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Stone: Saving Madison by Rose, Angel (6)

Chapter 6



We pulled up to a beautiful house by the lake surrounded by nothing but trees. It was a glass house with nothing but tall windows from ceiling to floor. I could see the inside of the house by the reflection of the moon.

“Home sweet home. Isn’t it beautiful Madison?” he asked softly.

“Why are you doing this, Andrew?” I whispered.

“You better get used to it. It’s your new home. By the way, I spoke to Stone during the pit stop we made at the diner.” I glanced over at him, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

“He told me...he’s not coming for you. He needs to take care of those orphans.”

“You’re a fucking liar!” I shouted, “Stone would never say that to you!”

“Why? Because he loves you so much? I know you love him, you sick bitch. He’s your fucking brother. What are you thinking?” he shook his head.

“I’d rather be with my brother, then with the likes of you, you fucking bastard!” I shouted.

“No missy turner! No!” Rosalia shouted placing her hands-on top of her head.

Andrew grabbed me by my hair and dragged me out of the car towards the lake, my feet making its own trail through the mud.

“You see that water…it’ pretty deep. Deep enough for you to drown in. You’re a stupid little girl with a lot of pipe dreams. He’s never coming for you. Do you hear me? And if he does, he’ll find you in that lake, belly up bitch.”

The tears burned hot in the back of my eyes. I held them in; I didn’t care what he said. If I was his prisoner, I would never give in to him…never.

“Fuck you.” I whispered staring directly into his eyes.

“Oh…you will little girl, you will,” he grabbed me by the arm and yanked me towards his face, “He’s never going to find you. Not here anyway. This is a temporary home for us.”

“I’ll never leave with you.” I shook my head; the tears that were brimming at the corners of my eyes finally fell.

“The hell you won’t,” he grabbed me again and dragged me towards the house, “Rosalia, get your ass over here, you fucking lazy bitch!” He shouted.

Rosalia ran out of the car.

“Here, grab the keys and open the door.” He demanded

He threw the keys at her. Her hands were trembling. She was shaking so much she dropped the keys on the ground.

“For God’s sake woman, open the fucking door!” He yelled.

She grabbed the keys from the ground and mumbled something in Spanish as she opened the door.

“Watch your mouth Rosalia, I know what you said. If you ever call me an asshole again…I’ll slit your spic throat, you got me? Entiende?” he glanced over at me, “I was an exchange student in Spain, even though this Mexican hick doesn’t speak proper Spanish, every culture knows the curse words.”

I stared at him intensely. I didn’t give a shit what he was talking about. The only thoughts in my mind were of my kids. Where were they? Are they okay? Where’s Stone? He promised to come and get me…where is he?

Rosalia finally got the door opened. He grabbed me by the arm and pushed me inside.

The smell of pine reached my nose, as if the house had just been mopped and cleaned. A beautiful woman in a black and white maid’s uniform approached us slowly. Her eyes grazed my body slowly.

“You’re early Mr. Turner, tea?” she asked politely.

“No, thank you Jordania. Are you done with the house?” he asked eyeing her up and down.

“Yes, sir.” She smiled seductively.

“Good, meet me in my office upstairs. You know what to do.” He licked his bottom lip slowly. His erection was noticeable through his slacks.

“Yes sir, as you wish sir.” The tone in her voice made her sound pleased with his demand.

She turned on her heel and shook her ass all the way up the stairs. He watched her carefully as her long black hair swayed back and forth against her back.

“Our room is down here. Make yourself at home until I call for you. There’s an alarm on the door. Don’t get any ideas Madison.” He winked at me with that condescending look. I wanted to kill him.

“Sure, I guess you’ll be fucking the maid while I wait for you in our bedroom.” I answered him with disgust.

I suddenly remembered that beautiful face. She was the woman whose breast Andrew had in his mouth as he waved goodbye to me in his home the morning after the orgy.

“Now, now…is that anyway to talk to your future husband?” he chuckled.

“You’ll never be my husband.” I said sternly.

“Watch it, Madison. I promised I wouldn’t beat you anymore…remember?” he glared at me intensely.

“How could I forget?” I whispered.

He waltzed up the stairs whistling a tune I wasn’t familiar with. I turned to Rosalia when he reached the top.

“Give me your phone Rosalia.” I motioned with my hand.

“You crazy, you know I can’t. Leave me alone Missy Turner. Please…” She turned and walked away from me.

I shook my head and walked towards the bedroom and opened the door. The king-size canopy bed was dark walnut, the duvet spread evenly, apparently untouched. It was light gold with light pink roses embroidered delicately across the seam.

Everything a princess could ask for was in that room, yet the cold, empty atmosphere that surrounded me sent chills up my spine.

The black aura that engulfed my entire body was dragging me down. I could feel his presence in the room even though he wasn’t there. It was a feeling of doom that lurked in every corner.

Soon, I would be in that bed, naked, swallowing him whole, letting him get inside of me, so he can torture my body, my heart…and my soul.



The hours had passed, and the moonlight turned into sunlight. I heard the creaking of the door, opening slowly as he slowly tip-toed into the room.

“Why are you trying to be so quiet, it’s your home?” I asked sarcastically.

“I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Why, does it matter that you came to our room after spending the night with the maid?”

His facial expression changed from concerned to annoyed, “It’s none of your business. I was trying to be respectful,” he started to remove his clothing and walked towards the bathroom, “I’m tired, I had an exhausting night and I’d like to get some sleep with my fiancée.”

“I’m not sleeping with you. You’re not going to touch me after you’ve fucked the maid.”

He stopped dead in his tracks, his huge manhood dangling between his thighs.

“I said sleep, not fuck. Besides, you don’t compare to her. She knows what she’s doing. You’re just a little girl Madison. I need more of her…not you,” my heart dropped into my stomach, “I’m taking a shower now…if you want to have breakfast with what’s her name, the Mexican downstairs, then go ahead.”

“Fine.” Anything was better than having to be next to him.

I got dressed quickly as he took a shower. I walked down the stairs slowly observing the area to my right and to my left. I needed to get the fuck out of there, but I wouldn’t know where to go. Then I saw it, the opportunity to walk out of the door, it was wide open, just waiting for me to leave. I glanced over at Rosalia who was making breakfast, then I glanced over at the maid whore who was fixing her stockings. My heart started beating rapidly, my hands began to sweat. I walked slowly towards the door pretending to notice something outside. I jerked my head to the side, then glanced over at Rosalia again then at the whore. I walked a little faster this time,

The door was open, open wide enough for me to run, to run faster, faster than I ever could.

When I was about to sprint two hands grasped at my shoulders and I fell backwards losing my balance.

“Really?” he whispered in my ear.

Andrew grabbed me by the throat and sat me on the couch.

“I should kill you right now and send your head to Stone,” I stood silent, “Who opened the door?” he glanced over at Rosalia.

“Not me, Mr. Turner.” She said.

“I did.” The whore shouted.

“Really? Why would you do that?” he asked.

She walked up to him grabbed his crotch and kneeled in front of him, “You only need me. Let her go,” she whispered as she lowered her head to his erection that bulged against his pants.

“There’s no time for jealousy, Jordania. She’s no competition for you, besides, you know your place, you’re a piece of ass, and she’s going to be my wife,” She lifted her head with tears in her eyes, “Stand up. Go…go freshen up.” He instructed her.

“Sir, please, I can’t take all of these women you have.”

“It’s only her, Jordania. She’s nothing, but she’s mine. She’s not going anywhere, but if you can’t handle it. The door will be open for you to leave.” He motioned towards the door.

Her eyebrows furrowed, and her lips tightened into a straight line. She gazed at me, and if looks could kill, I would have been six feet under.

“No…I’m sorry. I…I love you.” She shook her head and slid her hand up and down his crotch.

“I know you do. Now, be a good girl and go upstairs to my office. I’ll be up in a minute,” he glanced over at me and smiled. She did as she was told, but not without giving me one more look of death, “At least someone wants to share the bed with me.”

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes. He walked away and followed her up the stairs. Now, I know what’s it like to be in hell…It’s here…with him.