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Snow by B.K Leigh (11)

Chapter 13


“What the hell was that about?” Tim scolds me the moment I walk through his door. Jake sits beside him with a controller in his hand yelling at the giant TV screen before him.

“What are you talking about?” I say as I plop down on the sofa beside him. His eyes bulge as if he can’t believe I even have the gal to play dumb.

“You know what Adeline Miller. What the hell are you doing with Gideon Wellfleet?” he scolds me as if I’m a child.

“Seriously Tim, drop the daddy act it’s not a good look on you.” I roll my eyes.

“How the hell would you know it’s not like you ever had one.” He puffs. Honestly there was a time I’d actually be offended but I’ve had years to get over that abandonment. “I saw you leave with him! I saw him practically drag you into his house.” he accuses. My cheeks heat up under the pressure. Images of Gideon tucked between my legs has my heart racing and aching. I’m a complete mess when it comes to him.

“That’s not true!” I lie. My eyes wander over to Jake who’s watching us as if he’s at the movie theater. Only thing that’s missing is the bowl of popcorn. “Besides I can do whatever the hell I want Tim, I’m a big girl.” I cross my arms like a succulent baby.

“That’s not the point, Add’s. The point is you can’t be whoring yourself out with HIM!” he throws his hands out in front of him. He always was a hand talker. “He’s a fucking freak, a murderer!”

“He is not!” I defend. “He is none of those things, they’re just fucking rumors.” Gideon’s been nothing but nice to me. Every rumor I ever heard of him has slowly been put to rest.

“You barely even know the guy, besides how the hell did you even meet?”

“Yeah, Add’s. Leave it to you to get with that fucking freak.” Jake chimes in from the side.

“Shut up Jake, you’re just jealous.” I roll my eyes. “You guys don’t even know him so you have no room to talk.” I cross my arms. No one knows him, at least not like I do. He’s shown me a side of him I’m positive he’s never shown anyone else.

“Speaking of… Jaimie called here and lost shit on me.” Jake stands to walk to the kitchen.

“Yeah well, probably wasn’t much worse then what he said to me.”

“Seriously! Are you guys fucking too?” Tim stands up in shock, staring down at me like I’m a little kid. His eyes travel between Jake and I.


“Not yet!” We both respond at the same time. Tim looks as if he’s about to have a heart attack.

“How about never, Jake.” How many times can I seriously roll my eyes at someone during one conversation?

“Yeah right, Add’s. You know you’re dying to have some of this.” Jake grabs his junk and squeezes. It takes all I can to hold back a gag.

“Seriously Jake, put that pencil dick away.” Tim scolds him and Jake just laughs.

“What? All I’m saying is if she’s giving it to that freak next-door then there’s no reason for her not to be giving it up to me.” he shrugs his shoulders.

“I’m not giving it up to anyone, now can we please stop talking about what I do and don’t do with my own body?” I practically yell at them.

“So you are fucking him!” Tim shouts as he points a finger in my face.

“Oh my god! You guys are freaking relentless.”

“We’re only kidding Addy, just don’t want to see you get hurt.” I know Tim’s dead serious. Ever since we first became friends all he’s ever done is look out for me.

“You’re just going to have to trust me when I say nothing’s going on.” I lie. “He’s not what you think he is.” I look past Tim, and see Jake’s eyes darken slightly. An uneasy feeling sinks into the pit of my stomach.

“I don’t believe that for one minute.” Jake snickers.

“Seriously Jake, take the stick out of your ass.” I rise to my feet and stretch my hands above my head. I turn toward the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Tim asks.

“I’m going to bed, I’m exhausted.” I yell over my shoulder.

“Yeah too much sex can really tire someone out.” Jake sniggers.

“I heard that!” I yell just before reaching the top of the stairs.

I’ve slept in Shelly’s room a million times, but for some reason it just feels different. My body aches to be next to the man next door. Knowing he’s only a few feet away has my body throbbing to be closer. I was nervous when he left me alone. And scared when I realized how badly I fucked up. I didn’t think he’d look twice at me, after I practically threw up all my insides all over him, his shoes and his house. And that was just the first instance. I can’t even imagine what he thought of me when he found me half dead on his front steps. I thought he’d want nothing to do with me. I thought he’d make me leave so I did the next best thing and left before he could say anything.

I wasn’t planning on seeing him again, at least not for a while. When he caught me on the sidewalk I was confused, and torn. The best thing for both of us would have been to walk away, but something about Gideon has me coming back for more and more. It’s not a coincidence I just so happened to end up at his house.  Even in my drunken haze I knew what I was doing.

I’m staring at the ceiling as my phone buzzes from beneath my pillow. I take it out, blinded by the light and try to read the name that’s flashing across the screen.

Gideon: Can’t sleep?

I look all around me. The curtains are closed and the doors locked, there’s absolutely no way he could see me.

Adeline: How the heck did you know?

Gideon: I have my ways ;)

Here’s the part where I don’t know how to reply. I never had to flirt with Jaimie; we just sort of had an unspoken mutual agreement.  My heart races as the three dots light up my screen.

Gideon: I’ve been staring at the ceiling for hours, thinking about you.

I smile to myself in the dark.

Adeline: What are you thinking about?

I turn on my side and look at the words on the screen. Is Gideon lying in his bed like I am? Is he dying of anticipation? Is this just some stupid school girl crush, or could this be something more. I keep replaying the images of him bringing me to my first orgasm. The way he took control and manipulated my body as if I was a puppet and he was the puppeteer was all consuming.

Gideon: The way you taste, the way you moan. The way your thighs tighten when I press my tongue against you’re clit.

I can feel myself getting wet just thinking about it. My body starts to tingle thinking of all the way’s Gideon made me feel good.

Adeline: You sure don’t hold anything back.

I try to make it seem light hearted. Flirting doesn’t come easy for me, it’s not exactly in my vocabulary. I don’t understand how Gideon can be so brazen.

Gideon: Neither do you ;)

His words make me flush. I’m alone in someone else’s bedroom in the complete dark, blushing from head to toe.

Adeline: I don’t know what to do with any of this.

I shamelessly admit. My heart pounds as I wait for his reply.

Gideon: We’ll figure it out, Snow. But for now go to bed.

His reply makes me feel a little dejected, but I let it go anyway.

Adeline: Night, Gideon

Gideon: Goodnight, Snow.

If I couldn’t sleep before, my insomnia is even worse now. Gideon’s a drug. He’s invaded my body and my mind, taking over my very being. His words fill me up, putting my body at ease and my mind to rest. All the high’s I was chasing before don’t even compare.