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Stronger: An Omegaverse Story (Breaking Free Book 3.5) by A.M. Arthur (2)


Serge fell into the routine of his OB rotation—and kind of fell in love with the entire floor, because of how positive and energetic the staff was about bringing new lives into the world—and an entire month passed before he saw Dex Kenward again. Gaven wanted to throw a small party in their apartment for his own twenty-fourth birthday, and it wasn’t as if Serge could say no. Serge was also not working a shift that night, so he had no reason not to attend.

Plus, hiding in his bedroom was childish, and he was a fucking grownup, thank you very much.

At first, the guest list was pretty small, with only six people, old secondary school friends or uni friends of Gaven’s—and all of them beta. Until Dex showed up with Tarek and Monte. While the sight of the alphas made Serge want to flee to his room, he stayed. Something about Dex intrigued him, even as his instincts rebelled against Dex’s friendship with two alphas in their sexual prime. Dex was younger than him, and for some reason, that made Serge feel…protective.

Serge tried to hide in the apartment’s small, closed-off kitchen, but that only made it easier for Dex to corner him. “Hello, again,” he said with that familiar, oddly-charming grin. “Seems fate has ideas about us being friends.”

“I didn’t realize you and Gaven were close,” Serge replied. “I thought you met at the party last month.”

“We did. He actually knows Monte, though, and when Gaven said you’d be here, I couldn’t resist.”

“Why not?”

“Because I feel like Tarek and Monte interrupted us before we could really get to know each other.” Dex put his hands in his jeans pockets. “I like you, and I could use a few more friends.” He licked his lips, and Serge glanced at his mouth. Pink lips that looked extremely kissable.

Do not think about kissing Dex!

Too late.

Dex deliberately licked his lips again; Serge blushed.

Someone ruined the moment—thank goddess—by sticking their head in the kitchen door and asking Serge if he knew where the matches were for the birthday cake candles. It gave Serge an excuse to ignore Dex while he rummaged in their junk drawer for the matches. Serge went into the dining area, which was little more than a card table and four folding chairs, where Gaven’s cake was waiting to be lit. Gaven lurked down the hall, near his bedroom door.

Serge did his due roommate diligence and lit the candles. All twenty-four of them. Someone dimmed the lights, and Gaven was finally allowed to see the cake as they sang “Happy Birthday!” to him. Serge wasn’t much of a singer, but next to him Dex had a lovely, clear tenor. He’d always admired people who could sing.

Pieces of cake went around, while Gaven opened a handful of gifts. Serge had gotten him a gift credit for the store where they bought their scrubs and shoes—practical, like always, but Gaven hugged him for it.

One of Gaven’s other friends gave him a blue, silicone dildo. “Gotta get loose for when you get married,” the guy said.

Serge bristled. Sure, Gaven was kind of short at five-six, and very thin, but that didn’t mean he’d automatically allow his future husband to fuck him. Those sorts of stereotypes irritated the hell out of Serge, because Serge faced a similar problem. He was five-nine, slim, blond, and he’d been constantly teased in secondary school by his alpha classmates about how his “skinny beta ass” would end up bouncing on their cocks before the end of the school year. Serge had no intention of being penetrated by anyone’s cock, not ever again.

“Dude, knock it off,” Dex said to the dildo giver.

Gaven waved the dildo in the air. “I don’t know, I think it would make a nice fly swatter, don’t you, Serge?”

That made Serge laugh, especially when Gaven smacked the thing against the table with a lewd splatting sound. Serge glanced at Dex, who was watching him carefully and not even hiding it. Dex’s expression seemed to silently ask, “Are you okay?”

Serge lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug.

* * *

As the evening waned and Serge tired of being social, he escaped to the apartment’s small balcony. It was the height of summer and stupidly hot, the air scented with the ripe odors of nearby dumpsters and spilled motor oil. They lived in an okay neighborhood, but Serge looked forward to a raise or two so they could find a place in a nicer area of the province.

He leaned against the metal railing and stared at the dim view. It faced west, toward the river and the Narrows, and the different buildings and row homes between him and it were dark. To bed for the evening, or gone to work for the night, it was hard to tell. Workers lived in these neighborhoods—the laborers, mechanics, janitors and everyone else who quietly kept the city going and never got the recognition they deserved.

Much like nurses.

The door slid open, and Serge didn’t have to look. Dex leaned on the rail beside him, close, but not touching. “Credit for your thoughts,” Dex said.

“Just tired.”

“I get it, you know. Not liking that joke about the dildo.”

Serge turned his head and met Dex’s expressive eyes. Eyes that said, “I see you.”

“It was misogynistic and in poor taste,” Serge said. “The assumption that the smaller of the two betas has to be the one to take it is archaic and dumb, and it’s based on the genetic predisposition of alphas to be larger and stronger than omegas.”

“You’re right. I know I’m tall and fit, and sometimes from a distance, I’ve been mistaken for an alpha, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy having a dick up my ass.”

Serge blinked hard at the personal information and how casually Dex had said it. “You like being penetrated?”

“Oh yeah.” Dex wiggled his eyebrows. “Love it, actually. And Monte has a great dick.”

“Oh.” Serge’s heart sank. “So you and Monte are together?”

“Oh goddess, no. We use each other for sex when we’re horny, that’s it. And not as frequently as we used to, because he’s getting serious about finding a mate. He’s still seeing the omega he mentioned last month, so we haven’t hooked up in a while.”

He shouldn’t be so relieved to know Dex and Monte weren’t dating. “What about Tarek? Do you two…relieve each other?”

“Nah. Tarek and I are terrific friends, but we’ve never seen each other in a sexual way. We’re too much like brothers for that. Ick.” Dex faked a shudder that made Serge smile.

Serge couldn’t help wanting to know more, because he knew how awful alphas could get in bed. “Is Monte…nice to you?”

“Monte’s awesome. He always makes sure I get off first, and he’s never treated me like a come-dump.” Something in Dex’s expression suggested someone in his past had, and that ignited a flare of anger deep in Serge’s gut.

Serge wanted to believe Monte was a good guy, but he was an alpha. In Serge’s experience, those two things rarely mixed.

“I’m guessing you don’t have a friend for that kind of thing, huh?” Dex asked.

“No, and I don’t want one.”

“You’re not a virgin, are you?”

Serge’s jaw tightened. “No.”

Dex seemed to understand that this topic of conversation was off the table. “So what do you do for fun?”

“I don’t think I remember what fun is anymore. It hasn’t been three months since I graduated, and all I’ve done is work. Hell, I start another shift in six hours.”

“That sucks. When is your shift over?”

“Tomorrow at four in the afternoon.”

Dex let out a low whistle. “They do work you awful, odd hours.”

“Yeah, they do. All part of being the newbies, I guess.”

“You need to remember fun, so I’m picking you up at the hospital when your shift is over, and I’m taking you to have fun.”

Serge gaped at him. “You don’t even know what I used to like to do when I had fun.”

Dex shrugged. “I’ll guess. I’m pretty good at reading people.”

How could a man be both charming and annoying all at once? Serge had no reason to accept Dex’s offer—which was really more of a command—and yet he wanted to. Even if he couldn’t admit it out loud, Serge was lonely. He rarely saw his secondary school friends anymore, after drifting apart due to career choices. Spending the evening with Dex wasn’t the worst plan in the world.

What could possibly happen?

“Okay, fine,” Serge said. “Meet me at the main entrance to the family practice campus. I’ll be waiting there.”

“It’s a date.” Dex winked, then returned to the party.

It’s a date.

Serge stared up at the night sky, uncertain if he’d made the right decision or not. Something about Dex intrigued him, but he worried at Dex’s complete acceptance of the affection and friendship of alphas. Didn’t Dex realize the physical danger he put himself in every time he went to bed with Monte? Whenever he was alone with them both? They could overpower Dex in a heartbeat, and what was to stop them?

Nothing. Because alphas were raised to believe they could take whatever they wanted, consequences be damned, and there wasn’t anything the rest of the world could do about it.


* * *

Dex Kenward was inexplicably excited about his date with Serge. Ever since their first introduction, he’d been fascinated by the older beta who had a somewhat sour outlook on life. He was uptight in a way that Dex didn’t normally find attractive, but Serge wasn’t uptight simply because he was a dick. Serge was protecting himself, and it made Dex curious.

What was he protecting himself from?

Serge was also hot as hell. Honey-blond hair, narrow features, very toned body. He could have been an actor with that face, and instead, he chose to be a nurse. A profession that helped people every day—the same reason Dex used to dream of becoming a constable.

Now he worked in a records room and pretended he wasn’t still bitter about that damned accident two years ago.

Dex pulled his car up to the family services campus and idled out of the way of regular traffic. He was a few minutes early, because he’d been terrified to be late. After working for twelve hours, Serge wasn’t likely to forgive having to wait. Dex tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and whistled one of his favorite songs.

Serge finally exited the main entrance at 4:12, and he stared around at the various idling cars, a proverbial thundercloud over his head, his expression dour. Dex realized Serge had no idea what he drove, so he got out and went to greet him on the sidewalk. Serge’s frown lessened a bit, but he still looked upset.

“Hey, you okay?” Dex asked.

“Not really.” Serge’s eyes filled with tears. “We lost an omega in childbirth today. My first.”

“Oh, babe.” Dex didn’t think, he simply pulled Serge into a hug. Serge cinched his arms around Dex’s waist and squeezed. “I’m so sorry.”

“The senior nurses tell you everyone loses a patient, but the omega was only nineteen. So young.” Serge buried his face in Dex’s neck and stifled a sob.

For a moment, Dex flailed. Comforting someone this upset wasn’t really in his wheelhouse, and he wasn’t sure what to say or do, other than be present. Serge didn’t seem to mind physical comfort, so that was something.

“Death isn’t easy at any age,” Dex whispered. “I’m so sorry.”

He led Serge to his car and helped him climb into the passenger seat. Serge had a bit of trouble with his seatbelt, and he didn’t object when Dex helped. He just sat there, a bit limp, misery rolling off him in waves.

“I don’t think my original plan for fun is going to work,” Dex said. “Let’s see how well I do on the fly.”

“I’d rather you took me home.”

Dex turned in his seat to face Serge fully. “What if I asked you to trust me?”

Serge’s red-veined eyes narrowed. “I don’t trust easily, Dex. I’ve been betrayed too many times in the past.”

Oh, babe, I’d rather cut my dick off than ever betray you.

“Then don’t trust,” Dex said. “Take a chance on me. You can keep your mobile out with it set to dial emergency at all times, if that helps. But I promise, I’m not going to betray you or hurt you.”

Serge studied him a moment longer before nodding his consent.

“Thank you.” Dex shifted into drive. “Relax for a while, we’ve got a drive.”

“Okay.” Serge did one better and leaned the seat backward until he was reclining, and then shut his eyes.

Dex didn’t mind if Serge took a power nap before they arrived at their new destination. He’d had a hell of a day, and he needed it. Strong, protective feelings were already wrapping themselves around Dex when it came to Serge, and that could either be a wonderful thing for the future, or blow up in his face if Serge decided he wasn’t interested. But it helped knowing Serge felt safe enough around him to fall asleep in his car.

He left the hospital campus and eased into regular traffic. Thinking on the fly wasn’t usually Dex’s specialty, but Serge was in pain and needed something different than what Dex had originally planned. He trusted his instincts and drove to a place he loved walking through, enjoying its unique beauty, and he really wanted to share this place with Serge.

It took about forty-five minutes, thanks to some rush hour traffic, to arrive at Dex’s destination. Serge slept soundly the entire time, his brow creased with stress, and incredibly innocent like that. An old soul Dex desperately wanted to get to know better, and he hoped today’s excursion earned him points toward a real friendship with Serge.

He idled with the air on for another five minutes after parking, simply to watch Serge sleep—except that was kind of creepy, so he shut off the engine. Serge didn’t twitch.

“Serge? We’re here.” Dead asleep, so Dex dared reach out and give Serge’s shoulder a squeeze. “Bro, time to wake up.”

Serge jack-knifed into a sitting position, eyes wide and lips parted. Dex stole his hand back and waited while Serge got his bearings. Serge rubbed at his eyes before looking at Dex. “Goddess, I don’t remember a moment of the drive.”

“You were out like a light the second you shut your eyes.”

“I suppose I needed that nap. Thank you.”

“Not a problem.” Dex grinned. “Ready for your surprise?”

“My surprise? Oh, right. Where are we?”

They were in a public lot that catered to several blocks in the arts and culture side of the province. All around them were museums, art galleries, and performance art installations. Street busking—actors standing on street corners and reciting poems or doing dramatic readings—was incredibly common here as well.

“Are you familiar with Aurora Crest?” Dex asked.

“Not really. My parents were more into sports and television than art.” Serge pulled a face. “We aren’t walking around an art gallery are we? Because that doesn’t sound relaxing at all.”

“Nope, better surprise. It’s a performance art installation that’s been here for about six months. Tarek and I found it by accident a few months ago, and I’ve been back almost every week since just to experience it.”

Now Serge looked intrigued. “So where are we going?”

“Remember the part where I asked you to trust me? It should be experienced, not explained.”

“You’re weird.”

The blunt way Serge said that made Dex laugh out loud. “Thank you. Now let’s go before we cook to death in this car.”

They exited into the hot summer air. Dex led the way to the street, and then down two blocks to a big, green park, full of trees, art installations, small fountains, seating areas, and several whimsical pavilions. Distant music drew Dex forward, and his excitement to share this with Serge doubled. He just hoped Serge didn’t hate it.

Serge was shocked he’d slept so soundly in Dex’s car, leaving himself at the mercy of someone he barely knew—and yet somehow his body instinctively trusted Dex enough for him to relax and nap. Aurora Crest kind of impressed him as a destination, because it suggested a higher level of culture than Serge expected.

And he was a bit ashamed of himself for assuming Dex lacked class and culture simply because he chose to associate with alphas. Most alphas were businessmen, lawyers, doctors, law enforcement, judiciary, and government officials, while betas did more in both the service field and in the arts. The few omegas who worked outside the home tended to do service work, too.

Serge always swore he’d eat his own shoe if he ever met an actual alpha janitor.

The park they walked through was beautiful, and Serge kicked himself for never having visited it before. He marveled at the thick green grass, decorative brick pathways, and people who all seemed happy and excited to experience the place. He also wanted to check out some of the art installations they passed—something with hanging mirrors that looked like a giant snowflake looked pretty amazing—but Dex had a destination in mind.

The rising music intrigued him, but he didn’t realize it was also part of their destination until Dex led him past a tall brick wall hiding the most amazing thing Serge had ever seen. A fountain roughly twenty feet in diameter was shooting spouts of water straight into the air, while lights in the base of the fountain shifted the colors from warm to cool. Serge watched it, uncertain what was happening, until he realized the colored water spouts were shooting in time with the orchestral music playing.

Drumbeats were shorter, blue spouts, while violin notes were a three-spout, red staccato. Serge gaped at it, amazed at what he was seeing. Water and color creating a visual representation of something you normally could only hear or see written as notes on a page.

This was music in motion.

“Oh, goddess,” Serge said.

Dex bit his lower lip. “What do you think?”

Serge took a step closer, vaguely aware he wasn’t the only person gawping at the installation. “I think it’s brilliant.”


“Yes, really.”

As the song reached its crescendo, the water kept up, until the music stopped, and so did the fountain. A few onlookers clapped. Serge swallowed his disappointment that it was over—until a new song began, and the water did, too. He might have bounced in place once with excitement, but he’d never admit it.

Dex led him to a nearby stone bench, and they sat together to watch the visual performance. Serge couldn’t stop staring, trying to anticipate where the water might shoot from next, and in which color. It became a bit of a game for him, until he shut his clinical brain off, stopped trying and simply enjoyed.

He also became keenly aware of Dex watching him more than he watched the fountain, and Serge tried to ignore him. But his body was aware of Dex in a way he’d never experienced with another guy. They weren’t touching, but Serge swore he felt Dex’s body heat. His faint cologne was woodsy and warm, and Serge loved it—except he wasn’t supposed to love it, or to feel Dex’s body heat, because this wasn’t a date. It was two guys who might be friends hanging out. It was Dex helping Serge feel better after a lousy day at work.

Something Dex was not required to do, because they’d only known each other for a grand total of about four hours, but Dex had gone out of his way to cheer Serge up—and that meant a hell of a lot to Serge.

He leaned in and gently bumped Dex’s shoulder with his, then dared meet his eyes. Dex was grinning, that smile playful and joyous, and it did funny things to Serge’s heart. No one had ever smiled at him like that before, and Serge found himself smiling back. A genuine smile he felt to his bones. He shoved back a rush of guilt over that smile, refusing to think about an omegin-less newborn and his devastated sire.

Serge could have this moment, damn it. “Thank you for this,” he said.

“You’re very welcome,” Dex replied. “I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you really, truly smile.”

“I’ve smiled around you.”

“Polite smiles, sure, but not like this one. I’m glad the fountain helped.”

“It did.” A tiny part of Serge wanted to lean over and kiss Dex, but the vast majority of him was too scared of where that might lead. Was Dex the kind of guy who wanted favors returned? Serge didn’t think so. He didn’t know Dex well, but from what he’d seen of the guy, he was genuine. No sense of subterfuge or hidden agendas.

The kind of guy Serge could see in his life for a long time, even if only as a friend.

No one kissed anyone that day, but they did sit and watch the musical fountain for a long, long time.




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