors going around, Lucy was sure that Pedro would have heard them. And if he heard them, she would be able to read it on his face.

“Good morning, Pedro,” Lucy said watching closely for his reply.

“Good morning,” he said with a smile. “By the way, there is a meeting request on your calendar from your father’s office for 9:15. Would you like me to accept it?” He asked innocently.

Lucy examined his eyes. He hadn’t heard anything which meant that no one else had either. It was possible that there would be no repercussions from the night before. Maybe her father knew that he couldn’t mess with them. Or maybe her father had decided to accept what he saw as something between consenting adults.

“Sure. Accept the meeting,” she said with increasing confidence.

“In that case, reminder, it’s in ten minutes,” Pedro said playfully.

Lucy smiled. “Thanks, Pedro. By the way, can you get Peter on the phone?”

“Actually, I saw him go into your father’s office about five minutes ago,” Pedro said casually.

Lucy froze. “He went into my father’s office?”


“Do you know what the meeting was about?” Lucy asked becoming nervous.

“No. Would you like me to call his assistant and find out?”

That was the last thing Lucy wanted. “No, that’s fine. Thank you,” she said before retreating into her office.

Sitting at her desk, reality set in. How could she have thought that her father wouldn’t respond? And why hadn’t she called up Peter as soon she got the email about her father’s appointment? Why hadn’t Peter called her about the same?

Even as she felt every second as she waited for her appointment, the time seemed to slip through her fingers. At 9:15, she took a deep breath, stood up, and exited her office. Maybe she could force her way into Peter’s meeting and the two could hold a united front.

As her father’s office door cracked open, she realized it wouldn’t be possible. Peter was leaving the room and more than anything else, he looked dazed.

“Peter, what happened?” Lucy asked him as their paths crossed.

Peter opened his mouth to say something but didn’t. He didn’t even stop, he just kept walking. What was going on, Lucy wondered? Why hadn’t Peter at least given her a heads up about what could be coming once she stepped through her father’s office door?

Lucy looked at her father’s assistant.

“You can go in,” she told Lucy.

Lucy turned to the door with her heart racing. Somehow her father had managed to turn her back into a little girl. How did this keep happening? Would she ever be able to feel like an adult in his presence?

Lucy opened the door and found her father staring at his computer screen. Not able to stand the suspense anymore, Lucy spoke first.

“What’s this meeting about, Dad? Let’s not beat around the bush. If you’ve got something to say, say it.”

Lucy’s father’s eyes snapped up from the screen locking her in his gaze.

“Right to the point. I like that. Okay.” He leaned back reclining in his large leather chair. “Lucy, I need you to take over the Vernon project fully. Do you think you can handle that?”

Lucy looked at her father surprised. This was nothing along the lines that she had expected.

“The Vernon project? Is that what this is about?”

“Of course. What did you think this was going to be about?” He asked looking at her sternly.

It was clear to Lucy that her father didn’t want to talk about what he had seen. “Nothing,” she agreed. “Nothing at all. The Vernon project? That’s a big project. But as long as I have Peter’s help with it, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“Well, that’s what I’m saying. I’m asking if you can handle it by yourself. You know, take the lead on it. Do it without Peter.”

Lucy looked at him suspiciously. “You want to take Peter off the project?”

“Lucy, Peter no longer works for the company.”

Lucy’s heart sunk hearing the words. “You fired him?” She asked stunned.

“No. The both of us agreed that working here would no longer be in his best interest. Then we came to an arrangement.”

Lucy’s mind swirled as she imagined what that arrangement could be. “You didn’t, Dad.”

“I didn’t do anything. I simply explained to him how I saw the situation and he agreed that changes needed to be made. But this meeting isn’t about Peter, Lucy. This meeting is about your future.

“Are you going to continue to be a member of this company and therefore continue within the lifestyle that you have become accustomed? Or are you going to do something rash which you will regret for the rest of your life?”

Lucy stared at her father unable to say a word. Although he looked calm, Lucy could tell that he was raging on the inside. He wasn’t making an idle threat. If she said the wrong thing, her life as she knew it would be over.

She needed time to think about it and the only way of getting that time would be for her to tell him whatever it was that he wanted to hear.

“I understand, Dad. Just let me know what you need me to do and I’ll do it,” she said feeling sick to her stomach as she did.

Her father smiled a broad toothy grin. “That’s a good girl. Now, about the Vernon project. Pull anyone you need from the office to help you with it. This is the company’s top priority.

“You may not know this but the company has made a few missteps recently. We are overleveraged and we need a success to balance the books. If the numbers you presented are correct, everything will be all right. But if the project fails, the failure will bring down the company.

“Do you understand how important this is, dear?”

Lucy knew that she had to hide everything she was feeling. “No, I get it. I won’t let you down.”

Her father smiled again. “Good girl. I knew I could depend on you.” Pleased with himself, he ushered Lucy out.

Lucy exited the office as dazed as Peter had looked. She had no clue what to do next. After she found herself at her door, she thought of Peter and hurried to his office. As she approached she saw two security guards standing within. She slowed and stared as if she were observing an accident. Needing to talk to him, she pushed in past the guards.

“Peter, I need to talk to you.”

Peter looked up at Lucy. There was hurt in his eyes. He quickly looked back down.

“There is nothing to talk about Ms. Hollingsworth. If you don’t mind, I am little busy here. I’m sure that whatever you need can be explained by her father.”

Lucy was shocked. How could he be so cold? Didn’t he realize that she had feelings for him? Hadn’t he believed it when Cristiano said that they were all in this together?

With her heart breaking, Lucy watched him put his personal possessions into a box. For a brief moment, she had had everything she could have ever dreamed of. Now she was watching her new life fall apart and Peter didn’t even seem to care.

Unable to move, Lucy watched as Peter put the last of his things into the box and was escorted out. As he left, everyone turned and stared. This had to be humiliating for Peter. She couldn’t help but think about the role she had played in all of this.

Putting everything she had into not crying, Lucy eventually ripped herself away and headed back to her office. How long would it be before someone figured out why Peter was leaving? Would last night’s security guard mention who had entered the building the night before Peter got fired? Would someone watching from the building across from her office send word over about what they saw?

Lucy thought that she had felt alone before she had met Cristiano. That paled in comparison to the loneliness she felt at that moment.

When she was finally safe behind her locked office door, Lucy let go of everything she had been holding back. She cried uncontrollably. This all had to have been her fault. Perhaps if she hadn’t tried to humiliate Peter during his presentation, he would still have his job. That and a myriad of other things crossed her mind until she heard her phone beep indicating she had a message.

Lucy pulled out her phone. The message was from Peter. It read, ‘I’ll meet you at Cristiano’s apartment tonight. You need to play along until we do. Know that I love you and always will.’

Lucy read Peter’s message shocked. Had everything Peter said and not said to her been an act? Did he have a way out of this? Did he have a way that they could all still be together?

Following Peter’s instructions, Lucy pulled herself together and threw herself into her father’s task. As she did, she thought about Peter and Cristiano the entire time. She couldn’t wait to be with them again. How had she thought that Peter would abandon her so quickly after everything else she had put him through? She should’ve known better. She needed to give him an apology suck to make up for it, she decided with a smile.

By the end of the day, their plan was locked. They would meet at Cristiano’s apartment at seven. It was there that they would eat and come up with a real plan.

Lucy, rushing home to change, freshened up and then headed to Cristiano’s. She found Pete already there. She ran up to him and hugged him. With her head pressed against his chest, she listened to his heartbeat.

“It’s all right,” Peter told her.

Lucy pulled away. “What happened?” She asked him.

Lucy followed him to the couch and sat next to him as he explained.

“When I arrived at the office at nine, I was told that your father wanted to see me. When I was in his office, he simply told me that my services were no longer needed at the company. And that if I agreed not to see or talk to you again, I would receive a year’s salary as a severance package.”

“Did he say why he was firing you?” Lucy asked saddened.

“It never came up, but I don’t think that it had to.”

Exasperated, Lucy looked between her two men. “I don’t get it. What are we supposed to do?”

Peter looked down. “Maybe nothing?”

“Nothing?” Lucy asked surprised.

“Look, it’s not like I’m going anywhere. Your father might think that he can bully me into leaving you, but I just got you. There is no way I’m giving you up now.

“But at the same time, maybe we can pretend? Now that I’m unemployed, a year’s salary is a lot. We could probably use the money.”

“So, you want me to go back to pretending?” Lucy asked Peter.

“Would that be so bad? I mean, we’ll all know what the deal is. Shouldn’t that be enough?”

Lucy stared at Peter not believing what she was hearing. How much different would her life had been if she hadn’t hidden her relationship with Cristiano? Was Peter sincerely asking her to go through that again? Could she put herself through that again? Cristiano was the one to give her her answer.

“No,” Cristiano said confidently.

“What do you mean?” Peter asked him.

“I mean that none of us will be pretending anymore.”

“Then what do we do?” Peter continued.

“We fight for what we want,” Cristiano said unwaveringly.

“But how?” Lucy asked agreeing but confused.

“We find what your father wants the most and we trade it to him for what we want,” Cristiano explained.

“What does your father want?” Peter asked Lucy.

Lucy considered the question. What did her father want? She wasn’t sure. But one thing she did know was what her father needed.

“The Vernon project.”

“What about it?” Peter asked.

“What’s that?” Cristiano questioned.

“It’s a deal that Lucy and I have been working on for the past few weeks. I mean, certainly it’s something that your father wants, but I don’t know if it’s anything we can gain leverage over him with.”

“I don’t know if that’s true. You’ve been working there longer than I have. Did you all have a string of bad deals recently?”

“Your father went off of his gut a few more times than he should have. We’ve had a few losses recently. Yes.”

“Then, it’s this deal. He told me he needs it for the company to stay afloat,” Lucy explained.

“Good. Then is there any way to use this Vernon project to our advantage?” Cristiano asked the two.

Lucy and Peter looked at each other blankly until Peter’s eyes twinkled.

“Maybe there is. But I’m gonna need a little inside help if it’s going to work,” Peter said.

For the rest of the night, Peter and Lucy hammered out a plan. It wasn’t going be easy and in the best case scenario, it would take more than a little luck to pull it off. But it was possible.


For the next three weeks, Lucy’s life was hell. She spent the first eight hours of the day running interference at work and then would come home to help Peter with their project. If it wasn’t for the time that Cristiano demanded that she submit, her brain would have exploded.

Letting go of all of her responsibilities and allowing Cristiano and Peter to have their way with her was exactly what she needed. Each night she spent under the guidance of their paddles reinvigorated her keeping her going.

When the day finally came and their project was complete, it couldn’t have come soon enough. That morning she woke up nervous. Her entire life would come down to an hour long meeting. One way or another, Lucy knew that after today, their future together would never be the same.

Lucy drove her Porsche into the building’s parking lot, parked, and then took a deep breath. Sitting with the engine off, she retrieved her phone and sent a message.

‘I’m here,’ she wrote. She received a message back.

‘We’ll meet you at the elevator.’

As Lucy got out of her car she felt her legs wobble. She was nervous as all hell. Every part of her wanted to get back into her car and drive off. She was sure that she wasn’t ready for this but when she saw Cristiano waiting for her wearing a suit, she breathed deeper and was drawn in by his confidence.

Lucy walked up to Cristiano and kissed him on the lips before then turning and kissing Peter. Both of her guys were now beside her propping up her courage. Cristiano had been right all those weeks ago. When the three of them were together, there was no one who could defeat them. Not even her father.

Getting onto the elevator, Lucy turned to Cristiano who looked unflappable as he stared at the closed elevator door. She loved him so much. She reached out and touched his hand wanting him to know it. He squeezed her hand back for a moment and then let it go. Everything they were doing depended on him. Lucy stepped back a bit giving him space to prepare.

When the elevator bingged and the door opened, Cristiano stepped out dragging Peter and Lucy in his wake. Not only did Lucy feel confident, she felt proud. These were the two men who loved her. How could any woman be luckier?

Although everyone watched them cross the floor, her father’s assistant was the first to say anything to them.

“Can I help you?” She asked sensing there would be trouble.

Lucy was the one to reply. “That’s okay. We’ll just be popping in for a moment,” she said with a smile.

“You can’t go in there,” the assistant demanded.

“Oh, but I think we can,” Lucy told her confidently.

“What are you doing here?” Lucy heard before entering and seeing her father.

“Dad, there’s something that you need to hear,” Lucy announced before pointing at Peter.

“Peter, it seems to me that you are in breach of our deal,” her father said.

“Am I? Because I think I have a deal that you might want to hear.”

“And you think you can just barge in here unannounced, with him none the less, and demand that I listen to whatever you have to say?” Harold said pointing at Cristiano.

“Actually, yes I do,” Peter said speaking with more confidence than Lucy had ever heard before.

“That’s it, I’m calling security.”

Harold reached for the phone.

“Vernon Industries,” Peter said stopping him.

Harold stared at Peter before looking over at Lucy. “What’s going on here, Honey?”

“So, now I’m Honey? Interesting. Whatever I am, I think you should hear Peter out. Our company might depend on it,” Lucy said with a confident smirk.

With concern in his eyes, her father slowly leaned back into his chair. “Okay. You win. You have my attention. All I’ll say is that if you’re looking to strike me down, you better not miss.”

Lucy looked over at Peter. She knew her father’s warning was sincere. From the look on Peter’s face, he knew it too.

With that, Peter stepped forward and dropped a folder onto Harold’s desk.

“What’s this?” Harold asked him.

“These are investors who have all signed agreements to purchase the majority share of Vernon Industries as soon I tell them that we have secured the financing.”

“And what? You want me to be the investor who completes your package?”

“Oh no. I have all of the investors I need. I can call them up at any time,” Peter corrected him.

“And let me guess, Lucy, we haven’t yet completed our offer package,” her father asked her.

“You know, Dad, as much as I have been working on it, the guys just seem to be dragging their feet.”

“I see. So, what? Are you here to brag before you rip the rug from under us?”

“Certainly not. I’m here to tell you that there is another deal on the table that I think this company might be particularly suited for.”

“And what’s that?” Harold asked curiously.

Peter dropped two more files onto his desk. Harold opened them.

“A mining vehicle manufacturing company and a ridesharing service,” Harold asked confused. “What are these?”

“The future of Vernon Industries.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You see, if this company were to acquire Vernon it would do the same thing that my set of investors would. Under the guise of fixing it and making it better, it would cut it up into slices, sell the most valuable portions for a handsome profit, junk whatever it couldn’t, and then sell the shares of the much-depleted company, exiting the deal. I informed Mr. Vernon, of Vernon Industries, of the plan. He didn’t like it so much.

“But then I told him about another more interesting plan. One that allowed him to keep his workers employed and expand the company while making even more money.”

“And how’s that?” Harold asked curiously.

“Vernon Industries is a mining company whose largest expense is employees and equipment. In fact, that is the largest expense of all mining companies. Now, have you ever heard of Uber?”

“Of course,” Harold said.

“What if there was an Uber for mining equipment. Think about it, no one would have to acquire 50-ton dump trucks that sat around for half the year when work begins at a new mine. It would revolutionize the industry. So, equipment drivers would work more often, the equipment would have a higher use efficiency rate, and the mines using it would pay less overall for their equipment and workers.

“And all we need to do to make that happen is to structure a deal with Vernon and acquire these two struggling companies. We may not make the money overnight, but over the long term we would make billions.”

Harold squinted as he stared as Peter. Considering what he had said, he examined the folders again.

“So, what’s the catch?”

“Catch?” Peter asked with a smile. “What makes you think there’s a catch?”

“Because he wouldn’t be standing here if this was a straight business deal,” Harold said pointing at Cristiano.

At that point, Cristiano finally spoke up. “You’re a smart man.”

“Is that supposed to mean something coming from you?”

“No. It’s just an observation. I guess that’s where Lucy gets it from.”

“So, now that we’re done with the pleasantries, are you going to tell me why you’re here?”

“Yes, let’s get to the point. The point is that your time at this company is coming to an end.”

“Are you threatening me?” Harold asked ready to fight back.

“No. Just stating a fact. Nothing lasts forever. But you know that. That was why you pushed so hard for Lucy to get together with Peter. And when that didn’t work, that was why you forced Lucy to join the company. You needed someone to take over once your time was through. After all, what’s the use of building a billion-dollar company if you can’t pass it on to someone?”

Harold settled uncomfortably. “What do you want?”

“Me? I want nothing. It’s what you want that matters.”

“And what do I want?”

“You want someone to take over once you’re ready to retire… Which I assume would be relatively soon. I’m sure you’ve noticed how your instincts have begun to slip. I’m told that you need this deal to work otherwise your company is ruined?”

Harold looked at his daughter. “Lucy?”

Lucy stared back saying nothing.

“Are we going to get to a point here or are we going to keep dancing around?” Harold asked annoyed.

“Yes, let’s do that. Here’s how it’s going to happen, and how you’re going to get everything you want. First, you are going to hire Peter back and you are going to name him the next CEO of this company.”

“Am I?”

“You are. Otherwise, Peter is going to call up his investors and you’re going to lose, not only the deal but everything that you and your father worked to create.”

“I see. So this is a power grab. Why wouldn’t I just choose to burn this company to the ground instead of handing it off to some stranger?”

“Ah, yes. Because you will get the thing that you want most. You will be able to hand it off to your heir. Lucy will remain with the company and when she is ready, she will run it with Peter. So not only will you get the deal that saves your company, but you get to watch your child take it over like your father once watched you.”

Harold listened shocked. Cristiano had gotten it exactly right. This was everything he had wanted.

“And what role do you play in all this?” Harold asked searching for the next catch.

“I play no role. I am just the man who loves your daughter and Peter.”

“I get it. Now we’ve gotten to the real catch. I’ll get the Vernon deal, billions of dollars in profit, and my daughter to inherit the company, but in exchange, I have to accept whatever it is that you three are engaged in. Is that it?”

“Like I said, you are a smart man,” Cristiano said with barely a hint of a smile.

Lucy stared at Cristiano incapable of being prouder. He was going toe to toe with the most powerful man she had ever met and had stared him down. She never wanted him more. She next turned to her father.

“So, what’s it going to be, Dad? What is it that you truly want?”

Harold looked at his daughter unsure of what he should do.

“And this threesome that you have with these men, is this what you really want?”

“Dad, I love the two of them so much.”

“But they’re gay, Sweetheart. Why would you want to be a part of any of this?”

Cristiano spoke up. “Now I will talk to you, not as their negotiator, but as the man who loves your daughter,” he said drawing Harold’s attention. “You should know that your daughter and I had been in an exclusive relationship for months. In fact, the day that your daughter agreed to marry me was the happiest day of my life.”

“Lucy, you were engaged?” Harold asked stunned.

“Yes, Dad,” she said sympathetically. “In fact, I still am.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know. Because you seemed so hung up on marrying me off to Peter. Or maybe it was that I felt you wouldn’t accept Cristiano thinking that he wasn’t good enough for me or something.”

“Honey, the only reason I pushed so hard for you to be with Peter was because it was clear to me that he loved you. At least, I thought he did.”

“No, Mr. Hollingsworth. I absolutely did love Lucy. In fact, I still do. I will probably love her until I take my last breath. And I’m willing to do anything I have to in this world to keep her,” Peter declared.

“And yet you… what… fell in love with him?” Harold said pointing at Cristiano.

“Yes. As Lucy can tell you, he is an easy man to love.”

Lucy watched her father as he tried to take it all in. She had some sympathy for him. This was a lot. Not only would he have to give up control of his company in order to save it, he would have to give up his daughter to two men. That was a lot to lose in one day.

When her father slumped into his chair, he looked noticeably older than he had only moments before. Cristiano had gotten the better of him. She had seen it. All that was left was to see how much her Dad truly loved her.

“Okay,” her father said softly.

“What did you say, Dad?”

“I said, okay. I’ll publicly announce that Peter will be the company’s next CEO and I will accept this relationship whatever it is.”

Lucy stared for a second unsure what she had heard. When it sunk in, joy bubbled through her like an erupting volcano. She couldn’t believe it. They had won. She was about to throw her arms around Cristiano when her father spoke up again.

“But, I have one condition.”

Lucy froze ripped out of the throes of happiness. “One condition? What’s that?”

“It’s that I get a grandchild. Do you understand me? I’m willing to live with all of your demands as long as you give me a grandchild,” he said suddenly aged 20 years.

“Deal,” Cristiano responded as he stepped forward and reached across Harold’s desk.

Lucy watched the two men shake hands stunned. She had so many questions. A grandchild? With whom? How would that work? Was she even ready to have a child?

Lucy looked over at Peter who was just as surprised as her. Would Peter be the perfect father for her child or would Cristiano? How could she ever decide?

Luckily that wasn’t something that needed a decision today. Together they had won a tremendous victory. It was time to celebrate.

“Oh, one other thing, Dad. None of this starts today. The guys have something they need to take care of now. But, I promise, first thing tomorrow we will begin a whole new life.”

Her father looked up at Cristiano.

“You heard her,” Cristiano said with a smile. “There is something today we need to take care,” he continued immediately imagining Pete and Lucy naked in his bed.

With that, Cristiano took Lucy’s hand and threw his other arm around Peter’s shoulder. Locked in step they then left Harold’s office and made their way to the exit. They were officially a family and there was now no one who would ever be able to stop them.

Standing at the elevator, Cristiano turned to Peter and kissed him hard. When he was done, he turned to Lucy and did the same to her. It made Lucy’s body tingle knowing that so many people were watching. And when the elevator doors opened and they stepped in, they knew that when they exited, it would be to an entirely new life. They had just gotten everything that any of them had ever wanted. For the first time in a very long time, Lucy, Cristiano, and Peter were very happy.


The end.



Hoping You Liked ‘Rules For Spanking’


Since you could never have too much of a good time, I thought that you might like to keep on reading.


I didn’t always write under the pen name A. Anders. For a long time I wrote much steamier stories under Alex Anders. Want to read a few of those stories? I have to warn you, they are all smokin’ hot and they only get hotter the further you read. They are almost all MMF and there is even a full length romantic suspense near the end that, if you liked the twists and turns of ‘Rules For Spanking’, you are sure to like.


First up, ‘Spanking Her Curves’. This is one of the only M/F romance in the bunch. It’s a little different from the rest, but if you like steamy stories with spanking, they you’ll definitely like it! 


What follows:

  • Spanking Her Curves 1-4
  • While My Family Sleeps 1-4
  • My Boyfriend’s Twin 1-4
  • My Boyfriend’s Dominating Dad 1-4
  • Dying for the Rose (Full length Novel)
  • Island Candy: Prequel





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