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SEAL’s Fake Marriage (A Navy SEAL Romance) by Ivy Jordan (24)

Chapter Twenty-Four



“What is it?” I asked, noticing Graham’s silence, and his fixation on something towards the front of the busy diner.

I looked up, following where Graham’s eyes were placed, and noticed Aiden, there with Liam and Luke, who were both holding him back.

My face froze, fear set into my soul, and I could feel the color in my flesh dissipating as our eyes locked.

“Is that Aiden?” Graham asked.

“Yes. I have to get you out of here,” I said quickly, fearful that Aiden would say, or do, something we’d all regret later.

“Why? We’re just talking,” Graham insisted.

My heart was pounding hard against my chest, so hard that I was certain Graham, and even the people in the booth behind us, could hear it.

“Are you afraid of him?” Graham asked, his eyes filled with a strange concern.

I shook my head, my mouth hanging open, and my heart still racing. “He just looks really angry,” I mumbled.

Graham stood up, pushed his chest outward, and gave me a familiar look. Oh shit.

This was why I’d broken it off with Graham: his little man complex. He was always ready to fight, especially if it was someone twice his size, and Aiden was that. His protective nature was endearing at first, but it took a few months to realize it wasn’t all about me.

“Graham, stop,” I called out as he walked away, too late.

I rushed behind him, headed right into Aiden’s fury, the place I so wanted to avoid.

“You seem to have a problem with that lady over there,” Graham said, turning to point to me in the booth, only to find me already right on his heels.

“I have a problem with you,” Aiden snarled.

“Aiden, he just stopped in for lunch, and since he saw me, we talked, that’s all,” I pleaded with the man I loved, even though I couldn’t imagine why at this moment.

Liam and Luke still had a tight grip on Aiden’s arms, keeping him from doing anything stupid.

“You need to just walk away,” Liam informed Graham with a stern tone.

I knew that Liam’s orders would only fuel Graham’s need to prove himself. Backing down wasn’t his style: one thing I still couldn’t stand about the man.

“Let’s go,” Luke said quickly, tugging on Aiden’s arm as Liam pushed open the front door.

Instead of acting like a civilized man and staying inside the diner while Aiden’s friends cooled him off, Graham, of course, followed them out onto the sidewalk.

“Dude, you really need to fuckin’ back off,” Luke scolded Graham, who even next to Liam looked short.

I stood by Aiden, explaining that nothing was going on as I stroked his arm. His muscles were tight and tense, and it was obvious he was ready to swing if given the chance. I didn’t want that to happen, not only for Graham’s sake, but for Aiden’s as well. He had a good reputation in the town, a business that people trusted, and having a fight outside the diner in the middle of town would certainly hurt that.

“Just stop, Graham,” I demanded.

“Yeah, just worry about your little boy toy. Don’t worry about me,” Aiden snarled at me.

I released my grip on his arm, felt my heart crush, and then noticed Graham lunging forward with his arm cocked back. Shit!

My jaw ached as I stumbled back. The swing was meant for Aiden, but his height made it impossible for Graham to land it, causing it to crash down on my face. My hand immediately slammed over the aching spot, a yelp escaped my lips, and everything started to become blurry. It was wildly chaotic.

Arms flung in every direction; Graham was on the ground, Aiden on top of him, pounding his fists into his face.

“Stop!” I screamed, pulling at Liam and Luke who were both trying to contain Aiden’s fury with little success.

“Please. Stop, I love you, Aiden,” I screamed out loudly onto the sidewalk before realizing what I’d said.

Aiden turned, looked up at me, leaving Graham to squirm to his feet. He looked as if he was ready to speak, but no words came from his mouth.

Red and blue lights appeared, causing a large crowd to form to see what was happening. When the cops stepped out of their vehicle, Graham immediately pointed to Aiden, his mouth bloodied, and demanded he be arrested.

Liam stepped forward, explaining to the officers what had really happened. They ended up handcuffing both Aiden and Graham, hauling them to the station.

“You need to come down and fill out a report,” the one officer told Liam, Luke, and myself.

“Are you hurt?” the female officer asked, noticing the redness on my jaw.

“I’m fine,” I lied. It ached like hell.

People stared as Liam pushed through the crowd, rushing me through the parking lot where his truck was parked.

“You can ride with us,” Liam instructed, opening up the passenger door to his truck.

“I’ll drive,” I insisted, pulling my keys from my purse.

He nodded, jumped in his truck with Luke, and waited while I started my car and pulled onto the road. He followed behind me all the way to the station and then held my hand as we walked inside. It was nice having my big brother again. I was glad he was there to help.

The female officer took me aside, and the male one on the scene took Liam and Luke into a separate room.

I told the woman my story, not leaving out any detail, and watched as she scribbled it all down.

“So, do you want to press charges?” she asked.

“No, not if he doesn’t press any on Aiden,” I bartered.

She gave me a strange look but nodded before she left the room. I assumed she was giving Graham the option to be released with no charges filed against Aiden, or go to jail if he chose to pursue it.

It didn’t take her long to return to the room.

“Okay, no charges are being filed,” she stated with a smile.

“Good,” I sighed, gathering my stuff and heading for the door.

“Are you going to be taking your husband home?” she asked.

I paused. Fuck. He was my husband. So, was I the one who had to sign for his release?

“What do I need to do?” I inquired nervously.

“Just sign the papers, pay the fine, and be on your way,” she instructed, motioning me towards the front desk clerk.

Liam and Luke met me in the lobby. They looked relieved.

“Are you okay?” Liam asked.

“They said I have to sign to get Aiden out,” I explained.

“I’ll take him home,” Liam offered, Luke behind him nodding in agreeance.

My chest loosened, and my shoulders relaxed a bit. I was a nervous wreck at the thought of driving Aiden home alone in my small car.

I signed the papers, paid the small disturbance of peace fine, and then waited with Luke and Liam for Aiden to be released.

When Aiden appeared in the lobby, he looked ashamed, defeated, and remorseful, but it wasn’t enough to make me feel sorry for him. He’d done all this, caused all this. All I’d done was love him.

“I’m so sorry,” were the first words from Aiden’s mouth, and they were directed right at me.

“Liam’s going to take you home,” I said sternly.

Aiden looked hurt and disappointed.

“Where are you going?” he asked softly.

“I’m going back to Alyssa’s and Liam’s,” I stated.

“You said you loved me,” he whispered, a tear welling up in his left eye.

“I do love you, but I can’t deal with all this violence and self-destruction,” I sighed, fighting back my own tears.

Liam guided Aiden out of the lobby, and I sat down, waiting for Graham to be released. I would take him back to the diner and then head to Alyssa and Liam’s. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever go back to Aiden’s.