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Single Dad’s Spring Break: A Single Dad & Nanny Romance by Rye Hart (50)



Reed was impossibly handsome and just knowing that he was attracted to me had come as a surprise. Though I was pretty sure he was nothing but a disgusting pig, the fact that he was willing to forgo thousands of dollars in damage to be close to me sort of turned me on. What did that say about me? Was I just leaping from one asshole to the next? As we pulled up to Reed’s house, I realized that we’d traded up from the hotel, and I tried not to let my impending bargain loom over me and cloud the beautiful scenery. Reed had driven us to his sprawling mansion, which looked like something from an old Civil War movie. The house seemed to glow in the distance as if it’s white paint was reflecting the full moon that hung directly over it.

“It’s gorgeous. Will we disturb your family coming here so late?” He’d no doubt come and gone many times alone at this hour, but to bring in company, I didn’t want to be an imposition.

Reed’s voice was but a growl beside me. “I live alone if you don’t count my staff.”

“You’re all alone?” I suddenly felt a wave of uncertainty wash over me. He’d wanted me alone with him in his big house. I wasn’t naive enough to think that he just wanted to talk over the next two weeks, but I figured if there were other people around, I’d be safe.

“My parents are both dead. I have my uncle, but he lives in the city closer to our family’s business.”

In the back, Kayla let out a little moan, and Rick sighed. The two were sound asleep and had more than made up from the incident that landed me in my current mess.

I was grateful that Kayla was asleep for the time being and I could at least have more time to think of an excuse for why we were all traveling to Reed’s estate. I didn’t want to tell her what I’d agreed to. She’d been too drunk to know precisely what was happening, and I didn’t want her to feel like it was her fault that we were here—even if it was.

To be honest, agreeing to spend two weeks with a handsome stranger was both unlike me and completely exhilarating. Back home, I told myself I was ready for a change and a new chapter in my life, but I would never have imagined being in such a predicament. I really didn’t know what to make of it all, but I would be lying if I said my nervousness wasn’t starting to fade into a serious turn on. What the fuck was wrong with me?

Maybe these two weeks was just want I needed to kick off my new life. I wasn’t foolish enough to expect anything other than a good time with Reed. He was clearly a rich bachelor who was experienced in getting what, or who, he wanted. The thought that he wanted me, was making me sweat a bit.

We walked into the house, and I was immediately impressed. The furniture was expensive and ornate, yet still looked inviting. There were several vases of fresh flowers like the ones I’d seen growing outside scattered around the large room, and rows of beautiful photographs lined one wall.

Immediately drawn to the photos, I crossed the room and began to examine them closely. They were mostly of scenery, though some were of beautiful horses, and fields of roaming cattle. Whoever had taken them, had a very good eye.

I felt Reed come up beside me. “You like them?” he asked.

“Yes. The composition is amazing, and the photographer used the perfect filter for each one,” I said, continuing down the line.

“You seem to know a lot about photography,” Reed said.

I glanced at him to see that he was regarding me with a look that said he was impressed. “Yes, it’s actually what I do. I’ve actually published some of my work,” I said.

“Wow,” Reed said. “Is it a hobby or something else?” he asked.

“I’d say it’s been relegated to hobby status for the past few years, but in reality, it’s my passion. I want to do photography full time, to have my own studio, and eventually a gallery to display all my work,” I admitted out loud for the first time.

Reed whistled low and looked at me with a newfound respect.

I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself for finally putting my dream out there.

The two love birds finally woke and came inside, and since Rick knew his way around, they disappeared up the stairs, hand in hand leaving Kayla’s suitcases. I glanced over at my stack of luggage and decided I’d need to know where to take it. It was getting late and I was getting tired.

“Could you show me to my room?” I took my largest bag by the handle and Reed walked over to the bar.

“What’s the rush? Wouldn’t you care for a drink first? I’ll pour.” He poured two shots of whatever he was drinking and carried one over and offered it to me.

“I don’t drink.” I placed my hand on the neckline of my blouse as he shrugged and turned them both up, one right after the other.

“I’d like to go upstairs and shower and change my clothes, please.”

“Fine, I’ll show you to your room.” He walked over and lifted the larger bags as if they weighed nothing and I took two of the smaller ones.We headed up the long, curved staircase to the upper floor. He led me down the hall, and we made a turn down past a row of doors to the one on the end. “Here, just put them wherever. My bathroom is through that door and—”

I froze in place. “This is your room?”

“Yes, where you’ll be staying, with me, per our agreement.” Reed’s face was impassive as always, leaving me wondering what he was thinking.

“You at your house, not in your room.”

Reed stepped closer and took my hand, and it was as if an electric current went through me. He wasn’t gentle, but the sensation hit me right in my core with a burning ache of desire. “Well I guess you should have asked for clarification before you agreed.”

“I’m not staying in here. There are fifty other rooms in this place, and I’ll take any of them, thank you.” I figured if I were firm then he wouldn’t insist, but I was wrong.

“So then, you’re okay with me calling my lawyer first thing in the morning and filing that report?”

My mouth popped open as he stroked my wrist with his thumb, still holding tight to my hand. “You won’t do it; you’re just teasing me. Trying to use it as an excuse to seduce me.”

“I don’t need to seduce you. You’ll do what’s right to help your friend. Besides, I can tell you want me.” He met my eyes, and for the firsts time while staring intently at me, he smiled. “Your ego is laughable.” I started to turn, but he pulled me close to him, his lips brushing mine just before he took them without permission. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to kiss me, but I was terrified of what might happen next. I could very easily give in to him. He awakened things inside me that Gavin had long since lulled to sleep

Still, I pushed against his chest and broke the kiss. “I’ve just called off an engagement, so I’m not interested in hooking up.” There was no way that I was telling him that the ache between my legs disagreed with me wholeheartedly.

“Suit yourself.” He dropped my hand and suddenly all the warmth I’d felt from him for those short moments was gone. The emotionless mask was back in place, and his demeanor was chilly. He picked my bags up from the floor and carried them to the door and out into the hall where he stopped in front of the door across from his room.

He saw my hesitation and spoke.

“You prefer that one?” He pointed to another door across the hall, and I shrugged.

“Why not?” I stepped over to it and turned the knob, stepping inside before I even turned on the light.

Rick was on his knees between Kayla’s legs, and he was lapping at her nice and slow as she moaned and writhed beneath him. I shut the door before either noticed me there and turned to bump right into Reed.

“Go ahead. I don’t think he’d mind if you joined in.”

“You’re a pig.” I tried to push him, but it was like hitting a wall, and he grabbed my wrist.

“Why don’t you come get to know me and find out, instead of assuming.”

“Oh, I know exactly who you are.” I’d left him back home. That’s who he was. Another Gavin, ego and all. “If you’ll excuse me.”

This time he allowed me to push past him and I went to my room and slammed the door. He’d left my bags just inside the door, so I grabbed the ones I needed and placed them on the foot of the bed, which was dressed in a gorgeous Americana quilt. The furniture in the room was all painted blue and distressed, and though it looked a bit patriotic, the theme didn’t smother the class of the room.

I noticed a door to the one side, which I guessed connected to the neighbors, and I’d seen quite enough of the two of them for one night. Rick had been gloriously naked, and I could see what Kayla had seen in him, but I couldn’t help but think that Reed was so much hotter.

On the other side of the room, there was a big window looking out to the grounds. At the back was a closet and a small door that led to a personal bathroom. I peeked inside to see a gorgeous claw-foot tub. There was a ringed curtain around the back of it, and a showerhead.

I treated myself to a warm bath, and I managed to get clean without making a huge mess or flooding the room.

I dried and dressed in a sleep tank and panties and went back into the room and tucked myself down into the bed, thinking all the while about the man across the hall. He was too hard to read, but I couldn’t help but be fascinated.

My core still ached from the thought of his touch, and it didn’t seem fair that beyond the door Kayla was getting pleasured so intently while I could only lay there and listen to her moans. If I hadn’t been so self-righteous, I might be enjoying the same experience in Reed’s room. Instead, I was forced to slip my hand into my own panties and release the tension that just being near the man had built between my legs.

I remembered the words Reed said to me about being in his bed and I pictured myself in between his sheets, with his face in my pussy, pleasuring me softly.

Although I was ridiculously wet and aroused, the idea of just straight going for it felt weird.

Closing my eyes, I brought my hands to my jaw and slowly drifted them down my neck as I imagined Reed kissing me there. My touch was light as a feather, but the fantasy in my mind made it feel like fire licking my skin. As my fingers lowered to my collarbone and chest, that fire started to spread down to my thighs.

My breathing grew heavier, and my thighs pressed together as the need for something more began to build within me. I brought my hands to my breasts and teased my nipples until the ache between my legs became nearly unbearable.

My juices dripped from me and trickled down to the mattress beneath me. It was a wonderful sensation. Trembling a little, I glided my hand down my stomach until it reached the space where my hip and thigh met. My heart pounded as I took a sharp turn and felt the wetness of my folds for the first time.

I felt soft and warm against my fingers, and though I’d touched myself in the past, this time felt completely different. It was surprisingly more intimate. I couldn’t deny that there was a part of me that felt like what I was doing was wrong because I’d just ended a relationship, but I decided that part was stupid and quickly pushed those thoughts aside as my fingers moved in a circular motion against my clit.

Shockwaves of pleasure shot up through my body. Within seconds, I was dizzy and breathless, but I didn’t stop. I wanted more.

I slid my hand lower and dipped a finger inside myself, amazed at the velvety feel of my drenched pussy. I drew my finger out and slid it in again, imagining it was Reed’s massive cock. I bucked and rolled against my fingers as I drew lazy circles over my swollen clit with my own sweet juices. Thinking again of how big Reed must be, I spread my hips wider and slid a second finger deep into myself, allowing my body to adjust to the new sensation before I started to thrust in and out . Withdrawing my slick fingers, I flicked the tips over my clit a few more times before my release. My back arched and my toes curled into the sheets underneath me.

The warmth—that delicious, maddening warmth—started to spread, making my limbs tingle and my chest tight. Finally, that heart turned to fire and my whole body exploded with the most delicious sensation. I had to bite my tongue to keep from screaming out. I couldn’t risk my housemates knowing I was finger-fucking myself.

Wouldn’t that be fun to explain?

With a broad smile on my lips, I relaxed my arms and waited for my breathing to return to normal. As I enjoyed the amazing afterglow, I couldn’t help but imagine how the real thing would feel.

I fought my urge through the night to run to Reed’s room but something told me that come morning all my restraint would be gone.

Damn it Bella, get a hold of your hormones. This man is nothing but trouble.

But maybe trouble was just what I needed in my life.