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Set In Stone (The Stone Series Book 3) by Dakota Willink (11)



The drive to Matteo’s restaurant was spent in silence. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, but one of mutual understanding. We were not going to talk about the article for the next few hours. Before we left the penthouse, Alexander promised to explain more to me after the party. However, I didn’t want to wait. I desperately needed answers. I had to understand why Alexander hid his true identity from me, even if it was the legal truth.

“Shh, angel. Don’t agonize over this,” he had whispered to me in the elevator when we were making our way down to the awaiting limousine. He leaned into me and pressed his soft lips to my forehead. “The reason why doesn’t matter. You know now and I promise to answer all your questions later. You look stunning and I want you to enjoy the evening.”

He didn’t have to say more. He didn’t need to. I understood his push to enjoy the party. I knew it might be the last bit of fun we had in public for a while. His whole world was about to be blown wide open. His privacy, everything that he held close to his heart, was crashing down around him. He didn’t need me to question him. By the way his eyes silently pleaded with mine, I knew he needed my patience. And more importantly, my strength.

As the limousine turned down the street to where Matteo’s restaurant was located, butterflies sprang to life in my stomach. I could see the line of people slowly trickling in. Lights were strung between lampposts, a beacon for those wanting to attend. As we pulled to a stop, the sign for the restaurant came into view. Even though I knew Matteo planned to name the restaurant after me, after the woman who had stolen the heart of his childhood friend, I still wasn’t prepared to see the ornate sign over the doorway to the restaurant.

“Krystina’s Place,” I whispered.

“This is it, angel. Are you ready to go in?”

Alexander laced his fingers through mine as Hale came around to open the limousine door for us.

“I’m ready.”

When we stepped out of the limo, I breathed a sigh of relief. There were no flashing lights from cameras, no reporters shoving microphones down our throats. I knew Alexander’s story hadn’t been made public yet, but I couldn’t squash the worry over the what-if’s. Upon entering the restaurant, seeing the crowd of people mingling in a very normal way was a tremendous relief.

I glanced up at Alexander. His face went from tense to relaxed as he surveyed the room. It was apparent that he was feeling the same relief I was. I squeezed his hand.

“I love you,” I told him. He smiled, dropped my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist. He leaned in, as if he was about to say something, but the sound of a familiar voice calling from across the room interrupted whatever words he was about to speak.

“There she is! My guest of honor!”

Alexander and I both turned to see Matteo making his way over to us. Alexander slapped a hand on his shoulder when he reached us.

“Everything came together great, Matt. The place looks fantastic!”

“So others have told me as well. I hope they are just as impressed with the food,” he joked, but I could sense his nervousness. Turning to me, he took hold of my hand and placed a feathery kiss on the backside. “Krystina, my dear. You look as lovely as ever.”

I blushed at his compliment.

“Thank you, Matteo. It’s so good to see you again. And don’t worry about the guests enjoying your food. I can personally attest to its excellence.”

“You are too kind! Come now, I have a table reserved for you.” He turned away from us momentarily to call over his shoulder. “Luca!”

A younger gentleman dressed in a black tuxedo appeared before us.

“Yes, Mr. Donati.”

“This is Alexander Stone and his fiancée, Krystina Cole. Please see to it that they have whatever they need tonight.” He paused and turned back to us. “Alex, Krystina, Luca will take you to your table. I need to check a few things in the kitchen. I’ll be back out to join you in a bit.”

“No worries, Matt,” Alexander assured. “Do what you need to do. I’ll handle the crowd out here.”

“Thank you, my friend. Mi scusi.”

And in typical Matteo fashion, he rushed off.

“What did you mean about handling the crowd out here?” I asked, my voice just barely audible over the buzz of the crowd in the restaurant as we followed Luca to our table.

“There are going to be a lot of influential people in attendance tonight. I’ll need to make the rounds, talk up Matteo, his background, and etcetera. Before the end of the night, half the city will be making plans to dine here.”

I thought back to the first time I came to this restaurant. It was my first unofficial date with Alexander. I smiled as I recalled the memories from that night. The restaurant hadn’t been open for business yet, as it was still in the remodeling phase. I glanced around. It was a far cry from what it once looked like. The main dining room was now festive, elegant and classy.

“Mr. Stone, Miss Cole,” Luca formally addressed us. “Here is your table for the evening. There is a cocktail hour taking place in the banquet room. If you’d like, you can mingle with other guests or simply enjoy a few hors d'oeuvres.”

“Thank you, Luca.” Alexander nodded. “Krystina?”

“Whatever you want to do. I’m yours to command tonight, Mr. Stone,” I teased before immediately realizing my Freudian slip. His eyes narrowed, a dark primal need showing through the slits. “I mean, not – not like…”

I sputtered, unable to finish. Luca raised his eyebrows, but recovered quickly before excusing himself awkwardly.

My cheeks flushed crimson as Alexander leaned in to whisper into my ear.

“And command you, I will. I’ll have you begging to get out of that sexy dress of yours. But the necklace and heels, you’ll be leaving those on.”

My hand reached up to finger the intricate swirls of the triskelion emblem as I looked down at my dress. Smooth lines of royal blue chiffon poured down my body, held expertly in place with sapphire straps that ran over my shoulders and lined my back. It was the perfect dress for the woman who would be on Alexander’s arm for the night. I knew he would be proud.

I leaned away from him, away from the lips that hovered just close enough to my ear to send shivers down my spine.

“Don’t you have a crowd to work over?”

“Don’t remind me,” he groaned. “I’d rather be working over something else right now. With you in that dress, I might be too distracted to be of any use to Matteo.”

“I doubt that,” I laughed. There was still the proverbial elephant that loomed around us, but our casual flirting allowed us to push it aside. “Let’s go to the banquet room before all the hors d'oeuvres are gone.”

We made our way into the banquet room and found an open cocktail table.

“Stay here, angel. I’m just going to get us some champagne.”

I watched him walk away, enjoying the view as he went. There were very few things in life that made me catch my breath in awe. Alexander in a tuxedo was one of those things. The room buzzed with conversation, as wealthy businessmen, politicians, and restaurant reviewers mingled about and sampled the array of delicacies Matteo had set out. All were dressed formally, but only Alexander truly stood out in the crowd.

I watched him cross the room with a champagne flute in each hand as he came back toward me. His hair was smoothed back, his waves almost as black as the tuxedo that hugged his broad shoulders. His stride was fiercely elegant and unmistakably sexy.

And he’s all mine.

The love I felt for him surged through me. It didn’t matter if he was Alexander Stone or Alexander Russo. I knew the man he was inside. I knew his heart, and it had captured mine.

When he reached me, he passed me a champagne flute before resting his hand on my hip in a blatant display of ownership.

“There’s no doubt about it. You are the most beautiful woman in here,” he whispered into my ear.

I laughed, the bubbly champagne matching the bubbly mood I suddenly found myself in. Curious eyes glanced in our direction, but I didn’t care. Being with Alexander in such a public setting was a rare occurrence. He made me feel like a princess among peasants. It was a heady sort of feeling.

“I’d like to say that flattery will get you nowhere, but then I’d be lying. Just wait until tonight,” I said promisingly.

“That’s twice you’ve teased me this evening, Miss Cole. Are you trying to give me a hard on in public?”

“I would never dream!” I admonished and laughed again.

“Krys! Over here!”

I turned and saw Allyson waving in our direction. She was off in a corner and appeared to be talking to a man whom I didn’t recognize.

I looked up at Alexander.

“You go do your thing. I’ll go hang with Ally for a bit. Besides, I want to drill her about Matteo,” I told him. His eyebrows rose questioningly.


“Never mind. It’s girl stuff.”

“Don’t get too chatty,” he warned. “I might have to punish you if you’re gone too long.”

His voice was a low rumble as a bad boy smile tugged the corners of his lips. It made my stomach flutter in anticipation of what that punishment might be. I rose up on my toes to brush a soft kiss over his lips. Despite my jeweled four-inch stilettos, he still towered over me.

“I can assure you, Mr. Stone. I’m counting on it.”

* * *


I didn’t want Krystina to leave my side, but I had networking to do. This was a momentous night for Matteo and I had a lot invested in my friend’s success. I was sure she would be bored stiff with the dry conversations that were about to ensue.

Although I was curious over her comment about Matteo, I figured it was best if I didn’t know the details. Men always flocked to Allyson and her charms. Matteo was not immune. I noticed the way he looked at her, but she always appeared to keep him out of arms reach. I hoped he had the sense to stay focused tonight, rather than get caught up with her, as I had seen him do so many times in the past.

After thirty minutes of working the room, I had a good feeling about the restaurants future success. I stood around a tall table conversing and shaking every hand that was offered to me. The food was getting rave reviews, and the excitement was at its peak. The high was contagious. Even the press coverage was solely focused on the restaurant, their prying eyes staying away from me for once.

I scanned the room for Krystina. She had been gone a while, despite my warning. I was surprised to see that she was no longer with Allyson, but instead talking to the mayor and his wife. Her smile was bright, and her audience laughed at whatever she just said. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one working the room this evening.


Her eyes caught mine and I felt that familiar tug. I knew she felt it too. Reaching out to shake the mayor’s hand, she excused herself and headed in my direction. I watched her hips sway ever so subtly under the blue chiffon gown and I couldn’t help but to admire her choice in attire. Even her makeup was spot on. Krystina never wore much makeup, but tonight she had painted her lips a deep red and added smoky shadow on her eyes. She looked absolutely stunning and I was acutely aware of the men that stared. She had the attention of every able-bodied man in the room and she didn’t even know it.

“Alexander,” said a male voice to my left. Breaking my gaze away from Krystina, I turned to see who was addressing me. I quickly masked my displeasure when I saw who it was.

“Vic,” I greeted with a fake, plastic smile. The last thing I wanted to do was engage with Victor Carr, the Wall Street shark who had been after me about making Stone Enterprise available for public trade. His presence was a reminder of why I preferred private dinners over public ones.

“It’s good to see you again. I know you’re technically here for restaurant matters, but I’d like to talk to you about –,” he began, but I silenced him by holding up my hand.

“It’s not happening, Vic.”

He let out an easy laugh.

“Not to worry. I wasn’t going into market talks with you tonight. This is something different and merely just friendly conversation.”

I doubted that, but still gave him my attention.

“Go on.”

“There’s a property in Pennsylvania that you might be interested in. It has historical significance,” Victor informed me.

“Historical significance means a whole lot of red tape. I tend to avoid that for obvious reasons,” I said dryly.

“This one isn’t up for sale. It’s a hotel that needs investors to bring it back to its former glory. Considering your recent venture with Wally’s Grocery Stores, I may have mentioned your name as an interested party.”

“Again Vic, not my thing. Wally’s was an economic decision. It was all about preventing job loss in the city.”

“What if I told you this property was owned by Roger Hennessey?”

I paused then, considering what he was saying. Roger Hennessey was the driving force behind bringing European football to the United States. He planned to be at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Stone Arena. If it weren’t for him, the stadium would still be a pipedream.

“That’s interesting to know. I might look into it,” I told him, careful to keep a poker face in play and not say any more. Victor Carr was smart. I knew he considered his referral a favor, one that he might try to use as leverage to further push me about going public. I was about to comment on it when Krystina slid up beside me.

“Sorry, I got caught up,” she told me.

“Is this the lady of the hour?” Victor drawled.

I gritted my teeth. I didn’t like his tone. It was then that I remembered the other connection I had to Victor. He wasn’t only a shark on Wall Street. He was also a member of Club O. I’d only seen him there a couple of times in passing, but it was enough that he’d remember my affiliation with the exclusive club. He knew the privacy rules, but there was something sinister about the way he fixed his gaze on Krystina. Seeing as though she was with me, it made it easy for one to assume that she was also a member. There was no doubt he’d try to test the limits. My fists clenched as I tried to fight the rage that was boiling up. I knew I’d have to play this cool or risk exposure.

“Krystina, this is Victor Carr.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Krystina.”

Victor extended his hand to Krystina. I expected a handshake, but he lifted her hand to his lips to kiss the backside instead. I saw red.

Before I could react, Krystina pulled her hand away, not allowing his lips to linger. She reached up to touch my arm reassuringly and moved closer to my side. I wrapped a protective arm around her waist.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Carr. How do you and Alex know each other?” she asked politely. I stiffened. It was an innocent question, but she had no idea how loaded it was.

“Vic works on Wall Street,” I answered in a neutral tone.

“We also belong to the same country club,” Victor added, emphasizing the last word. I wanted to knock his fucking teeth out.

“Oh, I see,” Krystina said easily, but I heard the realization in her tone. “I don’t frequent the country club, Mr. Carr.”

“You should,” Vic taunted.

The hand that was resting on Krystina’s hip flexed. She never flinched, but covered my hand with hers instead. When she spoke again, her voice was sugary sweet, practically dripping.

“That place is a bit over the top for me and not really my style, if you know what I mean. Besides, Alex and I have been so busy since our engagement that there isn’t time for frivolities such as the club. Isn’t that right, dear?”

She looked up at me and smiled lovingly.

I blinked and was momentarily confused by her uncharacteristic swooning. It was then I realized that Krystina was making a point. She was telling Victor, in not so many words, that she was not a club member. She was also saying that she was committed to me and me alone. She saw through his game and was able to change the dangerous topic of conversation before I could even blink. I had forgotten how much she relied on her naturally quick wit. It was her secret weapon, one that I was always trying to stamp out of her.

I don’t know how it happened, but at some point during the exchange, I found myself looking at Krystina with new eyes. For months, I had been fighting to dominate her both in and out of the bedroom. She was both my heaven and my hell, all wrapped up in one succulent package. However, I now had the realization that I didn’t need to fight that feisty nature anymore. I knew that behind closed doors, when she was naked in our bed, I would always demand her submission and was certain she would irrevocably give it. I owned her body and she would forever be mine to command.

But it needed to end there.

My attempt to dominate her outside the bedroom was wrong. It would kill her spirit and I wanted her to be true to herself. I loved this fiery woman beside me – quick tongue and all. To see her use that defensive weapon on someone else gave me an unexpected feeling of satisfaction.

My firecracker. My angel. And soon to be my wife.

In that moment, although I didn’t think it was possible, I loved her even more.

“Yes, our engagement has kept us very busy,” I agreed. I winked and smiled down at her. In a possessive move, I pulled her closer to me, silently sending my own private message to Victor.

“Engaged? I – I hadn’t realized,” he stammered. “I guess congratulations are in order.”

A waiter walked by carrying a tray of champagne flutes. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I grabbed two. I handed one to Krystina and kept one for myself, deliberately leaving Victor empty handed.

“A toast,” I began and looked to Krystina. “To us.”

“To us,” she repeated.