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Steel Country Boxset by Fields, MJ (92)

Chapter Thirty-One



It’s been four days. We now have some answers, and Dad, he’s back in Portugal, clearly pulling strings because all of Falcon Construction Bonds have been called in, keeping Gage busy as hell trying to salvage a business he doesn’t want, because his employees depend on him.

I offered to give him what I have, but he refused, saying, “It is what it is. Either it works out or it doesn’t.”

I did hire a crew to build a ramp, knowing when Will gets released, he will be in a wheelchair for a while. Would have built it myself, but I can’t fucking leave her, and she won’t leave me or her dad.

Today, Mom is off the ventilator and breathing on her own. They have taken her off the drip with drugs keeping her in the medically induced coma, allowing her brain to rest in hopes all that swelling goes down, so when she wakes up, they can see what limitations we are working with.

They were hit on the driver’s side, so most of the bones in her arm are broken, her hip was shattered, and her head, well, it’s better now, but she looked so fucked up.

Monday, if she’s still stable, we are having her moved closer to home. The hospital where Juliana is going to work part-time is ready for her.

I sit, holding her hand and wondering when she got so fucking frail? How the hell did she live the way she did for all those years? Other shit I shouldn’t be thinking runs through my head, like a million ways to kill my father slowly without getting caught.

I feel hands on my shoulders and look up.

“You need anything?”

I take Mandee’s hand and guide her up in front of me. “You.”

“That’s good. I need you, too.” She sits on my lap.

“What a mess.” I sigh. “Tell me something good.”

“You’re good,” she says, leaning her head on my shoulder.

“Something else.”

“Dad’s getting released today.”

“Well, that is good.”

I look down at her when she shrugs.

“Why just...?” I shrug. “He’s gonna be happy as hell to get out of here.”

“Well, he’s gonna need help.”

“So, you need to go.”

“I don’t want to leave you.” She slides her hand up my neck and tangles them in my hair.

“I’ll go. Need a break, anyway.”

“But who will be here with her?” The concern in her voice just makes me love her that much more.

“I can get someone,” I assure her.

“Garrett and Jules are expecting. Gage is working his ass off trying to keep the company from falling apart.”

“I wish he’d just let it flop.”

“Me, too,” comes out in a husk, and Mandee jumps up.

“Mom?” I get up, too.

“Get me out of this place,” she grumbles.

“I’ll get a nurse!” The excitement in Mandee’s voice is beautiful. I feel like a dick that I didn’t jump up like that when she told me Will was being released.

When the door shuts behind her, Mom whispers, “Get me Nicholas DeAngelo.”

“The cop?” I ask.

“Yes. That bastard is going to pay for what he has done.”


“Yes,” she whispers.

“He’s back overseas,” I inform her.

“Good. Now let’s make sure he never comes back.”

Two Weeks Later

Sitting on a stool in the corner, looking at the bar packed to capacity with what must be the whole town, I can’t help smiling. This feels good. Being here feels like home. Been here every day with her. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

She looks amazing in her Carlin’s tee, her ass framed in those black shorts.

Fucking blessed, and Garrett was right; she can make the worst situation feel like it will be all right. She makes shit glitter, for sure.

Last Monday, I was here while she was cleaning, helping her as much as she would allow and getting things set for the week. She must have been real appreciative, because she went to the kitchen when I was fucking around out in the dining room, trying to figure out how to add that bathroom and coat check area she talked about.

Until I smelled bacon.

I walked into the kitchen, and she was making me some of that chocolate covered bacon. Yeah, I got hard. When she spilled the chocolate on her finger, I licked it off. It had been a week since we had done much more than holding each other through the hell and kissing, which was more in comfort than sexual need. Crazy that a look filled with love, a pat on the back, a shoulder rub, simply holding hands, or having her on my lap, wrapped around me, makes everything better. Felt almost as good as fucking, too.


I couldn’t help myself. I laid her out on the stainless-steel island and made a meal out of her. Then...then she fed me chocolate covered bacon and sucked me off so good I saw stars. Then we fucked in her old man’s office.

Almost felt bad about that, too.


He makes me leave at night. I sneak right back in when his pain meds kick in.

Disrespectful? Maybe. But, her and I, we need each other. She would be staying with me if he was walking; she told me so.

God, she’s fucking beautiful, inside and out.

“Thank you all for coming out tonight,” I say over the microphone, trying to focus on Mandee, because I hate this shit. “Tonight is our first fondle Friday.”

Mandee covers her mouth.

“Oh, my bad, I meant frontal Friday.”

She palms her face.

“Sorry, hot lips, I keep messing this up. Told you not to put me up here in front of everyone. We both know I’m better behind closed doors.”

Now she covers her face with both hands while everyone hoots and howls.

“In all seriousness, it’s Carlin’s first of many Fondue Fridays. It’s no secret to my family, close friends, and Mandee”—I wink—“that I love chocolate. In fact, I think the reason I fell in love with her is because she lost a bet and had to pay up in chocolate bacon.

“As you can see, we have desserts set up everywhere in the bar, and back in the dining room, we’re five minutes from dinner. All fondue, all night. And for the next two hours, you get me and my guitar, Glory.” I avoid looking at my brothers, knowing it probably stings that I held back that secret for so long, but they don’t seem to be as upset or affected as I imagined.

“Eat, drink, dance, and most importantly, enjoy.” I grab my guitar, set it on my lap, and start playing “Craving You,” by Thomas Rhett.

Every time we have to say goodbye, I’m counting down until we say hello...

Everyone here is having a good time, even Blue. When he walked in, I was singing, “Even If It Breaks Your Heart” by Eli Young Band. He had a girl with him. I watched Mandee, my Mandee, give him a thumbs-up. He looked down and gave her one back.

She smiles more now, with her head held high, no more hiding behind that beautiful hair. I hope to hell that’s something I helped her overcome, because she sure as fuck helped me overcome years of hurt and anger, just by being her and loving me.

My whole family is here, except Mom, who’s still in rehab, but closer every day to getting home. She was lucky, so are we. She has nothing wrong that some therapy and time won’t heal. Her left arm, hand, and hip are healing well. The swelling in the brain is going down.

William, he has Janice around when Mandee is here. He looks happy. Her being a retired nurse helps out a lot—sponge baths and shit. She even has his medication set for a week at a time. His healing is coming along well, too. Not just his legs, but his heart. Mandee smiles like a fool at him when she’s around, and he blushes. It’s hysterical, except when I laugh and get poison Dad darts shot at me. I do my best not to.

Gage is way more fucking relaxed than I expected in his situation. However, Phoenix looks exhausted and walks a little funny. And yes, I have told her that.

Brand, Garrett, and Juliana are a strong as fuck family. He reminds me of the brother I grew up with, the one I looked up to, until a sick bastard took away his belief in himself.

I set the guitar down after seven songs and lean into the mic. “Be back in fifteen.”

I walk over to where Mandee’s waiting for me. “Wanna eat?”

I can’t help smirking. “I’m always down for that.”

I hear a laugh and look over.

“Pearl, you know a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

She laughs. “Oh, I know that, doll face, but I also know what you were meaning.”

“Pearl,” Mandee scolds.

“Mandee, you and Phoenix walk around this place looking like you ain’t had sleep in days. And I’m not talking bags under your eyes. I’m talking about that glow. And the walk. Y’all are either riding horses or cowboys.” She winks.

“I’m a cowboy,” Brand says, climbing up on the stool next to me.

“By the looks of the men in these parts these days, I’m sure you’re gonna make lots of cowgirl’s smile.”

“Only one.” He holds up a finger then looks at me. “Uncle Gray, I wanna sing a song.”

“Yeah?” I ask. “All right.”

He looks back, and I see the Steel crew walking in.

“I wanna do it now,” he says, jumping down and heading toward my guitar.

“Hey, Brand, you need my help?” I ask.

He shakes his head and keeps on trucking. He pulls the stool closer to the mic, adjusts it, grabs the guitar, and sits down.

“Hi, I’m Brand Falcon. My uncle taught me some stuff, so I’m gonna play for you.” He points toward the Steels.

“Oh, dear God, what’s he gonna do?” Phoenix says on a laugh.

“No clue, but someone get their camera phone ready.” Gage laughs along with her.

I see Juliana start to walk toward him, but Garrett stops her.

“Garrett, this is not cool,” she says.

He chuckles. “Let the boy have fun.”

He starts playing the guitar, and I’m trying like hell to figure out what he’s playing. Then he starts singing.

Well, I walk into a room, passing out hundred dollar bills, and it kills...

“Oh, fuck,” Garrett says.

“I told you!” Juliana smacks his chest.

I can’t help laughing, and Mandee snorts from behind me.

I turn back and look at her.

“Go help him!”

“Help him?” I laugh.

“Go.” She pushes me.

“Yes, dear,” I say, making my way up to him.

He looks at me when I get to him.

“Let me play. You sing.”

He nods once and doesn’t miss a beat as he enters into the chorus.

“ ’Cause I saddle up my horse, and I ride into the city. I make a lot of noise ’cause that girl”—he points at the Steels again, and I have to bite back a laugh as I watch Jase’s face turn red—“she looks so pretty, riding up and down Broadway, on my old stud Leroy. And that girl says Save a horse, ride a cowboy.”

The crowd is loving this shit, and he can actually sing. The crowd dancing and singing the chorus with him, he’s having the time of his life.

I’m a thoroughbred. That’s what she said, in the back of my truck bed...”

I look over at Garrett and Gage, who are both dying. I’m thankful Brand can’t see them. Kid has no clue what this song is about. He’s probably just happy as hell it says cowboy.

When he finishes, the crowd goes crazy for him.

He loves it. I’m glad he does. Every kid deserves to have a champion, and he has a town full.

When he looks back, he is holding himself, and I’m thinking, oh, shit.

“Gotta pee.”

Thank God, I think as I point toward the bathroom.

“Be right back.”

As he jumps off the small stage, I set the guitar down and walk over to my brothers, seeing Jase and Xavier are now standing with them.

“Did you set him up for that?” Jase points at me.

“Nope.” I laugh. “That was all Brand.”

“Where the hell did he learn that song?” Jase asks. “Fucking filthy!”

Garrett laughs out loud. “His mom loves that song.”

“I do not!” Juliana yells at him.

He busts up laughing. “My bad. You like the actual act of riding the cowboy, not the song.”

“Seriously need to put his ass in check, man.” Jase shakes his head.

When we hear the microphone squeak, I’m sure it’s him coming back for more, until I hear a little girl’s voice.

Get a load of me, get a load of you, walking down the street, and I hardly know you. It’s just like we were meant to be...” she sings, missing every R.

Right now, I’m thinking I want a little girl.

“Carly!” Jase yells, looking around for his wife.

“Seriously, man, you need to put her ass in check.” Garrett says on a laugh.

If this is just the beginning, we’re already wet, and we’re gonna go swimming...” Kiki Steel sings.

I see Carly laughing, a baby in one arm, as she hurry’s up to where Kiki is still singing.

“Good, she’ll stop her.” Jase grumbles. “I need a fucking drink.” He tosses one back.

“Momma, sing with me,” comes across the speakers.

“No, Carly, don’t,” Jase says, nearly choking.

Why can’t I breathe whenever I think about you?” Carly and Kiki sing together, and Jase throws the rest of the drink down.

“Fuck it,” he snarls as he walks over to them.

It’s an itch we know we are gonna scratch. Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch.” Carly uses little Max’s hand to wave to Jase, who is now standing in front of them, shaking his head and trying to hold back a smirk. “But wouldn’t it be beautiful?” She beams, and he nods.

Here we are. We’re at the beginning. We haven’t bleeped yet,” Kiki sings, and Jase looks up, shaking his head.

I take Mandee’s hand and lead her out to dance with me.

“I want babies,” I tell her. “A little girl and a little boy. Just two. I never wanted any. Now...Fuck, Mandee, now I want two.”

She nods and smiles. “Then we’ll have two.”