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Smash (Hard Hit Book 14) by Charity Parkerson (7)


The next time Kentucky opened his eyes, Rory was staring at him without blinking. Kentucky’s heart raced into his throat. “Are you okay?”

Rory nodded, and Kentucky’s heart slowed. “I thought I’d dreamed you were here, and I was scared to open my eyes.”

He still sounded like shit and his face was flushed. Kentucky felt of his forehead. “You’re still burning up.”

“Yeah. I’m not feeling great.”

Kentucky sat up. “You just said you were okay.”

“I am.”

Kentucky blew out a sigh. It was like Rory didn’t think he mattered at all to anyone. “Hold that thought while I grab you some more meds and water.”

Rory didn’t make a sound. Kentucky made a quick trip to the bathroom before heading for the kitchen. He was quickly learning his way around. After grabbing two bottles of water from the giant stainless-steel fridge, he found the medicine shelf Lucas had shown him earlier. With everything in hand, he headed back for the room. Voices floated from Rory’s open door. Kentucky’s steps slowed. It wasn’t his intention to eavesdrop. That didn’t stop him from trying to hear every word after hearing his name.

“Kentucky is here taking care of you. That’s got to have you already halfway on the mend.”

When Rory spoke, it sounded like it ripped out his vocal cords to rasp out each word. “Don’t get your hopes up. You’re the only person who’s ever cared about me. I imagine you’re the only person who ever will, and we’ll never love each other that way. It’s okay. Maybe I should head back to California. You’re with Jay now and Bryson and Shawn have given up pretending Shawn hasn’t moved into Bryson’s room. I’m just in the way.”

“You could never be in the way,” Lucas argued. “I can’t imagine not seeing your face every day. We swore to always take care of each other.”

Silence dragged on so long, guilt sneaked in for listening. Kentucky tensed, ready to make his presence known when Rory spoke again. “My soul is tired, baby. I feel like I’m a hundred years old. In California, I can disappear.”

“What do you mean?” It was like Lucas took the words from Kentucky’s mouth.

“You know what I mean.”

That was it. Kentucky stepped through the doorway. “I don’t.”

Lucas’ gaze shot to the door. He looked slightly guilty for some reason. Rory didn’t look his way.

Kentucky walked to the edge of the bed and stared down at him, refusing to be ignored. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

“I’ll leave the two of you alone. Let me know if you need anything.” Lucas practically ran from the room. Kentucky couldn’t say he blamed him.

Rory’s gaze slid Kentucky’s way before sliding away again. Damn. Rory looked like he felt awful. Kentucky didn’t have the heart to interrogate him.

“Come on,” Kentucky said, helping Rory to sit up enough to drink some water and take a couple of pills.

Rory stared at his lap and toyed with the covers between sips. He looked younger than ever. Broken. Kentucky couldn’t take it. He set the water aside and wrapped his arms around Rory.

Rory didn’t hug him back. “Stop. I don’t want to get you sick.”

“Hush. I want to hold you. It’s been like three days and my heart hurts. Jesus, you’re hot. I think I should take you to the doctor.”

Rory’s arms lifted as if he thought to hold Kentucky. They fell like he expected to be rejected. “Don’t worry over me.”

“It’s my job to worry over you. What would you do if I was the one who was sick?”

“I’d do whatever it took to make you better.”

Kentucky urged Rory onto his back. “That settles it. Rest for a minute. I’ll be back.” He went in search of Lucas. Thankfully, he was sitting on the couch. “Does Rory have a regular doctor he sees, or do I need to take him to a walk-in clinic?”

Lucas looked up from the book in his hands. “He has a doctor. I’ll find you the number.”

With a nod of thanks, Kentucky got moving. First, he called the doctor. Luckily, they had an open appointment. With that out of the way, Kentucky dug through Rory’s clothes, finding him something that matched. He’d noticed that seemed to matter to Rory. Rory was in and out as Kentucky dressed him. He found socks and shoes. The shoes halfway matched his outfit too. Kentucky patted himself on the back over that one as he tied Rory’s shoes. Finally, he wrapped Rory in a blanket. Even though it was eighty-six and sunny, Rory had a high fever. He didn’t want him to get cold. With Rory ready to go, Kentucky rushed through getting himself ready too. After ensuring he had everything he needed, Kentucky scooped Rory from the bed and headed for the door. Lucas spotted him and rushed ahead of him, opening the door to the house and truck for him. Kentucky buckled Rory in. His concern notched up by the second. Rory was too quiet and more asleep than awake.

Lucas looked worried too. “Let me program my number in your phone. That way, you can keep me posted.”

With a nod, Kentucky unlocked his phone and passed it over. Thankfully, Lucas was quick. Kentucky was ready to go. At the doctor’s office, Rory was a little more lucid. He walked into the building under his own power. Mostly. Kentucky refused to let him walk without Kentucky holding on to him. The wait felt like forever. He knew it had to feel twice as long to Rory. No one liked sitting at the doctor’s office when they felt like death. Rory wasn’t holding up as well by the time they made it to a room.

“Relax,” Kentucky said, urging Rory onto his back while they waited.

Rory shook. “I’m cold. Why can’t I just go back home? I feel too bad for this.”

Kentucky shamelessly dug through the cabinets until he found a stack of sheets. He grabbed two and covered Rory. “It’s almost over. I’ll make you better.”

A dark-haired doctor came through the door. “Hello, Rory. I’d ask how you’re feeling, but that would be crazy.” He checked the screen of the small laptop he carried. “Hmmm. One hundred and three fever. That’s not good. We’re not really into flu season yet, but I still want to test you for it. It’s not unheard of for cases to start showing up this early.”

Rory didn’t respond. He stayed still and let everything happen to him. The doctor swabbed Rory’s nose and throat.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Once they were alone again, Kentucky went back to trying to keep Rory warm. The seconds ticked by, stretching Kentucky’s nerves. He bit back a sigh of relief when the doctor reappeared. “Well, his strep test came back negative. Unfortunately, the flu test was positive. I’m going to write a prescription that should cut the length of the virus in half.” He focused on Kentucky. “I take it you’ll be the one caring for him.”

Kentucky nodded.

“I’ll write a prescription for you too. Go ahead and start taking it right away. That way, if you get it too, it shouldn’t be anywhere near as bad.”

“Okay.” Kentucky couldn’t get sick. Rory needed him.

The doctor kept talking, keeping Kentucky from spewing his thoughts. “Rotate between Tylenol and Ibuprofen every four hours. Rest and stay hydrated. If he gets worse or his temperature gets higher, go to the emergency room.”

“I’ve got him.” Kentucky meant every word. He wouldn’t leave Rory’s side.

With prescriptions in hand, Kentucky helped Rory back to the truck, lifting him inside so he didn’t have to climb. Once again, he buckled Rory’s seatbelt for him before wrapping him in the blanket. Rory’s teeth chattered, making Kentucky’s heart squeeze. He needed to get Rory back in bed.

The second he was behind the wheel, he shot a quick text to Lucas, letting him know his plans.

Kentucky: It’s Kentucky. Rory has the flu. I’ll take him to my place so he doesn’t get anyone there sick. You might want to sanitize the house.

Lucas: Poor thing. Keep me posted and text me if you need anything. I’ll scrub his room.

Kentucky: Thanks.

With that out of the way, Kentucky headed out to control what he could. His heart didn’t stop pounding until he had a bottle of water and meds in Rory. The worrying had him exhausted. When he tucked Rory beneath the covers, he climbed in with him. He held Rory tight, uncaring of the flu, the heat, or the shaking. They were a team. They were in this together.

“You have to get better,” Kentucky whispered against Rory’s temple. “I have so much to say.”

To his surprise, Rory gripped his shirt in a surprisingly strong hold. “Don’t disappear. Everyone I love disappears.”

Kentucky held Rory tighter. Considering how slurred Rory’s voice sounded, Kentucky didn’t think he’d remember this moment. Kentucky would never forget. He couldn’t imagine the scar it would leave to be discarded at a young age by his mother. Rory had to have some horrible abandonment issues. The other thing stealing Kentucky’s breath was the fact that Rory had confessed to loving him. He didn’t know how to react. Part of him was ecstatic to know he wasn’t alone in his feelings. Another part of him quietly broke over the realization of how much pain Rory hid behind his constant smile. Kentucky would make it better. He would be the one person in Rory’s life who never left. Kentucky had the strength Rory needed.

* * *

Rory woke up alone. It took him a minute to figure out where he was. When he realized he was in Kentucky’s bed, he sat up. For once, his head didn’t spin. The last thing he remembered with any clarity was puking on his bedroom floor. He half-ass recalled going to the doctor—like it happened in a dream. A bad dream. One where he felt awful and was freezing. Rory dropped his feet to the floor. He half expected to not be able to walk. Weakness weighed down on him, but his head was clear. Rory pushed to his feet. His body didn’t fail him. As he caught sight of himself in the bathroom mirror, Rory hissed. There were dark circles under his eyes, his hair was a matted mess, and a week’s worth of growth covered his chin. He hoped like hell Kentucky hadn’t looked at him while taking care of him. His current appearance almost rivaled the humiliation of puking in the floor.

Rory didn’t even think about it. He climbed into the shower. No way could he go on living in his own filth. The hot water felt amazing on his skin. He popped open his body wash and inhaled. There was nothing better than being clean. He took a longer than necessary shower, standing under the water until he felt halfway human. Rory wrapped himself in a fluffy towel and dug through the drawers until he found a comfortable outfit. He wasn’t ready for style yet. Once he was dressed and in front of the mirror once more, Rory’s brain took a different turn as he brushed his teeth. He was inside Kentucky’s space again. After the last time he’d been there, Rory had told himself he would leave the man in peace. It wasn’t fair for Rory to be here. Kentucky deserved to be free of him. Somewhere out there was an amazing man, waiting for Kentucky to find him. Someone who wouldn’t lie or steal his opportunities. Kentucky should already be signed with a new team. If not for Rory, he would be.

Rory stared at himself in the mirror. People would always recognize him. He would never be anything but an embarrassment to Kentucky. If it only affected him, Rory didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought. He wasn’t ashamed. But when it came to everything he’d stolen from Kentucky, he was filled with regret. Kentucky was the greatest guy. He deserved the world. Rory should set him free. It was the humane thing to do.

While holding tight to that thought, he headed for the closet and found his overnight bag. His gaze swept the bathroom. The idea of packing left him exhausted. Rory sat on the edge of the bathtub and looked around again. He didn’t know where to start. They’d only been together a couple of months, but their lives were already so entwined. Rory had bottles of crap in the shower. His toothbrush was in the toothbrush holder. There were bottles of different products scattered across the vanity. He knew there were a few things in the cabinet. Rory thought he even had some stuff under the sink.

He stood and tossed his empty bag back in the closet before heading back out to the bedroom. The dark blue curtains blocked out most of the sunlight, but there was still enough to see. Between that and the light spilling out from the bathroom, he could make out the whole room. The king-sized bed had a built-in bookcase in the headboard. There was a book resting on Rory’s side. It was his. There was also a bottle of lotion there that belonged to Rory. Three of the drawers in the oak chest of drawers were Rory’s now.

With a new realization dawning, he opened the bedroom door and stepped into the living room. His phone and laptop were on the coffee table. He didn’t know how his computer had gotten there, but there it was. His shoes were by the door. More than one pair. Rory headed for the kitchen. His gaze landed on his coffee cup, hanging on a hook above the coffeemaker. Kentucky had bought it for him because Rory liked the funny saying on it. It was from one of his favorite movies.

Rory’s gaze moved to the stove. Kentucky stood there cooking with his back to Rory. Rory eyed his wide shoulders and perfect ass. All that was his too. His new realization settled into his chest. He fucking lived here. Maybe not full-time, but Rory—at some point in time—had moved in, and Kentucky had let it happen. How the fuck had that happened? Rory didn’t care. He wouldn’t give this up without a fight. Maybe he didn’t deserve Kentucky, but he could change that. Rory closed the distance between them. He wrapped his arms around Kentucky’s waist and pressed his lips to the spot between the man’s shoulder blades. If Kentucky wanted him gone, he’d have to shove him away and toss him out. Rory wasn’t strong enough to walk away.

“Oh no. I’d planned to bring you breakfast in bed.”

The backs of Rory’s eyes burned at the claim. “It’s not too late. I could get back in bed.” Gah. His voice still sounded horrible.

Kentucky set his spatula aside and turned in Rory’s arms. He cupped Rory’s face while his gaze moved over Rory’s features, looking concerned. “Maybe you should. You still don’t sound one hundred percent.”

“I’m good. A little tired and weak, but I feel a lot better. I needed to get up and shower. Hell, I don’t even know what day it is.” He felt stupid having to ask, but everything had been a blur since he’d left here last.

Kentucky held him and stroked the small of his back. “It’s Saturday. You’ve been in and out all week.”

Horror overcame Rory. He’d been down longer than he thought. “Oh no. I was supposed to keep Lexi this weekend.”

“Don’t worry about it. As soon as Mom heard you were sick, she added Lexi to their reservation. He went with them. I figured once you were better, I’d surprise them with another weekend getaway and we’d keep Lexi that weekend instead.”

Kentucky talked like they had a future. Like he wasn’t done. “Okay.” Another thought hit. “Damn. You missed an entire week of work because of me. First, I let your mom down and then I left your dad shorthanded. Great.” Even to Rory’s ears, he sounded despondent. He’d been failing everyone right and left lately.

“Nope. Don’t worry about Dad.” He tilted Rory’s chin up, forcing Rory to meet his stare. “Don’t. Okay? Dad sent me home on Monday and told me to straighten out my life. He was tired of watching me mope. Even if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t have blamed you for getting sick. If Mom had been sick, he would’ve been the one out. He knows it’s my job to take care of you, and he expects it of me. That’s how he raised me. Family first.”

“I’m not family.” Fuck. Rory couldn’t stop the pitiful-sounding words from falling from his lips.

Kentucky’s features softened. “You are, because you’re everything to me. If you can’t tell by now that I love you, I don’t know how else to show you.”

Rory blinked. He wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly. “Did you just say you love me?”

Kentucky blew out a sigh. With a twist, he turned off the stove and moved the pan from the eye. “Come on. That voice of yours really does still sound horrible. I don’t think you should be up yet.” Before Rory could argue, Kentucky swept him off his feet. All Rory could do was hold the man’s neck while Kentucky carried him back to bed. After settling Rory into his spot, Kentucky climbed into bed next to him and gathered Rory against his chest. He stroked Rory’s hair, making Rory’s eyes fall closed. “Bryson stopped by earlier. He brought some more of your stuff. Another bag of clothes and your laptop. He says you have a deadline, and he didn’t think you’d want to miss it.”

Rory nodded but kept his eyes shut. He couldn’t stop soaking up the attention. “I’m almost finished. It’ll get done on time. You didn’t answer my question.”

“That’s because I realized something important when you left me. You’re always the one who asks the questions.” Kentucky brushed Rory’s hair away from his face, stroking him and making Rory want to cuddle closer. “Why don’t you answer a question for me? Were you happy with me? I mean, before everything went wrong.”

Rory nodded. “I never wanted to be anywhere else. When you invited me here that first night, I felt like I’d won the lottery. I never wanted you to look at me the way you did when Kieran told you everything. That’s no excuse for not telling you, but I knew it would hurt every bit as much as it did.”

Kentucky didn’t look away or back down from the topic. “You should’ve had a little more faith in me. I know I let you down with my initial reaction, but do you know what I wholeheartedly believe?”

Rory couldn’t stop hanging on Kentucky’s every word. He looked at peace. Rory wanted to feel that way too. “What?”

Kentucky touched Rory’s jaw, ensuring he didn’t look away. “In my heart, I honest to god believe if you’d stayed that night, I would’ve been over it by morning. That’s how much I love you. I can’t see myself without you.” Kentucky blinked as if the words hurt. When he spoke again, his voice came out in a whisper. “I need to know you can’t see yourself without me.”

“I knew who you were the first time we met.”

Confusion etched Kentucky’s features. “Okay.”

“I didn’t tell you I recognized you because I didn’t want you to think I was some crazed fan. That’s what I would’ve thought. I also don’t want you to think I’m keeping anything else from you.”

Kentucky’s confusion didn’t clear. “Okay.”

Rory didn’t let up. “Because I love you and I can’t see myself without you.” Rory touched Kentucky’s cheek. He needed to feel the man beneath his palm.

Kentucky turned his head and kissed Rory’s wrist. With his eyes closed, he kept his lips pressed to Rory’s skin. He took a deep breath as if inhaling Rory’s scent. “Please don’t leave me again,” he breathed against Rory’s skin.

“I didn’t want you to see me fall apart. It killed me knowing I’d hurt you. It’s not an excuse, but I think I sort of hoped you just didn’t want me to know you’d heard of me.”

He felt Kentucky smile against his wrist. His eyes shone with laughter when he met Rory’s gaze again. “Nope. You should probably take my man card. I don’t watch porn. Obviously, I have. A really long time ago. It wasn’t for me.”

The fact that Kentucky was openly discussing the topic kept Rory talking. “Hold that thought.” He rolled from the bed and raced to the living room. After grabbing his laptop, he returned to the bed. Rory fired the device to life. While Rory waited for everything to load, he explained his thoughts. “I don’t think you’d completely hate everything I’ve done.” He pulled up some images and turned the screen Kentucky’s way. “See.”

* * *

Rory’s “see” was all the warning Kentucky got before he was staring at the hottest fucking picture he’d ever seen in his life. It looked like a magazine spread. In a sexy pose and hard as steel, Rory was on full display. Kentucky found himself moving closer to the screen. He tried to be practical. “Is this a magazine?”

Rory nodded. “It’s part of a spread I did for a skin magazine. I’ve done a few of those.” He clicked around on the computer. “Here’s something else you might not hate.” A video popped up on the screen. It was Rory on a white couch. A perfect backdrop for his caramel skin. He stroked his cock, looking turned on and ready to blow. Kentucky went hard, disproving his earlier words about porn. The thing was—it was Rory. He was sexy and mind blowing. He belonged to Kentucky. Kentucky couldn’t look away. He could watch Rory all night. Kentucky imagined countless people felt the same way, and it was his bed Rory shared. Rory loved him. Goddamn. He was a lucky bastard.

Rory shook his head. “It doesn’t feel real when I see myself like this,” he said, sounding pragmatic, considering how turned on Kentucky was beside him. “I can’t tell you how long it took me to get comfortable doing things like this with tons of people standing around.”

Kentucky leaned closer to the screen as if he could peek around the edge to see the people for himself. “There are people there?”

Rory’s chuckle sounded deeper than usual with his fucked-up voice. “Who do you think is recording me? There’s a cameraman and a ton of other people milling around off screen. They’re eating breakfast and scrolling through social media on their phones. The typical viewer sees me while I see a bunch of people at work on a Tuesday. If that’s not an erection killer, I don’t know what is.” Rory’s shoulder lifted in a half shrug. “Anyhow, that’s me. That’s how I made my money.” He shut the laptop, stealing the vision from Kentucky.

Kentucky tore his hungry gaze away from the closed device that hid Rory’s hotness. He had the real thing in his bed. “You’re beautiful and make me proud,” Kentucky said as he shifted to his knees. He set the laptop on the headboard before covering Rory’s body with his. “I still prefer the real thing.”

Rory stared up at him, looking stunned. “I make you proud?”

Kentucky nodded. “Life handed you nothing, and you didn’t let it beat you. You survived and found me. Goddamn, I’m proud you didn’t give up.”

The way Rory blinked as if fighting tears let Kentucky know he was right. Rory had thought about giving up more than once. “I love you.” Rory’s voice came out in a whisper.

“I love you too.” Kentucky placed a light kiss on Rory’s chin. “How are you feeling, seriously?”

A small smile passed over Rory’s lips. “Like I just had the flu, and it wiped me out.”

“What do you need to make it better?” Kentucky really needed Rory better.

“Can you just cuddle with me for a little while?” Rory’s question sounded so vulnerable, Kentucky’s heart twisted.

“Come here, baby,” Kentucky said, shifting positions. With a roll, he tucked Rory against his chest. Face to face, Kentucky rubbed Rory’s back, doing his best to bring him comfort.

Rory buried his face against Kentucky’s neck. Every few seconds, his lips would brush Kentucky’s throat. The gentle caress had Kentucky hard as a rock. He kept enough space between them Rory wouldn’t notice. Kentucky didn’t want him to think this was about sex. He just wanted to make Rory happy.

“I knew you’d be at the ice rink when I accidentally on purpose ran into you.”

A smile tugged at Kentucky’s lips at the quietly spoken confession. “I know. The lady who works the front counter, Anna, she told me after you left the shop that day that the two of you had been talking about me. She said she’d told you where I’d be in passing and it didn’t occur to her until afterward that you might be a crazy person. Since I was already worried I’d missed my chance, I hoped you’d show.”

A chuckle vibrated against Kentucky’s throat, making the erection problem worse. Rory took a deep breath. His chest expanded at the move. As he released the air, it blew across Kentucky’s skin, causing goosebumps to rise. “There’s still a part of me that’s scared shitless we’re not okay.”

Kentucky drew back where he could see Rory’s face. “Why?”

Rory shrugged. His gaze skirted away. “You won’t kiss me. I mean, you kissed my chin, but it’s like you—”

Kentucky touched his lips to Rory’s, cutting off whatever stupid thing he was about to say before it could make him crazy. As always, the moment their tongues brushed, an explosion of desire burned through Kentucky. Without thought, he had Rory underneath him again. He rocked against the man automatically, seeking relief. This was why he hadn’t kissed Rory. It had nothing to do with not being okay. Rory still wasn’t a hundred percent and Kentucky didn’t know how to hold back with Rory. He needed Rory too much. Loved him too much. Kentucky tried pulling back when he couldn’t control his body’s reaction. “I’m sorry. You’re still—”

Rory held tight, refusing to let him pull away. “Make love to me,” he said, killing Kentucky’s argument while it still lingered on his lips. A devilish glint flashed in Rory’s eyes. “Of course, you’ll have to do all the work since I’m short on energy, so if you don’t think you’re up to the challenge...”

Kentucky didn’t argue. Instead, he slowly stripped their clothes while stealing kisses and touches. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

Kentucky smiled at the sweetness in Rory’s voice. “On the inside too,” he added, dipping his chin and touching his lips to Rory’s. “You won’t be sorry for keeping me.” As he made the claim, Kentucky boldly stroked Rory’s erection. Rory sucked in a hiss. Kentucky couldn’t help trying for more. He massaged Rory’s balls and fingered his ass while kissing him deep. Rory’s hips lifted, seeking more as delicious moans came from his throat, vibrating around their entwined tongues.

Kentucky blindly reached for the lube and a condom. Pre-cum dripped onto Rory’s stomach and Kentucky’s hands shook in his need as he fumbled around trying to suit up. His brain itched like he hadn’t been inside Rory in years. He couldn’t explain why Rory always made him this way. Kentucky always went from zero to ready to blow the moment they touched. With a condom in place, Kentucky tried to slow down. His lubed fingers fucked Rory’s ass while Kentucky tried focusing on their kiss rather than his weeping cock. Damn, he loved the way Rory’s full bottom lip felt between his teeth. He liked where those lips felt other places too. One night while they’d cooked, Rory unexpectedly dropped to his knees in the kitchen while waiting for water to boil. Kentucky’s chin had hit his chest. Rory’s lips had locked around Kentucky’s dick and he’d blown in Rory’s mouth before the first bubble appeared in the water. He’d never experienced anything like it. His orgasm had been hard and fast while the suction hadn’t let up.

At the memory, Kentucky pushed inside Rory. He pumped at the man’s cock like it was his as he impaled Rory. The tight heat squeezing him had Kentucky sucking in a hiss. He leaned away and held Rory’s stare. The flush on Rory’s cheeks and the way he sucked air through slightly parted lips nearly stole Kentucky’s orgasm right then. He held still and concentrated on giving Rory the world’s best hand job while the sensation passed.

“You make it hard for me to last long enough to please you. It’s never been like this for me.”

A soft moan escaped Rory. That was all the warning he gave before cum jetted through the air, coating his skin. That was all the permission Kentucky needed. He reclaimed Rory’s lips, biting his lips before delving deep. He sucked Rory’s tongue as he pounded inside him, reaching as his body wound tighter. The pressure building in his cock had him gasping. His lungs stopped working for half a heartbeat. Pleasure exploded through him, causing his heart to skip several beats. His hips kept moving, seeking every last pulse. Kentucky rolled to his side as he collapsed, bringing Rory with him. Their lips clung. Each of them refused to give up their kiss. In that moment, Kentucky believed nothing could tear them apart. They were strong and meant to be. Rory was that thing he’d been missing for years. His other half.




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