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Simply Complicated: Ellison Brothers (Ellison Brothers Book 2) by Vera Roberts (7)

Junie’s hip-hop music wakes me up the next morning. A crazy mix of piano, staccato drums, and synthesizers make up this song he coined, “Yellow.” He named it that because it was the first color that came to his mind at the time. It just also happens to be the time he peed and looked down at the toilet.

It’s not bad song but it’s not something that anyone will hear on the radio anytime soon. I’m not saying that to be shady, but I think he made better beats before he hooked up with Tasha. Now all he does is get high and make beats that only one has to be high to like. I guess he and Tasha have something in common.

After studying a bit more, I ended up falling asleep on the other couch along with Savior. It’s not the most comfortable couch in the world and it’s definitely has showed its age, but I didn’t want to leave him alone in the living room. Sure, he would’ve been fine but I wanted to stay with him in case he needed anything.

In case, he needed me.

He barely stirred for the rest of the night and only fell into a horizontal position when I was already asleep. He either decided to just stay where he was or he was too tired to go home. It doesn’t ultimately matter. I’m just glad he was the first thing I saw in the morning.

There I go again, getting feelings.

It’s barely a week into our arrangement and I feel like he’s my boyfriend, though he’s made it very clear he wasn’t. And honestly, if Savior was my boyfriend, he would’ve acknowledged that already. He damn sure wouldn’t have let Rosa hang all over him at happy hour.

Or maybe he would have, I’m not entirely sure about this fool yet.

All I know when Savior’s cock was in my mouth, hearing him moan my name, feeling his hands all over my dome, it was an indescribable feeling. Something shifted between us and I know he had to have felt it. Each time we do anything sexual, the connection becomes closer and more intricate.

I get up to use the bathroom and pass Savior on the way when his hand suddenly grabs my leg. I’m startled and look down at him. He slowly opens his eyes and he lazily smiles at me. “Where are you going, gorgeous?”

It’s the second time he’s called me that. “Bathroom. Emergency.”

He nods. “Come back here when you’re done.” He caresses my leg and lets me go.

I immediately feel the loss of his touch and I hurry to the bathroom like I’m Flo-Jo in the Olympics. After I come out, I rejoin Savior on the sofa. I sit across from him and he shakes his head. He lifts up the blanket and I notice his cock is tucked away into his pants. I was really hoping it was still out and hard so we could finish what we started last night. “Come here, gorgeous.”

He’s not my boyfriend but he’s acting like it. I’m torn between complaining about his attitude and wanting to get Savior snuggles. Snuggles, FTW. I walk over and lay down beside him. My back is pressed against his body and we’re facing the TV.

Savior’s body feels amazing against mine. It doesn’t matter if he’s beside me, behind me, or underneath me. I just want to feel him on me all day, every day.

“How did studying go last night?” He asks. His nose nuzzles my neck and he wraps his arms around my body.

It feels like we’ve always done this. It feels like an old friend. He feels like, everything. “It went very well. I have my final at ten so I’ll leave here in a little while. Next week, I have an appointment at the clinic to get everything checked and refill my birth control.” I yawn. “After that, I’m done until mid-February.”

Savior nods and kisses the nape of my neck. Ooh, that boy doesn’t know that’s my spot. “And then what?”

“Just the internship and I’ll get a job somewhere. I don’t really need one but I like to make my own money instead of relying on my daddy for some.”

His tongue plays with my earlobe and if this boy don’t quit…“What does your dad do for a living?”

I was wondering when that question was going to come up. I’d rehearsed my canned answers to Savior for a while and they all didn’t make any sense.

My daddy is a pharmaceutical rep. He reps Inglewood, Watts, and some parts of Compton. Westsiiiiiiiiiiide!

My daddy make it do what it do.

My daddy is a hustla, baby! (In my Pharrell voice)

I want to tell Savior the truth about my family but I don’t want to push him away. What guy will be okay that the woman he’s banging has a father who keeps goons on retainer? On the same token, I also want to realize who he’s getting himself involved with. He’s not dealing with Karen from Malibu or Christy from Palm Springs. He’s dealing with ghetto-ass Keisha from Inglewood.

“My daddy runs his own business from home. He does a lot of accounting.” Not quite a lie, but sounds a lot better than the truth.

Savior nods and kisses my neck again. This time I feel his hardened cock press into my cheeks. I want to turn around, straddle him, and ride that motherfucker until the sun goes down. Last night, Savior let me take control. I don’t think he’ll let me do it again this morning.

“What are your plans today?” I ask.

“Legal schmegal stuff,” his voice is smooth like maple syrup on a stack of pancakes, “and then gym time. I have a business dinner I need to attend but hopefully it won’t take too long.” He kisses my neck again. Arousal slowly hums like a gospel hymn between us. “Can I spend the night tonight?”

Hell, you can spend the night any night. My legs are wide open for you, boy. “Sure, that’ll be great.”

“I never did thank you for last night.” He kisses my earlobe. My body tingles each time I feel his lips on me. “I really appreciate you being there for me.”

My body is attuned to every touch of him. I feel the soft thickness of his cock nudging against my cheeks and I try to steady my breathing. “You’re welcome.”

“I need to thank you.” He rolls on top of me and I open my legs wide to accommodate him.

It’s the first time we’ve been in this position, and yet, it feels so natural. Savior is significantly taller than me, yet his frame fits perfectly between my thighs. There’s nothing awkward between us. Instead, his eyes burned with desire. His chest is heavy, like he’s trying to restrain himself.

“Gorgeous.” His voice dripped with lust and experience. His hardened cock is pressed against the vee of my sex. All he has to do is move a little to the right and he’ll be so warm inside of me.

My sofa is small. It can roll out into a futon but it’s really small fit for just two people in this position. Somehow, I think that’s perfect for Savior. “You don’t have to thank me.”

“Oh, but I do.” He kisses my neck and I gasp in ecstasy. He quickly moves down my body and pulls my panties aside. A couple of fingers brush against my wet slit and he approvingly smiles. “Your cunt is so ready and wet for me.”

“You bring it out of me,” I breathe. I’m starting to feel delirious with lust and I just need him inside of me.

“I hope I always will,” Savior hooks one of my legs before he covers my wet slit with his mouth.

My back arches off the sofa and I lose my hands in his hair. His tongue is perfect, flicking my clit so fast before slowing down to gently suck on it. He pressed his tongue into me harder, almost spearing me as I struggled not to scream.

I felt the flutters of climax in my tummy and it traveled down to my toes, curling them. With each lick, my body involuntarily shook as it tried to stave off the orgasm. I panted and cried; my legs began to shake. A few more flicks of Savior’s tongue and I lost control.

“Savior!” I gasped as the climax hit every nerve of my body, stilling it before I collapsed back onto the sofa.

I couldn’t even describe the state of euphoria I was in. My body felt like jelly. My head was in a different zone. My heart, though, was on a different plane.

Savior yawns and checks his Apple watch. “Shit, I need to go.” I move out of his way and he rubs a hand over his face. “Bathroom?”

“Down the hallway to your right.” I watch him get up and he winks at me, slapping my ass before he leaves.

My body once again craves him. He felt so warm, and just so right. My mind travels to thought of when we’ll have sex for the first time. I mean, technically speaking we’ve already hooked up but I’m thinking the actual body-rocking, lamp-breaking, continuous orgasm sex.

I wonder if I’ll be able to handle him.

The toilet flushes and Savior appears a few minutes later, already in mid-transformation of his appearance. The sultry look is still there, but more of professional Savior has appeared. He wears his appearance as a mask, putting it on depending the situation and persons, and only carefully removing it when he’s completely comfortable. I wonder if I’ll ever see all of him.

He rushes over and kisses me, not caring about my stank morning breath. His lips sweep over mine and I hold onto his muscular arms to keep from falling. Every time he kisses me, it blows me away. I wonder if it’ll always be like this.

Then I remind myself – 90 days.

He pulls back and I softly moan at the loss of him. “Good luck.” He gives my ass a couple of pats and heads out. I watch him walk to a parked Bentley with the driver, waiting for him at the back passenger door. Savior must’ve known he was going to stay with me because I can’t imagine the driver staying there all night waiting for him.

Did he know he was going to spend the night here? I can’t recall seeing the driver when I let him in.

As I close the front door, I have more questions than answers about Savior and our arrangement. He said he couldn’t do romance. He stressed he didn’t want to be my boyfriend and a relationship wasn’t something he wanted. If he wanted sex, he most certainly would’ve had it last night.

It seemed Savior just wanted me to hold him.


I arrive at Los Angeles City College thirty minutes early for my final. I study some quick notes about he Federalist papers and hope to God I pass. I had to suffer going through political theory for the best semester and I do not want to return. There are many things I would rather be doing and sitting through another repeat of how old white slavemasters stole land from brown people, enslaved and raped black people, and declared how everyone was equal.

My mind travels back to Savior and how he helped me with my essay. He only gave me a small talk but it was all I needed. He summarized everything within a few minutes and it took me literally all week just to come up with a single page.

It’s not even a surprise. Savior graduated summa cum laude from USC’s undergrad and law school. He was offered positions at law firms all over the country, but chose to join his father at the family’s firm.

He built a steady reputation from the time he graduated from law school until now. Another Google alert revealed how ruthless Savior could be in his lawsuits and defending clients from scrupulous owners. He was once quoted as saying, ‘I don’t care about their feelings; I care about the law.’

Is it bad I felt a tingle as I thought about how relentless Savior might be in bed?

I sigh and shake my head. Not my boyfriend. Not my boyfriend. Not my boyfriend.

I check my phone and realize it’s time to head to my final. I go to the room and see fellow classmates looking over their notecards and studying a bit from the book. I look over my notes one last time and just hope for the best.

“All right, class,” the professor comes in and we all put away our notes and take out our blue books, “put away everything except for a pen, pencil, and your blue books. You have the full two hours to complete.” He passes around the sheet with the examine questions. “Good luck.”

I get the sheet and I just smile at the first question: How would the Federalist Papers apply in today’s political climate? Cite examples.

Thank the good Lord for Savior.


I arrive early at the clinic appointment. It was time for my annual checkup and I need to re-up my birth control. I know Savior and I’s little arrangement is only for T-90 days and counting but the Pill has been a sista’s life saver. My periods are no damn joke.

Walking into the student clinic on campus, it feels very much like a doctor’s office. There are a few bored students scrolling through their phones. The typical elevator music fare is playing and I think it’s Kelly Clarkson. I actually like her. White girl got some vocals on her. She needs to release an R&B album.

I take my seat and fill out the questionnaire, answering all of the standard questions. I check off I’m getting my annual physical, but also a HIV test and any other STD testing they want to do. I figured I might as well get everything done so there are no questions for Savior.

I give my questionnaire to the nurse and wait back in my seat. I received a text from Tasha and the contents of it stun me a little.

Your neighbors sold the house. They’re moving at the end of the month.

It’s been going on a lot lately in Inglewood. My block alone had five families leave within the past six months. Los Angeles is becoming increasingly more expensive to live in. Not to mention, I’m sure my neighbors were tired of hearing gunshots every so often played another role in their leaving.

I receive another text from Tasha: She said they had an offer they couldn’t pass up and left ASAP. She asked if you were going to sell and I told her you weren’t. That’s true, isn’t it? You’re not going to sell?

Truth is, I’m not sure yet. There is no point of me having that house if I’m about to take up Savior’s offer of sending me to any four-year university. I’ll be too happy living it up at college to worry about maintenance and all that crap back in Inglewood.

Then again, if my auntie and Tasha doesn’t have another place to stay, I can’t stand the thought of them possibly being out on the streets or struggling because I wasn’t home.

Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.

“Keisha Jones?” The nurse in the cute Noah’s Ark scrubs calls for me. We greet each other with smiles and I follow her back to the smaller rooms. After the basic questionnaire and checks, she instructs me to undress and put on a sexy paper robe for the doctor, who’ll examine me with her in the room.

I quickly undress and look down at my cute emoji socks and wonder why in the hell is Savior even entertaining my childish ass. He’s a good seven years my senior and I’m sure there are other women he could be entertaining and parading around instead of me. My thoughts travel to the gala tomorrow and I wonder why did he ask me to accompany him if he was set I wasn’t his girlfriend and we weren’t dating?

I’m starting to think Savior is lonelier than he wants to admit.

There’s a knock on the door and I tell the person to come in. A white doctor is front of the nurse and he smiles a warm smile at me. He’s tall, with blue eyes and a seemingly five o’clock shadow. His brown hair is closely cropped and he has a whiff of high-society, despite being on a community college campus. He has a familiar face about him, but I can’t place it.

“Keisha Jones?” He greets me. “I’m Dr. Ocean Ellison. I’ll be performing your exam on you today.”

That name sounds even more familiar. It’s starting to come to me slowly. “Ellison?” I ask. “Are you related to that family?”

Ocean chuckles and I immediately knew the answer before he said a word. “Why yes, I am. My dad and brother are lawyers. My other brother is the co-owner of Fresh Nectar, a clothing line. I’m the only doctor in the bunch.”

Savior’s brother is about to get a face full of my snatch and have me ready for his brother to fuck my brains out. I couldn’t have written a better script.