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Stealing First: (A Bad Boy Single Father Billionaire Novel) by Weston Parker (116)



The smoky air was tainted with violet hues from the strobe lights that swirled above the floor, their only purpose to offer coverage for the less than attractive folk. It was the simple technique of diversion and Kate knew that her revenues rested on people's ability to get drunk, get sweaty and get laid. They were more than ready and able to twist reality just enough that most people ended the night checking off all three boxes.

The sea of bodies from the dance floor meshed together, creating a large living organism of sorts, the passion and feeling oozing off it and beckoning all that passed by to come and live a little. A smirk touched Kate's lips as a handsome boy with hair the color of night reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her against his strong body as he smiled down at her.

"I've been waiting all night for you," he whispered against her hair.

"You must be mistaken. We don't know each other." She leaned back and touched his lips before he could speak again. She needed to check in with Marcus to ensure that he had all he needed for the busy night ahead of them. "Shhhh... go have fun with someone you have a chance with."

Jeffery was behind the bar, throwing a bottle in the air as several people cheered him on. His smile was infectious, his eyes full of life. He had taken a hit off of Marcus's latest shipment, and where she should be angry, she was a bit more jealous due to her inability to find time to slip into the hazy world of the high provided.

Drugs were part of the deal and where she mostly kept her nose clean, Marcus and his boys didn't. Crime was a well-worn coat, comforting and quick to fulfill needs. The drugs were only sold on the south side of town and she didn't stand for any of them dealing in her club. He caught her eye and winked, his long blond hair making him seem far too feminine in her opinion.

She turned and put her hands on her hips, her eyes moving across the floor. The cops hadn't bothered her much over the last week outside of the normal warning that they were watching her closely. They always had and always would. The labs had come back on Adam, and her weapon was deemed not having been the murder weapon, so she was clear until more discovery took place.

Energy rushed through the air as the latest techno song filled the club. Hands shot up as the patrons bounced and jumped. The acoustics in the club were spot on, the light furry black material on the walls absorbing the negative and expounding the positive back into the waiting ether. If only she could melt into the crowd and forget everything.

Turning and moving toward the bar, she stopped beside a large group of girls who were ogling over Jeffery. He turned his attention to her, a quirky smile lifting his lips.

"Hey." Her eyes moved to make a quick count of the bottles behind him before turning her attention fully on him. "I just wanted to make sure you had what you needed for the evening."

He nodded. "We're good, but you might want to ask Marcus if we need anything for later. He was taking inventory in the back."

"Ahhh... I was wondering where he slipped off to."

"You look good tonight." Jeffery leaned against the bar and laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not giving you a raise."

"How about a date?"

"Nope. Get busy and stop dicking around." She winked and turned to walk to the back of the club. She opened the large black door at the back of the room, her key one of three she had made. Too much money sitting just beyond the reach of greedy hands. She moved in, listening for the door to lock behind her before walking toward the sound of Marcus humming something.

His usual attire consisted of black slacks, shiny black shoes and a black shirt of some sort. Tonight was no different. He turned and looked over his shoulder, a smile brushing across his lips.


"Do you have everything you need for tonight? Saturdays are nuts, as I know you know."

"Are you offering me something, Katie?" He set his clipboard down and walked toward her, stopping in front of her and reaching out to touch the side of her face.

She laughed sardonically. "No, you'll know when I'm offering. Answer my question. I have too much to do for your bantering tonight."

"How about after work? Close the club at three and get high with me? It's been a while."

She moved around the room, touching various boxes. "Only liquor in here, right? You know I don't want that shit in my house."

"I know, boss." He reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her toward him. He slipped an arm around her and looked down, his gaze growing dark. "You need a release. Let's smoke a little and fuck like rabbits. Let me take care of you."

She pressed her hands to his strong chest and looked up at him, the dark teardrop tattoos on his right cheek making him scary as hell to most, but she knew the guy underneath them. He bent down and brushed his lips across hers, his large hand cupping her butt as he pulled her closer.

"You need it. Let me give it to you." He kissed her again, his face smooth and smelling of aftershave. She slid her hands along his face and leaned into the kiss. He could fuck like no one she had ever met, his body big and built for fighting or hard sex. She kissed him once more and moved back, licking at the sweet taste of peppermint he left on her lips.

"Yeah. I need to forget who I am for the night."

"I like who you are, Katie."

"It's Kate. You don't forget who I am." She glanced over her shoulder. "Lust and drugs... that's all I've got to give. You sure you want it?"

He smiled, a deep laugh leaving him. "I couldn't handle much more from you. That alone is overwhelming."

"Good. Let's keep it that way." She turned and moved back down the hall, her body aching for the night to end so his promises could begin. It had been a few months since she'd given herself over to him last. Namely because they had been too busy, but even more so because she hadn't wanted him to leave after the last time they slept together. She wanted him to stay and sleep next to her, cook breakfast and shit.

She shuddered at the thought of falling in love with someone that couldn't reciprocate it. No way. She would have to watch herself more closely.

Loving someone was the easiest way to lose them. They would leave, or death would come knocking.

It always did.


The rest of the evening went off without a hitch, the crowd staying until the last call for alcohol came over the speakers. Kate stood near the front door, her arm pressed against the cool glass as she peered out. The streets were almost as busy as the club, the patrons stoked about Mardi Gras coming up that following week.

"Only three more days until the all night event. You excited?" Beth moved up beside her, crossing her arms over her chest. The blond middle-aged woman had joined them just before Christmas, her accounting and organizational skills masterful. Kate couldn't count the number of times Beth had saved her money by adjusting their schedules or consolidating their liquor orders.

"Excited? Fuck no. This place is a mad house. Look at it." She moved back to give the other woman room to look out into the streets through the tinted glass.

"People love a party. I'm not surprised at all."

"I am. It's Saturday. Mardi Gras isn't even until Tuesday."

"Yeah, but we're in the heart of New Orleans, Kate. People are coming from all over the world to see this thing."

"It's a drunk orgy. I wouldn't pay to fly somewhere and stay in a hotel to smell vomit and be desensitized by titties." Kate laughed and turned as Marcus walked up.

"Someone say titties?"

Kate laughed again as Beth swatted at him. "I'm out. You guys are so vulgar."

"I was being sensitive to your lovely ears." Marcus winked at the portly woman before turning to Kate. Beth turned and walked away quickly, her business casual clothes mildly out of place.

"It's almost closing time. You can go if you want and I'll shut everything down." Marcus smiled.

Kate turned to face her partner in all things club related.

"You go on up and take a shower. I want you relaxed when I get there." Marcus nodded toward the front door, motioning for her to go.

"I thought you were bringing something to relax me." Kate lifted her eyebrow.

He smiled and reached for her, dropping his hand as if realizing they were in the middle of everyone's view. "You'll not have a care in the world when I'm done with you. Go on. Seriously. You'll have this place to yourself for the first part of the week. Don't forget I'm going to New York for a quick business trip."

"I hate it when you go up there. Those thugs are ruthless."

"And the cheapest to buy the good stuff from. Stop talking and get out of here. The sound of your voice is making my dick ache."

She scoffed and moved toward the exit, brushing by him and caressing his crotch softly. "We wouldn't want that, would we?"

"Bitch." He laughed and turned as she walked out into the late-night activity.


The water was hot and redeeming, the music from her phone soothing her nerves tremendously as well. She picked up the phone and turned it off before walking into her small studio apartment. No sound pushed through the floor of the small room before her, which was a good thing. It meant that the DJ had turned off the music and Marcus would be with her soon. She needed to forget the world and his weed would help. The sex was just an added bonus to remember what it felt like to be touched.

She moved to her dresser, picking up her hairbrush and staring at the small white heart-shaped jewelry box. Her mother had given it to her before she ran away, it being the only thing she took from her previous life. One too many times of telling her mom that her new daddy wasn't exactly on the up and up and she was done. The man would have found a knife in his throat if he had tried to touch her and Kate wasn't a fool. She could see the way he looked at her. It left her skin crawling, her stomach turning. She found herself in the arms of a drug dealer, his promises forcing her to go with him in search of a new life.

Worst decision of my life.

She finished working the brush through her long black hair and set it down. She was careful to remove the top from the small ornate box, the hinge broken from the last time it was dropped on the street. She was lucky there was anything left of it really.

A small piece of paper sat inside of it, Kate taking it out and setting the box back down. She opened it and held it up to her face, part of it still a mystery.

Jon - 24, 64, 88 - Blue

It had to be from Adam. He had to have put it in her pocket that night. She had found it just before washing her jeans, her obsession with checking her clothes before throwing them in the washing machine finally paying off.

She folded it back up and put it away as a knock on the door behind her sounded. It would take some digging to figure out what the cryptic message meant, but she was sure Jon was the name of Adam's brother, right? Maybe not. He had mentioned the older boy a few times when spilling his insecurities out for her to hear, but the name failed her now.

Opening the door, she moved back to let Marcus in, his eyes moving along the small white towel she had wrapped around herself.

"Fuck, you look good."

"Good. Give me the shit and I'll roll it while you clean up. I'm not fucking you after you've been sweaty and pawed at all night by better looking women."

He moved closer, his hand reaching behind her to grab her butt as he pulled her in tightly. He leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of her head, breathing in deeply.

"There is no finer woman than you, Kate Jarret." He rubbed her rear softly, leaning down farther to press his teeth to her exposed shoulder.

She moaned and reached up to run her fingers along his thick neck. He was huge and engulfed her with his size, but it made getting lost in him that much easier. She felt so small and feminine up against him, Marcus three steps beyond masculine.

He moved back, reaching down to tug at the front of his slacks. His thick erection pressed against his pants, Kate's eyes moving across him as she licked at her lips.

He pulled a small bag out of his pocket and extended it to her. "Here's the shit. You got papers?"

"Yeah. Hurry... I want you." She turned and let the towel drop, looking over her shoulder as he growled at her. "There's a towel you can use."

To Be Continued…

Oh snap! The shit is about to get real up in here, right? The sex scene coming up in the next chapter is off the charts delicious. If you liked it, grab you a copy of the rest . It’s a four book series, but you get to a GREAT HEA. I promise. And if you like love triangles… this is seriously for you.

One more peek under the old skirt. That okay? This next one Ali and I plotted as a stand-alone story, but her beautiful girls in her street team pushed and pushed to get more of Ian. So we turned it into a trilogy to give them (and you!) more story. I hope you love this last sneak peek. The taboo relationship with a bad boy bodyguard and a spoiled Senator’s rich daughter is wicked hot. Don’t miss out.

RAS: So the preview above, and that series is my all-time favorite. Well, that’s a lie. My ALL-time favorite is mine and Ali’s (Nicole’s) , but I’m a mafia guy. I love the redemption found in character that go to the far end of the earth to be wicked. It makes the HEA so much richer in my opinion. Are you SICK of my RAS yet?

*smiles in hopes your answer is NO!*




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