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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Shane (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardians of Hope Book 4) by KD Michaels (6)


For the rest of the week, Shane and Pattrick spent every chance they could together. Pattrick was introduced to Jenniffer who gave her nod of approval after her talk with Pattrick as well as her threat that if he hurt her or allowed any of his so-called friends to hurt Shane, she would stab him in his sleep after cutting his most precious possession off. When Pattrick replied that he wouldn’t allow her to cut Shane, Jenniffer gave her blessings to them both.

Shane was surprised that Pattrick hadn’t pushed the phone number issue again since she still hadn’t given it to him. She was there when one of his aunts had called about the football game that was coming up and mentioned a cook-out they were doing afterwards. She was invited but wasn’t sure if she was ready for that step yet. She told Pattrick she would think about it when it came closer to that time.

In the week, they had been together, Shane loved the fact that Pattrick hasn’t pushed for anything other than a hug. He usually stopped at her building door and waited for her to decide if he should come up or not. Pattrick has allowed her to initiate the kisses and then takes control from there. She loves the fact he’s Alpha and he seems to know when things need to slow down or stop so it doesn’t get out of control.

There had only been a few mishaps with some of the other girls, but they had all been the cheerleaders that Cynthia controls that had tried to cause issues between her and Pattrick. They had tried to start stories on how Pattrick has messaged them about how boring she was, that they were still seeing him and that he was laughing about her during practice. The reason Shane knew it was fake was because they had claimed that he had said she was a dead fuck in the bedroom. Shane, true to her word let Pattrick know of each and every incident and laughed it off letting Pattrick know she didn’t believe a word of it.

On the day of the big game, Shane didn’t get to see Pattrick. They spent time together the night before, it was understood she wouldn’t see him until after the game. Pattrick offered to introduce her to his aunts and the uncles so she could sit with them during the game, but, she had informed him that Laura and Lindsey were coming for the big game, too, and she would be with them. They had made plans to meet up after the game and go from there.

Shane walked downstairs to meet up with Laura and Lindsey. Upon seeing them, she gave them both a huge hug and struck up a conversation with both women. “Okay, spit it out, I can see you two want to ask questions. What’s up?”

“Just wanted to see how you were doing. You’ve seen this Pattrick person every day and at least twice you said he was staying in the room with you. We’re just making sure you’re okay, that’s all. We worry about you.” Lindsey said with a smile.

“I’m fine. He’s been very sweet. He doesn’t push for more. He waits for me to initiate the move for a kiss, but he knows if I’m having a bad day, and he’ll stick around to make sure I’m truly okay. He had flowers sent to me the other day when I couldn’t see him, much less leave the room.” Shane said quietly.

“They day we were on the phone with you most of the day, due to an episode?” Laura asked.

“Yeah, he was so sweet about it. He came to the door to ask Jenniffer how I was and if I needed anything. When Jenniffer told him I had gotten the flowers, she says he just smiled and said he hoped they helped. Pattrick even asked her to let me know he had been there and to use his number if I needed anything, even if it was in the middle of the night. He doesn’t push the phone issue or the fact we haven’t had sex, hell, we haven’t even petted. Well, let me rephrase that, when it gets close to that, he pulls back and stops.” Shane said with some regret.

“Good, we don’t have to gut him then.” Lindsey said. “What? You know your ass was thinking it, too. Hell, you probably were already thinking of having Joe contact his computer geek friend to look into his ass and then calling Wolf and Dude to do recon work on his ass.” Lindsey said defensively when Laura looked at her with narrowed eyes.

“Wait, did you say Wolf and Dude?” Shane asked Laura wide-eyed.

Laura looked at Shane confused, “Yeah, why? They are guys that Joe works with at the naval base. What’s up?”

“Joe’s not a SEAL, is he?” Shane asked.

“Yeah he is. What’s wrong Shane? Why do the names Wolf and Dude scare you?” Laura looked confused from Shane to Lindsey. “Don’t tell me I got to cut each of those two a new asshole.”

“No, just those are Pattrick’s uncles so to speak. His dad is a SEAL and he’s close with those two. They are having a cook-out today and he wants me to go with him over there and I’m really scared since I won’t know anyone. He was going to have me sit with them while he played but I told him you were coming.” Shane said quickly.

“Jesus Roosevelt and Jiminy Christmas on a fucking pogo stick. What the hell is it with people and fucking SEALs? Seriously?! Even this kid knows fucking SEALs. I can’t get rid of them since your ass decided to bang a gong with one.” Lindsey mumbled out loud.

Shane busted out laughing after looking at Lindsey’s expression of disgust finding out that Pattrick was the son of a SEAL. “Did she just seriously say bang a gong in terms of having sex?” Shane asked between fits of laughter.

“She’s been hanging out with Diesel lately. I think her good brain cells are depleting with that friendship.” Laura said dryly shaking her head. “Shane, Wolf and Dude are great guys. They would be just as fiercely protective of you, knowing that you’re associated with me and Lindsey. They won’t know the details, but they would know something bad happened for you to know us if we’ve met in the last seven years. Their wives are people that you would be able to connect with as well. Fiona, Cheyenne, Summer and Alabama would be the four that you would probably connect with the most with knowing your past as Lindsey and I do. Not sure if the wives came but I do know Wolf and Dude are here. I would be more than happy to introduce you to the guys. The wives would have to be the ones to tell you their story, unspoken rule, just like I wouldn’t tell yours to them without your permission, but Shane, give them a chance, we trust them immensely. If you want to go to the cook-out but are hesitant, just know that Lindsey, Taz and I will be there as well, if you want to go.” Laura said looking Shane in the eyes.

“One step at a time, let’s start with the game and go from there. It’s a big step for me just to go to this stupid thing and that’s only because you two will be there with me. The cheerleaders don’t like me so don’t be surprised if there’s an issue there. I’m not the most popular girl on campus since Pattrick started seeing me. I guess he’s prime beef or something.” Shane said shrugging.

“Damn it, and we left Diesel at home today. Oh well, that’s more fun for the two of us.” Lindsey said rubbing her hands together.

“Let’s go find our seats and warn the guys to have the bail money ready for today.” Laura laughed.

The three women headed to the stadium to catch up with the rest of the group. Upon arriving to their seats, Shane hesitated to walk further when she saw the large group laughing and kidding around with each other. Shane stopped mid-climb up the stairs causing Laura to walk into her. Laura engulfed her in a hug from behind.

“Breath Shane, it’s going to be okay. I promise. Lindsey and I will be right here with you. I will personally introduce you to each person. I should warn you now that Caroline is a hugger.” Laura laughed.

“Oh great, one of those,” Shane mumbled.

Laura laughed as she guided Shane towards the group. Everyone stopped talking and looked toward Laura and Lindsey, as they came forward.

“Everyone, this is Shane Graves. Shane, this is my fiancée, Joe. The big bruiser next to him is his baby brother, Marcus.”

Joe and Marcus both shook hands with Shane. “Aye lass, ye are a bonny one indeed. Nice to meet ye.”

“Why do they talk funny?” Shane leaned back and whispered to Laura and Lindsey.

“Joe is from Scotland, moved here after graduating high school. The asshole next to him, well, we’re still trying to figure out what his malfunction is.” Lindsey said at the same time she ducked from Laura’s head smack.

“Moving on, the couple next to Joe is Matthew ‘Wolf’ Steel, and his wife Caroline.”

Caroline came forward and hugged Shane tightly. “Nice to meet you Shane. I hope you can put up with our loud group and I hope you can make it to the cook-out. I would love to have you with us.”

Wolf stepped forward and offered to shake hands with Shane. “Hi Shane, I’m Wolf, or as my wife calls me, Matthew. You can call me either one that you’re comfortable with. I’ve heard a lot about you from Pattrick. He speaks very highly of you.”

Shane blushed and lowered her head. “Thanks, he speaks highly of you, too, Mr. Wolf.” She said sheepishly.

“Shane, it’s Wolf and please don’t be shy. None of us here will embarrass you knowingly and if you ever need anything, we’ll be there for you in a heartbeat to kick ass. I promise. Not sure what all he’s said but you’re one of ours now, just by association of Laura and Lindsey.” Wolf stepped back and winked at Laura.

Before Laura could continue, “Hi Shane, I’m Faulkner ‘Dude’ Cooper, and this is my wife Cheyenne. I second what Wolf said, you ever need anything, just say the word, we’re here for you.” Dude reached out to shake Shane’s hand and then stepped back so Cheyenne could hug Shane just like Caroline had.

“You didn’t warm me the others were huggers, too.” Shane whispered. Everyone in the group busted out laughing.

“Sorry kiddo. Moving on, this is Hunter ‘Cookie’ Knox and his wife, Fiona. Next to Fiona is Sam ‘Mozart’ Reed and then Christopher ‘Abe’ Powers and his wife Alabama. Next to Alabama is John ‘Tex’ Keegan and last, but not least, this is Kason ‘Benny’ Sawyer. Mozart, Tex and Benny’s wives stayed home with all the kiddos today, including Cody.” Laura said after introducing everyone. “Tex is the one I was telling you about who’s the computer genius.”

“Ah, so this is the one Joe was talking about. Nice to finally meet you, Shane, Joe told me about your idea for law enforcement and eventually the military and Special Forces to use in working together to handle locating victims of human trafficking. When you’re more comfortable with us, I’d love to hear more about your concept and see what we can do together to get a prototype of the program started.”

Shane looked at Tex wide-eyed at his compliment and then to Laura, “You told them about my idea?”

“I did. I told you that I loved it and highly agree with you on it. Especially with your situation, it would be a huge improvement and help not only us but social services as well. You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for kid. We’ve all told you that.”

A young girl came up to Shane and hugged her out of the blue. “Hi Shane, I’m Tina. My big brother told me all about you. You’re so pretty.”

Shane looked down a little startled. Laura placed her hand on Shane’s back for support, giving her the courage to not run. “Hi Tina, nice to meet you, too.” Shane smiled at the young girl.

“Hi Shane, I’m Sheila, Pattrick’s mom. Sorry about meeting everyone at once. I hope we haven’t scared you off yet. Pattrick was very strict about telling everyone not to hunt you down, just to meet you.” Pattrick’s mom laughed.

“Small world, it looks like, with everyone knowing each other anyway. It’s all good.” Shane gave a weak smile and shook Pattrick’s mom’s hand. “Nice to meet you Mrs. Jones.”

“Please call me Sheila. My mother-in-law is Mrs. Jones. My husband says the same thing when people call him Mr. Jones.”

“That his mother is Mr. Jones, too?” Shane asked confused.

Sheila laughed and shook her head. “Sorry that came out wrong, I meant when they call him Mr. Jones, he tells them that his father is Mr. Jones and to call him Eddie.”

Shane smiled in understanding. “Sorry I didn’t mean to sound stupid. I should have realized that.”

“It’s okay. We’ve all kind of overwhelmed you. I hope you’ll come to the cook-out this evening after the game. I’d love to get to know you more.” Sheila said with a sweet smile on her face.

“Well if Laura and Lindsey will be going, then I guess I can go, too. I don’t want to disappoint Pattrick.”

“Shane, if you’re not comfortable around this many people yet, don’t worry about what Pattrick thinks or feels about this. He will understand if you’re not ready yet. As I said when we were introduced, you’re one of ours now just by association with Laura and her team. Large groups aren’t easy and we all understand that.” Wolf said.

“Shane, I don’t know about your past, but I know that something horrible happened to you just because you’re associated with Alpha Squad. Whenever you’re ready to talk about it, even if it’s just one on one, I’m more than happy to walk to you. Each one of us wives that you were just introduced to have some experience that may be like yours and we are here for you whenever you’re ready. Just know that you’re not alone and if Laura and Lindsey or other members of her team can’t be there right away because they are on a case or get called away, you have some new friends who will be there for you as well. So like Matthew just said, we all understand if you’re not ready yet and if Pattrick gets upset, we’ll kick his ass with no questions asked. Sorry, Sheila.” Fiona said with a laugh.

“Shane, if my son gets upset because you’re not ready yet, I’ll personally kick his ass and then tell his father, who will then, kick his ass again, when he gets home.” Sheila said walking up and hugging Shane tightly. “But know this, we are all here for you. Pattrick hasn’t told us what happened to you but we know it’s caused you to be extremely cautious in your life, so we’re here for you when you’re ready.”

Shane looked over at Laura for a few minutes then back at Sheila, “Let me get through the game and see how I feel. I have a feeling I’ll go since Laura and Lindsey will be there.” Shane said smiling at the group. “That is if these two don’t wind up in jail before we head to the cook-out.”

“Now why would my lass be in jail before the cook-out?” Joe ‘Highlander’ MacLeod asked looking at Laura with concern.

“Because some twats in short skirts and air in their heads want to mess with our girl just because she took Pattrick off the market without having to offer the pussy up like they had to.” Lindsey said before Laura could respond.

“Damn it, Lindsey, there’re little ears here. Seriously, watch your mouth. Ugh I’m forbidding you around Diesel anymore woman.” Laura said groaning.

“Oh, really now? Someone is causing issues for our Shane, huh?” Point those hussies out sweetie and we’ll put them in their places if they dare to come near us.” Cheyenne said looking ready to bite someone’s head off.

“If someone had to get drunk to play with the cat, then the cat isn’t really all that worth petting. No wonder the kid didn’t realize what he was doing, probably thought it was the hole in his boxers while he slept.” Alabama said with a shrug.

Everyone looked at Alabama and then started laughing hard. “I keep telling you guys it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for.” Caroline said, laughing still. “Don’t worry Shane, we have your back if they come near us and try to start anything. Pattrick told us all about Cynthia and her followers always chasing him. I still want to kick his rear end for messing with that girl.”

“Kick his ass hell, his father and I told him to bleach his dick after he told me he slept with her. I think that’s when his father sat him down and had a nice long talk. He hasn’t slept with a girl since then and that was just before this last summer vacation started.” Sheila said with a grossed-out look on her face.

“See Shane, we all got your back, them bitches don’t stand a chance. Probably a good thing Diesel isn’t here, because then we’d be bailing her out and possibly banned from the University, when she got done with them.” Laura said laughing.

Shane smiled and admitted to herself she was a little surprised by all the support from everyone around her just because of who Laura and Lindsey were. When the band started playing to get everyone’s attention for the game, the group took their seats. Shane laughed along with Laura when Lindsey started griping at the huge man that was introduced to her as Marcus when he tried to sit down next to her.

“Sorry lass, but my ticket says this is where I’m sitting. If ye don’t like it, take it up with management.” Marcus said with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Shane snickered at Lindsey’s growl from his comment. She leaned over to Laura, “Are they always like that? I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lindsey this fired up over anything before.”

“That’s because she likes him and she’s fighting it. We all know it. We’re just waiting for it to explode and her to finally admit that she wants it. That’s going to be so much fun to watch.” Laura laughed watching the scene with Shane.

“Aye that it will. Marcus is smitten with the lass and he can’t help but annoy her. It drives me crazy the way the two of them are, but at the same time it’s funny as hell.” Joe told Laura and Shane.

Shane had to admit watching Pattrick play was fun, especially watching it with the group that she was sitting with. The group was loud, boisterous and she had to admit, a lot of fun. They all cheered for SDU or booed when the ref made lousy calls against the team. It was a close game and in the end, SDU won by two points.

“Looks like we’re going all the way here, guys.” Wolf said with pride in his voice. “Let’s go wait by the locker room for Pattrick, then we can head out from there. Shane, how are you doing over there?”

Shane smiled at Wolf, “I’m good. I’ll walk with you all to go meet Pattrick. We were supposed to meet by the locker room when the game was over, anyway.”

Shane walked with the women toward the locker room while the men walked slower behind them. Laura and Shane walked ahead of the group altogether. They talked about school, her classes and ideas she had for her paper. When they got to the locker room, there was a group of the cheerleaders standing around, Shane slowed down and tried to semi-hide behind Laura as they approached.

“Well, well what do we have here, dumpella actually has friends? And what rock did you crawl out of to be friends with this thing?” Cynthia sneered with her friends laughing in the background.

“Well, I would say I just crawled off your father, but then that would be putting me at your level and well, limp dick specimens aren’t my thing. I’d watch who you’re talking to twat-zilla because one of these days you’re going to mouth off to the wrong person and it’s going to mess up your whole life in ways you’ve never imagined.”

“And just who the hell do you think you are, bitch?” Cynthia stepped forward.

Before Laura could step forward and say anything else, Pattrick came out of the locker room, “Seriously Cynthia, you need to grow up and stop trying to act like you’re queen bitch. One of these days you’re going to cross the wrong person and they will knock you out. Hi Mom, how are you?” Pattrick said smiling at his mother. “Behave missy or I’m telling dad you challenged a kid.” Pattrick whispered laughing.

“I hate that bitch and for her to say what she did to Shane, pisses me off.” Sheila defended herself.

Pattrick walked over to Shane and pulled her into his arms, “Hi beautiful, how was your day? Please tell me these juveniles haven’t scared you off.”

Shane laughed as she hugged Pattrick ignoring Cynthia in the background grumbling to her friends. “I’m good and no they haven’t scared me off. They treated me really well, thank you.”

“Detectives, I didn’t know you were coming to the game today?” Shane turned around and watched as Pattrick’s roommate Robert and another man walked up to Laura and Lindsey shaking their hands.

“Hi, how are you? Enjoy the game?” Lindsey asked.

“Sure did. My brother is the quarterback. Flash, good game as always, shame you don’t want to go pro. You’d make a hell of a wide receiver in the NFL. Have a nice day, guys.”

Shane watched as Robert smirked at her after looking her up and down like he could see her naked.




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