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Switch (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club Book 14) by Jayne Blue (26)

Chapter Twenty-Six


Kitt pressed against me, her hips swaying when mine did. The northern California sun baked down on us both as I took the last curve up to the bluff. It was good. It felt like heaven. I wanted it to last forever.

Sly pulled up to the cliff just behind me. He took it a little slower with Scarlett on the back of his Harley. It wasn’t that she couldn’t handle it. Scarlett Cullinan was every inch as wild as the prez. She’d have to be. But the baby was making her stomach more sensitive than usual.

I cut my engine and slid off, holding a hand out to Kitt. She peeled off her helmet, her blonde hair catching the wind. Her smile melted me. She gasped as she took in the scenery. My girl. It was exactly the reaction I was hoping for.

“My God,” she said, climbing off the bike. I led her to the edge of the cliff. The Great Wolf River churned below us, carving a zig-zag through the canyon. It was our sacred place. The heart of the club. I’d never brought a civilian up here. The bluff had been the site of more than a few marriages once we earned our patch. And it had been the site of plenty of memorials too. When my time came, I’d have my ashes spread from this very spot.

“It’s amazing,” Kitt said, gathering her wild hair into a knot at the base of her neck. “I’ve seen the bluff from below but I had no idea how gorgeous it would be from up here.”

“We took our name from the river,” Sly said. “One of the few traditions of Blackie Murphy’s that I’m proud to keep.”

“I can see why,” Kitt said. She looked up at her father. Things were still so new between them, but I’d seen Kitt start to exhale over the last couple of days. Whatever demons her mother fought, she understood that Sly hadn’t been the root of them. It had been his idea to bring her up here.

“Kind of takes your breath away,” Scarlett said. She leaned her head against Sly’s shoulder. He pulled her close and laid a hand over her stomach. It stirred my heart. Sly and Scarlett’s path had never been easy. It took a long time for the club to begin to trust her. They’d waited years before they finally got married. Now I couldn’t imagine Sly with anyone else. She grounded him. Strengthened him. When I looked at Kitt, I could feel the same bond taking root.

“Thank you,” she said. “For bringing me here.”

“I wish I’d had the chance to do it a long time ago,” Sly said. “You deserved more from me.”

Kitt dropped her eyes. Her grip tightened on my hand. “You didn’t know. If Darcy had maybe told you ... something …”

“Yeah,” Sly said. “Something. I hope you’ll let me try and make it up to you. I’d like to start today.”

Kitt’s eyes narrowed. She looked at me and all I could do was shrug. Sly wanted this trip, but he hadn’t told me why.

“What do you want out of life?” Sly asked.

Kitt cocked her head. “I ... I mean …”

“Do you want to go to college? Start a business? I want to help you with whatever that is,” he said. “Scarlett and I have been talking about it. I want you to have the opportunity to chase after your dreams, Kitt. I know Darcy never could. It’s what I want for this baby too.”

Kitt blinked hard. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes. I put a hand on her back.

“You don’t have to do that,” she said. “I didn’t come to Green Bluff with my hand out.”

“No,” Sly said. “I know that. But it’s what I want. If you’ll let me. Just think about it. I need time anyway. With things being how they are ... unsettled ... I can’t promise …”

“No promises,” Kitt said. “I don’t expect that. It’s just hard for me to accept that kind of help. Any kind of help, really. I’m more comfortable on my own.”

Scarlett went to her. She took one of Kitt’s hands. “I know that feeling better than anybody. But this is what we both want. I’m excited to get to know you. I’m excited to have you be part of this family if you’ll have us.” Scarlett glanced at me.

“Thank you,” Kitt said, still trying to hold back tears. “I’ll think about it.”

“Good,” Scarlett said. “I’d say that’s the only promise anybody needs to make today.” She turned back to Sly.

“Come on, Dad,” she said. She held a hand to her stomach. Beside me, Kitt went rigid for a moment. She was having a hard time keeping her emotions in check.

“Take me home,” Scarlett said. “Let’s leave Switch and Kitt to the view for a little while.”

Sly was smiling, but his eyes were filled with concern as he looked at Kitt. I looked over her head and nodded to him. It was a silent promise to look after her.

As he turned to go, something whizzed past my ear. Deep instinct kicked in. Sly reacted at the same time.

Another pop.

I grabbed Kitt and threw her to the ground. Sly did the same with Scarlett. The next shot ricocheted off a rock beside my head. It split in two, sending a shard across my cheek.

“Stay down!” I shouted. Kitt’s breath left her in a rush. I’d knocked the wind out of her. I drew my Nine from its holster. Scarlett and Sly had done the same. Scarlett returned fire.

“Get behind the rocks!” Sly yelled.

“Baby, go!” I said to Kitt. “Run. Now!”

I shoved her behind me, got to my knees and started shooting toward the source of the gunfire. Kitt belly crawled and tucked her head behind a huge boulder near the edge of the cliff.

“Up on the ridge!” Sly shouted. I followed his line of sight.

The sun was in my eyes, but the shadow was unmistakable. Sly, Scarlett, and I fanned out. Of the three of us, Scarlett was actually the best shot.

“Isn’t this precious?” The voice came from up above. I shielded my eyes. Manny Torre hopped down from his vantage point. He had his gun pointed straight at Sly. I counted four men with him. His top lieutenants. Each of them had their weapons drawn.

My heart raced. We’d only told Dex we were coming up to the cliff. Manny must have had someone watching it. His spies went deeper than we’d realized.

“What’s your play, Manny?” Sly said. Sweat poured down the side of his face. He kept one eye on Manny, the other on Scarlett. I knew damn well she could take care of herself, but I understood Sly’s fear. I shared it for Kitt. I made a gesture with my hand, cautioning Kitt to stay put.

“My play is,” Manny said. “We end this here and now. It’s over, Sly. You’re done in Green Bluff. Your security contracts are drying up. The Den is nothing but a pile of ash. After today, even the Paganos won’t want to have anything to do with you. Your best option is to keep backing your ass up and over that cliff. Isn’t that the dream anyway? Where all you dogs go to die?”

“Fuck you, Manny,” I said. “Only one dying here today is you.”

“Aw. Switch?” he said. “I’m going to treat you special. I owe you one for Paco. He’s family.”

From the corner of my eye, I could see Scarlett trying to gauge her shot. We were five against three. Sly was nervous.

“I’ll start with her, maybe,” Manny said. He gestured with two fingers. One of his men started toward Kitt.

“Not another fucking move!” I yelled.

“That’s Darcy’s little girl, huh?” Manny asked. “Looks like Paco was right. Come out, come out, wherever you are. I think I’ll let her live, on second thought. Add her to my stable. Just like I did her mama.”

“You son of a bitch!” Kitt yelled. I aimed straight at Manny’s head. Could we do it? I knew Sly was thinking the same thing. If we were quick enough and lucky enough, we could take them out. Not without them taking out some of us. But it would give Kitt a chance. I was willing to try.

Then there was Scarlett. Sly gave me a hard look. I knew his mind. He wasn’t going to risk her. Scarlett had other ideas. Slowly she started to move, going for higher ground.

“Stay right there, chica,” Manny said. “I know who you are. So many birdies I get to kill with one stone today. You don’t think the Brigands have their sights on you?”

“Bigger men than you have tried to take me out, Manny,” Scarlett said. “Only they’re all dead and here I am.”

“I like her,” Manny said to Sly, licking his lips. Sly had a snarl on his face, much like the wolves we were named after.

“Come out where I can see you,” Manny said. “Unless you like your man full of holes.”

“Stay there!” I shouted to Kitt.

Manny jerked his chin. A sixth man came out from behind the shadows on the east side of the ridge. Kitt yelped as he shoved her out from behind the rock. I turned, aiming for his head. But Kitt was too close to him. I couldn’t risk hitting her instead.

“Mmm, mmm, mmm,” Manny said. “Yeah. I see a little of Darcy in you. She was one of my top earners in her prime. Too bad she didn’t last long.”

“I’m gonna fucking end you,” Sly said.

Manny shrugged. “Game over, my friend. You got one choice. You and your thug get on your knees. Take it like men. Right here. I’ll let your women live.”

“No deal,” Scarlett said. “Sly, don’t even think about it.”

“Spicy,” Manny said. “I like ’em like that. So much fun to tame.”

Three more men came out from the east. They outnumbered us three to one. They started closing in. Sly let out a hiss through clenched teeth.

“Okay!” Kitt yelled. “Okay. I’ll go with you. You can have what you want.”

“Kitt …” I warned. She jerked her arm away from Manny’s man.

“You win, Manny,” she said. “I’m your prize. Paco was right. I’m Sly Cullinan’s daughter. I’ll walk out of here with you. No one gets hurt.”

“No fucking way!” Sly and I said it in unison.

Kitt turned, her eyes flashing. She was bold. She went to Manny and put her hand on his shoulder. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

She was out of her mind. Then I realized what she was doing. Manny was interested. He was practically salivating. It gave us a sliver of a window. Scarlett saw it too.

I shot first, taking out the asshole who laid hands on Kitt. She spun around; thinking quick, she dove behind Manny. His men wouldn’t shoot near him.

Scarlett dinged one of the men on the hill. Sly got the guy next to him. Then Kitt dropped to the ground. I had one shot. One chance. Manny Torre was in my sight. It happened in a split second. I knew I could take him out. I also knew a second later, his remaining men would light me up with gunfire.

An easy choice.

“Freeze! Drop your weapons!”

The command came from all around. In a cloud of dust, four black sedans and two SUVs tore up the hill, surrounding us all.