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Snow by B.K Leigh (5)

Chapter 6


It’s been weeks since I’ve heard from Jaimie. All of my persistent texts and phone calls have gone unanswered. Every time I bring it up to Tim and Jake they assure me he’s fine, which can only mean one thing… he’s completely ignoring me. Not going to lie, that fact does sting a little. Okay it actually stings a lot. I just thought we were closer than that. Apparently I was dead wrong. In the best interest of my friendship with the boys, I decided to forgive them, for the most part. Their constant groveling can’t really hurt the matters anyway.

Slowly by slowly my mind has been drifting off to Gideon. For the past three weeks my mind has been revolving around his chiseled jaw and deep dark eyes. I can’t help but be completely intrigued by him. How can I hear so many awful rumors about one person only to find out they’re nothing but lies?

On more than one occasion now Gideon has stormed in like a knight in shining armor. He kept himself at a safe distance, something I wasn’t exactly used to. I was scared as hell to wake up in his house, a stranger’s house to be exact. I had the instinct to run, but something held me back. I almost had a heart attack when I bumped into him again at the grocery store…literally. My cheeks were red with embarrassment as I slammed into the massive man and then the floor.

“You gonna put something else on?” Jake says as he walks into the living room with a bowl of chips in his hand. His rough voice breaks through my reverie.

“What’s wrong with my outfit?” I look myself up and down.

“Come on, Add’s. You’ve been wearing the same ACDC T-shirt and cut offs for days.” Tim speaks up next to me and I punch him in his arm.

“What’s wrong with that? I’m just comfortable, I didn’t realize I needed to impress our ex fellow classmates.” I roll my eyes and scoop up a handful of chips. They both take turns eyeing me up and down.

“Well what am I gonna do? It’s not like I brought anything to change into.” They both give me a ‘yeah right’ look.

“Come on, Add’s. You’ve been coming here for years I practically have a drawer filled with your clothes. Besides if you really don’t have anything I’m sure you can borrow something of Shelly’s.” I cringe at the thought of wearing one of Shelly’s skimpy outfits. I’m more of a laid back kind of girl, shorts, T-shirts and chucks are more my style.

“Seriously?” I say looking between the two. They nod in unison. “Ugh fine whatever, but I’m not wearing a dress!” I get up from the couch and stomp my way up the stairs, there deep chuckles resonating with each and every step I take.

An hour later I’m looking at myself in the floor length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. The black material hugs my body in all the right places, bringing light to curves I never thought I had. My legs are pale in contrast to the dark material. Thanks to Tim’s older sister Shelly, I had a whole wardrobe at my leisure. If Jaimie could see me now he’d have a heart attack.

“You almost done Add’s? It’s been fucking forever.” A loud knock sounds against the bathroom door followed by Jake’s gruff voice.

“Give me a minute Jake, you guys are the ones who said I needed to change.” I huff leaning against the counter to put mascara on my lashes. My makeup matches the tiny little dress I’m wearing, black as the night outside. And yes I said dress. Going through Shelly’s tiny makeup bag I stop once I find the perfect shade of lipstick. If I’m going to wear a dress I’m gonna go all out. The little tube in my hand say’s vixen red, it’s just the shade I need to compliment my outfit. I take one last look in the mirror. I barely recognize the girl staring back at me. The only resemblance is the unruly curly hair sticking out in almost every direction. I open the door and make my escape.

“Oh hot damn!” Tim lets out a whistle as I step foot in front of him and Jake.

“Jesus Christ, Add’s. You trying to give me a hard on here or what?” I blush at Jake’s words, and quickly cover it back up.

“Oh come on guys, you act like you’ve never seen a goddam girl before. Scoot over.” I kick at Tim’s leg with my heeled boot and sit down beside him. I feel the heat of their gaze on me burning my skin. “Uhh Jake you’re drooling, calm down boy.” I roll my eyes and go for the chips again, anything to distract me from there carnal reactions. If Jaimie was here they’d be dead.

“Sorry Addy, you can’t blame a guy for reacting like this when a female walks in the room dressed like that.” His hand goes up and down gesturing towards my outfit and my eyebrows pinch together.

“You’re such a pig Jake, just finish that and give it to me will you?” I point to the unrolled joint in his hand wait for him to finish with anticipation.

An hour later a strong buzz runs through my body. The place is packed like a can of sardines. Jake hasn’t left my side the whole night, and the alcohol in my blood has me doing things I never thought I’d do. We dance in the group of other teenagers groping and dry humping, my back to Jake’s front grinding to the music. I don’t miss the subtle looks the boys and girls seem to cast our way. For the last four years this was me and Jaimie bumping, grinding and touching. For this one night I let my imagination play tricks on me. If I close my eyes for just one moment, I’m able to imagine its Jaimie with his arms wrapped tightly around my middle, big hand splayed around my flat stomach. It’s messed up and I know it.

“Holy Fuck Add’s!” Tim’s small frame and bright red hair appear in front of us from out of nowhere. It takes me a moment to focus my haze filled eyes on him.  “You guy’s wanna come join me?” he points a thumb over his shoulder, and I automatically shake my head yes.

“Come on, Jakey.” I pull on his hand and follow the bright red flames in front of me out to our usual spot on the porch. People stare in awe as we pass by, either from my new look, or the fact that Jake was practically just dry humping me in the living room turned dance floor. I smile to myself at the thought of Jaimie’s reaction to seeing us three now. It’s been a week and we’re already almost completely different from how we were when we last saw him. The group dynamic has somehow changed and I’m still trying to decide whether it’s for the better or not.

We take our usual seats at the little glass table, with Jake sitting a little too close. The bottle of whiskey gets passed back and forth between us until it’s almost empty.

“Do you even know any of those people Timmy?” I half slur. I look towards the windows of the sliding glass doors, and out of the hundred people packed inside the only two I care to know are sitting right beside me.

“Not really.” He chuckles. “You doing okay Add’s?” he takes the bottle from my tiny fingers. I watch as he slugs the rest of the amber liquid back.

“I’m not really sure, my head feels fuzzy.” I tap my head to try to shake the fuzziness away, but that only seems to make the spinning worse.

“Great, we’re only an hour in and we already gotta babysit your ass.” Tim’s words only seem to set my anger off.

“What are you even talking about you don’t need to babysit me, I’m fine.” I spit.

“Look at yourself, Add’s. You’re practically falling out of you dress, dry humping Jake from here to china and back and probably a shot or two away from passing out completely.” He pulls a joint from his pocket and lights it up. Is it really so wrong for me to want a hit of that too?

“Come on Tim, she’s just letting off some steam.” Jake chimes in from my side.

“Oh what, like Jaimie will be just letting off steam on your face  when he sees all the snapchat’s of you two getting a little too cozy on the dance floor?” Tim aim’s toward Jake and my cheeks light up with fire. I look to Jake and see a flash of worry cross his eyes.

“Oh lighten up, Timmy. We were just having some fun.” I go to stand and wobble on my feet. Being out here with these two seems to be dragging me down. First step is to go find the bathroom, next is to finish my night on a good note.

“Where you going Addy?” Jake asks as I begin to make my journey to the land of the far away bathroom.

“Away from you two pansies, you’re dragging my high down.” I grumble as a soft chuckle resonates from behind me.

“That’s my girl.” Tim’s voice fades away the further I get, and is replaced with the roaring sound of the bass drum beating from somewhere inside the packed house. Faces blur by me as I stumble my way to the upstairs bathroom, hoping it’s not as packed as the one downstairs was. Except for a few stragglers braced against the wall here and there, the top floor is mostly empty. I find my way into the bathroom and close the door behind me. Looking at the girl in the mirror she looks nothing like the brunette bombshell that stepped out of this small room earlier in the night. Her hair is everywhere, forehead lined with a thin sheen of sweat and her bright red lips are smudged. I’m doing a great job at looking trashy. I start to dab a piece of wet toilet paper around my lips when the door handle turns.

“Ocupodo.” I yell towards the wooden door, except the assailant continues to make their way into the small space.  “I said it’s occupied.” I say angrily attempting to push the door closed, but I’m pushed away.

“Adeline Miller.” I back away from the looming man in front of me and try to remember where the heck I know him from. My name on his lips sends chills down my spine.

“What are you doing in here, I said it was occupied.” I repeat myself for the umpteenth time, all the while slowly backing away from him. His shoulders are broad and he towers above me by almost a foot.

“Just thought I’d come say hi, it’s been a while.” I hear the click of the lock behind him and my heart lurches in my chest. He must see the look of confusion on my face because it prompts him to continue. “Come on, you remember me right? Scott from chemistry?” I try to rack my brain for a Scott and finally remember him.

“My lab partner?” all this thinking has my brain running in circles. My body’s starting to feel sloppy the longer the alcohol is soaked into my bloodstream.

“Ding, ding, ding there you go.” He steps towards me and I step back. Something about his demeanor has my heart racing and not in a good way. My hands tug on my dress trying to cover up as much skin as possible, but just the small movement has his eyes flaring with want.

“Well it was nice talking to ya Scotty, but Jake and Tim are waiting for me.” I make a move to shove my way past him but he blocks my way and cages me in against the sink. The cool edge of the granite bites my skin as I’m pushed further against it.

“It’s not nice to lie Adeline.” His breath skirts over my cheeks and it takes everything in me to keep the contents of my stomach down. “I happen to know at this very moment your two body guards are downstairs on the outside deck.” He brings a finger up and traces the outline of my cheek.

“They’re probably wondering where I am, it’s been a while.” I push against his arm and he pins me harder against the cold sink.

“Ah, ah, ah.” He chastises. “But we haven’t had any fun yet.” a huge thigh comes between my legs and forces them apart. I try to force them back together but the alcohol has my limbs feeling weak and floppy. I bring my hand up in the air and connect with the side of his face when I feel one of his large hands latch onto my breast.

“Ah fuck!” his arms leave me for about two seconds and I take that time to stumble towards the door. “You bitch!” I feel the hairs on my head get ripped as my head gets pulled backwards. I stumble hard in my heeled boots, but a strong arm digging into my bicep saves me from landing completely on my ass. As soon as I’m back standing on my two feet I feel the back side of his hand connect with my cheek and I shriek in pain.

“Fuck!” my hand goes up to cradle my throbbing cheek.

“You’re not leaving here until I get what I fucking want.” He takes that moment to advance on me. His hands are everywhere and anywhere all at once and it’s making my head spin. I try to push him off but’s it no use, even in a sober state I’d doubt I’d be able to defend myself. I feel the hem of my dress lift up just as black spots begin to crowd my vision. His tongue invades my mouth and I choke on a gag. His touch is unrelenting, making my body shiver in all the wrong ways. I take one last ditch effort to bite down on his tongue and push against his chest with all my might.

“I Said No!” my voice raises to a scream as he stumbles away in shock. The copper taste of his blood in my mouth has me almost doubling over.

“You fucking bitch.” His voice is muffles by blood from his cut tongue. It all plays out like a movie. The strike that comes next has got to be one packed with all the force one could muster. I feel my lips break open on impact and I drop to my knees in a clouded state. It takes a while for the room to stop spinning.

“Add’s?” I hear my name come through the door and my heart literally leaps in its chest.

“Tim!” I try to yell but Scott cuts me off.

“It’s occupied bud.” Scott yells towards the door and I hope like hell Tim heard me.

“Is Adeline in there?” Jake’s voice is next. I’m still on my knees thanking my lucky stars these two are only feet away from rescuing me.

“Jake!” I try again.

“Addy is that you?” his muffled voice comes in again.

“Listen man I said it was occupied, what’s your problem?” Scott opens the door just a crack, and I can see the jean clad legs of my two best friends.

“My problem is I heard a girl who sounds just like my best friend Adeline Miller in that bathroom, my other problem would be the fact that you’re in that said bathroom also.” Jake’s voice went from concerned to angry real fucking fast.

“And I told you its occupied, now take your little fuck boy and get lost.” I watch Scott start to close the door when everything before me happens so fast. The door is pushed open from the outside and my two knights in shining armor shove their way through causing Scott to fall off balance. I force myself up from my knees and am immediately thrust into the arms of Tim. I have never in my life been so fucking happy to see someone before in my life.

“Jesus Christ, Add’s. What the hell happened?” he says into my hair.3

“I…I was just using the bathroom.” I feel my eyes water as the adrenalin in my blood has my emotions sky rocketing. “He wouldn’t let me leave, he wouldn’t let me leave.” I repeat as the first tear falls. Tim brings me into the hallway where a crowd of people have all gathered. Some have their phones out recording the scene in front of them.

“Did you fucking touch her?” Jake yells as his fist connect with Scott’s face. “Answer me!” he yells again but Scott fails to answer. Blood from his cut tongue trails down his chin mixed with the river of blooding gushing from his eyebrow.

“Add’s? Did this prick fucking touch you?” Jake and Tim both look to me and I bring my hand up to my swollen cheek. It’s all I have to do to convey the truth as they continue with their assault. I watch as the two boys beat Scott into a bloody pulp. I watch until I can take no more. I slowly back away from the crowd of people and stumble my way down the stairs and out the front door with tears streaming down my face. The cool night air contrasts against my heated skin. The sting of my swollen cheek feels as if it has a pulse of its own.

With each step I take down the side walk, the more and more I’m seconds away from a complete breakdown. My feet can’t take me away fast enough and I end of tripping and falling to my knees, no doubt cutting the already sore skin. For a second I allow myself to feel sorry for myself. With my head braced in my hands I let out a stream of tears. I don’t know how much time goes by, could be seconds minutes maybe even an hour. I practically jump out of my skin when a huge furry animal sidles up before me thrusting its head in my lap. When I look up I come face to face with Max’s big goofy face.

“Max!” I wrap my arms around his head and hug him to my chest. I swear to god I hear him sigh in contentment. “I have had one hell of a night boy.” I pull back and rub my fingers through his long fur.

“Adeline…” I feel his overwhelming presence behind me and sigh in relief. Something about the strange man next-door makes me feel completely safe and at ease. “What’s wrong?” I feel him come to stand in front of me and hear the audible gasp on his lips.

“Nothing.” I manage to say loud enough for him to hear me.

“What happened to your face?” When I look up Gideon’s eyes are storming, black as night and as angry as a category five hurricane. For a brief moment I managed to forget about my throbbing cheek until he brought it up.

“I walked into a door.” I lie. I run my fingers over the sore skin and wince in pain. I’m going to have one hell of a bruise in the morning.

“Are you drunk?” his next question baffles me. As if a girl having a mental breakdown on a sidewalk in a ripped dress, swollen cheek, and raccoon eyes is something a sober girl would do.

“What do you think?” I bite out, pushing myself to my feet. The fast movement has me falling forward. I brace myself for the fall but am saved by a pair of strong arms. His body is soft and warm. He smells of fresh body wash and man musk. I close my eyes for a bit and bask in the feeling of him.

“What happened to your cheek?” feather like fingers come down and trace against my swollen skin. I open my eyes and see the worry mixed with fury batting in his deep dark eyes.

“I walked into a wall.” I look away as the lie rolls off my lips once again. “It’s fine Gideon, I’m fine.” He lets me go and puts a foot of space between us.

“Fine, let’s get you home.” he helps me walk down the driveway to his huge truck and I finally understand what he said.

“Wait! I can’t go home.” my words come out fast and jumbled. I give him a pleading look. “Please… don’t make me go home.” That moment red and blue lights appear next door. My heart drops out of my ass. Fuck.

“Well looks like you can’t go back over there.” he points to Tim’s house as kids begin running in all directions as another squad car pulls up.

“I think I’m gonna puke.” My body doubles over almost immediately and lets up all the contents of my stomach all over Gideon’s pretty black boots.

“Shh, let it out baby, let it all out.” In my drunken haze I almost think he just called me baby. His hands thread through my unruly hair and hold it out and away from the firing zone. My stomach continues to empty its contents when suddenly a rush of embarrassment takes over.

“Please go.” I manage to choke out.

“I’m not going anywhere, Adeline. Nice try.” His voice is stern and leaves no room for argument but I try anyway.

“Please Gideon just go. This is so gross.” I choke on my words while simultaneously trying to push him away. My head begins spinning like a tornado and suddenly I feel myself falling towards the ground once again. The last thing I hear before my eyes close and the blackness takes over is my name rolling off of Gideon’s lips filled with worry.




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