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Stern Daddy (Dark Daddy Doms Book 3) by Ava Sinclair (13)

More Stormy Night Books by Ava Sinclair



The Marshal’s Little Girl

When a young woman calling herself Wilhelmina James shows up at his town’s horse auction unescorted with a lot of sass and a lot of cash, Gage Chandler instantly gets a bad feeling about her. He’s about to blow the small town of Red Horse Gulch to join the US Marshal’s office, and this mysterious visitor is a headache he doesn’t need. After he agrees to check out the pretty blonde stranger to appease a local rancher left angry at being outbid, what Gage finds out about Wilhelmina quickly confirms that she is up to no good. But when she gives him the slip and goes on the run it changes both of their lives forever.

Once he catches up with the little firebrand, it isn’t long before she is over his knee for a hard spanking. As the sexual tension between marshal and outlaw reaches a fever pitch, Gage finds that Wilhelmina’s deep need for submission meshes with his own buried desire to completely dominate a woman, and soon enough he has taken her as much more than just his prisoner.

But Gage soon learns that his captive has a secret. Wilhelmina doesn’t just want to be his woman; she wants to be his little girl. She needs his love, his care, and his firm hand applied to her bare bottom when she is naughty. Though Gage is ready to oblige, the west is a harsh and dangerous place for a woman, even with a hardened lawman like him by her side. Can he keep Wilhelmina safe, or will the shadow of her past prove impossible to escape?




The Highlander’s Little Lass

As the daughter of a powerful highland laird, Glynis McLeod should have made a fine wife for any Scotsman. Having been deprived of discipline by her mother’s untimely passing, however, Glynis grew up wild and unchecked. As a lass of twenty, she has precious little respect for any man, let alone a husband her father might choose for her.

But even a doting father must obey his king, and when the king demands a marriage to ensure lasting peace between rival clans, Glynis finds herself the very reluctant bride of Bran McKinnon. Known as Bran the Bull—both for his size and his fearsome sexual appetites—he is a man accustomed to being obeyed, a fact which is quickly impressed upon Glynis when her lack of decorum earns her a bare-bottom spanking from her future husband in the great hall of her father’s castle.

As soon as Bran lays eyes on Glynis, he knows the fiery redhead is exactly what he's been seeking: a woman who needs both the firm hand of a father figure and the dominant lovemaking of a husband. With the help of her childhood nanny, Bran sets about training his feisty highland lass to be the obedient wife he expects. Blushing cheeks and a sore bottom quickly help Glynis become the good little girl her husband desires, but when danger threatens the king's peace, will Bran recognize in time that there's more to his young bride than meets the eye?




The Doctor’s Little Ward

After the death of her deeply indebted father, nineteen-year-old Abigail Barrow faces a hard future in the workhouses of nineteenth-century London. Her only hope lies in a marriage to Dr. Simon Abbott, a man whose life her father once saved while they both served in Her Majesty’s Navy. But with no education and no dowry, she can hardly expect the esteemed doctor to agree to the match, especially when her sharp tongue earns her a trip over his knee for a humiliating bare-bottom spanking during their very first meeting.

The reserved Dr. Abbott has long avoided marriage, knowing that what he seeks in a wife is not easy to find. Abigail’s response to his firm chastisement convinces him that she is just the woman he needs, but she will require training to be a properly submissive wife, and thus before he makes her his bride he decides to bring her into his home as his ward.

On her first day in Simon’s home, Abigail finds herself stripped naked, bathed like a child, and then dressed in clothing befitting a little girl. Worse still, her failure to obey her new guardian promptly results in a swift and painful punishment applied to her bare backside. Yet Simon’s strict discipline is accompanied by gentle, loving care, and as the days pass his intimate attentions awaken a powerful need within her. When she lies on the doctor’s exam table, exposed, vulnerable, and blushing crimson, Abigail cannot help aching for him to claim her. But can there be a permanent place for her in Simon’s life as both his wife and his little ward?




Big Beautiful Little

Getting dumped for her best friend marks a low point in Tiffany Barlow’s life, and the break-up does more than shake her confidence. A few hurtful words from her ex are enough to leave her wondering if, as a plus-sized woman, she’s too big for anyone to want as a submissive. After moving across the country with the aim of starting over, Tiffany is determined to get in shape and begin a new life.

As far as Lance Sawyer is concerned, the full-figured girl who shows up for a trial membership at his gym is the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. When Tiffany leaves in a snit after a misunderstanding, he’s determined to make things right, and he offers her his services as a personal trainer. But this will be a very special form of training…

Lance is no stranger to the age play lifestyle, and in Tiffany he sees a girl with a deep need for total submission. But first she’ll have to get past her misconceptions about her weight, recognize her true beauty, and discover what it really means to be a little. Can Nick’s




Her Highland Guardian

As a modern-minded woman in the year 2657, Dr. Mary Malone is less than thrilled with the task of documenting the domestic life of a married couple in the eighteenth-century Scottish Highlands. But though she is appalled by the fact that men in that barely civilized era were known to take it upon themselves to discipline their wives—with a firm hand or a leather strap applied to the bare bottom, no less—she is a historian who takes her duties seriously, even when they involve travelling through time to a bygone age.

Unfortunately for her, something goes horribly wrong on what was to be her final visit, and Mary is left stranded in the highlands with no way to return home. Worse still, she is no longer merely an invisible, untouchable observer of this world. She is there in the flesh, helpless and alone, and to top it all off, she is accosted and accused of witchcraft almost instantly upon being seen.

Clan chieftain Alastair McDonald is pretty sure the mysterious, beautiful woman who makes an unexplained appearance in his village isn’t a witch, though the way she captures his heart from the moment he sets eyes on her does seem like magic. When he learns the truth, he realizes that if she is to be kept safe Mary will have to get used to doing as she is told. He is more than ready to teach her obedience, but what she truly needs is a guardian to love, guide, and care for her.

Alastair is not a man to be trifled with, and when she persists in defying him Mary quickly discovers that a bare-bottom spanking is not the only way to punish a naughty little lass. But though she blushes to admit it, his dominance excites her more than she ever could have imagined and she soon finds herself yearning for more. Yet even as she grows to love her life at his side, she knows that one day she may face a fateful choice. If given the chance to return home, would she leave her highland guardian behind?




Staking Their Claim

Jenny Beaumont’s brother Will told her countless times about his plans to follow his friend Cody Drake to the mining town of Coloma, and the innocent eighteen-year-old can’t help but romanticize the California Gold Rush. When she faces the prospect of being married off to an older man by her greedy relatives after Will’s tragic death, Jenny heads west to fulfill his dream.

In the months he has spent waiting for Will to join him, Cody has become close friends with Nigel Simms, an Englishman who recently saved his life. After he finally gets word that Will has made it to Coloma, Cody is shocked to discover that the new arrival is actually Will’s little sister Jenny disguised as a boy. Learning of his friend’s passing is bad enough, and now he’ll have to look out for Jenny as well. As far as he is concerned, protecting Jenny means taking legal custody of her, and he is pleased when Nigel agrees to share the responsibility.

Both men make it clear to Jenny that she will be expected to obey them or face the consequences, and furthermore, as their ward she will be cared for like a child. Before she knows it, she finds herself being bathed, dressed like a little girl, and spanked on her bare bottom when she is naughty. But despite her embarrassment at such treatment, Jenny quickly discovers that the two men’s firm-handed dominance and loving correction awaken a fire in her that she never knew existed.

Cody and Nigel didn’t plan to fall in love with the same woman, but in no time at all Jenny has captured both of their hearts. Soon they are sharing their little ward in the most intimate way possible, teaching her all the ways that a man—or two men at once—can make her blush with shame and ache with need at the same time. But keeping a beautiful young woman out of harm’s way in a rough mining town is no easy task, even for two men. Can Jenny truly trust Cody and Nigel to keep their little girl safe no matter what?




His Lordship’s Little Bride

Eighteen-year-old Lady Amelia Chesterfield’s willfulness has caused great consternation for her parents over the years, but they are nonetheless taken aback by her appalling and indecent response to their attempts to marry her to a man of their choosing. The scandal which ensues as a result of Amelia’s wanton behavior seems certain to complete the ruin of her family’s already tattered reputation, and thus it comes as a shock to the entire household when Garrett Darmley, the heir to the richest estate in the region, makes his own offer of marriage to Amelia.

Garrett is no fool, and he has his own reasons for his proposal. He has long known that he wants and needs a woman who can be not only his wife, but his little girl as well, and Amelia will fill that role perfectly. Her rebellious nature will afford him plenty of opportunities to bare her bottom and spank her soundly before taking her in his arms to comfort her, and if she persists in her defiance his young bride will soon discover that there are punishments which are far more painful and embarrassing than a mere spanking.

Though her new husband’s treatment of her is shocking at first, as Amelia settles into her new life as his little girl she finds herself feeling loved and accepted in a way she never dreamed of before. His total command of her body soon leaves her yearning for his touch, and as his masterful lovemaking brings her to one quivering, blushing climax after another, her passion for him burns hotter every day. But when enemies within Garrett’s own household seek to harm Amelia, will the scandal and disgrace she hoped to leave behind return to plague her once again?




Claiming Her Innocence

Eighteen-year-old Lady Penelope Lennox always considered herself destined for life as a nun, and she is shocked when her father arranges for her to marry Lord Alton Westcott, a man she’s never met. Determined to avoid the sinful pleasures of the world, Penelope decides to do the unthinkable. In the hope that persistent disobedience will force her future husband to send her back to the convent, she will put aside her meek demeanor and defy him at every opportunity.

Lord Westcott’s insatiable appetite for the fairer sex and his finely-honed skill in the bedchamber are both well-known, but after years of avoiding marriage his desire for a lasting love leads him to look beyond the jaded women of his social circle. His particular tastes demand a young lady unspoiled by the world, one suitable to become not only his wife but his little girl as well.

Penelope’s unruly behavior offers Lord Westcott the perfect opportunity to take her in hand, and it isn’t long before the beautiful, headstrong maiden is lying naked over his knee for a sound spanking. A sore bottom is only the beginning of his plans for Penelope, however, and soon enough she is blushing crimson as her bare body is intimately and thoroughly explored. But though Lord Westcott quickly proves more than capable of bringing his innocent little girl to one powerful climax after another, can he truly teach her to cast her shame and inhibitions aside and yield herself fully to his loving dominance?




The Officer’s Little Rebel

It’s a bittersweet homecoming for Major Royce Kingsley, who returns from a military campaign to find his family’s proud reputation damaged by the actions of a disinherited brother. But Royce still has his estate, his fortune, and most importantly, his honor. So when a rare moment of indiscretion on his part ends in the drunken seduction of a beautiful, innocent innkeeper’s daughter, he sets out to do the right thing and take the young woman as his wife.

Nineteen-year-old Imogen vowed long ago that she would never make the mistake her mother did by trusting a man—any man—to treat her kindly. When Royce informs her that he is going to marry her, her first instinct is to resist. But Royce is not a man to be put off from doing what he believes is right, and Imogen’s defiance merely earns her a painful, embarrassing bare-bottom spanking from the handsome officer.

Royce quickly realizes that Imogen is in desperate need of both firm-handed discipline and gentle, loving care, and he decides that she will be returned to the nursery until he is certain she is truly ready to be his wife and the mistress of a large estate. Soon enough, Imogen is blushing crimson as she is stripped bare, bathed thoroughly, dressed as a little girl, and spanked soundly whenever she is naughty.

Despite her best efforts, Imogen cannot resist her body’s utterly shameful response to her future husband’s dominance. As she is made to surrender herself to Royce ever more intimately, each quivering climax only increases her need for him to claim her completely. The peace she soon feels as Royce’s little girl is unlike anything she has experienced before, but can Imogen trust her new papa to protect her when an old enemy plots to tear her from his loving arms forever?




Lucy and the Doctors

Confined to an institution and incorrectly diagnosed with acute nymphomania after being falsely accused of promiscuity by a powerful judge, eighteen-year-old Lucy Priven has no idea what to expect when she is removed from the asylum by two handsome doctors. After she is informed that she is now their legal ward, she soon finds herself being prepared for a thorough, intimate medical examination. Her refusal to disrobe for the exam earns her the first spanking of her life, but once she is stripped bare and fully on display she cannot hide her helpless arousal.

Doctors Benedict Crane and Thomas Allard are Victorian London’s foremost experts on curing sexual frigidity in women, and their intensely humiliating but highly effective techniques have helped them build a thriving practice. But as they embark on a new study exploring potential treatments for wanton female behavior, Benedict and Thomas are in need of a suitable subject for their research, and Lucy seems to fit the bill perfectly. To their surprise, however, it quickly becomes apparent that Lucy has been misdiagnosed.

While her body responds beautifully to both firm discipline and a man’s pleasurable touch, she is no nymphomaniac. Upon learning more about her past experiences, they decide that the best course of action is to regress Lucy to a childlike state, and before long she is delighting in the attention of her new guardians. But as she flourishes under their care, Benedict and Thomas must confront their growing attraction to their ward. When it becomes obvious that her need for them is just as intense as theirs for her, will the doctors be prepared to claim Lucy fully and give her exactly the medicine she requires?




His Wayward Woman

Jace Whitaker has always had a special place in his heart for Lily Mae Slater, and when he left for college it pained him to hear about her running wild in his absence. Upon returning to their small Texas town for Lily’s high school graduation only to have her show up at his door drunk, angry, and looking for a fight, Jace’s patience ran out, and before either of them knew it she was over his knee with her bottom bared for the good, hard spanking she so desperately needed.

Seeing the embarrassing chastisement as proof that she could never be anything more than just a silly little girl to Jace, eighteen-year-old Lily bought a bus ticket for California the next morning. She did her best to forget the only man who ever cared enough to take her in hand, but seven years later the fact that Jace never came looking for her still hurts.

After the passing of her mother brings her back home for the first time since the day she boarded that bus and tried to leave Jace in her past, Lily’s pain and anger boil over at last. When she arrives at the ranch Jace now owns and operates, planning to tell him exactly what she thinks of him, history repeats itself and she quickly finds herself with a bright red, well-spanked bottom.

Now that Lily is back in his life after all these years, Jace isn’t going to let her run off again. This time he is going to show her exactly how he feels about her, and she is going to learn what it means to be taken long, hard, and thoroughly by a dominant man. But living on her own in the city for so many years has left Lily with more sass than sense. Can the firm-handed rancher keep her both in line and in his life, or will he blow this second chance to tame his wayward woman?




Daddy Issues

Twenty-five-year-old Ellie Brewer’s abandonment by her father has been a source of sadness throughout her life, and when he rejects her appeal for help as an adult she is hurt all over again. Feeling lost and hopeless, she volunteers for a paid study being conducted by Professor William Ashworth on the topic of young women who lack a strong father figure in their lives.

William’s interest in this particular subject is not merely academic, and he is instantly intrigued by Ellie. He has always hoped to one day find a woman who would benefit from being nurtured and dominated by a loving daddy, and from the moment she steps into his office it is obvious that she is in desperate need of exactly the kind of attention and affection he would offer, not to mention the firm but loving correction he would apply to her bare bottom as often as necessary.

Ellie is shocked when she learns the details of William’s planned research, but with her attempts to hold down a job going awry one after another, she is ultimately left with little choice but to accept the arrangement the handsome professor proposes. He will take on the role of her daddy for the duration of his research, and over that time she will live with him as his ward, subject to his rules and the consequences of breaking those rules.

William quickly proves more than ready to take his ward over his knee and spank her bare bottom whenever she misbehaves, but Ellie soon discovers that her new daddy’s strict discipline makes her feel safe and loved in a way nothing else ever has. Before long she finds herself aching for William to claim her completely, but can she really trust that he will always be there for her, or will their relationship be torn apart by her daddy issues?




Her Bad Boy Daddy

For twenty-year-old Carrie Lynn Lassiter, an evening at a biker bar was meant to be no more than a defiant walk on the wild side and an act of rebellion against a father who never loved her. But when she catches the eye of the leader of a ruthless outlaw biker gang, she soon finds herself in way over her head.

As second in command of The Rebel Sons, Jake Greer is all too familiar with the brutal tactics of the Vipers, the rival gang he holds responsible for his father’s murder. When he stumbles upon a beautiful, vulnerable young woman running for her life from them, he doesn't think twice about rescuing her.

It doesn’t take long for Jake to figure out that Carrie Lynn is no biker chick, but something about the sweet yet sassy girl leaves him aching to bare her little bottom, spank her soundly, and then claim her hard and thoroughly.

Carrie Lynn can’t hide her need for Jake’s firm-handed dominance, and soon enough she is begging for more as he brings her to one shattering climax after another. But Jake has powerful enemies who won’t hesitate to use Carrie Lynn to get to him. Will keeping his little girl safe mean leading The Rebel Sons into a war they might not win?




The Alien’s Captive

General Augustus Bron, Commander of the Traoian Iron Guard, has never approved of the practice of capturing human women and training them to serve the rich and powerful of his world. He knows, however, that success in politics is all but impossible without the social status granted by ownership of a human pet, and with his planet in desperate need of new leadership he sees little choice but to obtain one for himself.

When she pieces together a connection between five missing women, reporter Phaedra Ellis knows she is onto something big, but before she can go public with her story she is taken from her apartment in the middle of the night and brought to a facility unlike anything she has ever seen before. To her shock, Phaedra is informed that she is no longer on Earth, and more disturbing still, she is now the property of a huge, powerful alien warrior who will not hesitate to bare her bottom and spank her soundly should she dare to disobey him.

After an intimate, deeply humiliating medical examination confirms her suitability as a pet, Bron begins Phaedra’s training. Though taming her will require a firm hand and punishments much more shameful than a mere spanking may be necessary from time to time, he has no doubt that he is up to the task. But despite his efforts to remain stoic, his beautiful little human has soon claimed a place in his heart. When Bron’s enemies seek to use his growing love for Phaedra against him, can the battle-hardened soldier find a way to protect both his planet and his pet?




Conquering the Queen

When Queen Avin of Windbourne is taken captive, stripped bare, and brought to face judgement from Lord Xander of Ravenscroft, the bold, handsome warrior who overthrew her and took her crown for his own, she is determined to remain defiant even as she stands naked before him.

Leading a rebellion against the woman he once hoped would be his bride was the last thing Xander wanted, but the treachery of Avin’s father left him with no other choice. Yet despite the pain of Avin’s apparent betrayal, Xander can’t help wondering whether she was merely a pawn in a perilous game.

Determined to win Avin’s submission, Xander sets out to master her body completely, and soon enough she has been soundly spanked and then made to kneel at his feet and eat from his hand. But though her arousal at such shameful treatment cannot be denied, Avin is far too proud to yield without a fight. Can Xander find a way to conquer the beautiful, feisty queen and claim her heart before his own father’s scheming tears the kingdom apart?




Bride of the Trogarians

As the nations of Earth collapse into chaos amid a steadily worsening environmental catastrophe, Iris makes the choice to leave her dying world behind and seek refuge on the far-off planet of TraoX39, where human females are in high demand as brides. But upon her arrival, she soon realizes that her new life will be far different than she was led to believe.

Though she was promised the right to refuse any match, when Iris dares to reject a rich, decadent oaf who fancies her, she finds herself in deep trouble. After a humiliating public punishment, she is brought to a remote settlement inhabited by the rugged, battle-hardened Trogarian tribe and given as a gift to their chieftains.

The two huge, handsome Trogarian warriors waste no time in making it clear that Iris is to be their obedient, submissive bride, and when she defies them she quickly discovers that there are punishments much more shameful than a mere bare-bottom spanking. Yet in spite of everything, their mastery of her body sets Iris on fire with passion in a way she has never experienced, and before long she is delighting in being shared by her fierce, dominant mates.

But the Trogarians have powerful enemies, and soon her adopted people are caught up in the scheming of foes as cunning as they are evil. Can Iris help set things right and save the men she has grown to love before it is too late?




The Warrior’s Prize

When investigative journalist Emily Klein gets too close to the truth about a devious plan by corrupt government authorities to remove undesirable humans from Earth and imprison them in penal colonies on the planet TraoX39, her meddling ends up landing her in the same alien prison system she sought to expose.

Zak Steth has been adrift since disobeying orders to save the life of a friend got him branded a renegade and dismissed from the Galactic Legion, but when his latest job as a bounty hunter lands him face to face with a beautiful, feisty human female, he decides to take her as his own.

But taming Emily won’t be easy. She is willful, defiant, and in desperate need of a firm hand, and Zak will have to keep her safe in a world which is completely unfamiliar to her. He wastes no time in starting his new mate’s training, spanking her bare bottom soundly whenever she disobeys and teaching her that her body is now his to enjoy in any way he pleases.

Despite her deep shame at being utterly dominated and punished as often as Zak feels it necessary—sometimes in ways far more humiliating than a mere spanking—when the huge, handsome warrior claims her hard and thoroughly the pleasure is beyond anything Emily could have ever imagined. But with both humans and aliens still hunting them, can they outwit their enemies and escape TraoX39 before it is too late?




The Vikings’ Thrall

After Morgan MacCallum kills the son of an earl in defense of her home during a Viking raid, the Norsemen take her captive. She is claimed as a thrall by Bjorn and Erik, two huge, handsome warriors who leave no doubt that they plan to enjoy her beautiful body in any way they please.

Bjorn and Erik quickly set out to tame their thrall, and a humiliating bare-bottom spanking soon reminds Morgan of her new place in the world. But though it fills her with shame, she cannot help quivering with desire as they strip her bare and teach her what it means to be thoroughly mastered by two dominant warriors.

Before long Bjorn and Erik find themselves thinking of Morgan as much more than just their thrall, but she is no more than property under Viking law, and keeping her safe in this harsh world will be no small feat. When the powerful daughter of the earl seeks vengeance for her brother’s death, can Morgan count on the men she has grown to love to stand by her side?




Mastering the Fangirl

Emma Fowler didn’t expect a reply after she sent an anonymous email to her favorite author letting him know how much his books have meant to her, but Alden Fisher surprised her. He didn’t just write back, he wanted to get to know her better.

Fearful that a handsome, successful man like Alden could never be interested in a geeky fangirl like her, Emma created a fake profile to impress him. But as their relationship grew into an intimate, passionate online romance, Emma’s guilt grew as well, and when her shame became too great she disappeared from social media.

But Emma is about to discover that Alden is not content to let her write the ending to this story. He is determined not only to show Emma that he fell in love with the woman behind the profile, but to give her the correction and dominance he knows she both needs and craves.

He tracks Emma down and soon she is lying over his knee for the intense, painful spanking she has needed for so long.

Though she is shocked by Alden’s sudden return to her life, his firm discipline and loving guidance give Emma confidence she has never had before, and being claimed properly by him at last is better than she ever dreamed. But when a secret from his past threatens to tarnish Alden’s reputation, will the ensuing scandal destroy the bond Emma has built with the man who changed her life first with his books and then with his belief in her?




Alpha Daddy

When alpha wolf Lakota Longtree sees a grizzly stalking a young woman in the Alaskan wilderness, he intervenes just in time. But the beast is no ordinary bear. He is a shifter of a different clan, an ancient enemy of Lakota’s people, and he will not be satisfied until he has tracked down and killed this woman. Lakota’s only choice is to make her a member of his pack, but that will mean teaching the headstrong girl that an alpha expects to be obeyed.

Carly Fowler has never put much stock in myths and legends, but after the ruggedly handsome man who so recently saved her life transforms into a wolf before her eyes, she is forced to accept that what he says is true. There is a terrifying creature hunting her and Lakota and his pack can keep her safe, but that will mean submitting to a stern, dominant alpha who will not hesitate to bare her bottom and spank her soundly any time he feels it necessary.

Lakota gives Carly no time to ponder her situation, nor does he give her a choice in the matter. She will live with him until he is sure she is no longer in danger, and during that time she will do as she is told or face the consequences. It isn’t long before Carly’s defiant attitude earns her a painful, embarrassing spanking over Lakota’s knee, but despite her fury at being punished in such a fashion she cannot help yearning for him to take her hard and thoroughly.

Over the coming days, Lakota takes on the role of Carly’s firm but loving daddy, providing the structure and discipline she requires to adjust to her new life. Soon enough, however, his need for her becomes overwhelming, and he claims her as his mate, mastering her more completely than she would have ever thought possible. But will her presence end up tearing his pack apart?




The Sheriff’s Secret Baby

Sheriff Grant Jackson fell in love with Lydia Somerset the moment he saw her, and though she was unaccustomed to the ways of the west and surprised by his readiness to take her firmly in hand, she seemed to love him too. That only made it harder to bear when a misunderstanding prompted her to board a train headed back east without even saying goodbye.

Lydia had high hopes when she traveled west as a mail order bride for the sheriff of Silver Run, Arizona, but then everything went wrong and she ended up back in Boston, on her own and pregnant with his child. Heartbroken and desperate, she let her cruel, conniving mother take control of her life, even though it meant giving up her child.

When Grant receives a cryptic letter informing him that his wife is in urgent need of his help, he takes the next train to Boston, determined to find out the truth behind her abrupt departure. Upon his arrival, however, he quickly discovers that there is much more to the situation than he realized. Can he find a way to reclaim not only his wayward wife but his infant son as well?




Her Russian Bears

When US Fish and Wildlife Service agent Jordan Rowe is sent to Russia to investigate the smuggling of a huge bear into the United States, she has no idea what is in store for her.

Upon reaching the remote Kamchatka peninsula, Jordan meets wealthy businessman Mikhail Barinov and his cousin Dr. Ivan Kolov. The men quickly prove to be as infuriating as they are attractive, but when she pries too deeply into their affairs Jordan ends up in way over her head.

Mikhail and Ivan are among the last of an ancient race capable of shifting between man and bear, and they will do whatever is necessary to protect their secret. More alarming still, both men are on the verge of being consumed completely by their wild natures. In order to avoid losing control they must claim a mate as soon as possible, and they have decided that Jordan will be that mate.

Though Jordan is far from ready to submit to one stern alpha male, let alone two, Mikhail and Ivan’s bold dominance leaves her burning with need and when an act of disobedience earns her a painful, embarrassing bare-bottom spanking she cannot hide her helpless arousal. In spite of her situation, Jordan soon finds herself falling in love with both Mikhail and Ivan, but can she trust her Russian bears to keep her safe in this dangerous land?




His by Contract

He pushes me past my limits.

I wear what he buys for me… or nothing at all.

He takes me as hard and as often as he pleases.

Because he can. Because he owns me.

I’m a professional woman, a respected partner in a law firm. I don’t need anyone to run my life. I just need a man to make me blush and beg and soak my panties, if I’m allowed to wear any. A man who will strip me bare and use me whenever, wherever, and however he wants. A man who will spank me until I’m sore and sobbing if I dare to disobey.

That’s why I belong to Mr. M. That’s why my body is his property. That’s why I’m his by contract.




His to Ride

Cole Patterson is a champion bronc rider, but I know damn well he isn’t back in town just to show off in our local rodeo. He didn’t come to ride horses. He came to ride me. Again.

Under some other circumstances, Cole and I might have been together. But we come from different worlds, and it doesn’t help matters that my daddy is in prison for swindling his.

I let him have me once, and the sex was so hot it scared me. But I know I can’t be with Cole, so I walked away. Now he’s back and offering me a bet. If I win a hand of poker, he leaves me alone for good. If he wins, he gets another chance to ride me as rough and dirty as he wants.

But I’m afraid it might not be just a one-night stand this time. He plans to break me in like a wild filly, and a part of me hopes he’ll succeed, because deep down I think we both know I’ll always be his to ride.




His to Own

The plan was flawless. The location for the auction was ideal. My body was toned to perfection. The participants—all billionaires—were chosen carefully. The winner would have one month with me, and for the price of my innocence I would be set for life.

Then it all went terribly wrong.

The man who bought me is no middle-aged investment banker. He’s a battle-hardened soldier, tough, stern, and unyielding. Now he owns me, and he’s determined to get his money’s worth.

He’ll do anything he wants with me, and there’s nothing I can do about it. He’ll spank my bare ass for the slightest defiance, tease my virgin body until I’m soaking wet and desperate, and then claim me as hard and thoroughly as he pleases.

I don’t even know if he’ll let me go when the month is over… and I’m not sure I’ll want him to.




His to Corrupt

I’ve always been the shy one among my friends. The responsible one. The good girl.

But that was before I met Jackson Rider, the tattooed, motorcycle-riding ex-con who saved my life and demanded a date with me as payment.

Jackson wants to make a good girl go bad, even if it’s for just one night. But one night isn’t enough. Not for him. Not for me.

I know he’s dangerous. I know he’s corrupting me. I’m just not sure I want him to stop…





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