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Simmer by C. G. Burnette (12)


This party could not have gone off more perfectly.

My cousin wanted something that would reflect what she loved, and she loved everything about the vineyards. The party was everything she had hoped for. Small and intimate, with only Clara and Sheridan’s closest friends and family in attendance. We decided to set up the party in the tasting room of Leighton Cellars. White linens and fresh flowers would cover the tables that would be set up for dinner after the cocktail hour. White lights were strung throughout the ceiling and soft jazz played in the room.

For the cocktail hour, the guests mingled and had some of Leighton’s finest wines while indulging in some delicious appetizers. My cousin insisted on everyone being full of wine and wonderful food so that’s exactly what I gave her. But my cousin didn’t want the usual boring fair for her get-together. Leighton staff carried trays of mini shrimp cocktails in shot glasses, caprese on skewers, some amazing hamburger sliders, and yes, even mini hotdogs. A table was set aside with fresh fruit and cheeses to complement the wine being served. Everyone was eating, laughing, and congratulating the happy couple.

But it was clear that Clara wasn’t happy, even though she tried to fool everyone around her, including herself. I tried to corner her but could never get her alone for another heart-to-heart. Her eyes begged me to leave things be, and to let it go for the moment, but I could also see that Jessa was on her mind as she tried very hard to make the evening a success. Sheridan was clueless and beaming with the glow of being engaged and planning a future with the woman she loved. My heart sank. This going to end so very badly.

After the cocktail hour was over, I made my way out the back of the tasting room to stage the food. All the beautiful tables were set and the soft lights illuminated the room, while music played softly. Dinner was finished and was ready to be served. The guests were all seated and the wait staff had begun preparing to serve. Only, we were missing dessert, and my aunt assured me that it was taken care of. Besides that, I had to change and get ready for the party myself. I needed to find my aunt and figure out what was going on.

Finally, I found my aunt as she was helping someone so familiar to me into a seat. I laughed out loud as I lifted my hand to my mouth and shook my head. I couldn’t believe she was here. She heard my laugh, and she looked up to me with a smile of her own that held the same joy I was feeling. As I neared the table, she stood and opened her arms to me. I went into her warm embrace so very happily.

“There’s my Bethany. Oh, hello child. Hello!”

“Mrs. Lynn… oh, my heart. Oh, my heart.”

I squeezed her as much as I could. She was too thin but still so strong. I wanted nothing more than to gather her close and make sure she was okay. I pulled back from her embrace and simply stared and smiled. She laid her hand over my heart and kissed my cheek.

“I’m so happy to see you, Bitty. Been too long since you were home. I mean, really home.”

I squeezed the hand over my heart. This woman had been so much a part of my life growing up here in Savannah. She cherished my aunt like a sister. She adored Clara and was one of her biggest supporters when Clara came out. She loved me and treated me like a daughter.

And I loved her like another mother.

“I’m happy to see you too. So beautiful and so strong… but…” I pretended to look around and scowl at her. “Where’s my cookies, lady?” I asked with a lift of my eyebrow.

The warm laughter from Mrs. Lynn made me smile wider. “Well, Bitty. I don’t have any cookies tonight, but I think someone else might have something for you.”

“Someone else?” I turned around as Clara walked up with one handsome little boy. He was dressed in his party finest—khakis and a blue collared shirt. His tiny loafers completed his outfit. Eyes shining with happiness and his tousled curls laying on his head, he was clutching a note in his hand. As Clara got closer, Greyson reached for me with his baby giggles filling the space.

“Greyson! Hey there, sweet boy. Aren’t you handsome tonight, all dressed up for the party. Are you my date?”

I cuddled him close and breathed in his wonderful baby fresh scent. I landed a kiss on his forehead, and then looked up to see his grandmother smiling at us. The hand that covered my heart now covers her own and a tear falls down her cheek. I understood the awe on her face because I feel it every time I hold him. She nods her approval and I know I’ve crossed a major hurdle.

“Bethany, I think Greyson has something,” she prompted me.

I gently took the small white envelope from him and saw my name scrawled across the front. The writing was like all the other love notes and cards I’d saved from Greyson’s dad in our past. I hated to, but I handed Greyson over to his grandmother and opened the envelope.

Meet me on the front porch of the cottage. We have our own celebration to attend, beautiful Bethany. Always yours, Gideon.

I looked up from the note to see my aunt watching me closely, and that mischievous glint in her eye told me that she had a hand in whatever plan Gideon had for the evening. I lifted my eyebrow at her and gave her a sideways look. She tried to look innocent and failed miserably.


“Yes, Bitty?”

“Have you been meddling again?”

She lowered her eyes with a wide grin on her face. Next to me, Mrs. Lynn was laughing softly and Clara was shaking her head, her shoulders shaking from silent giggles. I crossed my arms over my chest and my aunt finally lifted her arms in surrender.

“Okay! Okay! I called to have Gideon make the cake for tonight and asked him to stay for the party. You two needed to talk, and I was tired of watching you moping and listening to him deny how much he needed you. So, I called Lynn and asked if she would come out for the party, so we could keep Greyson and give you two a chance to talk.”

“Momma, you are so busted. And late,” Clara informed her. “Where do you think Bethany was last night and this morning?”

I walked over to my aunt and gave her kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Auntie. I love your meddling self. I should have known what you meant when you said you would take care of dessert. Now, I gotta go. I have a date. Do you mind making sure the staff has dinner in line and that gorgeous cake cut and served to the guests?”

“Of course, I don’t mind. Go have the best night, sweet girl.”

I walked back over to Mrs. Lynn and Greyson, and took him back into my arms. I put my head on top of his and closed my eyes. “Greyson, I won’t keep your dad out long, okay? I’ll bring him home early.”

Mrs. Lynn swatted at my arm and huffed at me. “You worry about enjoying tonight with my son. Greyson and I are going to stay the night here with Rosie. We have everything we need. Gideon is so happy again, Bitty. He’s been so lost. It’s only been a few days, but he’s just so happy. Thank you for giving him back to us.”

I swallowed the lump of pure joy in my throat, kissed Greyson one last time, and handed him back to her. “I love him, Mrs. Lynn. I have always loved him. I promise I’ll do everything I can to always be worthy of the second chance he’s given me.”

“Bethany, dear one. It’s Gideon that needs to always be worthy of you.”

I’m glad I brought all my clothes to the tasting room. I changed out of the chef’s jacket, work pants, and ugly work shoes into my second outfit of the night. The slip of black silk fell past my knees, all the way to the floor. One strap over my right shoulder held the gown in place, the split running up the middle of my left thigh. The dress was fitted to hug my curves and strappy killer heels in silver made my legs look longer than they actually were. I wore my auburn curls loose and hanging over my bare left shoulder. I kept my makeup light, but made my eyes smoky to bring out the hazel in them. A simple silver diamond bracelet hung on my left wrist and in my right hand, my small clutch.

When I walked out onto the front porch, he was down on the bottom step, looking into the gardens that surrounded my aunt’s property. With his back to me, I could see the snug dress slacks that he was wearing and the jacket that clung to his shoulders. He heard my steps on the wood of the porch and turned to see me. His mouth dropped in a stunned expression as his eyes took me in from head to sexy-heeled toes. His smile made all the trouble worth it.

“Wow. Just… wow,” he said in an awed voice. I felt the blush on my cheeks as he climbed the steps and handed me a beautiful blush camellia. I lifted it to my nose with a smile and then took the opportunity to look him over. His black jacket had shiny silk lapels, his shirt a dazzling white, and his tie a dimpled black solid. On his left wrist sat the Tag Heuer watch I gave him the Christmas before I left for New York. As he got closer, I could smell his amazing cologne that made shivers run down my spine.

He was stunning.

And mine.

I moved in closer to him as his head dropped. The kiss was so simple, but full of such long-held passion. I’d never forget this moment, this kiss, our new beginning. This porch held so many memories and one in particular. I pulled back to stare into his eyes, and I could see that he remembered too.

“We had our first kiss right here in this same spot,” he whispered to me.

“You remembered,” I murmured, as I caressed his jaw, lightly covered in stubble. 

“You never forget the kiss that binds your heart and soul to its mate.”

His words moved me; his love for me after all this time, after the misunderstandings and bitterness, amazed me.

Another kiss to my nose and he grabbed my hand.

“Ready to go? Dinner is waiting, Chef.”

We walked down the stairs together and his Audi SUV was parked at the end of the driveway. He opened the door for me and I sat down, making sure my gown wasn’t snagged in the door. He got into the driver’s side, started the car, and we headed out.

As we made our way to the cobblestoned streets of downtown Savannah, Gideon was being very secretive about this date.  It made me curious. I’m sure he was in cahoots with my aunt.

He was so affectionate, so attentive, on the drive. Holding hands, laughing at shared memories. Always touching me. I could see the fire and lust in his eyes as the split in my dress revealed more skin. He wasn’t so discreet about adjusting himself and it made me grin. It was when I bit my lip and heard the sharp intake of his breath that I knew I was in trouble—of the best kind.

“So much sass still, little winner. Keep that up, and you won’t walk straight for days.”

My core tightened and I felt the throb of desire in my clit. I closed my eyes as he trailed a finger down my cheek, across my shoulder, and down my arm. Only he didn’t stop there. Gideon pushed the material of my dress away and caressed my thigh, moving his talented fingers until they rested near my center. My skin was on fire and my mouth opened on the neediest of moans.

“Tell me how wet are you, Bethany. Am I going to find you soaked and wanting me?” he asked.

I was too dazed to speak, too lost in the moment to be able to answer. I whimpered as he moved closer to my waiting core, and I grabbed his hand, trying to bring him closer.

“I want nothing more than to pull this car over, throw your legs over my shoulders, bury head my head between those legs, and lick your pussy until you’re screaming my name, and all your sweetness is running down my chin and over my fingers.”

Oh. My. God.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to meet his gaze. I was done waiting. I wanted him. Now.

“Please, Gideon. Please just take me back to your house. Please.”

“You want me?”

“More than I ever have. Please, baby.”

He looked away to point out something with a smirk. “But we’re here. And I know you’re going to love the plans I’ve made for us. We need a real date, Bethany. I need to show you off and remind you I can still take care of you.”


“You gave me a second chance. I spent three years without you. I need to make up for that time.”

“But Gideon…”

We arrived at the front of a beautiful building that I recognized from magazines and TV interviews. I knew the place was as amazing inside as it was on the outside. And the food? Critics fought to get into this place just for a glimpse of the food. Right now, I’m just astonished. The chef in me is on high alert, but the girl in me is swooning.

“We’re having dinner at Stoned?!” I stammered.

“You’ve heard of the place, I take it?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Are you kidding? Reservations are at least three months out. The food is superb and the views are breathtaking!”

“Then it helps that I know the Stone Brothers, huh?” 

The valet comes to Gideon’s door just then. “Good evening, Mr. Alexander. Welcome to Stoned. Could I have your keys?”

I put my hand on his arm before he got out, and he looked at me with a grin.

“Wait a minute. You know the Stones?”

He chuckled, his grin widening. “You look a little awestruck, little winner. Do I have to worry that you’re going to leave New York, only to become the competition for Simmer by landing here? Or do I have to worry about you turning the brothers’ eyes?”

“Competition for Simmer? Maybe. Leaving you for anyone else? No way in hell.”

Gideon squeezed my hand and stepped out of the SUV, handing the young man his keys. They shared a laugh and pounded fists, as if they had known each other for a while. His laugh was so full and it made me preen a little knowing I’d played a hand in making him happy again. He rounded the front of the car and opened my door. As I took his hand and stepped out, the look on his face stopped me in my tracks. His eyes blazed and his chest rose and fell. The touch of his hand on my bare shoulder held a promise of an incredible end to this evening.

“I’m the luckiest guy in this whole place. Did I tell you how beautiful you are?”

“You may have mentioned it once or twice on the way over.”

He dragged me closer, rubbed his nose on the place behind my ear and whispered, “You are the most beautiful, the most amazing woman. And thank God, you’re mine. Tonight, I’m going to show you just what that means.”

The sigh that left my lungs was stuttered and bumpy. The heat in his eyes left me greedy for him to prove to me just what he meant, but I know already. Yet three years away from each other has only made him more dominating and me more aware of what he does to me.

As much as I wanted to try the food here at Stoned, I was doing everything in my power not to race back to the car and leave. This dinner was going to be torture. And I could see, by that devil-may-care smile, Gideon planned to draw out all that torture until I was a wet needy mess.

He took my hand and we headed through the entrance of Stoned. The club was just as elegant and breathtaking as everyone in the culinary community had raved about. Old Savannah charm meeting modern day style. Gideon was right. I was awe-inspired, and if I didn’t have my own plans for Opal’s, I’d be courting a position here. And Gideon, of course, would go crazy. We made our way over to the hostess station. A young lady behind the desk named Miranda greeted us with a smile.

“Good evening, Mr. Alexander. Welcome to Stoned. We thrilled you decided to join us. The Stones send their regrets that they can’t be here to dine with you, but hope Ms. Thorne will come back to see us without you,” she reported with a mischievous laugh.

I laughed right along with her. I bet they did. Gideon shook his head and grinned.

“Miranda, when you’re ready to come to Simmer, you let me know, okay?”

She laughed again and stepped away from the desk. “Will do. Y’all step this way. We have you seated on the balcony.”

As we made our way through the restaurant, up to a small set of stairs that would take us to the balcony, I could feel Gideon’s large hand at the small of my back, slowly moving lower to cup my left cheek. The warmth of his touch spread from my back down my tingling legs. His hand moved to my hip and the tingling traveled to my core. I was surrounded by his spicy scent and the tether between us was so strong, it wouldn’t take much to tip me over the edge. I wanted this man. I wanted to be his.

We ascended the last of the steps and Miranda ushered us through the elegant French doors that opened to the balcony. The view of River Street was breathtaking, with the moon full and shining on the water, and the twinkling lights on the Talmadge Memorial Bridge could be seen. We walked across to the table, stunningly simple but so gorgeous I didn’t want to sit and disturb it. The round table and high-backed chairs were set in crisp white linens—not across from each other but rather right next to each other. Two beautiful gold-rimmed china place settings sat on the table with long tapered white candles and a round bowl of beautiful camellias gracing the center. The lights on the balcony were low and intimate, and soft music could be heard playing on the hidden sound system.

Miranda placed two menus on our table and politely told us the staff would be in shortly to take our orders. She quietly excused herself as Gideon moved to help me to sit. Before he did though, he pressed my back to his front and pulled me close. I tilted my head and rested it on his shoulder. He was strong, and so much bigger than me. As his lips lingered on my throat, I could feel how much he wanted me, his cock hard on my back. A longing moan escaped my lips as I gripped his arm. I felt his hand caress the line from my full breasts, down my ribs to my hip, and across my stomach to the place calling for his attention.

I was not going to survive this date if he kept up this magnificent torture.

His nose replaced his lips as he moved to the soft spot behind my ear. He breathed in my scent, the camellias he loved so much. His hand slipped further to the split on my dress and under the silky material. His fingers lightly moved, slipping into the lacy panties I was wearing. His finger grazed my swollen clit, and I gasped, opening my legs to give him greater access.

“Beautiful Bethany, all wet and needy. So desperate. I bet I could barely touch your sweet pussy and you would come for me, wouldn’t you?” he whispered in my ear with wicked intentions.

He slowly, tortuously, and with agonizing accuracy, circled my sensitive nub. My clit is a hot throbbing pulse between my thighs, the first orgasm of the night growing bigger and wider than anything I’d felt in three long years. In the back of my mind, I know the wait staff will be coming to see to us, but I was going to come too.

“Are you ready? Tell me. Better hurry, though. We’re going to have company soon,” he said with a chuckle.

“Oh my God.”


He circled my clit faster, moving in tighter, and I was seeing the stars and the moon shine behind my eyes. One more touch and he has me. Oh my God, he has me...

“Yes, God, yes. Ohhhh, Gideon!”

He quickly covered my mouth with his own as I rode out the orgasm, but not before two of his fingers inched further into my panties and slipped inside me. He brought me up again quickly, and I was nothing but a quivering wanton mess in his arms as I clenched around his thick nimble fingers.

He pulled out as I slowly caught my breath, and then settled me into my chair. He took his own seat and turned his gaze to meet mine. Gideon lifted his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them with absolutely no shame. His eyes were almost black as he wiped his hand with his napkin.

“You make a delicious first course. Let’s see if I remember how good you taste as dessert.”

He must like what he sees in my eyes. His knuckles grazed my jaw as the waiters came in to fill our water glasses and take our drink orders. I gazed at him demurely through my lashes and grinned as I lifted a glass of my aunt’s delicious white wine to my lips.

Our meal was utterly phenomenal. The filet mignon was perfection, the vegetables fresh and crisp, and the bread freshly baked and piping hot. We talked about so much. New York City and what I loved about it, how Savannah had changed since I left.

How we had changed since I left.

He told me about the long nights he spent at the hospital with Greyson, how his heart ached with love and grief. I told him about Europe and how beautiful it was, but how lonely and lost I was the whole trip. My charity work kept me busy but by the end of the trip, I was feeling more and more detached. I wanted home. He wanted me.

Throughout the whole dinner, he touched me. Holding my hand, kissing my knuckles. Caressing my cheek, playing with the curls on my shoulder. He tantalized me with sexy promises in my ear as his hand ran down my exposed thigh. Thank goodness we were on a private balcony.

When the waiters came to clear our plates, we politely declined dessert. While Gideon took care of the check, I decided to take in the view. I stepped over to the railing and marveled at the evening sights of Savannah. It was amazing to be home. After a few moments, I turned to find my date watching me with a soft look and warm eyes.

“You have no idea how gorgeous you are, do you? What you do to me. How am I going to be able to make up for letting you go?”

“You did what you thought was right. I had a great opportunity. I seized it, and I don’t regret the show. But it’s time for me to seize another opportunity.”

I moved from the railing and sauntered over to Gideon with a seductive sway of my hips. I saw the fire ignite in his eyes and a knowing smile spread over his face. He sat back in his chair, clearly enjoying the view by the bulge in his slacks.

“I see. And what opportunity would that be?”

“It’s for both of us, really. You get me out here, and we both get out of these clothes.”

He cocked his eyebrow and placed his fingers against his chin, as if he were deeply considering the offer. I could see his cheeks lift in a smirk as his eyes smoldered. Standing in front of him, all I wanted was to sink down into his lap and watch his eyes go to midnight as I rode him.

“Hmmm. I think that’s a great opportunity.” He sat forward and I moaned as his talented fingers trailed from my ankle and calf, past my knee, and up my thigh. Thank God I chose this dress. He leaned forward, placing a light kiss on my hip, and inhaled my scent.

“It is indeed,” I said with a sigh.

“But first? I think I want my dessert, beautiful Bethany.”

Before I had a chance to protest, he hooked his finger in the band of my lace panties and pulled them down my legs. He lifted my left leg and placed it next to him, leaving the lace dangling on my right ankle. I clutched his shoulders as he grabbed my hips, brought his head to my pussy, and took one long lick. And then another. Until I was trembling and shaking and his chin was dripping.

“So sweet. Still so incredibly sweet,” he rumbled against my core. “Not waiting anymore. We’re leaving.”

He wiped his face with a devilish look, then helped me take off my panties and pocketed them. “You won’t need these for the rest of the night.”

I picked up my clutch from the table on shaky legs and we made our way to the stairs. We said our thank you’s to Miranda and the staff and hurried to the waiting car. He helped me inside before climbing into his own seat.

As he pressed the button to start the ignition, he spoke in a seductive husky voice. “That’s three, little winner. Let’s see if I can do better than that.”