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Simmer by C. G. Burnette (13)


I’m happy. So damn happy.

We spent the night at the hideaway making new memories. She was so surprised when I told her that I was taking her home for the night. I still had the key she had forgotten she had given me, and I could never hand it over to Clara to give back to her.

How many times have I stared at that key, remembering the amazing times we shared at her house and regretting the times we were missing? Three long years wasted. But I have her here in my arms right now.

I called in a few favors and had the house cleaned, her refrigerator stocked, and the hideaway set for romance. Clara is one of the best people ever, not to mention Jamie and Victoria stepped in too. I owe them all and I’ll gladly cash in anytime. The house was perfect, from the beautiful flowers to the softly-lit bedroom. I don’t think we noticed much in our haste to get inside. And I couldn’t wait, so when we stepped inside and closed the door, I stripped her, threw off my jacket, and took her up against the wall in the hallway. A trail of our clothes was left behind as I carried her to bed and made love to her for most of the night.

She could barely keep her eyes open. I obviously did much better than three.

We fell asleep facing each other. We always did. Even if we ended up spooning for some of the night, we woke up facing each other. She has those faint smudges under eyes but she’s so relaxed and peaceful I hated to wake her. My body was on Greyson time, though, and I needed to go check on my son.

I kissed her forehead and ran a finger through her hair. I felt her wake with a smile and I pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

“Morning, beautiful.”

“It’s the best morning,” she said with a stretch and a slight grimace. It made me chuckle until she gave a look that had me biting my lip to hold back the laugh.

“A little sore? Tender, maybe?”

“Ha, ha, ha. It’s all your fault, you know.”

“Oh, I’m more than happy to take the blame for this,” I told her as I climbed over and pinned her underneath me. I was already hard and wanting her again. Damn, I don’t think I can get enough of her, but I don’t want to hurt her. Her arms wrapped around me and we fell into the deepest kiss. When those tiny legs moved around my waist, I knew I needed to ease back or I wasn’t leaving.

“As much as I want to stay in this bed with you all day, I have to go get Greyson. I lucked out getting Friday and Saturday off from the restaurant, and that’s not happening today. I have to go in but before I do, I need to see my son.”

“Auntie said they were staying at the cottage. When are you supposed to be at Simmer?”

I looked over at the nightstand and grabbed my phone. It read ten a.m. I was so late and knew I would be, but that’s why Olivia said she would open for me.  

“Technically, I was supposed to be there by eight—”

“Gideon!” she screamed as she flung the covers from off of us and started scrambling for clothes. I just sat back and watched her frantically search for anything to put on. It was the funniest sight and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Gideon Alexander! Are you laughing at me? Get up and get moving!”

I just kept laughing. She’s so gorgeous when she’s flustered. “Babe, I knew I would be late. Olivia is opening this morning so we can get prepped for Sunday rush. Slow down. Come back here and kiss me again.”

She stopped and stared at the state she’d left me. With a smirk, she shook her head.

“Nope. No way, mister. If I get back in there with you, Greyson will hurt me. Did you bring clothes for work?”

“I did. Come kiss me.”

“I’ll make coffee while you shower.”


She stopped making her way to the door and headed in my direction instead. I smiled as she sank down onto the bed next to me, and I gathered her close for another kiss.

“One last kiss and I’ll get dressed to go. Can Greyson and I come by later?”

“Of course,” she said with joy in her eyes.

“Good. Clara and Sheridan will bring your car here around lunch. Don’t fall back to sleep and miss them.”

“Clara still has a key. She knows where I put my keys when I’m home.”

I looked her in the eyes and saw so much but I wanted to hear her say what was in her heart and on her mind.

“Are you happy?” I asked.

“Gideon… so happy. Everything… last night was amazing,” she said, wanting to assure me.

I kissed her with a smile on my lips and lay my forehead against hers. “I’m so in love with you, Bethany Thorne. I’ll spend every moment we have together showing you just how much.”

“I love you, Giddy. I love you.”

I hopped out of bed and headed for the en suite bath. A quick shower and, of course, when I head back into the bedroom, she’s fast asleep. I dressed in the standard Simmer uniform, kissed her cheek, and headed out.

Time to see Greyson, and tell him that Operation Get Bethany is working just fine.