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Single Dad’s Spring Break: A Single Dad & Nanny Romance by Rye Hart (45)





“Look who's here to see you,” Spencer said, standing in the doorway of the hospital room.

Maisie and Lola were with him, eyes wide and faces glowing so bright, you'd think it was Christmas morning. Maybe, in their little minds, it might even be better.

In my arms was Sebastian Sullivan, Lola and Maisie's little brother. During the excitement with the kidnapping and the aftermath, I'd forgotten about one little thing – the morning after pill. Not that I'd have changed anything now. Staring down at the tiny little bundle of joy in my arms, I called it fate. He was a perfectly beautiful little boy – and he was mine. He was ours.

Sebastian's little eyes were closed, his little fingers wrapped around mine. I was in love the second I found out I was pregnant, and already, this little boy held the key to my heart. Spencer was a proud father too. He stood there beaming with joy as he looked down at the newest addition to our family.

Maisie and Lola were meeting their little brother for the first time, and even Lola had a big grin on her face. Seeing them all standing there, so happy and smiling – it made my heart swell with a joy I'd never known. It swelled so big, I thought it might actually burst.

“He's so cute!” Maisie squealed. “I just want to pinch his little cheeks.”

“He looks like you two when you were born,” Spencer said, kissing the top of his most vocal child's head.

“Really?” Lola asked, giving her dad a toothy grin. “We were that cute?”

“Yep. Completely adorable. Not sure what happened,” Spencer teased.

Maisie shot him a look, “Hey!”

I couldn't stop laughing, waking up little Sebastian with all the noise. He opened his eyes, then his mouth, letting out the most pitiful of cries that made Maisie and Lola both say, “Awww,” at the same time.

They were going to be such good sisters, and Spencer had proven time and time again that he was a good father. I'd won the lottery, or at least it felt that way, surrounded by people who loved me.

Spencer moved over and took his son in his arms, and instantly, I melted. Seeing my big, strong man holding his son, brought tears to my eyes. It was such a contrast in size and it made Spencer holding him that much more adorable.

Sebastian instantly quieted down when Spencer had picked him up, the baby became totally transfixed on his father. Not that I could blame him, really. Spencer was very nice to look at and just had this innate ability to comfort me, even during the scariest of times. Like right after the kidnapping.

I'd had nightmares that had ravaged my sleep and Spencer was there, by my side, after each and every one. He stroked my hair and comforted me, sleeping next to me until the dreams finally went away – mostly for good.

After that day, he didn't let me sleep alone. I was in his bed, curled with him, protected by him. I'd never felt safer in my entire life – even after all that had happened.

“I think the girls have something they'd like to ask you,” Spencer said.

He had a huge smile on his face and a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He was up to something. They all were. I just didn't know what it was.

“Oh yeah?” I said, adjusting myself in the hospital bed so I could see them better. “What's that?”

Maisie cleared her throat like a soloist preparing to perform. She exchanged a look with Lola and her father, and then turned her eyes to me.

“We love you Avery,” Maisie said. “Do you love us?” Aww,” I said, feeling like I might cry. “Of course I do goofball. You know that.”

It shocked me when Lola picked up her game – her voice softer than her sisters. “Can we ask another question?” she asked.

They both looked at their dad.

“Go ahead,” he said.

I had no idea what was going on, but whatever it was, it was sweet as hell. Both girls stood there smiling, shuffling their feet, the air of nervousness about them thicker than syrup. I was just turning into a warm, fuzzy pile of goo as I sat there watching them. Maybe it was the postpartum emotions, but the tears flowed freely down my face and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

Maisie and Lola walked over together, and they handed me a gift bag. I reached inside and pulled out a box, just as both girls smiled and giggled. But even through their laughing, I could see something more serious lurking behind their eyes. They had a real, legitimate question.

“We want you to be our stepmom!” they nearly shouted in unison.

I opened the box, and it felt like the air had been knocked out of me as I stared at the diamond ring staring back at me. My jaw hit the floor, and I looked up at Spencer, to make sure this was real. His eyes were glistening – he was almost in tears himself. I knew in that moment that he meant it. That it was very, very real.

He wanted to marry me. “Yes. Oh my god, yes,” I said.

The words came out choked thanks to the tears, but Maisie and Lola hugged me tightly. Spencer walked over and helped put the ring on my shaky finger, the leaned down and kissed me atop the head.

“I love you, Avery. You're just what our family needed,” he said. “Thank you.”

All of my dreams had finally come true.