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Sugar Protector (Sugar Daddies Book 8) by Charity Parkerson (8)


Lunch was blessedly short thanks to Tyrone having appointments for the rest of the afternoon. After making plans to go shopping with Viv for the upcoming weekend and promising Tyrone he’d come back tomorrow to help with the puppies, Jonah headed across the parking lot. Before Jonah made it to his car, he spotted the note and a single rose waiting for him beneath his windshield wiper. Fucking John. Jonah was already smiling. He automatically brought the flower to his nose as he read.

Your favorite color is red. That’s why I bought the red Hummer and almost exclusively buy you red roses.

With a shake of his head, Jonah slipped behind the wheel. There was a post-it note on his radio, surprising a chuckle from him.

You hate my music. I think yours sucks too.

Jonah laughed again. He started the car and drove home on autopilot. John was relentless. Jonah already knew the man wouldn’t stop at two notes. As he pulled into the driveway, he could already see the bright yellow paper stuck to his front door. Jonah forced himself to walk at a normal pace, but there was no stopping his smile as pulled open the screen door.

You didn’t want this door.

Jonah’s throat swelled. He couldn’t believe John remembered that. When John bought the house, it had a beautiful glass door Jonah loved. John replaced it with wood because he wanted Jonah safe. As Jonah pushed the door open, he spotted sticky notes everywhere. He moved to the closest one. It was on the floor. Jonah picked it up.

I was standing right here the moment I realized I’m in love with you. You were folding socks and explaining how you can tell the difference between right and left socks.

The tightness in Jonah’s throat increased. He trailed through the house, inspecting each note.

When I got here, you’d been crying and wouldn’t tell me why. So I made love to you right here. You never looked away from me the entire time.

You have an odd fascination for vampires.

Your favorite scent is apricot.

I bought shoes you hated so much you hid them from me. FYI, I’ve always known they’re in the pool house, but I’d never wear something you hate.

By the time Jonah made it to his bedroom, he held a ton of tiny sticky notes. His mouth fell open when he spotted his bed. The entire headboard was covered in notes. He crawled onto the bed and skimmed a few.

This is where I wait until you’re asleep to tell you I love you.

You snore. It’s adorable.

You talk in your sleep. Sometimes, that’s not adorable.

I miss you so much it’s choking me. When I realized I was the reason you wouldn’t graduate, I thought I was ruining your life. So I ruined mine to save you, but I’m drowning without you.

A tear rolled down Jonah’s cheek. He swiped it away and leapt from the bed. His steps didn’t slow. Later, he’d take the time to read every single note. For now, he’d seen as much as he needed to see. His heart beat so fast on the drive to John’s house, he thought he might faint. There were thousands of places John could be. Jonah felt John in his soul. He was at home. Jonah didn’t bother heading for the garage. He parked in the front. The bright white envelope taped to the door called his name. Jonah’s chest heaved like he’d run all the way there as he plucked the card from the door. Inside, he found a card with red roses on the front. He flipped it open.

This is the home I should’ve offered you.

Jonah pushed the door open. He already knew it would be unlocked. Desperation to get to John ate at Jonah’s mind. He smiled as the trail of rose petals came into view. They were red, of course. Jonah kept his gaze locked on the marble floor, following the line to a set of glass French doors that led outside. He left the card and his phone on the table by the door. Once he stepped outside, he nearly groaned. A light flickered behind the waterfall pouring into the pool. There was an alcove behind the waterfall where John kept another three-person lounge. The problem was there was only one way to get there. Swim. The tiny light flickered again. With the sun setting behind the large alcove of rocks, the flickering light became more apparent. It looked like candles. Short of a drone flying over, there was no chance of anyone seeing into John’s backyard. It was built to look like a jungle with a swimming pool and waterfall in the center.

Jonah walked to the edge of the pool. He couldn’t see John behind the rushing water, but Jonah could feel him. John was there, just out of sight and watching. While relishing the idea of John waiting, anticipating, Jonah reached for the hem of his shirt and slowly lifted it over his head, dragging out the show. He dropped the material at his feet before toeing off his shoes and removing his socks. Jonah pulled the string on the bottom half of his scrubs, untying them. He pushed them down his hips, taking his underwear with them. Jonah could’ve dove in. Instead, he walked to the stairs and descended into the pool one step at a time. Warm water lapped at his skin. He didn’t rush. Jonah swore he could feel John’s heated stare caressing his skin. When he dipped through the cascading water and slicked his wet hair back, Jonah wasn’t disappointed. John sat, hungry-eyed and waiting. Candles surrounded the lounge.

“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show.”

Jonah folded his arms on the edge of the pool and set his chin on his forearm. “Have I ever given you a reason to doubt me?”

“Not even once.” The sincerity in John’s voice warmed Jonah’s heart. “Do you plan to stay in the water?”

Jonah shrugged. “You forced me to give up my clothes to see you. I might get cold.”

John stood and grabbed a thick towel. Jonah ate up the sight of John’s huge body in nothing but swimming trunks. He was so fucking gorgeous. The man always stole Jonah’s breath. His massive chest and arms always made Jonah feel safe while engulfing him. Jonah didn’t want to lose that. John moved to the edge of the pool and held the towel open for Jonah. “I have the perfect spot to keep you warm.”

Heat grew inside Jonah as he pushed from the pool and walked into John’s waiting arms. He wrapped Jonah in the towel before urging him onto the lounge. John held his stare as he climbed in beside him and gathered Jonah into his embrace. It was like coming home. Jonah would’ve agreed to anything in that moment, as long as he could keep John.

“I have something I need to say.”

Trepidation struck Jonah at John’s serious tone. “Okay.”

“I love you.”

Jonah pressed his lips together, trying to hold back a squeal. Only when he had his heart under control did he respond. “I love you too.”

John released his breath. It sounded ragged, making Jonah realize exactly how nervous John truly was. Jonah’s heart turned over in his chest. Before that moment, it hadn’t occurred to him that John didn’t know he was Jonah’s whole world. That—one day—John had consumed him, and Jonah hadn’t looked back.

Jonah held John’s stare and prayed he could make John believe what everyone else already knew with one look at Jonah when he was with John. “It’s not the money. I don’t want another contract. I don’t want to be a deal you make. A bargain you can walk away from. I don’t give a damn if you never spend another dime on me. Just don’t abandon me again.”

A line appeared between John’s brows. Pain etched his features. “How could you want me at all? I took over your life. If you ever had any dreams for yourself, I never bothered to learn what they are.” John shook his head. His gaze dropped to where he toyed with Jonah’s fingers. “It’s like I’m too in love with being with you. I can’t stop telling you every thought in my head and overwhelming everything else in your life—like I can’t control it.”

“Have you ever heard me complain?”

A humorless laugh escaped John. “Have I given you a chance to?”

Jonah bumped John’s chin with his fingertips, forcing him to lift his gaze. A smile pulled at Jonah’s lips as John’s sexy green stare hit his. He couldn’t stop himself from stealing a quick peck on the lips. He dove in, pressing his lips to John’s before backing away just as fast. John’s serious expression didn’t break. Jonah gave him a sharp nod. He needed John to take him seriously for another minute. “If you ever disappear on me again, I won’t be the adult next time. I’ll key your car.”

A sexy-sounding chuckle escaped John, but Jonah wasn’t finished.

“I’m one hundred percent serious, John. I’ll poison your lawn and take an ad out in the paper, telling the world how much I hurt. You haven’t seen low until you’ve seen me sink. I’ll spray paint your house. You’ll have to call the cops.”

John laughed harder. “Stop.”

Jonah shook his head. “I’m not done. We’ve done things your way, and it was cruel.” John’s laughter died. Jonah kept going. “Silence is the most painful and insulting blow someone who loves you can deliver. That’s one thing I need you to understand and never do to me again. I’ve spent five years begging my own mother to speak to me or even look at me. It’s an issue for me and I felt like you did the same thing. You just cut me from your life.” Jonah shook his head again. “It was the cruelest thing you could’ve chosen to do. So, yeah. I’ll stalk you. You’ll wish you never came back. If you don’t really want to be back, you should say so now. I’m not afraid of you overwhelming me. I’m terrified you’ll disappear.”

“I want another contract. One that protects you.”

A growl rose in Jonah’s throat at John’s claim. It was like John wasn’t hearing him. “I love you, John. You. Not the money or the house or the trips. You.” A rant built inside Jonah. He was ready to drown John with it.

A ring appeared beneath his nose. Jonah couldn’t look away from the platinum and diamonds. “I want another contract, Jonah. One that’ll tie you to me for life this time.”

As Jonah stared at the ring, peace settled over him. The first pure breath of oxygen he’d taken in years filled his lungs. In that moment, he recognized he was home.

* * *

Every nerve in John’s body drew up taut as he watched Jonah stare at the ring. Everything rode on Jonah’s answer. Before Jonah, John had never experienced the slightest desire to ever marry. Now he couldn’t picture his life without this man who completely owned him. In fact, spending time without Jonah, thinking he’d never get to touch him, hear his voice, or smell his skin again had been like his worst nightmare come true.

John couldn’t take it. “What do you say? Will you marry me?”

Jonah finally blinked. His gaze slid John’s way. “No.”

The blow landed harder than John could have ever expected. He swore he heard his heart shatter, and it was almost impossible to breathe. Still, he didn’t blame Jonah. “That makes sense. I mean, I’m a lot older than you and you shouldn’t tie yourself to me after everything I’ve done.”

“Jesus,” Jonah muttered. “You’re a complete idiot. You know that, right? How could you think I don’t want you?” He waved for the ring. “Gimme, gimme.”

Even as John slid the ring on Jonah’s finger, he still hadn’t recovered from the shock of Jonah’s no. Before that moment, he hadn’t realized how much he’d come to depend on Jonah always saying yes. “It looks perfect on you.” Even John heard the sadness tinging his voice.

Jonah’s gaze met his. “You can have the ring back and I’ll happily marry you without it if that’ll take the unhappiness from your eyes.”

John shook his head. “It’s not that. You deserve a different ring for every day, but am I what’s best for you? When I first found that website, it was all about being stupid and throwing my money around.”

“Playing the field with as many people as you could buy,” Jonah finished for him, making things sound so much worse.

“Don’t rub it in, boy. I’m pouring my heart out here.”

Jonah pressed his lips together, showing his obedience in the most obnoxious way he could. John didn’t care as long Jonah let him speak his piece. “I’m trying to say I never expected you. Everything about us was all in fun at first. We did a lot of shit together I would never do now, but do you know I would never do those things? Do you realize I’m not me without you?”

Jonah’s steady gaze never wavered. He didn’t backdown from John pouring out his heart. “I don’t know who you are without me, but I know before you pulled your disappearing act, you’d never let me down. You’re right. We’ve done a lot of shit together I would never do again. At first, for a while, I went along with things I didn’t want, and when my life started falling apart, you ghosted on me. I won’t lie and say I’m over that last one. But if you need to know what’s best for me, I absolutely believe it’s you. You have no idea how deep I had to dig to find any issues with our relationship when you left.” Jonah shrugged. “I just love you too much to feel anything else. How can that be wrong for me?”

“I’d give anything to take back my stupidity.” John had never meant anything more. “You’re getting the grandest wedding the world has ever seen. Seriously, I’m putting rich kids’ sweet sixteen parties to shame. You’ll have magazines wanting to cover this shit.”

Jonah shifted and straddled John’s hips. His towel slipped away in the move, leaving John’s swim trunks as nowhere near enough protection. Jonah cupped his face. “No.”

John blinked. He didn’t understand. “What do you mean no? You’ve been throwing that word around a little too much.”

A sexy-sounding chuckle escaped Jonah, but he didn’t let up. “We’re having an elegant, intimate wedding with family and friends. No magazines or crazy over-the-top bs. I don’t want a circus. What I want is to marry the greatest love of my life without our vows being upstaged by the spectacle our wedding has become. Okay?”

John fought back a laugh. “Anything you want, it’s yours.”

A heated glance slid down John’s body, stirring his cock. “What I want is already beneath me. The question is, what should I do with you?”

An unsteady breath escaped John. Jonah had a way of taking him from nothing to ready to fly in an instant. The overwhelming emotions never got old. “Whatever you want.”

Jonah’s fingertips dipped inside John’s shorts and skimmed his crown. His stare never wavered from John’s. “I want to watch you come.”

John thought Jonah would probably see it sooner rather than later, talking like that. His head fell back against the chair as Jonah freed his erection. Air became scarce as Jonah’s fingers encircled him. Jonah pumped. John fought to breathe. With one hand braced on the back of the chair over John’s head, Jonah dropped his chin and watched as he jacked off John. John couldn’t look away from Jonah. They were getting married posthaste. He already knew he wouldn’t tolerate a long engagement. The idea of having Jonah as his husband was already in his head. John didn’t have the patience to wait. Possessiveness mixed with lust. John tried breathing past the explosive combo. Then Jonah went to work, stripping away John’s shorts and leaving nothing between them. They were skin on skin. Jonah’s bare ass was on John’s lap. The warmth seeped into his skin, making John insane with desire. His fingers dug into Jonah’s ass cheeks. He fought the urge to take control.

Jonah slid closer until their erections met. With his palm still braced on the back of the chair, Jonah got his feet beneath him until he was squatting on John’s lap. Completely in control now, Jonah moved against John. John held Jonah’s ass and helped set the pace as Jonah stroked their dicks and rubbed them together, causing a friction that made John insane. Jonah threw his head back and visibly sucked air while driving them both crazy. He massaged and humped, fucking John with no penetration. John was transfixed. Every ounce of his being remained focused on the sensation of their cocks moving against each other. It was enough, but then again, it wasn’t. He fought the urge to bury his dick in Jonah’s tight, hot ass. As much as he wanted that, he didn’t want to stop this.

Jonah’s hips rotated. His speed increased, and his low moans got louder. John couldn’t even blink. He didn’t want to miss a second of Jonah taking his pleasure. The spring inside John wound slowly tighter. His fingertips kept massaging Jonah’s ass and moving closer to what he wanted without thought until he was fingering Jonah’s asshole without mercy. He needed Jonah’s orgasm. John knew it would be beautiful. Jonah’s gaze hit his. His cheeks were flushed, making his sweet light-brown eyes seem even brighter than usual.

Jonah’s bottom lip was held between his teeth. John had never seen a sexier sight. Then, a loud gasp escaped Jonah and hot cum coated John’s body. The sight ripped an orgasm from John with enough force it tore a cry from his throat. Jonah claimed his mouth. Their tongues clashed as their racing hearts fought to get closer to each other. John’s chest swelled with pride even as tears pressed at the backs of his eyes. The magnitude of the day landed on his shoulders. This man would soon be John’s husband. Their lives would change in all the best ways. If Jonah thought John was over-the-top while they were dating, he hadn’t seen a damn thing yet. John planned to rain down so much happiness on Jonah, he’d forget what it was like to frown. For the rest of their lives, John would protect Jonah from every ugliness in life. This was forever.