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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Shane (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardians of Hope Book 4) by KD Michaels (12)


Laura and the three men were in the room with Jenniffer, calming her down and going through the photos she’d managed to find around campus, while Snake waited outside with Ahote. Laura literally wanted to punch something and knew the men weren’t far behind her. She was glad Lindsey and the other members of Alpha Squad had stayed downstairs, the men would be hard enough to deal with.

“If her phone is on, then we should be able to ping it, it’s got GPS capabilities on it. We make sure all our girls are within reach in emergency situations.” Laura said out loud for the men.

“I can call Tex, he’ll want to be a part of this.” Wolf said.

“Shit!” Laura said loudly looking from her phone to Shane’s side of the dorm room. “Can he hack into the cameras on campus, because her phone is right here?” Laura said after walking over to pick up Shane’s phone and showing it to the group.

“Damn it.” Wolf said in frustration.

“Wolf, call Tex. I’ll go get Snake and Ahote. We can use the dog to locate her movements.” Heim said as he walked out the door.

“Let’s get something of hers. Then, I want to see this Robert asshole and see if she ever made it to his room. I want to see what we can find out there. Do you know where Pattrick’s room was Wolf?” Laura asked brainstorming.

“I sure do. Might be good for ALL of us to regroup there, if you know what I mean.” Wolf said with a grin.

“If I wasn’t sick, you married, or I wasn’t happily engaged, I’d kiss the shit out of you right now. I love when someone has evil thoughts.” Laura grinned back then yelped when Joe smacked her on the ass.

“Watch it lass. I’ll tan ye arse.” Joe said with a mock growl.

“Promise?” Laura grinned as she batted her lashes at Joe.

“Great, I’ve created a monster.” Joe laughed along with Laura and Wolf.

Fifteen minutes later, with three men and one female on all exit points of the building, Laura, Lindsey, Brocard, Joe, Wolf, Dude, Heim, Snake and Ahote, scared the residents of the dorm building looking for Robert. Ahote led them straight to the door. Without knocking, Laura looked over at Lindsey and nodded. Both women grinned as they kicked in the door to Robert’s room at the same time.

“Knock knock, police bitch!” Lindsey announced.

“We are so having a talk later.” Laura whispered.

“Who the hell are you and what the fuck are you doing kicking my door in, you stupid bitch?” Robert yelled at the same time as he advanced on Laura.

Robert reached out to grab Laura at the same time she grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and tripped him, causing Robert to go face first into the hard floor. Robert struggled until Laura yanked his arm again harder causing a loud pop.

At the same time Laura took Robert down, there was a loud screech behind her, to which Lindsey slid in and did the exact same movements. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Lindsey struggling with Cynthia with a smile on her face as she sat on the girl’s back making Cynthia cease her fighting.

“Holy shit, I just got hard watching these two go to town.” Snake joked.

“Snake, keep ye eyes off my lass and I won’t kick ye arse. But fuck if she’s nae getting pounded tonight.” Joe agreed with Snake.

“Down boys, no nookie until we deal with this asshole. So, Robert, considering my partner dealt with your slut in two moves, it’s safe to say twat-scicle here isn’t the cause of the rearranging of your face. So how about being a good troll and telling me where Shane is.” Laura demanded.

“Fuck you. I don’t have to tell you shit. When my brother hears about this, you’ll be working a street corner like the whore you are.” Robert yelled out in pain when Laura shifted.

“Now Robert, and here I was thinking of letting you go to see if you could get a swing in to save your man card and you still act like a little bitch. Tsk Tsk.” Laura said shaking her head.

“Go ahead and let me up, bitch. I’ll beat your ass then bend you over and show you what a real dick feels like.” Robert said with an evil smirk.

Laura busted out laughing. “Sorry that was funny. A real ‘dick’ doesn’t need to beat and force women to fuck him. Now enough fucking around. Where’s Shane?” Laura yelled pulling Robert’s arm harder.

“I don’t know. I don’t fucking know.” Robert cried out. “The little slut came in here, getting into my face, then ran when I asked her what her going rate was.”

“You fucking asked her, what?” Laura stood up letting Robert go.

“Oh shit.” Wolf, Dude and Joe all said at the same time as they stepped back.

Robert stood up with a mean grin, then charged at Laura, yelling how he was going to hurt her. The men started to rush forward until Lindsey yelled at them to stay back. Robert swung at Laura who ducked then did a roundhouse kick into his stomach, knocking Robert back. Robert growled loudly as he rushed at Laura again, grabbing her in a tackle, knocking her onto his bed, rearing up and punched her in the face.

“That’s your one and only hit, asshole.” Laura said as she reached up and punched him in the throat.

Robert staggered back at the same time as he swung out. Laura kicked him in the crotch knocking him to his knees. Laura got up and kneed Robert in the face knocking him back onto his back. Laura rolled him over and handcuffed him.

“You’ll be a nice little bitch in prison. If little ole me can whip your ass, your cellmates are going to have a blast with you. Maybe if you’re nice, they’ll give you a little spit shine before going in, but I doubt it.” Laura said getting up. “Will you boys deal with him? I’m going to help Linds with the bitch.”

“Damn, I just fell in love.” Snake said.

“You’re already married arsehole. She’s mine.” Joe growled.

“Yes I am. Every man here is married, yet every one of us has a boner watching your girl kick ass. I love Goddess, have no worry about that man, but damn, that was awesome to watch.” Snake said laughing.

“He’s got a point, Lander. We love her like a sister, yet when she came at us in Mexico, then taking that bullet for me, if I wasn’t happily married…” Wolf said with a shit-eating grin.

“Holy shit, that was Laura?” Heim asked in shock.

“Are you boys done gabbing like girls? We got an interrogation to do with wanna-be Malibu Barbie.” Laura asked uncomfortable with the conversation.

“Hey Red, you know they are just messing with Joe. Heim and Snake have never met you and enjoy watching you two dealing with the trash.” Dude said noticing how uncomfortable she was becoming.

“Sorry, Ms. Laura. I meant no disrespect.” Snake said with a grin as he watched Heim and Wolf grab Robert.

Laura and Lindsey pulled Cynthia up and sat her in the chair. “I can see why Pattrick chose Shane over your skanky ass.” Lindsey cracked.

“Fuck you.” Cynthia spat, “That little bitch wishes she was as good as me.”

“How about you boys? Y’all think the pussy on this one is that good?” Lindsey asked the men at the door.

“Nope, I’ll take Lander’s ass.” Snake replied.

“Nope, Snake’s ass sounds more enjoyable.” Heim said with a grimace.

“Nope, a frog leg would be more entertaining.” Dude chimed in.

“Nope, facing terrorists is more enjoyable.” Wolf said.

“I’m with Heim, Snake’s ass is more fun.” Joe replied smacking Snake on the back.

“Sounds like Snake’s gonna need economy-sized lube.” Lindsey quipped.

“Fuck you, bitches. They never said your names.” Cynthia sneered.

“That’s because if given a choice between you and the worst thing imaginable, they’d rather play the worst thing imaginable than you. But hey, I’m sure in twenty years, you can throw a strap-on on and get it on with Robert again when he gets out of prison.” Laura said with a huge smirk on her face.

“Fuck you.” Cynthia yelled.

“Seems to be her go-to choice for words.” Lindsey said.

“Well damn, we forgot your bat Linds, so what else would Harley Quinn use to kick ass?” Laura asked Lindsey just as she punched Cynthia in the stomach.

“Oof,” Cynthia exhaled as she released air. “You’re going to be sorry when my parents find out about how you treated me. You’ll lose everything.”

“You know, I’ve lost count how many times whiney rich kids have spouted that shit to us.” Laura said shaking her head at Lindsey.

“It gets so boring. Oh well, might as well go out with a bang.” Lindsey said as she punched Cynthia in the stomach. “Now, where’s Shane?”

“I don’t know where the bitch is. Must be out servicing someone else while Pattrick is gone, like the tramp she is.” Cynthia laughed, before grunting again.

“Wrong answer.” Laura said going for Cynthia’s side that time.

“You hit like a bitch.” Cynthia sneered.

“Your boyfriend didn’t think so. Cried like a little bitch when I handed him his ass. Guess we know who the woman was in this relationship.” Laura said.

“Look, I don’t know where she is. Robert and I were here fighting over his having sex with her when…”

“Can it with the lies Cynthia. We both know Shane never had sex with Robert and those two other football players. It was either you or another sucker you all pulled into your head games that’s are those photos pretending to be Shane.” Laura said interrupting Cynthia.

“You don’t know, shit. She wanted those photos done. She enjoyed…” Cynthia started.

“No, she didn’t Cynthia. Stop lying. Pattrick doesn’t want you, he never has.” Nitwit one said walking into the room as the men in the doorway parted to let her through. “Shane was never here, she never had anything to do with any of us. I let you brainwash me into thinking she was out to cause you problems, but it was really the other way around. You and Robert forced me to have sex with him and those other two players while you took the photos. Robert then found a picture on his phone of Shane and photoshopped her face over mine.”

“Son of a bitch,” the men all grunted out.

“Shane came by to confront Robert earlier this evening. She came in as he was ‘finishing’ with me. He had me tied to the bed and forced me to have sex with him again, as punishment for going against his rules. Said he’d release the real photos and start rumors about me.” The girl said crying. “I was a virgin until last night. They all laughed and joked about it and decided who was going next. Robert attacked Shane, but she fought him off and escaped, but hasn’t been back since then.”

Laura let go of Cynthia as Brocard came over to help Lindsey cuff a struggling Cynthia. “What’s your name?”

“Katiana.” She replied.

“Mother fucker.” Heim replied.

“Stow it, Heim.” Laura said sharply. “Katiana, do you need medical assistance?”

“No, I deserve what pain I’m in. I let him hurt someone else, so he wouldn’t hurt me anymore.” Katiana cried.

“Listen to me Katiana,, you did not deserve anything that happened to you. You are a victim to their hate and anger. Wolf, can you get Mozart up here to do a quick run over and get an ambulance. Have them let Dominick know we have a rape victim who wants to file charges against Robert and that Robert’s brother is a local cop.” Laura said to Wolf.

“That’s how he found out about Shane being a prostitute, from his brother.” Katiana informed the group.

“Katiana, Shane was never a prostitute. She was a victim of an abusive parent who sold her into human trafficking.” Lindsey said to the group.

“Oh my God! Oh my God. I’m going to be sick. I was so mean to her. Oh God.” Katiana cried.

“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. You didn’t know.” Laura said holding Katiana. “Let’s get you looked at. This is my friend Mozart. He’s a good guy and a medic. He won’t hurt you I promise.” Laura said as Brocard and Mozart came over to help out. “Alright people, let’s go find Shane.”