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Stone: Saving Madison by Rose, Angel (11)

Chapter 11


I walked out of the hospital room and saw Mirva holding Daniel.

“Are you okay?” she asked staring at me up and down.

“I am.”

“Where are you going?” Jackson asked.

“What are you still doing here?”

“We got a call from central…Andrew was spotted.”


“It doesn’t matter. Alyssa is out of surgery and recovering. She needs a few more days before they discharge her.”

“What’s going to happen now?”

“Well, we start off by hiring 24-hour security for Alyssa and take Daniel and Maddie to a secure location tonight.”

“I’ll visit Lacky tonight.”

“It’s late.”

“Well, I’d like for you to pay for a flight out to Syracuse tonight. I have to go back as soon as possible before he gets suspicious.”

“Fine. Here’s your new ID and address where you need to go after you visit him.”

“I thought I was helping you out.”

“It’s too risky. Andrew is out for blood. We need to find him now.”

“Mirva…call the airline and get him a flight out. Have Jim drive him to the airport.”

“Yes, sir.” She handed Daniel to Jackson.

“Daddy?” My heart split in two.

“Yeah, Champ?”

“Are you coming home daddy?”

“Yeah, sure. Tonight.”

“I’ll wait for you, daddy,” I walked over and kissed his forehead. He stared at me with his blue eyes as if he knew he was never going to see me again. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I’m going to miss you, daddy.” I looked at him in shock.

“Hurry back, Stone. It’s dangerous out there.” Jackson demanded.

“Sure, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Everything is ready, sir.” Mirva said.

“Jim!” he shouted.

Jim was another Special Agent that was guarding Alyssa’s room. He walked towards us slowly.

“What’s up Jackson? Do you have to shout like that?” he said angrily.

“Please escort Stone to the airport. He’s taking a flight out to Syracuse.”

“Sure. Am I escorting him to Syracuse?”

“No…I need you to get back to your post. You’re permanently guarding Alyssa,” Jim rolled his eyes into his head, “She’s my niece, Jim. I don’t like your attitude. If something happens to her, it’ll be more than your job you’ll lose. Trust me,” Jim’s eyes widened, taking the threat as serious as a heart attack.

“I understand, sir. I’m leaving now, sir.” He said as he placed his hand on my back and escorted me out of the hospital.

We finally arrived at the airport. Jim pulled out his ID, and we were through the metal detectors and scanners in no time.

“That was fast.” I said.

“Yeah, they don’t give us a hard time.”

“They should.”

“Excuse me.”

“You could be an impersonator. They wouldn’t know who the hell you are.”

“I guess, but I think the only real criminal here is…you.”

“Maybe you’re right. But, I’m sure you’ve killed more men than I have.” I smirked sarcastically.

“I see you have jokes tonight. I’m not in the mood little boy.”

“I’m not a little boy.”

“You are and you should know your place.”

“You know what, Jim? You don’t know me, so do yourself a favor and fuck off.”

“I’m going to ignore you right now, must be hard knowing your mother was a whore who fucked drug dealers for a living, not to mention having a “so-called daughter” who’s really your sister and is now a dead drug dealer’s orphan. I don’t want to know trailer trash, anyway. Now, that Maddie is a different story.” He said smiling from ear to ear and that was it.

I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the chair in the middle of the waiting area.

“If you ever talk about my daughter and Maddie again…I’ll kill you. Do you understand that?”

“I should arrest you, you piece of shit!” he shouted. Security ran up behind me.

“What the hell is going on here?” the security officer asked.

“Just a misunderstanding, that’s all.” Jim said as the security officer picked him up and sat him in one of the seats in the waiting area.

“Look, another outburst and you’re both fucking out of here! You got it?” he said to me.

“I got it.”

We both waited patiently for the flight to be announced. He stared at me hard. I know he wanted to shoot me between the eyes, but he couldn’t. I didn’t care if he did. My life ended when I left that hospital. My heart and soul trapped in the hospital with the only woman I have ever loved in my life. I’m going to see Lacky at the hospital, then, I’m going to go kill my father.

I have no remorse. I have no restraints. All I have is hate. Pure unadulterated hate for him. The one who took my Maddie. The one who hurt her.

The one who spilled his seed into his own daughter and created a life that she had to take away. The one who will pay for what he’s done to her tonight.

I’m going to kill that motherfucker and when I do, I’m going to laugh about it.

They announced the flight to Syracuse, and I turned to face Jim.

“Look, I’m…” Jim interrupted me.

“Get on the plane kid. I’ll take care of Alyssa,” he reached out to shake my hand, and I grabbed it tightly, “She’s a beautiful little girl. I’ll make sure to take good care of her.”

I handed in my ticket and walked on the plane. Alyssa…my little girl. My little Frankenstein. How I miss her. I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I sat by the window placing my head against it thinking about nothing but…Maddie.

She’s the air I breathe, She’s the beating of my heart, She’s everything to me. She’s the only one I’ve ever loved.

I closed my eyes and thought about my father’s grimy hands on her body, his lips on her breasts and his dick inside of her. I pushed the passenger sitting next to me out of the way and ran to the bathroom. I barely reached the toilet when my mouth was filled with vomit, puking all over the floor. I gagged until I had nothing else left in my stomach to let out. I leaned my head against the wall, the sweat dripping down my forehead; I grabbed some tissue and placed it under the cold water sliding it above my brow. I heard a faint knock on the door.

“I’ll be right out.”

I stared at myself in the mirror. Hating what I saw and the person I’ve become. A stone-cold killer.

The faint knock turned into a bang.

“Goddammit! I heard you!” I shouted as I swung the door open.

“Jesus, hurry up, dude!” The guy shouted.

I stared at him directly into his eyes. He backed away allowing me to pass then walked into the bathroom and closed the door shut. I sat down again, hoping this flight would take off already. Lacky was waiting, and he was going to get the surprise of his life when I got there.



We landed at the Syracuse Hancock International Airport. I quickly exited and walked towards the cabs that were waiting for passengers. I hailed a cab and got in.

“The hospital please.” I said.

“Sure thing.” The cab driver replied.

I sat thinking about everything I was going to say to Lacky after I beat the shit out of him for not arresting my father and having feelings for Maddie. I was so confused. I didn’t understand the logic for Lacky not arresting my father after Maddie went to tell him what happened to her. I can’t believe Lacky was involved in all of this. This is all too surreal. What the fuck is going on?

We arrived at the hospital and I could feel my stomach wincing. I didn’t know if I had to throw up again, so I swallowed hard pushing down my nerves that were reaching into my throat. I approached the nurse’s station.

“Mr. Ackeryod, please.”

“Yes…here you go. I wrote it down for you. Confidentiality purposes,” she whispers as she winks at me, “Take the elevators on the right. You’ll be there in no time.”

“Thank you.”

I smile and wave goodbye, but the happy smile is soon faded out by the gnawing of knots that are twisting in my stomach. I’m out of breath pressing the elevator button. I’m contemplating on what I should do as soon as I walk into Lacky’s room. I finally arrived on the floor and looked to my left to find the number of the room. I noticed someone exiting the room as I approached. I knocked before entering.

“Come in.” I heard the voice say behind the door.

I pushed the door open slowly and entered. Lacky was sitting upright in the hospital bed. His face was badly bruised, and his left eye was swollen.

“Stone…What are you doing here?” he asked surprised.

“Are you surprised to see me old friend?” I asked.

“Well, yeah. I mean…I thought.”

“You.Thought.What?” I asked slowly.

“Look, whatever you’re thinking you’re wrong.”

“Enlighten me. What am I thinking right now?”

“You have to leave Stone…right now, before he comes back.”


“Andrew’s here. I couldn’t tell you…” I walked over to the bed and grabbed him by the throat, “You don’t understand…” he said trying to speak as I choked him, “Stone!” He grabbed my hands, “Listen to me!” I released my grip around his throat.

“What?” I inhaled deeply, trying to catch my breath before resuming my attack.

“Jackson has Alyssa, Maddie and Daniel. They’re going to kill Daniel. I overheard them speaking.”


“Jackson, Andrew and Mirva.”


“It was a set up Stone,” he whispered, “Mirva is the head of the sex slave trade ring in Chechenia, and Jackson is Andrew’s brother, but he is the ring leader of the trade,” my heart sank to the floor. I just left my family with Jackson and Mirva and caused them their untimely death, “Andrew is alive and well. He just left here. He’s coming back any minute. He thinks I’m in. Get out! Go! Go back to Maryland and get them!”

I glanced over at him and something in my gut told me he wasn’t lying. I walked out of the room and stood by the nurse’s station. My fists were clenched at my sides. I was sweating. I pretended to read a brochure when I saw someone walk into Lacky’s room.

“Can I help you, sir?” A nurse asked me. I looked up at her.

“Um…yeah, can you tell me where the cafeteria is?” I glanced over towards Lacky’s room and the person rushed out and ran towards the elevator.

“Sure…Okay, you take the elevator down and…” I walked away from her and walked towards Lacky’s room. “Sir! You’re going in the wrong direction! Sir!” The nurse shouted.

I opened the door to Lacky’s room to see him sprawled on the bed with a bullet to his head, his pillow filled with red stained blood, his eyes open in shock. I closed the door immediately and ran towards the exit staircase. I hurried down the stairs and managed to run out of the building, running nowhere with no place to hide.

I took out my cellphone and called Jackson.

“You son of a bitch! You took my family from me!” I shouted.

“What are you talking about Stone?” Jackson yelled.

“You! It’s you! You’re the head of everything. I’m coming to kill you!”

“Cut the shit, Stone! Andrew is in Syracuse. Look at your messages. There’s an electronic plane ticket that’s leaving in an hour. Head to the airport now and get on that flight to meet up with Maddie and the kids.” He demanded.

“Lacky’s dead. Andrew killed him…or hired someone that did.” I whispered out of breath.

“What?” Jackson replied.

“Yeah…look before I get on that plane. I have to do something. Get me a flight from Saranac Lake.”

“What do you think, I’m made out of money?” He barked.

“Just do it…I need to leave from that airport. Please…”

“Fine. Just get out of Syracuse…Now!” He shouted.

I hailed a cab across the street from the hospital.

“Where to?” the cab driver asked.

“Saranac Lake.” I answered.

“That’s really far. It’s going to cost you a pretty penny.” He chuckled.

“Just drive the fucking car dude! Hurry!” I shouted.



I had fallen asleep on the ride going up to Saranac Lake. My dreams were filled with ways I was going to kill my father. Bryan popped up often in my dreams, reaching out for me, then falling face down. I could never grab him in time. I awoke when I felt someone tapping me on my leg.

“Hey…we’re here. Which trailer are you going to?” he asked.

“Right up the road…there.” I pointed.

“That’ll be one hundred and seventy-five dollars.” He said softly.

“What the fuck?” I yelled.

“I told you it will be expensive. Do you want door-to-door service? I can pull up to one these trailer homes…”

“Just take the money and wait here for me. I’ll be back. I need a ride to the airport up the road. When I get in…take off…understood?” I barked.

“Damn, alright man, Jeez. I’ll wait here.” He said as I threw the money at him.

I got out of the cab and walked slowly towards my father’s trailer. The lights were on, which meant they were awake. I walked towards the side of the trailer and looked in through the dirty window. My father was sitting on the couch; I didn’t know where his girlfriend was.

“Looking for someone?” Annette asked.

I turned around slowly.

“My father.”

“I think you should go.” She urged.

“I need to see him.”

“He doesn’t want to know about you.” She said adamantly.

“I don’t care…I need to see him now.” I said angrily.

“Come on then…but be prepared.” She warned.

I walked into the trailer and my blood boiled at the sight of him. He was hooked up to his oxygen tank the nasal cannula hooked up to the inside of his nose. He was pale and had sweat dripping from his forehead. The look of death shadowed over his face.

“What the fuck are you doing here!” He yelled as he started to cough.

“Why did you do it?” I asked as I approached him.

“Do what? Get out of my house you…” I yanked the nasal cannula out from his nose and held it in my hand.

“You what? What am I dad?” I asked as I placed my face in close proximity to his.

“I…can’t…breathe…” He said gasping for air.

“That’s the point dad. You have to suffer. The way you made Maddie suffer.” I said deviously.

“No…she’s my daughter…” He wheezed out.

I slapped him across the face.

“Yes…she is, and you raped her.”

I slapped him again.

“I loved her Tiny…the same way you love her.” He whispered.

“She was just a kid dad! How could you touch your own daughter! And don’t compare me to you, you fucking piece of shit!” I punched him in the face and he hit the floor.

“Stone…please, don’t…he’s…dying.” She yelled.

“Good!” I yelled.

“Please!” Annette shouted.

“Stay out of it! He’s a rapist. Don’t you understand that?” I shouted at her.

“Are you any better falling in love with your own sister?” she whispered.

“Do you have another oxygen tank like this?” I asked.

“No…that’s the only one. Please, Stone. Just leave.” I grabbed the tank and the nasal cannula and ran out towards the cab.

“Dude, what are you doing man?”

“Shut the fuck up!” I shouted. “If you leave…I’ll find you.”

I ran back to the trailer.

“Stand up motherfucker!” I shouted. “Stand up!”

“I…I can’t…breathe.” He whimpered.

“Look at me!” I grabbed his face as I dragged him up on to the couch.

“You bastard…” he whispered gasping for air.

“I want you to look into my face when you take your last breath you piece of shit! Look at me!” I yelled in his face. He grabbed me by the shirt.

“She felt good, Tiny, she felt better than her mother…your mother.” I wrapped my hands around his throat and squeezed. He smiled.

“You got her pregnant you fucking animal! She was supposed to have my children, not yours. She’s mine! Do you understand that? She’s mine!” I shouted.

I released my hands from his throat and sat on the floor. I stopped and looked around for a moment, I felt dizzy, woozy. I glanced over at him on the floor and Annette started to scream. I sat thinking about what he said.

My sister…She was my sister. I was obsessed. I was confused. I didn’t want to be him. To hurt her. Ruin her life.

Annette held my father in her arms. He lifted his hand to her face.

“I never…loved…you. I…only…loved…Ana.” He whispered. I turned to face him.

“You. Loved. No one.” I whispered in his ear. He stared at me as his face turned blue. He took his last breath staring into my eyes. I glanced up at Annette, I felt the bile rising in my stomach, but I kept my composure.

I wanted him to die.

I wanted him to suffer.

And…he did.

My cell phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a text message from Jackson.


Jackson: Today 8:37 PM: We got Andrew. He’s been arrested in Syracuse. You were right. Lacky’s dead. Check your messages. We got you a flight you leave in 30 minutes. Get to the airport now. I’ll see you when you get here.


I sat and stared at my father. Annette cried and cried then released his head from her lap.

“What are we going to do?” she whispered with tears in her eyes.

I walked out of the trailer towards the cab. I opened the door and grabbed the oxygen tank and nasal cannula and brought it back into the trailer.

“Help me place him on the couch. When I leave…call an ambulance and say you were out at the store and when you came back, you found him like that.”

“But, he’s bruised up.” She said worriedly.

“Then, we will leave him on the floor as if he fell.” I grabbed him and let him fall on his face.

“Okay.” She whimpered.

“You have to be strong. He didn’t love you, anyway.”

“I know…” She let her words trail off.

I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“I’ll see you around,” she nodded, “I have to go. Call the ambulance when I leave.”

I left the trailer and walked towards the cab.

“Let’s go.”

“You owe me a lot of money.”

“You’ll take what I give you.”

“Jesus, I don’t work for free man.”

“Can you just shut up and drive up the road?” I shouted at the cab driver.

I paid the cab driver and walked into the airport. I stood standing perusing my surroundings for a moment. I walked up and punched in the numbers to get my electronic ticket.

“Any luggage, sir?” the receptionist asked.


“Traveling light, huh?” she had a killer smile. She reminded me of Maddie.

“Have a nice flight, sir.” She smiled softly.

I walked to the waiting area and sat down near the window. I watched a plane take off and thought about how I would finally be flying to freedom. Then it hit me. I was just as trapped as I ever was before. The road is clear, and Maddie and I can finally be together, but then Annette’s words haunted me… Are you any better than he is by falling in love with your sister?

I sat and the whole world fell on my shoulders. What would people say? Would Alyssa and Daniel be made fun of? Would everyone accept us as husband and wife? Can we have children together? Or will I ruin their lives?

“Flight 536 to BWI, Baltimore Washington International is now boarding.” They announced over the loud speaker.

I glanced over in their direction. Everyone stood in line handing in their boarding passes. I suddenly felt ill. An overwhelming urge to throw up. I sat back down.

A few minutes passed before I raised my head.

Sweat was dripping from my forehead. My stomach turning every moment that passed. Maddie’s face and the kids flashed before my eyes.

I rubbed my eyes gently, the tears skimming down my face. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked up at the attendant.

“Sir, are you boarding?”


The End

About the Author


I was Born and raised in NYC...The Capital of the World. As a child, I loved to draw. I spent most of my time drawing instead of playing with dolls. As I got a little older, around ten, I started to write cartoons and plays to act out with my friends on the block. Then, it all stopped. I continued to draw, tried out for a specialized Art High School, but wasn't accepted. So, my dreams of becoming an artist fizzled away. My life took a totally different path and writing just wasn't a part of it, unless I had to write a paper for College. Marriage, two kids and three college degree's later, I decided to start writing in 2007, while taking online classes for my next degree. Then, I stopped writing... Life took over. :( (Sounds like my next suspense book...LOL!)

To my surprise, I found the book one day hidden away in the closet and started writing again in 2014. With a little push from my best friend, I finished the book in 2015 and took a chance on self-publishing it. I self-published in August 2015 and... here I am!

Today, I am married and reside in upstate New York in the sticks with my husband and teenage sons! This author life is a hidden treasure. The second part of my life has just begun...Follow me. I would love to share everything I do with you. Let's take this journey together. :)






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