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Smash (Hard Hit Book 14) by Charity Parkerson (2)


Rory adored Kentucky’s family. He hoped the man knew how lucky he was. Lisa was incredibly sweet. She’d fed Rory more information in a couple hours than he could absorb. He’d learned she’d gotten sick after Kentucky was born and been told she couldn’t have more kids. Fast forward twenty-three years later, when she was forty-two, lamenting the fact she’d probably never have grandkids, and surprise. She was pregnant with Lexi. He’d also learned Kentucky was a huge help and loved his brother more than life. Their family made Rory’s chest hurt. He was happy for Kentucky and jealous for himself. Still, he was grateful for having met them. He hated to say goodbye.

As he waved to them in the parking lot, Kentucky’s hand slid across the small of his back. “My family loves you.”

“They're amazing.” Rory had a hard time concentrating on anything with Kentucky touching him.

“So are you. You realize fifty dollars is a lot of money to give a four-year-old.”

Rory shrugged. “I have no idea what the going rate is on toys these days. It’s not a big deal.”

Kentucky’s smile was amazing. Each time he smiled, Rory’s gaze automatically slipped to the man’s mouth. “It was a big deal to Lexi. He loved that. Would you like to grab a drink with me?”

“It was nice to make Lexi smile. I’m not much of a bar hopper,” Rory admitted, hating that about himself in that moment. It was more about the people in bars than the bars themselves.

Kentucky’s eyes flashed with wicked intent. “Actually, I thought we could have a drink at my place. That way, we can talk and actually hear each other.” Kentucky’s house sounded more dangerous than the bar. When he didn’t respond right away, Kentucky shook his head. “Nope. Get that out of your mind. I promise you’ll leave there un-accosted. I know you have no reason to believe me, but I’ve never had sex with anyone on a first date.”

Oh no. Now Rory kind of wanted to be the first. No one should be so sexy they made someone want to be disrespected. “Okay.” Damn. He was stupid.

Kentucky’s smile made it worthwhile. “You can follow me there.”

“I don’t have my car,” Rory admitted. “When I came to the party, I told my friends they could go on without me. I’d planned to call for a ride, but I can do that from your place later. If it’s okay?”

“Or I could just take you home in the morning.”

Even to Rory, his immediate smile felt blinding. “I thought you didn’t have sex on the first date.”

Kentucky draped a heavy arm across Rory’s shoulders and steered him through the parking lot. “Oh, I didn’t say anything about sex. I want a drink and I don’t drink and drive. Plus, I kind of like the thought of keeping you all night. I want to know you.”

An inner happy sigh rang through Rory’s mind. He was like a kid on Christmas with Kentucky touching him. If the man knew how many times he’d fantasized about this moment, he’d run. “In the morning is fine. I’d like to know you too.”

Kentucky led him to the passenger side of a black newer model F-250. Rory found his back against the door. Kentucky hovered over him, looking much larger than Rory anticipated. “Let’s get something out of the way.” Before Rory had time to question the statement, Kentucky’s mouth covered his. Rory’s body reacted like the man had dropped to his knees. His stomach muscles clenched in anticipation of the pleasure. Kentucky sank his teeth into Rory’s bottom lip and tugged. A moan escaped Rory without a single fuck given. His palms found Kentucky’s waist, feeling him up as he pulled him closer. Their tongues met. Rory fought the urge to climb Kentucky like a tree and rock his world. His whole body was on fire.

Kentucky cupped his face and went deeper, weakening Rory’s knees. He didn’t want to stop, but Kentucky pulled away. With his eyes closed and visibly fighting for breath, Kentucky was the sexiest man Rory had ever seen. Kentucky opened his eyes. He looked every bit as turned on as Rory. “Goddamn.”

Yeah. Rory felt the same.

“Maybe I should take you home. I’m not sure I’ll keep my hands to myself, after all.”

“I don’t want to go home.” Rory’s confession came out in a whisper. His throat didn’t want to work.

Kentucky gave him a short nod and opened the door for Rory. “I’ll try to behave.”

“I can’t make the same promise,” Rory said as Kentucky closed the door. He wasn’t sure if Kentucky heard him. Either way, Rory had tried to warn him. He was determined to have Kentucky. Maybe it wouldn’t be tonight, but it would happen.

* * *

Kentucky had thought to kiss Rory and take the pressure off, hoping he wouldn’t spend the whole night thinking about kissing him. Now, he couldn’t think of anything else. As he watched Rory trail through his home, inspecting all his books and photos, his mind was trapped in a cycle. All he wanted was to lure Rory to the bedroom.

“Awwww. Lexi is short for Lexington. That’s cute,” Rory said, pointing to Lexi’s birth announcement. “Do your parents have some odd Kentucky fetish?”

The question stole a chuckle from Kentucky. “They say Lexington, Kentucky is their fertile breeding ground. Once you really get to know my parents, you’ll figure out they’re a bit strange. My dad does these auto part conventions. It’s a great way to travel and write it off on taxes. Anyhow, there’s this huge convention every year in Lexington. My mom has only gone with him twice. Both times, she’s gotten pregnant.”

“That’s sweet,” Rory said as he moved to sit on the couch. “What about you? Do you travel a lot?”

Kentucky joined him, sitting as close as possible without an ounce of shame. “I used to. Back when I played hockey for Houston and New York, I traveled all the time. Of course, all I ever saw of every city was the airport, the arena, and the hotel. Still, I miss the travel. I’d like to see more places.”

Rory leaned forward and tugged off his fleece. Kentucky didn’t know how he’d stood it this long in the heat. Still, Kentucky enjoyed the show. Rory had a sleek body. It was made for sex. Kentucky had to take a breath through his nose, hoping to control his body. A tattoo of a wolf in pride colors covered Rory’s forearm. It was bright and gorgeous. Kentucky found himself dragging his fingers along the design. “That’s beautiful.”

“Thank you.” There was heat in Rory’s tone. Kentucky’s gaze snapped to his. That same heat was in Rory’s eyes.

“You’re beautiful.”

Rory’s gaze dropped to Kentucky’s mouth before returning to meet his stare. “You’re making it hard to behave. I’d hate to ruin your streak of good behavior.”

“Maybe I should grab those drinks for us.”

Rory’s eyebrows rose as if waiting to see which road Kentucky would choose. He stood before he fell on Rory with his dick out. Rory stood too and trailed behind him on the way to the kitchen, inspecting everything as they passed. “This is a nice place. Did you say you played hockey for Houston and New York?”

Kentucky nodded as he grabbed two beers from the fridge. “I was with Houston for seven years before moving to New York for one season. Unfortunately, I only played five games before getting hurt. Now, well, you see where I am now.” He passed one beer Rory’s way.

“The world needs mechanics more than it needs hockey players,” Rory said, looking sincere.

“I suppose. What do you do?”

A knowing smile touched Rory’s lips. “It’s okay if you’d rather be playing hockey. Can you not go back to it?”

“It’s unlikely another major team would touch me. I’m not sure if I want to go back to the minors.” Kentucky shrugged and took a drink before explaining. “I spent seven years fighting to get picked up. If I went back, it would have to be for the love of the game, and nothing else. I wouldn’t be working toward anything. The idea doesn’t hold much appeal, but you never know.”

Rory set his beer aside without taking a drink. With his back against the counter, he snagged Kentucky’s shirt and hauled him closer. Kentucky watched it happen through hooded eyes. Damn, Rory made it hard to resist touching him.

“I think you should do what makes you happy,” Rory said, towing Kentucky forward until he could wrap his arms around his neck. He had sincere eyes. Kentucky couldn’t look away. “Would you be happier stuck in the minors or at your dad’s shop? Don’t think. Just answer.”

“I don’t know,” Kentucky answered honestly.

A bright smile lit Rory’s face. “You’re not making it easy to help.”

“Maybe I’m still figuring it out.”

“I think maybe you should kiss me again.”

At Rory’s claim, Kentucky shuffled closer until their bodies touched. “Is that so?”

Instead of answering, Rory held his stare, obviously waiting for Kentucky to make a move.

“I’m trying to behave,” Kentucky reminded him.

“It’s almost midnight,” Rory said, luring Kentucky into being bad. “You’ve had a beer already. I think—technically—that makes this our second date.”

Kentucky lowered his head. His eyes gave away his lust. “You’re right. I don’t hold any second date records.”

* * *

Rory snapped under the pressure of being in Kentucky’s arms. Going up on his toes, he captured Kentucky’s lips. Their tongues stroked, battling to get closer. Kentucky’s hands were everywhere. Rory felt pulled in a dozen directions. He didn’t know which move to make. With no real plan in mind, he urged Kentucky’s shirt higher until Kentucky leaned away long enough to let him have it. With Kentucky’s torso bare, Rory couldn’t stop touching him. He was hard. Everywhere. Just large, solid muscle for Rory’s hands to enjoy.

Beneath Kentucky’s fingers, Rory’s pants loosened. Kentucky’s large hands found the bare globes of Rory’s ass. He kneaded while urging Rory’s body against his. Rory went for the button of Kentucky’s jeans. His hands were forced away when Kentucky pulled Rory’s shirt up and dragged it over his head.

Kentucky eyed Rory’s body for a moment. “Goddamn,” he growled before reclaiming Rory’s mouth. The feeling was mutual. Rory’s dick leaked in his underwear, begging.

Rory’s fingers found the button of Kentucky’s jeans again. He managed to get it undone before—once again—his hands were forced away. This time, Kentucky spun him in his arms. Rory found himself clinging to the edge of the counter as Kentucky’s teeth sank into his back. He gasped for air as Kentucky trailed tiny bites down his spine. Kentucky dragged Rory’s jeans and underwear down as he went. He bit Rory’s ass. A deep moan escaped Rory. He’d never been this close to coming with zero contact with his dick. Then, Kentucky reached around and boldly stroked Rory’s cock. Rory dropped his forehead onto his hands at the edge of the counter. The pleasure weakened his knees. He couldn’t stop the sounds falling from his lips. Kentucky fingered his asshole. A frisson ran through him.

“Please?” He gave no fucks over begging. Rory had never been hornier in his life. He heard the condom wrapper before he saw it hit the floor. His brain was stuck in hyperdrive. He needed release. Rory sucked in a breath as Kentucky probed at his ass, stretching him. Everything moved so fast. Nothing felt real.

“No,” Kentucky said, pulling away and confusing Rory. “Not like this.”

The world tilted, and a laugh caught in Rory’s throat as he found himself slung over Kentucky’s shoulder. He headed back toward the living room. Rory barely caught glimpses of the black kitchen appliances and dark marble countertops before they were on hardwood and headed for the dark leather couch.

Rory slid down Kentucky’s body. The man’s strength had Rory breathless. Kentucky sat, urging Rory to straddle his hips. Their lips met. This time, when Kentucky’s cock pushed at Rory’s asshole, it didn’t feel as frantic.

“I think we’re going to need more lube than what’s on the condom.”

A chuckle escaped Rory as he dropped his head to Kentucky’s chest. His erection stared up at him, needing relief. “This isn’t going well.” Even he wasn’t sure if he spoke to Kentucky or his dick.

Kentucky urged his chin up, forcing Rory to meet his stare. “This is going beautifully,” he said, tightening Rory’s throat with his sincerity. “It’s just that you’re really tight and I’m kind of big. I’m thinking this needs to move to the bedroom.”

Damn. He was so sexy and sweet. They should’ve waited. One day, they’d probably both look back on this day and regret every minute.

* * *

Rory looked worried he was failing Kentucky in some way. Kentucky couldn’t have the man feeling that way. In fact, the problem was the opposite. Rory was too perfect. Kentucky didn’t think he’d last long enough to please Rory.

Determined to move slower, Kentucky gathered Rory against his chest and headed for the bedroom. He was a grown man. He could slow down. With Rory on the bed and some semblance of self-control returning, Kentucky found the lube. He crawled into bed beside Rory. Rory watched him with so much heat Kentucky couldn’t resist recapturing his lips. Their kiss turned molten the second their lips met. Rory writhed beneath him—like he needed Kentucky or he’d die.

The moans and whimpers coming from Rory had Kentucky lubing the man’s asshole, desperate to get inside him. Rory’s short fingernails bit into Kentucky’s shoulders when Kentucky fingered him. Kentucky fought for air. His dick twitched and leaked, ready to blow with no one touching it. Kentucky rolled, urging Rory to straddle his body. The moment he had Rory in position, Kentucky probed at the man’s ass again, stretching, and pushing his way inside. Kentucky bit his bottom lip, trying to hold back a whimper. Rory was tight and perfect. He was hot and killing Kentucky.

Rory made a sound that had an involuntary twitch running through Kentucky. He was barely hanging on. Then, Rory spoke, making things worse. “You’re so damn sexy. You’ve got me ready to come already.” Rory sucked in an audible breath. “I can’t remember the last time I wanted anyone this badly.”

Kentucky couldn’t get enough of Rory. He was vocal, expressive, and sexy as hell. The man left no room for doubt that Kentucky was doing the job he needed. It was the biggest turn-on he’d ever experienced. When he thought the moment couldn’t get any hotter, Rory set his hand on Kentucky’s jaw and held him in place, ensuring he couldn’t look away as Rory rode his cock. Their gazes never wavered. The flush on Rory’s cheeks deepened. He reached between them and stroked himself. Kentucky couldn’t have looked away if he tried. Rory’s body tensed. A gasp escaped Kentucky. Pressure beat at his crown. His entire body tightened in anticipation. Rory’s body began to spasm. In a move Kentucky had never experienced, Rory quickly covered Kentucky’s eyes, protecting them from the jets of cum as they hit him. The move sent Kentucky over the edge. He’d never been with someone so sexual. As Rory leaned in and kissed him, Kentucky had a bad feeling he’d just been ruined for anyone else.




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