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Snow by B.K Leigh (9)

Chapter 11


Sneaking out of Gideon’s house proved to be harder to be then I thought. The minute I managed to get his arm off of me I stood up to beeline it to the door. Max wasn’t having any of it. I heard his grumbling get louder with every step I took.

“Shhh!” I put my finger to my lips and gave him a serious look. He wasn’t having any of it. The closer I got to freedom the louder he got, until he was full out barking. Even when I started to run down the street in the direction to my house I could still here him barking after me, so much for out of sight out of mind.

The walk home is cold and wet. The rain hasn’t let up since the minute I left Gideon’s. It takes longer than usual, but by the time I make it to my house the sun is finally starting to rise. I’m relieved and a little exhausted from a long night of drinking. I think I only managed to sleep about an hour. With Gideon pressed so tightly against me I felt warm and safe. For the first time in a long time I was able to actually get my brain to shut off. I fell asleep almost instantly, only to wake up a short while later. I knew I had to get out of there before everything became too much. I don’t want to bring someone like Gideon down. My life is nothing but a hot mess. I can’t afford to bring anyone else into it.

A huge pile of black trash bags sit at the end of the driveway, with a swarm of horse flies flying about. All the lights inside my house are on shining bright. The front door is open with just the screen door closed, letting the morning summer air flow in freely. As I walk through the door I’m met with an overwhelmingly pungent odor. The whole place smells entirely of cat piss. I cover my nose with my thumb and forefinger and gradually make my way inside.

“MA!” I yell out in search for her. The smell is nauseating. When the hell did she get a fucking cat…or five? “MA!” I try again. As I make my way into the kitchen I begin to hear hushed whispers coming from the basement door. I go to pull on the handle but it doesn’t budge.  What the fuck?

“MA!” I yell again, banging on the old wooden door. It creaks and bends against my fist, barley holding on against the weight. I hear a slight shuffle and then the pitter patter of feet come barreling up the stairs. The door fly’s open in a matter of seconds, crashing against my forehead and knocking me backwards all at once. I land on the cold linoleum floor as my mother’s small body stands over me in just a bra and underwear.

“Jesus Christ Addy, what the hell are you doing home?” her lip curls as she looks down at me. With a shaky hand I bring it to my forehead, only to be met with a pool of blood. The hit from the door must have broken the skin. I bring my shirt up to wipe it away, only to have it begin to trickle down the side of my face all together.

“I left Tim’s early!” I exclaim. “What the hell are you doing in the basement? And why the heck is the door locked!” I yell back at her. I have to hold onto the counter as I lift myself off the floor. Dizziness clouds my eyes and has me threatening to fall over once again.

“What are you even talking about? The door wasn’t locked, and what do you think I was doing? I was doing laundry.” She’s lying, I know she is. We don’t even own a washer and dryer. Just then heavy footsteps come racing up the stairs and a man appears standing behind my mother. I don’t miss the way his beady eyes turn hungry when he takes me in. His eyes are invasive and make me feel extremely uncomfortable.

“When did we get a cat?” I question. Her eyes widen.

“What are you talking about, we don’t have a cat.” She has to be lying. With the smell emanating through the walls there’s no way she hasn’t acquired about fifty cats in the last three days.

“Who the fuck is this broad Cammy?” the man grunts. I narrow my eyes at the man standing against my mother’s back before focusing them once again on her.

“That’s my daughter Adeline, remember Todd? Geeze you can be so freaking forgetful sometimes.” They banter back and forth while I look on with a confused stare.

“Well, have you told her yet or what?” I cock an eyebrow in his direction. Told me what?

“Told me what Ma?” I ask. I fold my arms over my chest in a defensive stance waiting for my mom to answer me. For a brief moment she seems worried.

“Jesus, Todd. You have such a big fucking mouth.” She rolls her eyes and opens her mouth. “Todd and I are married!” she waves her hand in front of me showing off the smallest sized diamond I’ve ever seen. And I’m saying I literally have to squint to see the smallest rock planted in the middle of a faded gold wedding band. My jaw hangs open in shock, but what gets me the most is that I should have expected something like this to happen sooner or later.

“You didn’t.” I dead pan. My eyes search from his to hers and back again but neither of them cracks a smile. “You’re kidding right?” I ask. The cut on my forehead begins to throb with the sudden onslaught of stress.

Her smile falters for a minute. “Geeze, Adeline. I thought you’d be happy for me.” she huffs out a breath.

“Happy? I’ve never even met this guy, do you even know him?”

“Stop being so goddamn melodramatic Addy, it’s the twenty first century people have shotgun weddings all the time.” This man, Todd puts his arms around her waist and she melts against him like butter. My stomach rolls with nausea at seeing them like this. After all the years my mothers had many different men come in and out of this house, the longest has only stayed for the length of the weekend.  The only ones I’ve ever come face to face with are the ones I’ve accidentally run into while bee lining it to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Not once has one ever shown any interest in making a married woman out of my not so monogamous mother. I can’t even stand this anymore. Looking at the two of them is literally making me sick. I make way to go, leaving the two newlyweds staring after me. 

“What the fuck is her problem?” Todd nearly grunts in disapproval.

“Don’t worry about her baby, she’s just in one of her moods.” My mother coos. ‘One of my moods’ my ass. What the hell is she even thinking?

“Are you on drugs or something? What is it this time, coke or heroin?” She has to be off her regular fix to have done something this fucking dramatic. If she thought I was kidding before she’s dead wrong.

“Adeline Grace Miller! Todd is you’re stepfather now and I will not be having you speak to me or him like that again.” she chastises me.

“Drop the stepford wife act Ma, it’s not a good look on you.” I say while rolling my eyes. When I’m finally in my bedroom I lock the door behind me. It’s the only place that offers me any sort of reprieve. I stand in front of the floor length mirror and take in the quarter sized gash on my forehead. Great. What the hell was I even thinking coming home? At best I could’ve just gone back to Tim’s, but even then I know I would have the urge to visit the recluse next door. He’s not what everyone says he is. That alone makes me want to explore more.



About an hour later I’m fresh out of the shower and climbing through my bedroom window. It gets easier every time. I head downtown to the closest convenience store, seems aunt flow decided to make her grand appearance on practically the worst day. It takes a while, considering my house seems to be out in the middle of nowhere.

“Add’s?” I hear my name being called. I turn my head just in time to see my favorite redhead making his way over to me.

“Timmy!” I say jumping into his arms. “How was last night?”  I waggle my eyebrows, making him chuckle.

“Jake told you about that? What an asshole!” he shakes his head but a knowing smirk plays at his lips.

“You’re such a dog!” I bump his shoulder causing us both to laugh.

“What are you even doing here? Did you walk?” he follows me down the aisle as he speaks. I hold up a box of tampons and I swear his cheeks flush.

“Aunt Flow’s in town.”

“TMI Add’s, TMI” he blushes.

“Oh whatever Tim, it’s not like you’ve never gotten Shelly pads before, I’ve gone to the store with you!” I bump his shoulder playfully.

“Yeah but that’s different!” he exclaims

“How?” I chastise.

“Because Shelly’s my sister, you know my mom would kill me if I don’t do whatever she says, and well… you’re you.” He shrugs his shoulders.

“What the hell does that mean?” We’re at the checkout now, and the cashier behind the counters doing a shitty job pretending not to listen to our not so private conversation.

“Well you know…” he mumbles. Red creeps up his neck matching the color of his bright red hair.

“No, Timmy. I don’t know.” I grab my change from the cashier and put my hands on my hips.

“You’re one of us, you know. You’re like one of the guys and that’s weird.” What in the H E double hockey sticks is he even talking about!

“Uh I’m not sure if you’re aware of the differences between boys and girls yet Timmy, but I am certainly not a guy!” I screech.

“Okay, okay, seriously Add’s calm down.” We walk around the corner of the building and her pulls out a small joint lighting it up in one swift move. “I just mean,” he inhales deeply. “Obviously Jaimie and Jake get hard on’s every time their near you. But like for real though Add’s, you’re just another one of the guys.” He hands me the joint. I take a long pull and hold it in as long as I possibly can.

“Gee, thanks Timmy.” I blow the smoke out. “Really means a lot.” Handing it back to him I pull my phone from my back pocket. It’s been a few hours since I left Gideon’s and he hasn’t even tried to call. I can’t help the disappointment that fills my veins.

“Got a hot date or something?” he eyes me suspiciously. Hurrying I shove the phone back into my pocket.

“What! No!” I feel my cheeks heat with fire. Timmy shoots me a mischievous look.

“Mhm, sure.” We walk a fair amount just passing the joint back and forth until it’s practically gone. 

“What happened with the Five-O the other night?” I ask. I might not remember everything, but I do remember the bright blue and red flashing lights. Obviously it wasn’t too bad if he was back at it last night.

“Let’s just say I had to do a hell of a lot talking to get out of that one.”

“I’ve never seen those kids run that fast.” I laugh and he looks at me funny.

“I thought you dipped?” he asks incredulously. Shit. I can’t exactly tell him I spent the night at Gideon’s…again.

“I did…it just took a while to catch my bearings.” I don’t miss the way he looks at me. As if he knows I fucked up and am lying. I don’t know why I even try sometimes. He can always tell when I’m lying.

“What the fuck?” I hear Tim say as a huge ball of energy comes barreling towards me.

“What?” all of the sudden I’m knocked backwards. My head hits the pavement hard as my face is being covered in kisses and dog slobber.

“Oh my god Add’s, are you okay?” I hear Timmy begin to yell and I force myself to sit up.

“Tim! It’s okay, it’s just Max.” I hold my head with one hand and use the other to run through his thick fur, rubbing him in the spot he loves just above his ear. “Hey Max, hey boy.” His tongue comes out to lick my cheek once again.

“You know this dog?” Tim asks incredulously. His hands are planted on his hips and his breathings heavy. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he was scared.

“Yeah, this is…“

“Max.” I’m cut off by the manliest voice sending shivers down my spine and an ache to my groin.

“Gideon.” His name rolls off my lips in a breathless pant.

“Wait, wait, wait. You two know each other?” Tim looks like his heads about to explode in confusion.

“Sort of.” I say to my best friend but it only probes further questions.

“What does that mean?” he throws his hands in the air. Meanwhile Gideon watches on in what seems like amusement.

“Do I really have to spell it out for you Timmy? We’re…”

“Friends.” Gideon finishes causing my cheeks to flush.

“I don’t get it.” He states lamely. “You guys are…friends?” he points between the two of us.

“That’s what he just said.” I see the gears twist and turn in the depths of his head only seeming to complicate the situation more and more. Max rolls his eyes.

“Gideon Wellfleet.” Gideon holds his hand out for Tim to shake, but he just stares at it dumbfounded.

“Don’t be an ass Timmy.” I punch him in the arm, practically forcing him to shake the hot man’s hand.

“Tim Singer, best friend and body guard.” He says in all seriousness. Figures he chooses this moment to go all rogue on me.

“Oh my god! Seriously, you’re just as bad as Jaimie.” I exclaim walking away and stomping my feet.

“Adeline wait! I was only kidding!” I’m so done with today! Max comes up beside me following my every step. I don’t even tell him to go, just keep speed walking in the direction of my house. As if my day couldn’t possible get any worse the rain from this morning seems to reappear out of nowhere. The sky lets loose in a curtain of angry tears.

“Snow!” I hear heavy foot steps behind me as Max lets out a bark. “Snow wait!” long thick fingers wrap around my bicep spinning me around to stare into a pair of the most exquisite brown eyes.

“Let me go Gideon, I just want to go home.” I look around him but see no trace of Tim anywhere, so much for that bodyguard.

“How come you left this morning?” his eyes search mine for an answer, and I swiftly look away.

“My mom wanted me home.” I lie.

“Don’t lie like that, Snow.” His thumb and forefinger latch onto my chin and bring my eyes back to his. My clothes and hair are soaked through, leaving me a sapping wet mess in the middle of the sidewalk.

“I’m not.” I try again but it does nothing to placate him.

“What happened to your head?” a soft feather light touch runs across the gash, causing me to close my eyes.

“It was an accident.” I say breathlessly. Being so incredibly close to him has my emotions running haywire.

“I don’t believe you.” He moves towards me just an inch causing our chests to connect in one solid piece. The rain continues to fall from up above in relentless sheets.

“You don’t have too.” He studies me for another moment. His face moves towards mine inch by agonizing inch. I wait with bated breaths, with my heart thundering out of my chest.

“I’m going to kiss you, Snow.” He promises.

“Do it.” I dare breathlessly. Within seconds his lips descend on mine, turning me into a complete puddle of mush.  His arms wrap around my back, as mine hang on to his neck. The feel of him beneath my hands is magical. His muscles are taught and hard. His tongue swipes along the seam of my lips demanding entrance and I happily oblige. I greedily suck on his tongue as his gingerly explores my mouth. I don’t want this feeling to end. It’s the ultimate high, and I am completely lost to it.

I let go of his neck bringing my hands down to the waist of his shirt. My hands begin to explore the rock hard abs beneath as I try to fuse myself further and further into him. I lift my leg up resting it against his hard hip as a moan escapes my lips with pure need.

“Fuck, Snow!” Gideon pulls away briefly leaving me a needy mess before him. “We can’t be doing this.” His voice is husky and filled with want. He must sense the rejection flowing through my veins as he quickly recovers. “I mean, we can’t be doing this here. People can see.” He says as he chuckles against my lips.

“So let them.” I close my eyes and go in for the kill once again but he pulls away all the more.

“Not here Snow, not like this.” His body slides away from mine, leaving me feeling incredibly cold. The rain only helps to intensify that feeling. He takes my hand practically dragging me in the opposite direction I was heading.

“Where are we going?” let’s face it, at this point I’d follow this man anywhere. I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before and my body craves more.  Gideon is the high I’ve always wanted to reach. The one I’ve been searching for.

“My place.” He dead pans. I can’t help the swarm of butterflies that burst in the pit of my stomach. Gideon marches down the street with me in tow as Max follows close behind.

It’s a short walk considering how fast we’re going. I barely have enough time to gather my thoughts and feeling before we enter Gideon’s house. My back is slammed against the door in one swift move. On instinct my legs wrap around his waist, loving the feel of his manhood pressed up against my most intimate parts. I gasp in surprise. His arms rest against the wooden door on each side of my head caging me in completely.

“Why can’t I get you out of my head?” he whispers. He brings his forehead down to mine forcing me to stare into the most soul capturing eyes I have ever seen.

“I’m a disease.” I confess. “I bring disorder and corruption everywhere I go. My dad left because of it, Jaimie left because of it, everyone leaves. You’d be best to go while you can.” I hear him suck in an audible gasp. His eyes alight with fire, turning them into a dark storm.

“That’s not true Snow.” His hands come up to tangle in my hair, pulling at the strands as they rest against my scalp.

“It is.” My lips are centimeters away from his, I can practically taste him.

“Let me show you.” A shudder runs down my spine as the hairs on my arms stand up in anticipation.




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