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Teach Me Daddy: A Mountain Man’s Secret Baby Romance by Hart, Rye (40)


Big Daddy

The Mountain Man’s Baby Romance


He carried me over his shoulder, as his hand expertly worked its way up my skirt and into my panties. His fingers began to work pure magic, as if they were playing an instrument with skill. The pleasure began to build between my legs, becoming more and more unbearable with every second that passed. With growing anticipation, he walked me to the bed and dropped me onto the silk sheets, never once freeing his touch from my folds.

He pumped his hands, scissoring his fingers to stroke my walls and I moaned in pleasure as he growled and proceeded to bury his face between my legs.

He worked his tongue with skill as I steadily ascended my way over the edge of bliss. I gripped his hair gently, holding him against me, rubbing my slit against his tongue as he licked and lapped at my tender, wet flesh.

“I could devour you, baby. You taste so fucking good.” He slipped his fingers down and against my ass, pushing against the back entrance as he tongued the front.

The pleasure was more than I could stand and yet I had this burning emptiness and a need to have something fill it up.

“I need you inside of me, please.”

I wanted… no needed to feel his bulging cock inside; throbbing my channel and taking me to the edge of passion and beyond.

I knew he wouldn’t disappoint.

He stood, leaving me with my panties pushed to the side, and my skirt hiked up over my hips. He waited for me to strip off his pants, which I did with great pleasure. His cock fell forward, jutting from his hips and begging for attention.

It was the most beautiful sight I’d laid my eyes on.

I was one lucky girl.


Here’s a scenario for you: Let’s assume you want to remove all traces of masculinity from a man. So, how do you do it?

Pluck his ass down in the middle of a big city; domesticate him with a pretty little wife and a pretty little house with a white picket fence, then just sit back and watch. Pretty soon he’ll think that getting a callus on his hand is as bad as leprosy. There you have it. Modern day pussification at its finest.

Fuck that.

This is exactly the opposite of the world I created for myself in the mountain town of Buffalo, Wyoming. Out there, in my cabin, I could see more sky than I ever knew existed. It was both exhilarating and desolate in a way that one can’t appreciate until they’ve seen it first-hand.

Solitude was almost everything to me.

Unfortunately, what I considered solitude, most people considered isolation. It took me six months to realize that I didn’t own a mirror. When I finally saw myself again, I was pretty much the same: six-foot-four, buzzed brown hair, blue eyes, broad as a barn door, and sporting a beard that was headed for Grizzly Adams territory.

I relished in the isolation for years. It was a welcomed sanctuary after experiencing hell on a silver platter.

After I was medically discharged from combat and lost my leg to an IED, I returned to my hometown, Boston, and my welcome-home present was the discovery of my wife’s pregnancy with another man’s baby. The fucktard happened to be a man I’d considered a friend. Needless to say, it led to a nasty divorce and my eventual move thousands of miles away to no man’s land.

The way I saw it, I had two options: murder the dick who knocked up my wife, or leave town and shut myself off from everyone.

I chose the latter.

Isolating myself in the foothills of the Bighorn Mountains in Buffalo, Wyoming was just what I needed. That’s where I belonged, and where I started my new life. It was a stark contrast from my life in Boston, but it was exactly what I needed.

Little did I know, it would be the future home for my niece and I. Life had a way of kicking us both while we were down. Even so, we sure as hell weren’t going to give it the satisfaction of taking our dignity. Not on my damn watch.


As I walked into the elementary school Star attended, I glared over to the playground hoping to catch the five-year-old doing something resembling fun.

Crap, am I even cut out for this?

I asked myself the same damn question that filled my mind for months.

Since Star moved into my cabin, we’d experienced roadblock after roadblock. To say she’d been having trouble adjusting to her new environment would be putting it lightly.

In truth, it’d been a complete shit show, and I couldn’t blame her one damn bit. Star had every right to hate the world. The poor kid went through years of hell, and three months of living with an uncle who practically cut himself off from everyone he knew wasn’t going to give her the warm and fuzzies.

Before walking inside, I finally caught a glimpse of the cute little cotton-top girl whose blond hair was a mess of curls, pulled back into a confused ponytail. Like most mornings, I tried to do her hair and failed royally. I couldn’t figure out how many times to loop the damn hair band. It was either too loose or so tight it would give her a facelift. And those baby hairs—what the hell was I supposed to do with those little hairs?

Star was sitting on a swing, slowly moving back and forth and seemed to be watching a crowd of kids who were playing Red Rover. I could tell she wanted to play, but it was as if she was afraid of some invisible force lurking in the darkness.

Star was afraid to get close to anyone. If only she could open up and learn to trust others enough to be happy. I’d give anything to see a smile on my niece’s face again. There was just one problem: her sole caretaker was just about the worst example for any kid to mirror a life after. We both found comfort in locking the whole damn world out.

I walked inside, angry that I couldn’t do more for her. She deserved the best, and as far as I could tell, I was failing miserably at giving her that. Whereas most kids her age couldn’t be paid to shut-up, Star barely spoke a few words in a day. It was a stark contrast to the chatty two-year-old I remembered my brother gushing about.

“I’m here to see Counselor Durdin.” I rattled the keys in my pocket, playing it cool, but not fooling myself.

The woman behind the counter pushed up her glasses. She was a pretty girl, with bright blue eyes and a soft complexion, but she had a severe red slash across her mouth that had been done up with too much lipstick. The woman didn’t need that much makeup, but noticing the scar marring her lip, I could understand.

I understand probably more than most people.

To this day, I could still feel the presence of all ten toes from my left leg, even though it had been torn from my body in combat. It was easier to mask the injury, than give others the opportunity to ask me about it, or even worse, pretend like it didn’t exist. I hated the moment others would stare, the way their postures would change ever so slightly, the way they’d avert their eyes like they’d been caught staring at something they shouldn’t be seeing. It was easier to avoid the whole damn experience all together. I’d rather stick needles in my eye.

“Have a seat, and she’ll call you back in a moment.” She pressed a button on her phone and then as I took a seat in a black plastic chair, which had been molded for much smaller people, I heard her relaying the message that I was there.

I stared at the Bison mascot mural for what seemed like ten minutes, before I heard my name called. “Mr. Owens?”

I looked up to see a professionally-dressed older woman, with long black hair down to her waist. I stood as she held out her hand and took it, surprised when she gave it a firm shake.

“I’m Hattie Durdin, the school’s counselor. I’m so glad you were able to make it today.” She turned and led me into her office, shutting the door behind her. She offered me a seat across from her desk and I sank my large frame down into it before speaking.

“I’ve been wondering how Star has been progressing in school. Thank you for arranging this meeting.”

“Mr. Owens, Star’s adjustment at this school is important to both of us. I was assigned to follow up with her by her case-worker in Boston. The case-worker called me earlier this week to ask how Star has been holding up.”

“Case-worker? I hadn’t been aware one was assigned to Star.” I said, slightly annoyed that no one from the state of Massachusetts cared to inform me of such a pressing matter.

“I’m sorry you were not made aware. I’ll be working with you to keep you abreast of everything going forward. I learned the move for Star has been quite a change for her. The poor girl has been showing signs of it too. Are you aware that she doesn’t speak here at school? That’s a sign of a child that’s been through severe trauma much like Star.”

“Yes, I’ve had conversations with Star’s teacher about it. We are doing our best to help Star adjust. It hasn’t been easy.”

“I see.” She paused to write something down in her legal pad. “Mr. Owens, normally we would use discipline in such matters, but Star’s situation is unique.”

“Discipline? Why would you discipline her?” I asked, getting more annoyed. This wasn’t going very smoothly so far.

“Well, my concern is that this may be more of a defiance issue—” she started.

“Hold on a second,” I said, cutting her off. “Didn’t the teacher tell you that she doesn’t talk at all? It has nothing to do with defiance. She doesn’t talk to me but a few words here and there.”

“Oh, I see. So this isn’t simply a school issue.”

“No, ma’am. Not at all. She has a trust issue. Rightfully so. If you’d been through what she has in the past few years, you’d be leery of the world too,” I said sternly.

I’d be damned if anyone was going to overlook Star’s traumatic past, and use defense mechanisms against her.

Star’s father, my brother Luke, passed away in battle when she was two. Her mother spent her time drowning her sorrows in alcohol, to the point she became neglectful and frankly a poor excuse for a mother. I didn’t care how depressed she was after my brother’s death. It was no reason for her to abandon Star.

Star was thrown into the foster care system when she was three. Most of the homes had only been temporary, so she’d been moved around seven times in the past two years until I’d taken her in only months ago. I’d only had custody of Star for the last three months. It would have been sooner had I been made aware of the matter, but I’d shut off communication from friends and family for some time following my move to Wyoming. I still felt damn guilty about not getting involved sooner, but I was there for her now. Nothing was going to change that now.

“You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry for coming across as inconsiderate. It’s just that Star’s situation is concerning and we all want the best for her. What are your thoughts about exposing her to some outside support? She seems to be struggling with reading, but that’s inconclusive. Since she won’t talk, it’s been a challenge to come to this judgement. We feel if she were to have a tutor, someone who could help her build a bit of confidence using her voice in private, then maybe she’d open up a bit here in the classroom and participate.”

“I see your point. I’ll make it work. I haven’t really read her any books, but I’ll start.”

I had just recently gotten the bedtime routine down, and it didn’t include storybooks. I told her tales about me and her dad when we were kids. She seemed to like those stories a lot, so maybe she’d enjoy a fairy tale or fable book as well.

“That would certainly help, but I’d still look for someone to tutor her. We don’t want her to fall behind.”

The idea of Star struggling through school had me worried. What she learned could take her through life, and I couldn’t let her be shortchanged. More importantly, she needed to feel confident that she was just as smart and capable as other students - if not more. That type of thinking would be a trap, leading to low self-esteem onto her adult life.

I sure as hell wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Is there anyone you can recommend?” I asked.

She reached into her desk and handed me a paper with a list of names. “These are a list of older students and teachers who don’t mind helping with tutoring. You can call and set something up if you like, just let us know when you do. We want to mark her progress. And don’t worry, Mrs. Marsh will be doing everything she can on her end to see that she keeps her levels up. She is a bit younger than the other kids, too, so that makes a difference.”

“Well, her birthday is tomorrow. She’ll be six.”

“Yes, I saw that in her file. Have the two of you made any plans?”

“I’m taking her out for pizza and ice cream."

“That sounds like a wonderful idea. Star’s lucky to have an uncle like you in her life. Without your help she would be in a far dire situation.”

I nodded and cleared my throat.

Unfortunately, luck was something Star lacked most thus far. Before Star came into my life, I was living life for myself. I was isolated from everyone and a selfish bastard telling the world to fuck off in every way imaginable.

Now, I had a bigger purpose and I wasn’t going to let my dim past screw things up for Star.


The next day was eventful. Star enjoyed her pizza and ice cream, but her eyes lit up when she opened the doll I had waiting for her in the house. Since she didn’t have a lot of friends or toys, I decided her birthday was the perfect time to spoil her. She’d only brought a few things with her from Chicago, and aside from furniture and some matching curtains, her room was pretty bare these last three months. When we returned home, she found the kid size kitchen set I’d left her in the living room, and she ran over and started cooking dinner for her doll.

She exhausted herself early and finally crawled up beside me on the couch and fell asleep. I carried her to her room and kissed her on the forehead before I went to bed next door.

I promised Cynthia, my elderly neighbor, that I’d bring Star over for breakfast. She was probably the closest resemblance to a local acquaintance I had in Buffalo, and lucky for me, she enjoyed our company.

Considering I was a prick to everyone around me, it was most likely Star’s company she enjoyed most. Cynthia talked about loving children and wanting grandchildren of her own. Whatever it was, I was grateful for her presence for Star’s benefit.


When we arrived at Cynthia’s place, Star was greeted with a blue-and-pink cake, with big icing flowers and a little plastic tiara on top.

“That cake is huge. Did you make it yourself?” I let go of the birthday girl’s hand as she jumped up and down.

Star’s eyes grew big, and she hugged Cynthia who placed the cake on the small, round kitchen table that she’d done up with a pink tablecloth. Balloons and streamers hung over our heads, and I couldn’t help but feel gratitude for the woman’s efforts.

“Yes, sir. I used to teach cake decorating classes back in the day. There’s not a lot this old bird can’t do. I tell you, I was made to be a grandmother, but you can’t convince my kids of it. They’re so busy traveling the world and busy with careers, I’m not sure they’ll ever have kids.”

Cynthia Darling, who was in her late sixties, with grey hair, apple-round cheeks, and more spirit than most, had welcomed me with open arms when I’d showed up next door. When I’d gotten Star, she’d gone into full grandma mode, and despite me offering, she wouldn’t take a penny for her help babysitting Star.

“You’re going to spoil her.” I let loose a laugh as I saw the stack of presents that Star ran over to inspect.

Cynthia leaned in close. “She needs to know it’s a special day, and that she has people here who love her. Besides, is that a new doll? I thought you were buying her a kitchen set?”

“I did, but I thought a doll might also be a new friend. One who couldn’t leave, who she wouldn’t have to say goodbye to.” I whispered to Cynthia.

“Smart thinking.” Cynthia turned her head to watch Star who inspected the table next.

“She talked to her doll last night. I could hear her through the walls. Ask her its name.” About that time the timer went off, and Cynthia walked over to pull a breakfast casserole out of the oven.

She placed it on the counter and then turned to Star. “Who is this beautiful friend you’ve brought today?”

Star smiled and took the chair, which had a few streamers and balloons taped to it. She placed her doll in the chair beside hers. “Jackie,” she said softly, smiling to show off her missing front tooth.

“Jackie? That’s a gorgeous name. Did you know there once was a beautiful queen of Camelot named Jackie? I’ll have to tell you about her sometime.” She turned and gave me a wink as she opened a stack of pink and blue plates.

After we ate, and Star opened her gifts, which turned out to be two new outfits, and three play sets full of everything she needed to accessorize her new kitchen, she busied herself on the floor as I stared out the window sipping coffee at Cynthia’s table.

“Thank you for everything you did. You really didn’t have to go through all this trouble.”

“Are you kidding me? This stuff makes my day. Hey, you look like you’ve got a lot on your mind.” The old woman took the seat next to me and added cream to her coffee and I took a deep breath. For some reason Cynthia was one of the few people who could get me to open up and actually say more than an obligatory few words.

“Yeah, I talked to the school. I have to find someone who can tutor Star in reading. They said she needs someone with experience to give her the attention she deserves. They don’t want her to fall behind, and I sure don’t either.”

“Some kids just bloom later than others, but that doesn’t mean much. She’s been through a trauma, and once she gets used to a stable environment, and sees that this is forever, she’ll come around.”

“Yeah, but by then, she might be too far behind to catch up. I can’t help feeling useless. I wish I could just make it all better right now.”

“You do what’s best at the moment. No parent knows exactly what’s best for their kids every single time. It’s barely more than trial and error.”

That was a relief to hear. I’d been doing that since I’d brought Star home; flying by the seat of my pants.

“Thanks. I know it’s going to be okay. It’s just a bit harder than I thought. She’s a great kid, though.” I watched her playing on the floor with Jackie and her gifts, and remembered my brother and me on our birthdays. If we’d had half of what she’d gotten for her birthday, we’d have felt rich. Then again, none of that replaced the value of a stable household with loving parents.

“Maybe if there was a nice young woman around—"she started.

I rolled my eyes and held up a hand to stop her. “Thanks, but no thanks. I have enough on my plate right now just taking care of Star. I don’t need a clingy woman to demand my attention as well.”

Cynthia pursed her lips. “You just need the right woman,” she said.

I shook my head and stood up from the table to excuse myself to the rest room. No way was I going to sit through this lecture again.

A night of great sex here and there was one thing, but I needed a relationship like I needed a hole in the head.


“Why aren’t these people at church? It’s Sunday.” I placed my tray on the stack and straightened my nametag and apron.

“We always get a rush around ten on Sundays. All the heathens that were out on Saturday night are just waking up while the holy rollers are walking into church. You’ll find it happens every week. They come in here to get a hot cup of coffee to nurse their hangovers.”

“Ah, and I thought Sundays would be a breeze for some reason.” I couldn’t complain too much, and not just because my boss, Harold, was watching from the register, but because Liza had gotten me the job at the diner just days ago after taking me in. I was lucky to have found her and a steady job.

Beggars surely couldn’t be choosers, especially a beggar on the run from a dangerous man.

“You’ll get the hang of it.” She had been so kind and encouraging.

“Thanks again for the job, Liza; and for taking me in. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

“Think nothing of it. You can clean a few of my tables though if you like. That’ll cover it.” She gave me a wink as I raked my hand through my ponytail. A slow ache throbbed in my temples. I’d not worn my hair up in such a tight ponytail in ages.

I also hadn’t stood on my feet for so long, but it was decent money, and I’d already earned a few big tips from men who liked to make naughty jokes about my name.

Liza leaned close as she walked past. “Pull down your sleeve, Dream. Your bruises are showing.” I quickly tugged down my sleeve and let loose a long breath. The deep bruises that my ex had given me were still fading on my arm and had turned a sickly shade of yellow that had mixed with a putrid brown. If seen, they would provoke questions I was not willing to answer.

“Thanks. I keep forgetting.” I tugged the sleeve down until she gave me a thumb’s up. “You’ve been so good to me. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you.” She’d not only found me a job but given me a place to stay. “You’ve been a shining light in the dark.”

“You’re no trouble. Now, that sorry ex of yours—you ain't heard from him, have you?” Liza’s thick southern accent was unmistakable. She’d grown up in a place called Caney Head in southeast Texas and had moved here to Buffalo, Wyoming, when she was just twenty to marry a man who had been about as good as my ex, Nick.

She’d met Brady’s father a year later. Unfortunately, that hadn’t worked out either.

“No, not since I got a different number. Still, it’s scary thinking he can find me easily given his ties with the police force across the country. Listen, I appreciate everything you’re doing for me, but if you ever feel it’s too much for you and Brady, then you just say so. I’ll find another place.” I didn’t want to put anyone else in danger.

She laughed softly. “Not around here you won’t. Besides, me and Brady always share a room and rent the other. It helps with the bills.”

Mack called out as the order bell sounded and I grabbed the tray and carefully walked it over to the table as Liza busied herself pouring refills from the coffee pot.

The bells on the door chimed and in walked the sexiest man I’d seen since coming to this sleepy little mountain town.

His dark hair and beard were trimmed short, and his eyes were an icy blue that didn’t just meet mine but seemed to penetrate them. I was so entirely captivated by his muscular body and impeccably good looks, that I almost didn’t notice the young girl by his side. He towered above her, and she was so tiny, she couldn’t have been more than five years old. She had his eyes, but her skin was much paler, and her rosy cheeks were bright and framed by a mess of curly blond hair that had fallen out of her ponytail.

He walked over to my section and lifted the little girl into one side of a booth and then took the other. Liza came up beside me with a stack of menus. “He’s a hot one, ain't he? He’s been coming in here for a few years now, but the little girl, she’s new. She started showing up with him about three months ago.”

“They have the same eyes. Does her mother ever come in?” I figured the man would be married. He was far too hot not to be.

“No, just the two of them. He’s the reclusive type, and she’s a total mystery. No one’s sure if she’s his or not. And if he’s her father, he’s very new to it.”

“Why do you say that?” All I could see was the perfect picture of a father and daughter. He smiled adoringly as she placed a napkin in her doll’s collar and opened a menu for her.

“I’ve been watching him, and he’s a bit awkward with her. He treats her like she might break, or like she’s a bomb about to explode in his hands. You watch him a minute, you’ll see what I mean.” She pushed the menus at me. “Go get him.” She gave me a wink, but I shook my head. The last thing I needed was another man, no matter how achingly handsome he was.

I took a deep breath and walked across the room toward them. He’s just a man, Dream, nothing more. I couldn’t believe how shaken I was inside; practically nervous. “How are you today? What can I get for you?”

He looked at me for a moment as if he had lost all train of thought, and I thought maybe he hadn’t heard me, but then he quickly recovered. “Fine, thanks. Sorry, you’re new.” He glanced over at Liza who had busied herself with another table but kept looking over her shoulder to see what was happening.

“I could get you another waitress if you like.” I suddenly felt insecure.

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. I just haven’t seen you around before.”

The way he was looking at me made me feel all kinds of warm. He looked hungry for more than breakfast, which was odd considering he probably had women throwing themselves at him left and right.

“I’m new in town; just started a few days ago. Do you know what you might like?” I didn’t want to have to answer any questions about my personal life, or what had brought me to Wyoming, so I kept myself in professional mode.

“Yeah, I’ll take the All American. What do you want, Star?” The little girl kept her head down and gave me the side eye. “Remember our deal. If you want to eat you have to order your own food. Tell the nice lady what you want.”

The little girl turned her head and looked up at me with those big blue eyes that matched the man’s. “I want waffles please, and one for Jackie too.” She tucked the little napkin into the doll’s collar a bit more as the man smiled.

He cleared his throat. “Are you sure Jackie can eat a whole waffle by herself? She’s got an awfully tiny stomach. Maybe you should just share yours.”

Disappointment dawned on her face, and I could tell she was upset, but she kept quiet.

I leaned forward and spoke softly to the girl. “I tell you what, how about you order your waffles, and I’ll bring Jackie her very own little plate and a fork so you two can share?” I paused my pen as the little girl nodded her head.

The man looked up and regarded me closely. I couldn’t tell if he was irritated by my suggestion or not. Either way, he didn’t say a word.

“Can I get you a coffee or soda?” I put the pad away.

“Yeah, I’ll have a coffee and get her a chocolate milk.” The little girl looked across the table at him and gave a slight smile. She seemed very cautious in her mannerisms, and I wondered if he were strict with her when they weren’t in public.

“Coming right up.” I hurried to get their drinks, and when I returned with them, the two weren’t talking or carrying on a conversation like I’d expected them to be.

The little girl was staring out the window with a somber expression, and he was looking at his phone. I was starting to see what Liza meant. The mystery deepened.

“Here you go.” I placed the little plate in front of the girl’s doll, and then a fork too. Then I placed their orders in front of them. “Did I hear right that your name is Star?” I glanced at the man, but the little girl turned her head up and nodded quickly. “That’s a beautiful name. And it’s unique like mine. I’m Dream.” I pointed to my nametag.

“That’s a pretty name,” she said, smiling.

“Thank you,” I said. There was that look again. The man was regarding me with something a little more than interest in my name in his eyes.

“Dream, huh?” he said. “It’s fitting.” A brief flash in his eyes had my knees feeling wobbly.

I wasn’t sure what to say so I stuck with my usual waitress banter.

“Well, you three enjoy your breakfast,” I said, turning to walk away.

Just then the little girl tugged my apron and held up her doll. “Her name is Jackie.” She held her waffle to the doll’s mouth and then took a bite.

“Well, it’s very nice to meet you Jackie,” I said, reaching over to shake the doll’s tiny hand, which thrilled the little girl to no end.

“Use your fork, or you and Jackie will both be sticky.” The man picked up the fork and handed it to her with a frown on his face, and the little girl giggled and shook her head. As he extended his arm, his sleeve shifted, showing off his tattoos.

My stomach clenched and my toes nearly curled. Good God. Tall, hot, muscular, and tattooed? I had to walk away before I needed a good hosing off.

I checked back on the two of them a few times more in between my other tables and made sure they were well taken care of.

Though I had zero intention of allowing myself to get involved with another man anytime soon, if ever, there was something about the guy that drew me to him, and the looks he’d been casting my way weren’t helping.

As they got up to walk out the exit, he approached the cork board near the door where people hung business cards and help wanted ads. He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and secured it to the board with a pin before taking the little girl’s hand and heading out.

My curiosity getting the best of me, I walked over to look at what he’d put up.

Help wanted: looking for a reading tutor for a kindergartner.

I felt a tickle along my spine as I read the piece of paper over and over.

This was either my lucky day, or a really cruel joke.


I hadn’t realized how long I’d been out of the dating game until I made eye contact with that hot waitress at Harold’s diner. She was the sexiest thing this town had seen in ages, and her name was fitting; she was a dream. A wet one.

As I piddled around my shop and looked over some designs, I couldn’t shake the image of her from my mind. Asking her out had crossed my mind more than once, too, but with Star in my life, and things needing to be stable, I hadn’t let myself get back in the dating arena. A quick fuck was one thing, but an actual relationship was something different, and I’d been married one time too many as it was. I’d joined the US Navy when I was just out of high school at eighteen years old. By the time I was ready for the SEALs, I had met and married Becky, who I thought was the one. I’d wanted to have children with her, to have a family to come back to like all the other men, but she hadn’t wanted to be pregnant while I was on my tour. So she’d promised me that when I returned, we’d settled down and start our family.

I had no reason to think she was cheating on me; she’d been good about hanging with the other navy wives and volunteering for programs that helped servicemen to fill her time.

Once I had my accident and came back home for good, I could tell things had changed. I thought it was me, that my injury was too much for her. The morning sickness had started just a month after I got home. I was certain I’d knocked her up during the welcome home fuck she’d given me my first day back.

I was over the moon. I was finally getting things the way I’d always wanted them, minus one leg, which I wouldn’t let get me down. I was a fighter, not a quitter, and as long as I had her and the kid, I’d be fine. But something wasn’t right. Although she put on a good face, I just didn’t think she was as happy about the baby as me.

The time came to have an ultrasound, and that’s when I realized the math was all wrong. According to how far along she was, she had to have gotten pregnant before I’d come home, and that’s when she broke down and confessed she’d been fucking my so-called college friend Ben.

The phone ringing brought me out of my daydream, and I picked it up to see my buddy, Austin’s ugly mug staring back at me. The guy was the only man from my group of friends in the past that I allowed back into my life, and that was solely because he’d been my brother in arms and we’d shared the hell of that god-forsaken desert for eighteen months. .

“What’s up, man?” I pushed my work aside and leaned back in my chair.

“Hey, Chance, how’s it been? Is that little girl giving you gray hairs yet?” Austin called at least once every other week, and I’d been filling him in on Star’s progress.

“She’s not that high maintenance. What about you? Are you ready for your wedding?”

“That’s three months away, and yes and no. I’m ready to get it over with, but we’re not done spending money yet. Lola has dragged me to every wedding venue and chapel in southern Cali, and I’ve tasted so much cake, that I probably have diabetes.”

“Sounds like a real pain in the ass.”

“Just wait until you find your pain in the ass, you’ll be doing the same thing, buddy.”

“No way, man. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. No more weddings for me, my friend.”

“Well, have you at least met a nice girl in that Podunk town to tug on your willy?” I couldn’t help but laugh. Austin had always had a way with words.

“Actually, I did see a nice piece of ass down at the diner. She’s the hottest thing this town’s got to offer in the way of women. Don’t get me wrong, there are other pretty faces, but most of the women here taste like vanilla if you know what I mean.”

“With that kid around, you better get used to the flavor, Daddy.” He chuckled, using the nickname he’d given me since I’d told him I was bringing Star home.

“Hey now. I’m Uncle Chance. She won’t ever call me ‘daddy’, and I hope she never does.” That title was reserved for my brother and no one else. I’d never disrespect him by taking that from him, even if I had to fill the role.

“So? Are you going to settle down with this one or what?”

“You’re mental, man. I just met her yesterday. She’s a waitress down where I eat; new to town.” Not to mention, a nice girl like her would probably be totally freaked the minute my pants came off and she realized I only had one real leg. That’s how it usually happened. No, I much preferred the girls who didn’t care as long as I could make them come. And I always could.

“Right, I forget you don’t exactly do the whole ‘love’ thing. At least not yet. You’ll change your mind when you find the right girl.”

“There’s no right girl for me, not anymore. I’ve learned to live with it, and if I can provide Star a good home, then that’s all the purpose I’ll need.” If I kept telling myself that, I might actually start to believe it one day.

“Did you get your new designs finished?” he asked, changing the subject when he realized I wouldn’t budge.

“Yes. They look great.” I was really proud of my work and glad I’d put my artistic abilities to use.

“That’s awesome man. I think it’s great you’re able to help others through your work.” I had been designing prosthetics since I’d recovered from losing my leg, and I’d sold a few of my designs to the leading company in the US. It was great money, but that wasn’t my passion. I’d been working on a side project to create an app for phones that would help wounded vets connect to services they needed, and that had been my focus for months, but I had yet to get past the planning and design stage at this point.

Maybe it was fear of failure or rejection that kept me from putting it out in the marketplace, but whatever it was I needed to get the hell over it.

I wandered into the kitchen to see what I had in the fridge to make for dinner. The shelves were bare but for a gallon of milk and a jar of jelly with the pantry just as empty. I would have to go to the store when I picked up Star from school. I grabbed my keys and headed out to my truck. Before I realized what I was doing, I started to drive toward the diner instead of the grocery store.

I sat in the parking lot and looked in through the front windows, watching Dream go from table to table. She really was beautiful, with long dark hair, pale-green eyes, and a smattering of freckles across her creamy skin. She was at least a head shorter than me with ample breasts and curvaceous hips. But there was something more than just her beauty that was drawing me to her. Being a highly trained SEAL, I was good at spotting trouble; and Dream had trouble written all over her. Trouble I didn’t need, and yet here I was, trying to convince my dick not to salute her.

I sighed and walked in, telling myself that I was just there to check on the ad I’d posted before heading to the store to pick up supplies. I went straight to the board and stared at the piece of paper with my name and number on it.

“Can I get you a table?” I turned to see Dream standing just behind me, and I let out a low chuckle. Damn she was beautiful.

“No, thanks. I wondered if anyone has asked about the ad.” Her face fell, and it sent an unexpected shiver through me. Had she been hoping I’d stop in to see her?

“Not that I know of, but it is kind of nice you mention it because I wanted to talk to you about that.” She looked over her shoulder and then leaned forward to talk quietly. “You need a tutor for your little girl, and well, I was an elementary school teacher back in Chicago.”

“You’re from Chicago?” She nodded in response as I looked her up and down. There was an ugly yellow mark on her arm, and I had a feeling I knew where it was from. Five distinct fingerprints marked where a large hand had grabbed her. My gut started to burn.

She noticed me glance at her arm and quickly pulled down her shirt sleeve, her face turning pink. “Uh, yeah, well, if you’re still serious about a tutor for Star, I’d like to help.”

I nodded and stuffed my hands in my pockets, fighting the strange urge to take this woman into my arms and protect her from whoever had given her those ugly bruises. “Yeah, that would be great. Why don’t you give me your number and we can set something up?”

We exchanged numbers and she went to wait on her tables. I went out to my truck and sat for another minute, watching her through the glass. She bent over to clear a table and my dick twitched in my pants. Who in their right mind would ever mistreat a woman? Especially a woman as beautiful as Dream.

I shook my head and started the truck, heading to pick up a few groceries before picking Star up from school. As I waited in the pickup line, I saw her standing with her classmates. Her eyes were cast downward and her shoulders were rounded forward. She was clearly upset and my heart ached for her.

I helped her into the truck and buckled her into her booster seat. “How was your day today, kiddo?” I asked as I pulled out of the line and onto the main street.

She shrugged and stared out the window.

“Come on, Star. You know you can tell me anything. What’s up?” I gently coaxed her.

Finally, she looked at me in the rearview mirror as I drove. “We were reading in class and I’m… I’m not very good,” she said quietly.

My heart ached for her. “It’s going to be okay kiddo,” I reassured her.

“How about I make us some spaghetti for dinner?” I asked, knowing it was her favorite.

She nodded but didn’t smile as I’d expected her to. As soon we got home, I got out my phone and dialed Dream’s number.


I had been given the lunch shift that day, which was fine with me. I hadn’t slept well the night before; nightmares of Nick had kept me awake half the night. By the time I’d been exhausted enough to fall to sleep, dawn had been on the horizon. The later start time had allowed me to get at least a few hours of rest.

As I was tying my apron, Liza approached with a smug smile on her face. “You’ve apparently made quite an impression on someone,” she said, pointing to a booth in the back where Chance sat alone.

My stomach flipped at the sight of him and I subconsciously smoothed my hair back from my face. “Um, we’re the only diner in town. Plus, he is just here to talk over the tutoring job he offered me.”

“Hmm, too bad. I thought maybe he was here to throw you over his shoulder and give you a good roll in the hay,” she said, waggling her eyebrows at me.

I laughed and smacked her with my order pad, shaking my head as I approached Chance’s booth.

“Hey there. Can I get you something?” I asked.

He looked up at me and his blue eyes pinned me to where I stood. “How about a slice of pie and some coffee?” he asked.

Oh, I’ve got a slice of pie for you , I thought to myself naughtily. Jesus, what was wrong with me? Here I was, barely out of an abusive relationship, and this complete stranger had me thinking all kinds of dirty thoughts. I cleared my throat and smiled.

“Let me grab that for you, and I’ll be right back.” I hurried into the kitchen and cut a slice of pie. I poured him a fresh cup of coffee and put it on the tray and returned to the table.

I leaned up against the booth and waited until he’d tasted the pie. Even the way he chewed was sexy. “So when do want me to start?” I asked, needing to speak before I started imagining what else his mouth would look good doing.

“I guess as soon as possible. She’s having difficulty reading. She’s gone through some significant trauma and doesn’t talk a lot. Her teacher and counselor think she needs some special attention and I’m hoping it will give her confidence as well. Maybe bring her out of her shell.”

“I think we’ll get along great. From what I saw, she seemed to be a sweet girl.”

“Yeah, she opened up to you about her doll the other day. I haven’t seen her do that with anyone, so you must have the special touch.” He looked me up and down, as he said the words and I wondered what his touch would be like.

I blinked a few times and pushed away the thoughts. I had to be professional working with his daughter, and she was a special case having been through trauma. I didn’t need to complicate things with thoughts of sex; not for the little girl, or for myself.

“Did you and your wife divorce?” The question seemed to confuse him a bit, but then he shook his head.

“Star’s not my daughter, she’s my niece. My brother passed away, and then her mother grieved herself into an unfit situation. I took her in about three months ago, so this is a new situation for her. She was in the system awhile since I was away, so I’m not sure what’s she’s been through because she doesn’t share much, but it was enough to make her stop talking, and she doesn’t trust people easily.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. It sounds like she’s really had a hard time. I am trained to deal with children in delicate situations though, so I think we’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, I wish I’d just hired you on the spot yesterday, but I thought I better think about it a while. I can’t be too careful with her, it seems. I feel like she’s a little China doll that’s going to break.”

“Well, you seemed like an old pro the other day.”

“Thanks. I’ve been told I’ll get the hang of it.”

So it really was just him and her. It took a special man to take on his brother’s child that way, especially since he was all alone without anyone to help him. Most men wouldn’t take on such a responsibility. I could feel my infatuation growing, along with the warmth between my legs.

“Well, I’m off Friday evening if you’d like me to start then, but there’s a girl starting here next week, so I can get Liza to make sure I’m scheduled off two nights a week if you like. Maybe Tuesdays and Thursdays would be good?”

“Friday is good, I don’t see any point in waiting, and if you’re worried about a schedule, any two nights during the week will work, and it can even vary if you need it to. I’m not picky, really. I do most of my work during the day since I work from home. I can pay fifty dollars per session. It seems to be the average rate for someone with experience.”

“Excellent. Well, I’ll see you then.”

Chance wrote his address on an order ticket and we agreed on a time for me to come over. I walked back over to the counter to where Liza was standing with a grin on her face. “What?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing,” she said, looking at me sideways.

“No, seriously, what?” I asked again.

“You really don’t see how he looks at you? Like he wants to lick you like he’s licking that fork over there?”

I watched his tongue dance over his fork before he placed it on his plate, and I was instantly wet. It had been way too long since a man had paid any attention to my needs. Nick had always been about his own pleasure, and that had usually included causing me pain. I allowed myself a brief moment to wonder what it might be like to be spread out underneath a man like Chance, and I had to stifle a groan.

I shook my head and picked up the coffee pot, stepping around the counter to refill the few customers in the place. “You’re ridiculous,” I said to Liza as I turned, and heard her chuckle behind me.

Chance finished his dessert and paid his check, offering a smile and a nod as he walked out. “See you Friday,” he called back before the door closed behind him.

I felt a sudden rush of nerves. I was more than qualified to tutor Star in reading, and yet for some reason I was questioning my decision to do it. Why was that?

The bells on the door sounded, and I turned to greet my new guests and caught something out of the corner of my eye. It was a black car with a light on the front, just like my ex owned through the force. He had been a cop for fifteen years and had more connections than a mob member. I froze in panic. Had he found me?

“Dream?” Liza stepped around in front of me and then turned her head as if to see what I was staring at. “Dream, are you okay? What is it?”

“Do you see that black car?”

“The one with the extra light?”

“Yes, that one. Do you know who that is?” I hoped that it was some local I’d never seen, but I wasn’t sure I’d get that lucky. My ex had found me time and time again, and each time, the abuse had been worse.

“Read the door, Dream. It’s just one of those boys over from the next county. He’s probably just passing through. They do that about once a month to take people over to the penitentiary.”

“I thought it was Nick’s people for a moment. I’m so sorry.”

She turned me toward the ladies’ room. “You go in there and wash your face and take a few deep breaths. You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I feel like I’ve seen one.” I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I did look pale, but I couldn’t help it. I would rather die than face that man again. I took a paper towel from the dispenser and wet it, then I slapped it on the back of my neck.

I had to pull myself together. I couldn’t fear him the rest of my life, and that’s why I’d come to a place he’d never find me to start over. I’d make damned sure I had a good life here and was lucky I’d found people willing to help me. Even if I had to live on the streets, I’d promised myself that I’d survive. Once a little time had passed, he’d forget all about me, and I’d be able to stop looking over my shoulder. I just prayed that time would come sooner than later.


Star’s teacher helped her into the car as I pulled to a stop in the circle. “Have a good weekend, sweetie,” she said before she shut the door.

I drove us away as she hooked her seatbelt around her and Jackie. I’d remembered to bring the doll every day since she’d asked, but for one, and after the look of disappointment on her face, I’d make damned sure not to do that again.

“Can we get pizza?”

“Do you remember I told you how that nice lady from the diner was going to come over and help you with your reading?” She looked over at me with a solemn expression.

“I thought we’d wait and see if she would like to have pizza with us. Would you be okay with that?

“She doesn’t like pizza,” Star said, very matter of fact.

“Now, how do you know that? It might be her very favorite, and besides, we don’t want to be rude and start without her. She’s going out of her way to help us both.”

“I don’t want to read.” Star poked out her bottom lip and crossed her arms.

“I know you don’t like the way you read, Star, but Dream is not going to laugh at you. She’s really excited to help you a better reader. Think of this as having your own special teacher; one the other kids don’t get to have.”

She turned her head to look up at me, but she didn’t say anything else. I hoped she’d lighten up a little by the time Dream arrived, and not shut down completely. I’d seen her do that before. The day before she’d started school, she’d locked herself in the bathroom and wouldn’t come out. I finally, after an hour of begging, took the door off the hinges, and she was mad at me for the rest of the night.

For the most part, she was a reasonable kid, but she was extremely guarded in who she let in. I was just starting to break through to her myself.

We arrived home, and she went to take a bath, and while she was changing, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and my breath was taken away by the angel on the other side.

Dream stood there, wearing a white fitted tee and tight jeans that showed off every curve. My cock grew, tenting my pants and though I needed to adjust it, I wasn’t about to touch the damned thing. Instead, I hid behind the door and opened it wide enough for her to step in.

“Come on in. Star’s in a strange mood. I think she’s a bit embarrassed by the tutoring. She should be out any minute.”

“She’ll be fine once she sees it’s going to be fun. I brought some really cute books for us to read.”

I was glad to see she’d come prepared.

A moment later, Star came out of her room dressed in her pajamas and carrying Jackie, who had on a little nightgown. She padded across the floor and stood beside me holding onto my good leg.

I looked at Dream who was smiling down at her. “We were just going to order some pizzas if you’d like to join us, then I thought you could get started with your lesson.”

“I’m tired. I want to go to bed.” Star turned and headed to her room, and I realized what she was up to. She’d rather go to bed hungry than be humiliated by reading with Dream.

Before I could get onto her, Dream stepped forward.

“Really? I was hoping I could read this book to you before you went to bed. It’s one of my favorites, and I used to read it to my first-grade class all the time. I really miss being able to teach.” She hung her head in disappointment, and Star’s little shoulders relaxed a bit.

“Dream was a teacher back in Chicago,” I told her.

Dream walked over to the couch and continued her sob story. “I miss those little ones so much. It hurt my heart to have to move away. It’s tough making new friends, and no one needs me to teach them around here.” She looked to her lap and held the book tight. “I was so hoping you’d want to be my friend.”

Star walked over to the couch and climbed up beside Dream. “You’re a teacher?”

“Yes, I taught a first-grade class at a place called Oak Brook Elementary. But I had to move away.”

Star seemed to contemplate that for a moment before nodding at Dream. “You can read to me. Do you like pepperoni and ham?”

Dream’s face lit up. “Is that your favorite too?”

Star nodded quickly and smiled.

“I’ll just go order us a couple and let you two ladies get better acquainted.” I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked into the kitchen to get the number. I peeked out to see that Dream was still working her magic with Star, and dialed the phone.

Once the order was made, I went back into the room and tried to act busy while the girls worked.

Dream read the book through and then went over a few words with Star. “You’re doing really well, Star, and I think before you know it, you’ll be able to read this book to me.”

“Do you have Dr. Seuss?” Star leaned closer to Dream and took Jackie from where she had her stuffed between them. She’d used the doll as her shield, and it seemed now she was warming up where she didn’t need the buffer.

“You know, I might be able to find one of those books around here. I’ll go to the library tomorrow and get anyone you want. How about we make a list of the books you like, and I’ll bring them when I come?”

Star’s eyes lit up, and she jumped down from the couch and ran up to her room. Once she was out of earshot, Dream turned to me.

“I think she’s going to do just fine. She just needs to get comfortable enough with me to not be embarrassed to try.”

“You’re doing great so far,” I told her. About that time, Star ran out with her tablet and a box of crayons.

“This is for the list.” She placed the items on the coffee table between them, and then went around to sit next to Dream.

“Excellent. Now, let’s make that list.” Dream took a crayon, and they went back and forth naming titles. One by one she’d mark them down, and now and then she’d pass the crayon to Star and have her write a word from the title; simple words like ham, fox, cat, and hat.

When the pizza came, I placed it on the table and brought some paper plates and sodas. “We usually eat at the kitchen table, but since this is a special night, we can eat in here.” Star’s eyes lit up, and she moved the list aside and opened the pizza box.

“I was hoping the ham would be green,” she said with a giggle.

I scrunched my nose and made a face. “I’m glad it’s not.”

“Do you not like green eggs and ham?” asked Dream.

“I do not like them near or far; I do not like them with Dream and Star.” They both laughed until I thought Star was going to bust, and then we all sat eating and chatting about our favorite books. I even named a couple that were my brother’s favorites when we were kids, and Star, with Dream’s help, added them to the list.

Soon we were done with the pizza, and then Dream went over the book again at Star’s request. A half hour later, Star opened her mouth, letting a big yawn escape her. Our chat had taken up most of the tutoring time, but I knew it was necessary so Star would get comfortable with Dream.

“That was a big yawn for a little girl; I think someone’s ready for their bedtime.” I stood from my chair. “I think it’s time you tell Dream goodnight and I’ll tuck you in.”

“Yes. I should be going. It’s almost my bedtime as well.”

“No, I want to show you my room.” Star’s voice was so whiny that I knew she was worn out. Just as I was about to tell her that Dream had to go, Dream looked up at me with sympathetic eyes.

“I could if it’s okay with your uncle?” I could tell she wasn’t sure she should impose, but I wanted her around as long as possible too. And besides, if she tucked her in, then I could walk her out to her car.

“I think that would be all right.” I gave a shrug then picked up the pizza boxes and took them to the kitchen while the girls headed up to Star’s room. I tossed the empty cans into the trash along with the paper plates, and then went in to check on them.

Star was climbing into bed, and Dream sat at the foot of it. “You have a pretty room.” I’d bought a bedroom set and some pretty bedding, and since her birthday she actually had a few toys that she kept picked up. Her play kitchen was tidy in the corner of her room.

“Thanks. I just got my kitchen.”

“It’s beautiful. I wish I had a kitchen as pretty at that one. I’d bake us a big cake.”

“I had a birthday cake last weekend. It was pink and blue. It had a tiara.” She pointed up at her headboard where her little crown was, and pulled the covers up to her neck.

“That’s beautiful too. You’ll have to wear it sometime for our lessons. We’ll have a lot of them.”

“Next time can you wear your pajamas?”

Dream’s face turned red as she glanced back at me, and my ears went hot.“We’ll have to see about that.”

“You could wear them and sleep over sometime if you want.”

I had to stifle a groan. If Dream were to ever spend the night in my house, she would not be wearing any pajamas, that’s for damn sure. “Star, Dream has her own house and her own bed, and I’m sure she’s really ready to get in it. It’s been a long night.” I didn’t want to sound rude, but Star was fighting sleep, and I knew she’d keep talking as long as she could. Not to mention, if I kept entertaining the thought of a sleepover, my erection would be impossible to hide.

“Yes, and my roommate, Liza. She’s going to want me to read to her little boy too. Maybe you can meet him sometime. He’s two, and his name is Brady.”

“Okay. But you’ll come back, right?”

“Of course, as long as your uncle thinks I need to. Now you should really get some sleep, sweetie. Being rested will help you do better too.” Dream stood up and tucked the covers up to her chin. “I’m so glad we’re friends, now Star. We’ll have a lot of fun, you’ll see.” She kissed her hand and then patted Star’s little head.

Star seemed pleased to hear that, and she didn’t complain as I walked Dream out.

I walked her to her car, and we both reached for the door at the same moment, our fingers brushing against one another briefly. She pulled her hand away as if she’d been burned, and a surge of electricity shot up my arm. I took a slight step back as she opened the door and stood behind it, putting a barrier between us. I couldn’t tell if it was because she was afraid of me, or because she’d felt the same lightning bolt I had.

I cleared my throat to break the tension. “Well, I guess I’ll see you next week.”

“Thanks for dinner and for letting me tuck Star in. I know it wasn’t really in the agreement.”

“Nonsense, I know she’s in need of a little extra TLC, and I’m fine with it if it helps her warm up to the idea of tutoring.”

“You’re amazing.” She looked deep into my eyes as we exchanged a glance that had my blood heating up.

I knew if I didn’t walk away right then, I’d have her spread out on the hood of her car, doing unspeakable things to her body in a matter of minutes.

I clapped my hands to break the mood. “Goodnight.” As she slid inside, I shut the door and watched her drive away.

Once she was out of sight, I jogged into the house and made sure Star was asleep before I stripped and jumped into the shower, wrapping my large hand around my thick, hard cock. I was going to have to relieve myself if I was going to be able to spend any time around Dream without mauling her.


My alarm clock hit the ground with a crash, and I covered my head with a pillow until I finally got the strength to reach down and pick it up and shut it off. I’d been restless the night before, my mind still reeling from my time with Chance and Star.

Though I was quickly beginning to adore the little girl, I couldn’t stop thinking about Chance. That look he’d given me when he walked me to my car, it was one of longing and desire. I hadn’t had a man look at me that way in ages.

I couldn’t stop thinking about his body, how strong he was, how big he was in comparison to me, towering over me with that firm, fit build. I wondered how it would be to have him pull me into his big strong arms and kiss me, and my body heated up, warmth spreading between my legs with desire that had nagged me all night.

As I got out of bed, I knew I couldn’t take it anymore. I headed to the shower to get on with my morning rituals, and to quench a little bit of the nagging need that throbbed deep in my core.

As the warm water spilled down my breasts, licking my tight nipples in steady streams, I slipped my hand down between my legs and stroked my tender bud. I bit my lips knowing I couldn’t be too loud and didn’t need Liza knowing what I was doing in her guest shower.

I dreamed about what it would have been like to have gone back inside with him, sneaking down the hall past Star and into Chance’s bedroom. I’d have been on my knees so fast, taking out that hot, long cock and giving it a lick, that his eyes would have rolled back in his head.

I imagined him reciprocating, his large body down between my thighs, his hands cupping my ass as he licked and explored my sopping wet pussy. It had been too long since someone had filled it completely; too long since I’d been licked and sucked and touched in my sacred places.

I wondered what it would be like to kiss him, our mouths touching with just the right amount of pressure and his lips caressing mine, his tongue parting them wider. That same tongue would work me over, trailing its way down to my breasts. I pinched my nipple hard, imagining his mouth and teeth, and then I dreamed of him diving deeper, exploring me where he’d started before bending me over and taking me hard from behind. I wanted him to put me against a wall and fuck me until the house shook.

I closed my eyes and had a clear vision of him cupping my bottom, pulling me closer to his face and then rolling me over to ride his mouth and tongue as he lapped my little slit. I let his rhythm match my own, and soon I was biting my wrist as my other hand worked me heatedly through my release.

My legs were shaking like a baby lamb’s, and I couldn’t stop until another wave of passion rolled through me. It had indeed been too long, and Chance was the first man I’d wanted to touch myself while thinking of, in what seemed like ages.

I leaned against the wall and tried to get my wits about me. Masturbating to him had been fun, but I had reality to think about. I would have to follow his lead and keep things professional for the sake of Star.

But I knew as I dressed in my uniform, that all it would take was one suggestion from him, and I’d give in.

It was dangerous territory, but I was used to it. Danger was an old familiar enemy. I’d have to be careful.

I finished getting ready and headed to work with Liza, hoping Chance would come into my section and order lunch.

“You were quiet in the car,” she said as we filled the napkin dispensers.

“Yeah, I guess I have a lot on my mind.”

“I was hoping you’d have a hot story to tell me about last night.” She gave me a wink. She knew I was going over to tutor Star, and that I hadn’t any intentions of getting into anything with him, but I knew she hoped all the same.

“You know it’s nothing like that. But he did he get a little flirty in the end. I mean, nothing serious of course, but I don’t know, he made eyes at me.”

“Made eyes at you? For heaven’s sake, girl. Are you from 1950? Has it been that long for you?” She let loose a laugh, and when I didn’t smile back, she went wide-eyed. “Sorry, I shouldn’t joke. I’m sure things with your ex weren’t exactly romantic.”

No, they sure hadn’t been. Sex with Nick had been more about self-preservation. If I’d refused him, he’d have just beaten me and taken it anyway. So instead, I had just laid there and imagined I was anywhere other than there with him, and waited until it was over. Fortunately, it was often quick. All he’d needed was a place to come, and he wasn’t at all interested in bringing me pleasure.

“It’s professional. It’s nothing more than me tutoring his niece. I did have a wonderful time, and he bought pizza, and then I left.”

Liza looked at me sideways. “Sounds like a nice little evening.”

“He’s a nice guy. He took in that little girl after his brother died, and her mother was unstable. He walked me to my car and even shut the door. He’s almost too good to be true, and too good to be interested in me.” I didn’t want to say anything to her about the way he’d looked at me, or the electricity I’d felt when our hands had touched. I was most likely imagining it anyway. No man that looked like him and could have any woman he wanted, would want more than a quick fuck from damaged goods like me.

“Please, he’s a man. You’re a gorgeous girl. One plus one equals two and sometimes three, so use protection. I mean, I’m sure he’s a good guy when it comes to his niece and taking in this little girl, but he has needs like any other man.” She had a point, but I was only using that as an excuse to make him off limits in my mind. It wasn’t working.

“I just need to get right after what I’ve been through, and I’m not sure it’s a good idea to drag him and Star into my drama.”

“I hear you. My ex, Chet is giving me problems. I told him I rented you the room, and now he asked me for a loan. Like I have a bunch of extra cash now. I swear, when one vein runs dry, that leech taps another.”

“Are you going to give him any money?

“Hell no, not one red cent, but it never stops him from asking me. He’s the one who’s three grand behind on his child support, but do I complain? Count in your blessings that you don’t have a child with that monster.” She shook her head.

I placed my hand on my stomach and silently begged for forgiveness. I’d carried the guilt of losing my baby for four years, and I’d often thought if I hadn’t lost it, maybe Nick would have been a better husband and father. I knew deep down though, that no child would have changed who Nick was, and though it sounded horrible to say, it was better that our baby hadn’t survived to face Nick’s ugliness.

“Are you okay?” Liza turned pale, looking like she could read my mind. “Oh, no. I’m so sorry, Dream.”

“It’s okay. It was years ago, and I didn’t even know I was expecting until it was too late. He pushed me down the stairs; said it was an accident.”

“Geez, girl. It’s a wonder he didn’t kill you.”

“Not for lack of trying,” I said and shook my head.

The bell on the door chimed as the first of our daily customers strolled in. It wasn’t Chance, and I felt a surge of disappointment. I really needed to get ahold of myself. I couldn’t afford to let myself get caught up in a man who might not even want anything more than sex from me, if that.

I thought for a moment what it would be like to have a man who treated me like I were special, like there wasn’t anything in the world he wouldn’t do for me, or give to me. To be his only love, and to be cherished.

But, that was the kind of love that existed in fairy tales, and it wasn’t reserved for people like me.

The day would drag on, and I wouldn’t see any sign of Chance. I tried not to be disappointed and drove to the library to find the books.

I unfolded the big piece of paper and read the purple crayon words, double-checking that all of them would be available. Thankfully, they all were. I gathered the first three on the list so I’d have plenty to work with her on, and then approached the desk.

After applying for a card, and answering thirty questions from the librarian, who clearly didn’t give a care about the silent rule and was more interested in who I was and where I came from, I checked out the books.

I hurried out to Liza’s car, which she let me borrow, and tossed the books into the seat beside me. I’d read one to Brady tonight, and then tomorrow, I’d let Star take her pick.

It was nice being around Star and Brady, and I was grateful I had the chance to nurture children again, even if they weren’t my own.

End of Sneak Peak. Would you like to know how this continues?

Click Here:

Forbidden Touch


“Let’s see who can snag the first hot piece of tail tonight.” Jason said with a sly grin, as he handed me a cigarette.

“Don’t’ worry. I’m in a charitable mood. I’ll send the first one that comes my way your direction. You can thank me later.” I said as I grabbed the cigarette and proceeded to light it up.

Tyler chuckled and shook his head. He was in his early forties, married with two kids so he relished in being the amused spectator, while Jason and I chased women. The two of us, on the other hand, were bachelors in our late twenties and self-admitted horn dogs.

We were walking towards our favorite hangout, McConnel’s Pub, ready for a much needed drink - or five. The pub was right around the corner from the fire station and the perfect post-shift hangout. Over the years, the three of us generally ran the same shifts and we grew close. I guess facing life threatening conditions together made it that way.

Working around the clock with a twelve-hour rotation for five days hit me hard, but not hard enough to stop me from my usual indulgences: booze and mind-blowing sex. Tonight, my body was yearning for the later at a whole new level. I felt the pressure rising in my pants as I walked into the pub like a predator seeking his prey. Down boy.

When I was on the job, nothing else mattered, and that was what made me such a damn good fire fighter. But the second my rotations ended, my body was eager for a much-needed release. I was a creature of habit.

We stepped inside McConnel’s and moved toward the bar. I ordered my usual shot of bourbon and slid onto the nearest stool. Jason was already making his way to a blond sitting in a booth in the corner of the room. The poor man wasn’t the brightest tool; it was evident that she was waiting on a date. The fact that the blond was sitting in the corner so focused on her phone gave it away. No girl coming to a bar to get laid would sit away from traffic and be so preoccupied with sending someone else texts.

Not wasting any time, I scanned the room slowly. A sexy little brunette was leaning against the back wall, a martini in her hand, and a hungry look in her eyes. She was hot, but looked desperate with too much makeup and an outfit that didn’t leave enough to the imagination.

I kept searching until a leggy red head walked through the door and claimed my attention. She was gorgeous in a slutty way, wearing a tight little number that highlighted her tits and ass. She was on the prowl, but classy enough.

I watched her approach the bar, her head held high, and her long red curls cascading down her back.

“I’ll catch you later.” I said as I eye fucked the red head. Tyler gave a knowing nod and proceeded to focus on the football game playing on the TV.

With an easy gait, I walked over to her and put my arm on the bar in front of her. She glanced at me as if she was already bored.

Fuck, my interest was piqued.

The bartender slid a fire-engine red drink to her. She reached toward her purse, but I grabbed her hand to stop her. Her eyes met mine, and I shook my head, already slipping a twenty to the bartender.

“Thank you,” she said, inclining her head toward me.

Without a word, I raised my glass. She clinked her own against it and then took a small sip. I mimicked her, never once dropping her gaze.

“So,” she said. “Name?”

“Caleb. Yours?”

“I’m Trish.”

“Anything else, Caleb?” the bartender asked. I shook my head. “Heading back to the station?”

“Not until tomorrow,” I said. “Finally got a night off.”

“The station?” Trish asked, her eyes full of interest now. I should have known all I had to do was drop the fireman bomb, and she’d melt in my hands.

“Fire station,” I said.

“Well, well…,” Trish said, grinning and taking a step toward me.

“Well?” I asked.

She stepped forward once more. “I’ve always wanted to see the inside of a fire station. You can say it’s on my bucket list,” she said softly, her lips barely an inch from mine. “Could you give me a personal tour?”

My cock twitched at her words. She leaned back to search my eyes. It was too easy. One mention of my job and this girl was practically falling on my dick. Usually, I liked a challenge but I had a long day so this would do. I set my now empty glass down and nodded toward the door. She downed her drink, giggled with excitement, and followed me outside.

We didn’t speak as we walked to the station. There wasn’t anything left to say. I wanted someone to screw, she wanted to fulfill a fantasy. It was a win-win.

I led her through the back door toward my sleeping quarters. The bunks were still empty, and I could hear voices coming from the common area. Everyone still on-call was hanging out, wasting time until a call came in. Lucky for me, I didn’t have to worry about anything tonight. The only thing that needed my focus was Trish’s tits and her sure-to-be-glorious pussy.

She looked around the bunk area, a sultry smile on her face. When she turned back to face me, she slid her dress to the floor in one smooth motion. She was naked beneath it, and the sight of her bare skin propelled me forward.

“Let’s get started with that personal tour. We can start with my cock,” I growled and threw her backward on my bunk.

She giggled while I stripped naked. I made sure she had a good view of my full triceps and abs, which I earned from weight training at the station. She licked her lips as I lowered my boxers to let out my cock which stood in salute in front of her naked body. I climbed on top of her. We kissed hard and fast, it was wet and sloppy, sexy in a desperate sort of way. I bit her bottom lip and moved my lips down to her perky tits. I took her nipple in my mouth, and she cried out with pleasure, louder than I expected.

I slipped my fingers between her legs, slowly gliding between her folds. Fuck. She was already soaked and ready for me. I sat up and grabbed a condom from under my pillow. I tore it open and slid it down my dick in one motion.

“Someone’s prepared,” Trish said, grinning.

“Always.” I flipped her onto her stomach, and she moaned with anticipation, already lifting her hips for me.

“Good girl. Next, I want you to show me how much you enjoy me pounding you into next week.”

I shoved myself inside of her, making her gasp and cry out. I then proceeded to fuck her hard and fast. No need to waste time by leading into it. Pent-up release was my goal, and her pleasure was just an added perk. By the way she was screaming and clinging to the bedpost, she was experiencing plenty of it.

“Oh yes!” she cried out. “Fuck me, Caleb. Fuck me!”

I knew her cries of pleasure could be heard in the common area, but I didn’t care. I slammed my cock inside of her with force while waves of pleasure rolled through me. I was close to spilling my load inside her, and I didn’t want to hold myself back. I moved faster, selfishly seeking my own release.

“Yes! Oh fuck, yes!”

She came hard and fell against the mattress. I followed suit, grunting and slapping her ass while I shot forward. My legs trembled for a second before I pulled out of her and sat back.

“That was incredible.” She giggled and rolled over. I took in the sight of her naked tits. Now that I was done with her, they did nothing for me.

“I’m not surprised,” I said.

She laughed as if I was joking.

“Thanks for that.” She sat up and kissed me, then jumped out of bed and pulled on her dress. She was gone in seconds.


“There he is!” Jason yelled. I ignored him and moved toward the coffee pot.

“She still in there?” Tyler asked.

“Who?” I poured myself a cup of coffee pretending not to know what he was talking about.

“Oh yes!” Jason said, imitating Trish’s voice. “Fuck me, Caleb! Fuck me!”

“We left the bunks empty for you all night,” Tyler said. “Didn’t want to interrupt round two.”

“Well you wasted a good nights’ sleep then,” I said. “She bounced about two seconds after I was done.”

“Why?” Tyler asked. “You do it wrong?”

“Well, you heard her,” I said, grinning. “What do you think?”

“You’re one cocky son of a bitch,” Jason said, shaking his head.

“It’s not cockiness,” I said. “It’s well-deserved confidence.”

Both Jason and Tyler erupted in laughter. I shot them both a devious grin and proceeded to focus my attention on my coffee. My next shift started this morning, and one night off was not enough to re-energize me. I clung to my coffee mug while the guys continued to make jokes about Trish.

“Don’t break my balls guys,” I said. “Just because none of you can get any.”

Just as Jason was about to open his mouth, the bell chimed overhead. We froze for a split second before we all flew into action. We ran from the kitchen, grabbing our gear and sliding down to the truck as we moved. I was fully dressed and on the truck in seconds, the others following behind.

Tyler hit the siren and pulled out of the station, speeding down the road toward our call. Like always, we were silent on the truck. All shit talking forgotten. This wasn’t another game, this was our job, and every single one of us took it seriously. While we sped through town, we prepared ourselves for what we would see.

We saw the smoke first, spiraling up from an apartment building. Tyler turned the corner, and we saw it, flames shooting out of every window. Our bodies tensed, ready to fight the blaze.

Before Tyler could stop, we were off the truck, uncoiling the hose and preparing for a fight.

“Over here!” someone screamed. I whipped my head around to see a man running toward us. He was panicked, and his face was covered in ash. “My wife! She’s in there with our daughter! They’re trapped!”

“Where?” I demanded.

“Third floor,” he said, his voice shaky.

I glanced behind me where Jason was standing. He nodded, and we took off running, throwing on our masks and hurtling through the flames. Once inside, we slowly climbed the crumbling staircase. The place was barely holding on. We knew we only had seconds to get in and out.

We hit the third-floor landing and started yelling, listening intently for an answer. When it came, it was muffled and terrified, coming from a door to our right. Jason kicked it in, and we rushed inside to see a young woman curled around a toddler, holding her tightly and shaking with fear.

We ran to them and wrapped them in a fire-retardant blanket. Jason led the way back to the stairs but when we stepped onto the landing, it creaked, and pieces of wood began to splinter, falling inward and making the woman scream with terror. Her daughter was sliding toward the disintegrating floor and something had to be done.

There are moments in the life of a firefighter where a split second decision can alter the course of their career or even their lives. I jumped forward, grabbed the little girl and shoved her back to the rest of my crew. Heavy smoke filled the air, nearly blinding me, but I caught a glimpse of Jason catching her before the floor gave way beneath me.

I fell downward, hurtling through the air toward the second floor. Sharp pain rushed through my body as I hit the landing and then kept falling. The wood splintered and gave way beneath me, propelling me hard toward the bottom floor. I hit with a thud, my legs giving way beneath me. I looked up just in time to see pieces of wood flying toward my face. I threw my arms up and the last thing I thought about was a pair of ocean-blue eyes flashing through my mind.

Everything went black.


“You’re doing great, Olivia!” I said, my voice light and full of encouragement.

Olivia struggled through the next rep of arm lifts, pain etched on her face. She was only eight-years-old, and already, she possessed more strength and determination than most people four times her age.

“Are you sure she can handle it?” her mom asked, but I shot her a smile, and she relaxed.

“One more, sweetheart,” I said softly. “Just one more and you’re done for the day.”

“I can do more,” Olivia said.

“I know you can.” I took the small weight from her hand and laid it on the floor. “But we can’t push you, okay? Your arm has to heal the right way, remember?”

Olivia nodded and turned to her mom, who hugged her tightly and looked relieved that it was over. These physical therapy sessions were never easy, especially for the loved ones of my patients. It was hard to watch, but it was necessary. Sometimes, even I had a hard time making it through, but this was just the beginning of my clinical rotation, so I knew things would get easier with time.

“Same time next week?” I asked, looking from Olivia to her mom.

“I have a couple questions,” her mother said.

“Sure.” I forced a smile to my face, but my head was beginning to ache again. Olivia was my last patient of the day, and I just wanted to be alone to finish my paperwork.

“Well, I was reading about this new treatment plan online. Something called controlled hyper-extension. The article said it could be helpful.”

“I don’t recommend that for Olivia,” I said firmly. “She’s very young, and her arm is healing properly for now. We don’t want to change anything and risk reversing her recovery and possibly doing her more damage.”

“But I really think it might be worth trying,” her mother said. “The article said the amount of pain associated with this new treatment is way less than traditional physical therapy.”

“That’s not yet proven,” I said. “These tests are still very new. Olivia is not an ideal candidate for something like that.”

“Are you sure?” her mother asked. “I really think we should.”

My patience waning, but I was trying not to show it. I had to remind myself why I wanted this job so much. Growing up seeing my father care for his patients with so much care and love always left me so excited to be a part of the same world.

“I know how worried you are. But I can assure you that Olivia is doing quite well. Her treatment is rough, but it will get easier. Now, if you would like a second opinion, I’m happy to give you a few numbers to call. My colleagues can review her file and tell you what they think.”

I tried to keep my voice light and calm, but it wasn’t easy. People who believed the internet as the end all be all thought they knew more than licensed professionals, and it was often not the best for the patients in vulnerable states like Olivia. This was my job. I was new to it, but I was also damn good.

“No,” she finally said, sighing deeply. “You’re right. I’m just nervous.”

“I understand,” I said, smiling kindly.

“We’ll see you next week.”

“Bye, Tara!” Olivia said, grinning widely as her mother led her through the door. I smiled and waved until they disappeared.

With a groan, I walked behind my desk and fell into my chair. My physical therapy clinic was located just off the main hospital, giving me just enough privacy to help my patients but not enough for a single second of true alone time.

My head was throbbing at this point. These headaches were nothing new. I’d been getting them for over a month now. I knew I needed to get myself checked out, but I simply didn’t have the time. My patients and my job were more important. This was my last rotation, and if I did well, I would graduate Physical Therapy school with honors and finally get my hard-earned license.

I laid my head on my desk, breathing deeply and rubbing my temples with my fingers. I drank water and tried desperately to relax. The day was almost over. Soon, I would be able to go home and get some rest. For now, I just had to tough it out, push through the pain until I could get to bed and let it overwhelm me. It was hard, but after a few minutes, I managed to pull myself together.

My clinical instructor, Abi, peeked in the room. “You okay?” she asked. “You’re looking a little tired.”

I smiled weakly and nodded. “Yeah, my lunch just didn’t agree with me. Remind me not to eat sushi from the cafeteria again,” I said, trying to ease her obvious concern.

Finally, she nodded and smiled. “Well, yeah, that’s kind of a given,” she said before turning around and heading out into the main corridor to catch a doctor she needed to speak to.

With a groan, I got to my feet and walked around my desk to clean up the room. Olivia’s weights were still on the ground, and I hadn’t yet wiped down the surfaces for the day. I put the weights back on the rack and grabbed a bottle of sanitizer and a towel. Just as I wiped down the last bar, a chime echoed through the room. I turned toward my computer with a sigh and hurried over, sitting down to read the e-mail that had just come through.

It was from Anne, one of the E.R. nurses I knew well. I’d only been working at the hospital for a short time but my father worked here my entire life, so I knew almost everyone on staff. Anne was a kind, older nurse, who always made sure to e-mail me when a potential PT patient came through.

Her e-mail was short and to the point:

“T—New patient came in today. Multiple injuries to his leg and a possible back fracture. Pretty rough shape. Definite PT patient. Thanks—A”

I groaned and leaned my head back against my chair. Part of me wanted to rush out of the office and get to bed, but I knew no other PT would be available to see the patient tonight. I scolded myself for doing it, but I typed out a response to Anne’s e-mail:

“I’ll be down shortly to check on the patient. —Tara.”

Just as I was about to hit send, Abi peaked through the door.

“Hey Tara. Don’t worry about the new PT patient. I was downstairs when they wheeled him in and I began his report already. I know you’ve had a long day and your shift is almost over anyway.”

“Are you sure, I don’t mind staying.”

“Yes for sure. Head on home and I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” I began to grab my belongings and thanked my lucky stars that I had such an awesome team to work with.

“And just thought I’d mention this about that patient. The poor guy got the injuries on the job while working as a fire fighter. He saved a little girl’s life.”

“Wow, that’s impressive.”

“Yes, and please don’t think me insensitive for mentioning this last part, but boy is it true. He’s a complete knock out. You might find yourself needing to fan yourself when you’re around him. Just a word of caution.”

I chuckled. “Duly noted Madam.”

I grabbed my belongings and headed over to the employee garage. I reached my car and settled gingerly behind the wheel, tossing my bag on the passenger seat. I cranked the engine and let the cold air help me relax and center my thoughts. The first thing that came to my mind was the apparent hot fire fighter who was now my newest patient. It sounded like something out of a movie.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day.


My head felt heavy as I slowly opened my eyes. Sunlight was streaming in through blinds I didn’t recognize. I squinted against the bright light and turned my head, trying to figure out where the hell I was. As I glanced around, I saw my mom’s face smiling down at me. She was standing right by my bed, her husband Darren just behind her. They both smiled at me nervously.

“What the fuck happened?” I asked, trying to sit up. A sharp pain shot through my back and I winced, falling back against the pillows. “Shit. What happened to me? Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital,” Mom said. “You had an accident on the job.”

“The little girl!” I cried out, suddenly remembering what happened in the apartment building. “Is she okay? Did they get her out?”

“I think so,” Mom said nervously, glancing at Darren.

“Tyler said no one else was hurt,” Darren said, taking a step forward.

“Good,” I said, sighing with relief. “Shit, this fucking hurts.”

“Language,” Mom said, a warning in her voice.

“Sorry,” I mumbled. “But my back is killing me.”

“Your back?” Mom asked. “How’s your leg feel?”

“My leg?” I frowned and looked down. My lower half was covered by a hospital blanket so I couldn’t see my legs. I lifted my left leg and didn’t feel any pain, but when I tried to do the same with my right, I screamed and threw my head back against the pillow.

“Don’t move it!” Darren said, rushing around to steady me. “I’ll go get your doctor, okay? Just be still.”

Darren glanced at my mom before he disappeared into the hall. I watched him go with a frown on my face. It wasn’t a surprise to see my mom here but Darren? I never expected him to flock to my bedside, no matter how badly injured I was.

“He’s worried about you,” Mom said, reading my mind.

“Right,” I snorted. “Worried I’m going to take your attention away from him.”

“Caleb!” she snapped. “Don’t talk like that.”

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I’m just out of it right now. My back hurts like hell, Mom.”

“I’ll tell the doctor when he arrives,” Mom said. “For now, let’s just try to relax, okay? You’ve been through a lot, and your body needs to heal.”

I nodded, knowing that arguing would be futile. My mother had been a nurse for most of my life. She knew this hospital inside and out. There wasn’t anything I could experience as a patient she hadn’t seen a thousand times before. I could tell from the way she kept her hand clamped firmly on my shoulder that she was worried I would move too much and hurt myself even more.

She wasn’t wrong. I longed to get out of this bed, to find my buddies and hear the real story of what happened out there. They, unlike Mom and Darren, wouldn’t sugarcoat things. They would tell me straight up what the hell happened to me, brutal details included. I needed that, but I knew my mom would never let it happen. She wouldn’t leave my side unless she had to.

“Your doctor said he’d be here in a few minutes,” Darren said, stepping back into the room. “He has two patients to check up on first.”

“What?” Mom asked, her eyes narrowing with rage. “Caleb is in pain. He can’t take two seconds to stop in and assess him?”

“No,” Darren said. “You know how this works, Cathy. There are priorities.”

“That’s unacceptable,” Mom snapped. “Who is it?”

“Dr. McGee,” Darren said.

“That child?” Mom scoffed. “I’ll be right back.”

She stormed out of the room, leaving me alone with Darren, who was also a doctor at the hospital. I laughed to myself, imagining the things my mother would say to this Dr. McGee. She was a badass nurse but an even more badass mom. Despite the hell I put her through when I was young, she stood by me through everything. She defended me. I knew she would rip Dr. McGee in half if he dared to contradict her.

“I’m sorry you got hurt,” Darren said.


That was more than I could ask from Darren. He’d been my step-father since high school, but that didn’t make us close. We weren’t father and son. We tolerated each other for my mother’s sake.

Just when the silence stretched a little too long, my mother walked back through the door. I expected to see this Dr. McGee person behind her, but instead, a familiar face appeared over her shoulder.

For a split second, I stopped breathing.

A pair of pale ocean blue eyes pierced me, and my mouth fell open in shock. All my pain disappeared as I took in the sight of Tara Jones walking toward me. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. It caught the sunlight and shimmered. I swallowed hard and tried to speak, but no words came out. What was she doing here?

My eyes trailed over her body, taking in the sight of her gorgeous curves, long legs, and full, round breasts hidden beneath a pair of black stretch pants and a gray top. The top hugged her breasts, making my heart pound inside my chest. She stared at me for a few seconds before tearing her eyes away and walking toward Darren.

He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. She smiled back before turning to face me.

“Tara,” I said, finally finding my voice. “What are you doing here?”

“Well,” Tara began. She shifted her feet beneath her and realization suddenly dawned on me. Her pants were scrubs, and her top sported a name tag. She wore black tennis shoes and had a chart in her hand. I’d been so preoccupied with her presence that I hadn’t realized what she must be doing here.

“Wait,” I said slowly. “Are you my physical therapist?”

Tara nodded and moved around to the side of my bed.

“You knew Tara moved back to town,” Mom said softly. “Remember?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Sure.”

“I’m doing my last clinical rotation here,” Tara explained.

“How is that possible?” I asked.

I felt hot and confused. My face was still flushed, and every word that poured from my mouth felt wrong and awkward. I knew I had to pull myself together.

“Well, I went to school,” Tara said, a snarky tone in her voice. “Now I’m here. Not exactly complicated.”

“No, I know. I just meant…” I trailed off, clearing my throat and starting over. Tara did always have a way of throwing me off my game. “It’s good to see you, Tara.”

“You too,” Tara said, though her eyes betrayed the truth. “All right, let’s talk about your injuries.”

“Sure,” I nodded and tried to sit up, but Tara put one hand on my shoulder and held me back. I looked at her fingers, just inches from my face and felt myself burn even hotter. Her touch was more than I could take. She cleared her throat and moved her hand quickly.

“You shouldn’t move,” she said. “Your injuries are quite substantial.”

“I can tell,” I said, wincing at the pain.

“Dr. McGee will discuss things with you when he arrives,” Tara said. “But for now, let’s talk about your leg.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

“Long story short, it’s basically torn to shit,” she said, not bothering to sugarcoat things. I smiled. “You landed on it, and it crumbled, then debris crashed on top of it. Your ligaments are a mess, and you’re going to need some serious physical therapy after you’re discharged to build up the muscles again from disuse. Dr. McGee already did what he could surgically, and that was a success, which is a positive. Still, I won’t lie to you, PT is going to be a bitch.”

“Is that how you talk to your other patients?” Darren asked, disapproval in his voice.

“The grown men?” Tara asked. “Yes. The sweet little eight-year-old girls? No.”

I smiled again. Tara’s wit had always been sharp and hearing her shut down Darren’s insult was a breath of fresh air.

“We’re going to get you through it,” Tara said, turning back to me. “You’re strong. You’re young. You’re healthy. It’ll be hard, but I don’t see any reason why you can’t make a full recovery.”

“What kind of PT are we talking about?” I asked. “Weights? Jogs? That sort of thing?”

Tara shook her head. “No. Not for a while. The first thing we’ll do is some mild stretching and range of motion exercises.”

“Stretching?” I asked, my eyebrows raised. “That’s bullshit.”

Tara’s eyes narrowed. “I’m happy to bring in another therapist if you’d like a second opinion.”

“That’s not what I meant,” I said quickly. “But you don’t have to baby me.”

“Baby you?” Tara scoffed. “The first time you try to stretch that leg, it’s going to feel like a thousand knives are piercing through you. It’s going to be more painful than anything you’ve ever felt. After that, you can tell me if you still want to go on a few jogs.”

“I’m glad to see you haven’t changed much,” I said softly.

Tara’s eyes met mine, and for a second, she softened. It didn’t last long. She got to her feet and walked back around to where Mom and Darren were standing.

“I should get going,” she said. “I have a session downstairs in half an hour. Caleb, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Are you still coming over for dinner tonight?” Mom asked her.

“Yeah,” Tara said, nodding. “Six?”

“Yup,” Darren said. “See you then, sweetheart.”

“Bye Dad,” Tara said. She waved to Mom and hurried from the room.

I watched her go, still in shock by her sudden appearance. Tara Jones. The girl I met when I was seventeen years old. My step sister and so much more. The girl who still occupied more of my mind than I cared to admit. I couldn’t believe, after all these years, she was back in my life.


I was back in that hospital room, leaning over Caleb’s body. This time, we were alone. I hadn’t seen him since we were teenagers. He looked better than ever. His body was bigger, muscles bulging from beneath his hospital gown. My eyes roamed freely over his strong arms, imagining the way they would feel wrapped around my body.

He threw the blanket off himself, letting me trail my eyes down his body. His abs were so tight and defined that I could see them through the gown. I swallowed hard, desperate to rip that thin fabric from his body. His dick was hard, making a tent between his legs. I slid my hand up his thigh, barely grazing the tip of his rock-hard cock before I pulled away.

“Fucking tease,” he growled.

I grinned at him, my eyes locking on his. They were a deep green, darker than I remembered but even more alluring. I searched his face, taking in the sight of his five o’clock shadow and light brown hair. I’d pictured this same face a million times over the past few years but now, seeing it in person, I couldn’t contain myself.

His injuries were forgotten as I crawled on top of him. His hands gripped my hips and our kiss was electric. He sucked on my bottom lip, and I moaned against him, tasting him with a passionate desperation. We kissed long and slow, remembering what it felt like to be together.

Before I knew it, we were naked, fucking in that hospital bed. Caleb took me from behind, slamming into me with a wild abandon I’d never felt before. He slapped my ass and pulled my hair. He reached around to rub my clit, and I came so hard that I collapsed on the bed.

Caleb wasn’t done with me. He flipped me over and lifted me in his strong arms. Holding me against him, he slid me down on his cock. I cried out as we rocked into each other with renewed vigor. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t breathe. The sensations Caleb was creating inside my body were erotic and sensual. I moaned and screamed, crying out his name and reveling at the sound of my own on his lips.

Caleb clung to me, fucking me so hard and so fast that I soon saw stars. We both came, our orgasms mingling in a cloud of pleasure. I cried out, releasing my ecstasy into the air around us.

My eyes shot open. I was panting and sweaty, my hand tucked inside my panties. The dream had been so real, so believable that I felt like it was still happening. I rubbed my clit with frantic desperation, searching for the pleasure I’d felt just a moment before.

Caleb’s dark green eyes swam before me. I could still feel his arms wrapped tightly around my body, feel his throbbing cock inside me. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I brought myself to orgasm. My legs twitched, and I moaned deeply as I came.

It was like Caleb was still right there, holding me and fucking me senseless. I moaned softly and slowly continued to rub my clit, circling my fingers over my dripping pussy and wishing it was Caleb’s fingers instead of my own.

When the waves of pleasure faded, I felt a profound sense of dread fall like a weight in my stomach. I removed my hand from my panties and sighed deeply, frustration and anger brewing at the back of my mind. What did I just do? How could I let myself fantasize about Caleb Lewis? After all these years, hadn’t I put him behind me? Hadn’t I let go of my feelings for him?

I chastised myself for letting him get to me. After one day, being around him one time, I was already back to imagining what it would be like to be with him. I felt like I was seventeen years old again, desperately in love with a boy I couldn’t have. What the hell was wrong with me? How could I let myself act this way again? I wasn’t seventeen anymore. I was a successful twenty-seven-year-old woman. Ten years had passed since the last time I felt Caleb’s lips on mine. He was my past, and I refused to let the memories of him overwhelm my present.

Determined to hold myself together, I jumped out of bed and hurried toward the bathroom. While I showered, I tried to wash away my dream. It had felt so real. I couldn’t shake it, but I knew I had to. Dreaming about Caleb wasn’t an option, not after everything he put me through.

Years ago, I thought Caleb was the love of my life. I convinced myself he was it for me.

When our parents first met, while working at the hospital, we didn’t even know each other. My mom died when I was young, and it had always just been my dad and me. Caleb was a trouble-maker who didn’t want anyone telling him what to do. We each thought it was the worst thing that our parents were dating. In a way, it was. It brought us together. We fell for each other so fast that we didn’t know how to handle it. Our emotions overwhelmed us, and soon, we were reckless in our desperation to be together.

We went so far as to plan an escape. We were going to run away together, leave home and our parents behind. Nothing was going to stop us from loving each other. Nothing except Caleb himself. He changed his mind and left me holding the pieces of my broken heart alone. I was destroyed.

I spent years repairing the damage Caleb caused, and I would be damned if I was going to let him back in now. He was nothing to me anymore. His mother married my father, but we were not family. I worked so hard to avoid seeing him for so many years. I missed countless family holidays and weddings if I knew Caleb was in attendance. Dad supported my decisions because he wanted me to keep my distance from Caleb more than I did. That in combination with Caleb’s military school schedule meant a decade of avoiding a run in. We hadn’t spoken in so long, and now he was my patient. I didn’t know how I would handle being in charge of Caleb’s PT, but I knew I wouldn’t shy away from it. My job was everything to me. Caleb wasn’t going to take that away.

Dad and I talked about me requesting another PT to be assigned to Caleb, but I made the decision that Caleb’s condition was the right challenge to help me excel in my rotations. I told myself that I’d spent enough years apart from Caleb and that I was over him for some time. It turned out that may not have been the total truth.

Why did the asshole have to be so hot? And on top of that a fire fighter who saves lives.

My dad and step mom always had a positive influence on me, because they saved lives for a living. They inspired me to pursue a career where I could do the same. It seemed apparent to me now that Caleb was also influenced by them in his own way. The thought put an involuntary smile on my face.

I got dressed quickly, throwing my wet hair in a bun and pulling on my scrubs. My determination was stronger than ever as I drove toward the hospital. Thankfully, I hadn’t had another headache in two days. I felt healthy and strong, ready to take on this latest challenge.

As I stepped inside the physical therapy office, I waved to my coworkers and sat down at my desk. My first session wasn’t for another two hours, and I had some paperwork to finish. I knew my office work wouldn’t keep me busy for long, but it was a distraction I desperately needed. I threw myself into it, not thinking about Caleb again until Joan came over to my desk.

“You got that firefighter, didn’t you?” she asked.

“Caleb Lewis?” I asked. “Yeah.”

“Lucky bitch,” Joan said, groaning with disappointment.

“What?” I asked.

“He’s so fucking hot,” Joan said. “I did my rounds this morning, and I peeked in on him. God, he is gorgeous.”

“He’s a patient,” I said firmly.

“A hot patient.” Joan laughed. I rolled my eyes and tried to keep my annoyance in check.

“I should probably go check in on him,” I said.

“Pinch his ass for me,” Joan said, wagging her eyebrows.

I ignored her and hurried out of the room. Anger was boiling inside me as I made my way to Caleb’s floor. I could barely see straight as I replayed Joan’s words in my mind. She was always that way, eager to throw herself at any hot doctor or patient who looked her way. It was exhausting but also entertaining. Until now.

I clenched my fists at my side as I thought about her hitting on Caleb. Shaking myself, I tried to relax. What did it matter if Joan hit on Caleb? I didn’t care who he dated. It wasn’t my business, and it never would be. With that thought in mind, I squared my shoulders and stepped into his room.

I walked quietly toward his bed. He was asleep, tucked deep beneath his blankets. I watched him for a second before I turned my attention to Cathy. She was sitting beside his bed, wearing her nurse’s scrubs.

“Are you working today?” I asked, keeping my voice down.

She nodded. “I wish I wasn’t. I don’t want to leave him.”

“He’ll be okay,” I said, patting her shoulder. “He has a team of doctors.”

“I know.” She sighed. “He’s still in so much pain, though. I worry they won’t take care of him if I’m not here to browbeat them into it.”

I laughed. “I’m sure Caleb can handle himself.”

“I’m glad you decided to keep him as your patient. I can’t think of anyone else who would do a better job. Are you here for his PT already?” Cathy asked.

“Not yet.” I shook my head. “Just making my rounds, checking on my patients.”

Cathy nodded, a knowing look in her eyes. I glanced down at my feet, suddenly unable to hold her gaze. My past relationship with her son wasn’t a secret. My dad and Cathy both knew about us. I always suspected that was why they insisted on sending him to military school ten years ago.

“I should get to work,” Cathy said, sighing and getting to her feet.

“I’ll check in on him in later,” I said, reassuring her. “He’ll be okay.”

Cathy nodded and left. I kept my eyes on Caleb for a few more minutes. I didn’t want him to be alone, but I knew I shouldn’t care. With a sigh, I forced myself to follow Cathy’s lead and get back to work. I had other patients to check on, and I couldn’t spend my entire day dwelling on the boy who once stole my heart and tore it to pieces.


The sun was high in the sky when I finally woke up on Monday. With a glance at the clock, I saw it was already well into the afternoon. After getting a fresh round of painkillers at about four a.m., I had passed out and slept for hours. My body needed the rest, but I still felt horrible for sleeping all day. My leg was sore, but my back finally felt better. Dr. McGee assured me it wasn’t injured, just sore from my fall. With the painkillers still coursing through my veins, I felt better.

I slowly pushed myself up, adjusting my pillows and leaning back with a groan. Every part of my body felt like lead, but I was just grateful the pain had finally faded. The night before had been harsh. Not only did I spend most of it writhing in unbearable pain, but my mind constantly spun around thoughts of Tara.

Seeing her again felt like something between a dream and a nightmare. When she’d walked into my hospital room the other day, my entire life changed in an instant. It had been ten years since I’d laid eyes on her, and after what I’d done, I was sure, step-siblings or not, I never would again. After I finished to military school, Tara went off to college. By the time I enlisted in the army, she hadn’t been home in months.

I stayed away for a long time, only returning home when I had no choice. During those times, Tara stayed at school, and when she started PT school, I was discharged from the army and became a firefighter. Our lives were always circling around each other, but they never intersected until now.

A part of me wondered if Darren didn’t plan things that way. It was his sole mission to keep me away from his daughter when we were seventeen. He did everything in his power to break us up, and when he couldn’t, he convinced my mother to send me away. It wasn’t entirely his fault. My behavior back then was borderline criminal. I was even on the verge of getting expelled from school, but Darren never would have suggested something as harsh as military school if it hadn’t been for my relationship with Tara.

I couldn’t blame him. No father would want their daughter with a guy like me. Even now I knew Darren would never approve of us being together, but that didn’t stop me from wondering. All night, I switched between cursing my nurses while fighting through my pain and remembering how it felt to hold Tara, to kiss her lips, to hear her whisper my name.

I barely slept that night, so when Dr. McGee finally ordered another round of painkillers, I was grateful. Not only did I get a reprieve from the pain but my thoughts of Tara finally faded while I slipped into oblivion. My dreams were scattered and incoherent. Nothing came into focus except Tara’s face. I dreamed of her pale blue eyes on and off throughout the day, and when I finally woke, they were the first thing I saw.

I groaned and rolled over, trying to keep myself awake without making the pain return. Five minutes later, a nurse came hurrying into my room.

“Oh!” she said, surprised to see me sitting up. “You’re finally awake.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Those painkillers are no joke.”

“You needed your rest,” she said with a knowing nod. “How’s your pain today?”

“Better,” I said. “I think the painkillers are still working.”

“That’s great.” She smiled and moved to take my vitals. I fell silent while she took my blood pressure and temperature. She jotted a few things down on my chart and then turned toward me with a furrowed brow. “Is there anything I can do for you? Do you want the T.V. remote?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m fine right now.”

“Your physical therapist was doing the rounds earlier,” she said. “I’ll let her know you’re awake now.”

“Tara?” I asked, hope blooming in my chest.

The nurse nodded and smiled. She hurried from the room, and I felt my heart begin to race. I hadn’t expected to see Tara again so soon, but the prospect of seeing her face was enough to send waves of excitement coursing through my body.

It was another ten minutes before she arrived. In that time, I adjusted my position twelve times, trying to find the most comfortable position that would make me seem the least weak. I hated that Tara was seeing me this way: broken and bedridden. It wasn’t my proudest moment.

When she came into my room, I smiled and watched her walk toward me. She was wearing the same outfit from before. Her body looked even better today, now that my mind wasn’t clouded with pain. The seventeen-year-old I held in my memory couldn’t hold a candle to the woman standing before me.

Her body swayed just right with every step she took. Her curves had always been enticing, but now that she was older, they were more defined. She exuded confidence, and that alone was enough to make me hard beneath my hospital blankets. I swallowed and told myself to get it together. If I couldn’t control myself around Tara, this would never work.

“How are you feeling today?” she asked, her blue eyes searching my face.

“Better,” I said with a nod. “Last night was pretty fucking brutal, but today, I’m all right.”

“Did the pain keep you awake?” Tara asked, ready to take notes on her chart.

“Yeah,” I said. “Most of the night.”

“What did they give you?” Tara asked, frowning and looking down at my chart.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Whatever it was, it worked.”

“Good.” She nodded and looked back at me. Her eyes roamed over my face and then down my body. I felt myself flush as she looked me over. I knew she was just visually assessing me, but it felt like more. My dick twitched, and I shifted on the bed. “Mind if I take a look at your leg?”

“Sure.” I nodded, and Tara moved forward.

“Tell me if anything I do hurts, okay?” she asked.

“Got it.”

Tara lifted the bottom of my blanket. I felt a sense dread wash over me. What would she say if she saw my erection? Fuck, why couldn’t I get the damn thing under control?

Thankfully, Tara didn’t lift the blanket far enough for it to matter. She moved it off my leg and examined the surgical dressings. Gently, she ran her fingers down the length of it, pausing every so often to apply pressure.

Her hands were warm and felt electric against my skin. I trembled at her touch and prayed she didn’t notice. I stared at her face while she worked. God, she was beautiful. I’d spent ten years imagining her face, but seeing it in person was better than I ever dreamed it would be. I could have stared at her for hours.

Now that my pain was gone, I felt more like myself. As Tara gently massaged my leg, feeling around for any tenderness, I felt a rush of confidence rise inside my chest. She ran her finger up my thigh, stopping just before she reached the blanket covered part. When she glanced up at me, I grinned.

“Don’t stop there,” I said, my voice low and husky.

Tara’s eyes instantly hardened. She lifted her hand off my leg and glared at me, not bothering to hide her irritation.

“What?” I asked, laughing lightly. “I’m just saying what we’re both thinking.”

“I’m not thinking about your dick,” Tara said boldly.

“You weren’t?” I raised my eyebrows. “Not even a little bit.”

“Did you feel any pain, Caleb?” Tara asked, sighing deeply and rolling her eyes.

“Only when you rejected my offer,” I said playfully.

“This little game you’re playing right now?” Tara said. “It’s not going to work on me.”

“What game?” I asked innocently.

“We’ll start your PT as soon as you’re discharged,” Tara said, ignoring me. “Your leg seems to be healing just fine.”

“Tara,” I began, but she was already heading toward the door.

I sighed and leaned back against my pillow. She disappeared almost as quickly as she appeared and yet again, I was left thinking about nothing but her. Her face. Her body. That tight little ass of hers. Everything about her called out to me, and I knew she felt the same way whether she wanted to admit it or not.

As the day progressed, my pain returned with a vengeance. Dr. McGee ordered more painkillers, but they were a different kind. Instead of easing me into a relaxed sleep, they were designed to keep me awake, so I could ease myself through the pain as it slowly reduced. I soon felt better, but I wished I could close my eyes and forget about Tara for a little while.

I knew I ran her off with my comments, but I didn’t regret them. I did what I always do: spoke my mind. If Tara ran away from me, it was only because she knew I was right. After all these years, there was still a spark between us, and damn if I wasn’t about to set it ablaze.

End of Sneak Peak. Would you like to know how this continues?

Click Here:

Damaged Goods

A Single Dad & Nanny Romance


“God, you’re gorgeous,” he said breathlessly. “Holy shit.”

I closed my eyes and rode him harder than ever, throwing myself forward and back with a power I didn’t know I possessed. His groans turned into growls as he took in the sight of me on top of him. In his eyes, I could see how much he wanted me, and it fueled my own desire.

“Harder, baby,” I told him, begging him to take me.

He didn’t need any encouragement. He grabbed my hips and thrust himself upward, slamming into me desperately. With the first thrust, I cried out and rode him harder. We met each other’s rhythm easily, never slowing or losing our desperate need for each other.

“Oh God!” I cried out, unable to control myself.

“Come for me, baby,” he said, his voice low and husky. “Come for me.”

I obeyed in an instant. My body shook violently as I continued to meet his thrusts. I fell forward, my hands pressing into his chest while he held me up and continued to pound against me. The pleasure I felt was so great that I stopped breathing for a second, unable to think or move.

He flipped me onto my back and threw my legs onto his shoulders, never once sliding out of me. He rammed into me over and over again, seeking his own release. The pleasure was still tingling through my body, and as he took me hard and fast, I felt myself lingering on the brink all over again.

His eyes were hungry, and his chest was glistening with sweat as his thrusts became more urgent. I came for the third time and screamed out his name.

“Holy shit,” he groaned, feeling my walls collapse around him again.


“Are you sure this was the best idea?”

Tommy’s face was turned down in a frown that I knew all too well. Ever since Telissa died, he’d become the worrier of the family. While I shut down and closed myself off, Tommy turned into an eighty-year-old grandpa, always worried about the safety of any situation.

Tommy was all me. His dark hair was cut the same as mine, and his eyes were a mirror image of my own, deep blue and brooding. If anyone was unlucky enough to catch us on a bad day, good luck to them. We were both extremely protective and also had the tendency to be hot-tempered.

“Yes, Tommy, I do,” I told him, no trace of doubt in my voice. Tommy wouldn’t know the real reason we were moving until I thought the time was right – if that day would every come.

The truth is I received an email from Sarah’s biological father. He wants to take her away.

It had taken me all of five minutes after opening that email to make the decision to move. The three of us had already lost so much that there was no way in hell I would let us be broken apart even further.

We’d been on the road for two long days. It was just over thirteen hours from San Diego to Telluride, Colorado. Alone, the trip would have taken me exactly that long. But with two hell-raisers piled in the backseat, everything took twice as long. Bathroom breaks and food runs took up many stops, and occasionally, I had to pull over to break a fight.

I glanced in the backseat again, my eyes falling on Sarah’s sleeping face. She looked so much like her mother, Telissa, with her dark hair and striking green eyes. They could have been twins.

For years, I searched for a sign of myself in Sarah’s face, but I never found any. Finally, when I learned the truth about her, it made sense. Everything I thought I knew was no longer true. I expected my feelings for Sarah to change, but they never did. It hurt like hell to know the truth about the affair, but as far as I was concerned, Sarah was 100 percent my little girl. No one could take that away from me.

As I watched her sleeping beside her brother, I knew I’d made the right decision to move. Sarah and her brother were the only ones that kept me pushing forward. Without them, I would never have risen out of my deep depression. It was an ugly place for me and they deserved so much more. I still had demons inside that wanted to pull me back into that hell hole, but I had two good reasons to tell those demons to go fuck off.

At five years old, Sarah was the bane of her brother’s existence. Tommy was seven and smack in the middle of a “girls-have-cooties” phase. If Sarah so much as sneezed wrong, her brother flew into a full-blown rage that took hours to subside. Sarah, of course, loved to rile him up. It was her mission during the entire ride to make him as angry as possible and then watch while he got in trouble for being mean. I knew it wasn’t fair, but I expected more from Tommy. He was older.

When we finally pulled off the highway and began the trek into Telluride, the kids fell asleep together. I glanced behind me in the rearview mirror and saw them each with their heads flopped back against their seats. I smiled to myself and kept driving. There were times during the trip when I’d asked myself why we didn’t just catch a flight. I could have easily paid for first class tickets to Colorado, but the idea of a car trip brought back blissful memories of my childhood. I guess I wanted them to have the same experience. Selfishly, it also allowed me to slow down time. In that moment, they were so young and innocent that I wanted to freeze them forever.

In so many ways, they were still babies, safe from harm and the world’s harsh realities. Still, I knew better. At seven and five, my kids had been through more grief than people three times their ages. My wife, their mother, passed away just over a year before our move to Telluride.

She developed cancer after Sarah’s first birthday, and three years later, she lost the fight. It was hard on the kids, but their innocence helped them grieve quickly and start to move on. For me, it was different.

Thirty minutes later, we pulled into the driveway of our new home, where the moving truck was waiting for us. I climbed out of the car, shaking hands with the moving guys and unlocking the front door. While we unloaded, I let the kids continue sleeping. It was nice to have a bit of peace and quiet, but I also wanted them out of the way while the movers were unloading the furniture and boxes. The last thing I needed was one of them getting hurt.

“Anything else, Mr. Evans?” one of the moving guys asked after they carried the last box inside.

“No.” I shook my head.

“All right,” he said with a nod. “Good luck with everything.”

“Thanks.” I’d already paid the moving company a large sum of money, and I didn’t see a reason to tip the men for doing their jobs.

Just as I was about to unload the luggage from the trunk, Sarah woke up and stepped out of the car. She let the door slam closed behind her. Tommy woke at the sound and rubbed his eyes. He looked around for a few seconds before he too climbed out of the car.

“We’re here already?” Tommy asked.

“Yup.” I said. “What do you think?”

Tommy and Sarah both looked at the house. I followed their gazes and took in the beauty of the house before us. In such a small town, we could get a house three times the size of our home back in San Diego.

“It sucks,” Sarah said boldly.

“Sarah.” I shot her a warning look, but she just shrugged.

“Well, you asked,” she said.

“It’s fine,” Tommy said. “It’s fine, Dad.”

“Can we go inside now?” Sarah asked.

“Sure.” I nodded, and the kids hurried through the front door.

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I grabbed our luggage out of the trunk and heaved it up the front steps. Once inside, I set the bags in the foyer and went to find my kids. They’d already disappeared, which wasn’t a surprise.

“Sarah!” I called. “Tommy!”

“We’re upstairs!” Tommy yelled back.

With a sigh, I mounted the stairs and went to find them. They were in the master bedroom, looking out the window at the street below.

As they turned around, I noticed the look on Sarah’s face. She was glowering at me, her green eyes narrowed in anger.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I don’t like it,” she said firmly.

“What about it don’t you like?” I asked.


Shit. They hate it here. How the hell am I going to handle this by myself?

I sighed and walked over to them. Kneeling, I took each of their hands and turned them to face me. Tommy looked at me with wide eyes, waiting for me to speak. Sarah continued to glare. “Look,” I said. “It’s no secret I haven’t done the best job since Mom died. I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to keep things together well enough, but I’m trying. This move is what we all need. We can start fresh here.”

I held my tongue from adding the part about Sarah’s biological father having the nerve to try to waltz into her life and take her away from the only home she’d ever known. As if I’d just stand there and let him take my precious girl away from me. Sure, I had a great chance of winning the custody battle, but he would plant a seed in Sarah’s impressionable mind that she wasn’t my girl – a seed that would eat her up inside. She’d already lost one parent; there was no telling what the news could do to her now. Was I going to stand there and find out? Not a damn chance.

After I’d made it clear that Sarah was not leaving my side and she’d be told the truth when she was old enough to understand, he continued to stand his ground and push harder to get what he wanted.

I understood exactly what was happening. It was more an ego issue with him than what was best for Sarah. As far as I was concerned, I had two choices: beat the crap out of the guy who knocked up my wife and wanted to take my daughter away from me, or leave town.

“We can create new memories here. Doesn’t that sound good?”

They remained silent, just watching me. After a minute, Sarah’s expression softened and she took a step forward. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I felt that familiar tug in my chest that told me how much I loved her. Tommy joined the hug and we held each other.

My life after Telissa’s death had been anything but easy. I shut down and hid. I barely spoke to anyone other than my kids. They became my life, my entire world. Nothing and no one mattered as much as them. My job as a partner at my legal practice stopped mattering to me. I showed up late for meetings and blew off clients left and right. In the end, when I decided to make the move to Colorado, it was a no surprise that I chose to sell off my share to the other partners. They bought me out and, along with my existing fortune, it left me with a solid financial foundation for our new life in Colorado.

When we pulled away, I smiled gratefully at them both and stood up. We walked around the rest of the house, and I showed them their rooms. Sarah’s mood instantly improved when she saw her brand-new bedroom set already assembled for her. Tommy was still looking around as if he thought the walls might tumble down around us, but I knew he would warm up soon enough.

“How does pizza sound?” I asked. “We can go into town and check it out, sound good?”

“Yeah!” Sarah said with glee. Tommy nodded, and we all headed back out to the car.

I hadn’t spent enough time in Telluride to know where everything was, but the town was so small that it didn’t matter. I drove into the main square and immediately found a pizza place. I parked out front and cut the engine. I helped Sarah out of the car, and she grabbed my hand as we walked inside.

The second we stepped through the door, the entire place fell silent. Pairs of eyes turned to face us, and I froze, unsure of what to do. Tommy took a step back, instinctively hiding himself behind me. Sarah just squeezed my hand tighter and looked up at me.

“Why are they staring at us?” she asked loudly.

Several people heard her and immediately looked away. A few people laughed and smiled.

“We’re new in town,” I said softly. “They’re just curious.”

“We’re not that interesting,” Tommy said.

“Let’s just eat,” I said, leading them to a corner booth.

We sat down and ordered dinner. The kids quickly forgot about the staring strangers when the pizza arrived, but I didn’t. Every time I looked around, someone was looking at our booth with interest. I nodded at a few of them and then took to ignoring them completely. I wasn’t the type to smile and make friendly chit chat. If that’s what they were waiting for, they’d be waiting a long damn time.

“You guys new in town?” the waitress asked when she brought us our check.

“Yes,” I said.

“Where are you from?” she asked, looking from me to the kids and back again.

“California,” Sarah said with a mouthful of pizza. “The southern part.”

The waitress laughed and smoothed Sarah’s hair down as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I cleared my throat and cut her a look but didn’t speak.

“Well, welcome to town,” she said with a bright smile. “We hope to see you guys in here again sometime.”

“We’ll be back,” Sarah said with confidence. “We love pizza, and my daddy can’t really cook. And since he’s single—”

“That’s enough, Sarah,” I said, shooting her a warning look.

She shrugged and took another bite of her pizza. “Well, you can’t.”

The waitress just laughed again and hurried away from the table. I watched her go, knowing she would share our entire exchange with anyone who would listen.

When the kids finished their food, I paid and we left. As we pulled back into our driveway, our next-door neighbor walked into our yard. She smiled and waved, hurrying toward the car.

“Good evening!” she said when I stepped out. “I was hoping I would get to meet you tonight!”

“Hi,” I said, not bothering to return the smile.

She smiled even brighter. “I live right next door. I’m Nina Johnston.”

I just stood and stared at her.

“I’m Sarah, and this is my brother, Tommy,” Sarah said. “That’s my dad. His name is Sean,” she hooked her thumb toward me.

I was going to have to have a talk with her about talking to strangers and telling everyone our business.

Mrs. Johnston turned to look at the kids and her smile widened. She leaned down to shake each of their hands and whispered to them that she always had cake at her house. They giggled when she winked and told them not to tell me even though I was standing right there.

I observed her easy interaction with them. She was older, probably in her sixties and looked to be starved for company. She didn’t mention her husband, but she wore a ring on her left ring finger, so I assumed she was widowed. That surprisingly softened me a bit toward her. Though I was not in the mood to make friends, I could at least relate to the loneliness that came with our ill-fated states.

“She seems nice,” Tommy said as we climbed the front steps a few minutes later.

“I like her!” Sarah said with an enthusiastic nod.

I nodded and closed the front door behind us.

So far. So good.


“Why does it have to be so damn hard to get a loan in this town?” I’d spent the first half hour of dinner venting to my best friend. It wasn’t like me to whine and I hated being a dark cloud, but I couldn’t help it today.

“It could have something to do with the fact that we’ve got less people here than I can count with my right hand.” Janie said as she wiggled the fingers in her right hand. “Options are limited, Em’. You’ll have to find some creative ways to get that daycare up and running. I believe in you, babe. You’ll make it work.”

Since graduating with my degree in child development, I’d been working my tail off to qualify for a loan to start the child care facility of my dreams. I grew up caring for children and loved it, but I grew tired of the mundane learning programs which hardly met the minimum requirements to keep a facility licensed, and most importantly, lacked the curriculum to keep children challenged or even engaged. While other facilities in the country were kicking ass, my town did a horrible job of encouraging centers to follow the same lead.

I personally experienced a crap load of difficulty in school due to my own battle with dyslexia. It was the worst. I remember the shame I felt over the years, not to mention the huge blow to my confidence. I only learned later in life that the disorder had no connection to one’s intellect. While learning disorders are all unique, there are proven ways to help children gain the skills they need to deal with a disorder early on.

“The bank’s loan officer told me that I didn’t have any business credit, but he said that if I could get a cosigner that could work. The only problem is I have no damn clue who that could be. Besides, I’m so deep in college bills, the only thing I can really focus on is finding a stable job until I can come back up for air. Anyway, enough about my boring life, tell me more about your date from hell.”

“Well his favorite thing to talk about was his car,” Janie said, rolling her eyes. “His car, Emily. I couldn’t even pretend to be interested. After he exhausted his job, his car, his high school football record, and the fact that he won the third-grade spelling bee, he finally asked about me.”

“What did he ask?” I took a sip of my drink.

“I don’t even remember,” Janie said. “We were already pulling into my driveway by that point.”

“You’re kidding?”

“God, I wish I was.” Janie rolled her eyes again and grabbed her beer off the table. She took a long swig and then set it back down with a shake of her head. “This was the worst date ever, Em. I’m telling you. It was just awful.”

“God,” I said, sitting back and taking a sip of my drink. “Do you think all the good guys are taken?”

“It’s this damn town,” Janie said. “Everyone here has known everyone else since the womb. We can’t find any new meat, literally!”

I chuckled over her joke “I don’t think it needs to be new,” I said. “Just thoughtful. Sophisticated.”

“Do you really think we’re going to find anyone sophisticated in Telluride?” Janie asked.

“Probably not,” I admitted with a laugh. “I just wish something would change around here, you know?”

“Oh!” Janie said suddenly, her eyes alive with excitement. “That reminds me! You know Margie, right?”

“Margie Smith?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Janie nodded. “She works at the pizza place now, and she said a hot single dad came in on Thursday night.”

Janie’s eyes were wide, and she looked at me with expectation. I blinked. So far, there wasn’t anything exciting about her news, but I waited for her to continue.

“Margie asked her dad, who works for the real estate office that sold him the house, to do a little digging around,” Janie said. “Apparently, the guy’s wife died a little bit ago, and he decided to move his kids here for a fresh start. They’re young. Like seven and four or something.”

I rolled my eyes. Margie’s dad was a worse gossip than the old ladies at the beauty shop.

“He moved here for a fresh start?” I asked. “Why?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I think she said her dad found out they’re from San Diego. Maybe he just wanted to live the small-town life for a while.”

“Well,” I said. “He’s probably sophisticated.”

Janie laughed and I joined in. After a long week, it was nice to sit and talk mindlessly with my best friend. I’d known Janie since the first grade, and we’d been inseparable ever since. She was the one thing that made life in Telluride slightly exciting.

“He is really hot, though,” Janie said wistfully.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Margie snapped a picture on her phone.” Janie shrugged.

“Seriously?” I laughed. “She needs to leave that poor man alone, especially if his wife just died.”

“He didn’t notice,” Janie said, waving her hand. “It was fine. Besides, I’m telling you, he is insanely hot.”

“I’m sure he is.” I rolled my eyes, but my interest was piqued.

“One of us needs to get on that,” Janie said seriously. “I’ll flip you for it.”

“Oh my God,” I said. “You’re insane.”

“I’m serious, Emily.”

“I know.” I laughed. “That’s what makes you insane.”

“Come on,” Janie whined. “Please. Just play along.”

“Whatever,” I said. “You go for it.”

“Really?” She sat up in her chair, her eyes dancing with renewed excitement.

I laughed. “Really. Besides, what do you think the likelihood of either of us actually meeting him is?”

“In this town?” Janie asked. “One hundred percent.”

“Fine,” I said, knowing she was right. “Then we’ll meet him, but then what? He’s a single dad. He won’t be interested in either of us.”

“Why not?” Janie asked.

“We’re young,” I said firmly.

“Honey,” Janie said, her tone serious. “That will only make him want us more.”

She winked and took a drink of her beer. Everything Janie did was suggestive and leading. She was always trying to push me to experience new things and new people. Though her definition of ‘experience’ was slightly crazier than mine. Growing up sheltered, you either turned out crazy and rebellious, or shy and awkward. I was the latter. Janie was the former.

“Just keep your eye out,” Janie said. “If you see him, let me know.”

“I will.” I laughed and shook my head.

We spent the next hour chatting about the new man in town. Janie wondered aloud about his body. She felt sure he would be chiseled. I, on the other hand, contemplated all the reasons he would have for moving to our hole-in-the-wall town.

His wife dying was sad, but it didn’t exactly warrant uprooting his kids from their home.

“Look out,” Janie said suddenly diverting my attention, her eyes shifting to something behind me. “Tanner is on the move.”

“Dear God,” I groaned. “Not this again.”

“Hey, Emily,” Tanner said, stepping up beside our table.

“Hi.” I smiled and turned my attention back to Janie, hoping Tanner would get the hint. He never did.

“Mind if I join you?” he asked, already pulling up a chair.

“Actually, tonight is kind of girls’ night,” I said, giving him a pointed look.

“That’s okay.” He shrugged. “I don’t mind a little girl talk.”

“God, get a clue,” Janie said under her breath.

I shot her a look, but it didn’t matter. Tanner was too busy staring at me to notice anything Janie said.

“How are you, Em’?” Tanner asked, his eyes boring into mine. “It’s been a while.”

That wasn’t true, but I didn’t have the energy to point it out. Every time Tanner saw me around town, he would accost me with his presence. Whether I was drinking at Sal’s with Janie or walking through the square, Tanner would just appear at my side. He’d been doing it since high school, and as much as I wanted to ignore him, he made that impossible.

“I’m fine,” I said with a sigh. “How are you?”

“I’d be a lot better if you would let me take you out,” he said, scooting his chair closer to me. “We’ve been playing this little game for years now, Em’. Don’t you think it’s time we do something about it?”

I looked at Janie who was openly glaring at Tanner. She glanced at me with wide eyes and then shook her head, silently telling me to get rid of him before she kicked his ass. If there was anyone who could get under Janie’s skin, it was Tanner Gregory.

“Listen,” I said softly. “Tanner, we’ve been friends for years, and you know I care about you.”

Tanner’s smile was wide and bright. He looked so hopeful that it almost made me lose my resolve. All I had to do was remember his annoying persistence, and my resolve came flooding back, stronger than ever.

“But,” I continued. “I just don’t see you that way. I’m sorry, Tanner.”

“Emily Ward,” he sighed. “What am I going to do with you?”

“You could accept her answer and move the hell on,” Janie said, louder this time.

Tanner glanced at her and then looked back at me. His eyes stared into mine, overwhelming me with their intensity. This was just one thing I hated about Tanner. He had a way of making me feel painted into a corner; like no matter what I did, he would find a way to get me.

“You know we’re perfect for each other,” he said softly. “Absolutely perfect.”

“Tanner,” I began but he cut me off with a look.

“Don’t worry,” he said, smiling slyly. “I can wait a little longer.”

With that, Tanner pushed away from the table and walked over to the bar. He leaned against it and flagged down the bartender. I shuddered and shook my head with disgust.

“You really need to put that asshole in his place,” Janie said darkly.

“He’s not an asshole,” I said. “He’s just—”

“Desperate? Creepy? One step away from becoming a serial killer?”

I laughed. “Stop it. Tanner is sweet in his own way. He just doesn’t know when to give up, that’s all.”

“It’s been a decade,” Janie said bluntly. “A full decade and he still won’t leave you alone. He’s basically your stalker, Emily.”

“He is not,” I said. “Don’t be so dramatic.”

“Whatever,” Janie said, holding her hands up. “But don’t come crying to me when he shows up in your bedroom later tonight.”

“Stop it,” I said again.

Janie just laughed and glanced behind her. Tanner was still standing at the bar. When she looked back at me, her eyes were dark with concern.

“You’re really worried about him, aren’t you?” I asked.

“Can you blame me?” Janie asked. “It’s enough already.”

“I know.” I sighed. “I wish he would give up too.”

“Maybe one day,” Janie said. “After he has you kidnapped in his basement for twenty years.”

“You’re not funny.” I glared at her.

“Oh, you know I’m not serious.” Janie rolled her eyes and leaned over the table. “I know Tanner’s harmless, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to punch him in the nuts every single day.”

“What if it were you he was hitting on?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“Then I would punch him in the nuts.”


Five days into our new life in Colorado and I was already exhausted. Though I reminded myself that I had no time or desire to make friends here, my self-imposed isolation was beginning to close in around me. It was Monday morning, and I could barely get through breakfast without losing my mind. Tommy and Sarah were fighting at the table and neither would eat a bite of their food. With a sigh, I walked over to join them.

“Enough,” I said firmly while Sarah continued to yell in Tommy’s ear. “Eat. Now.”

“I’m not really hungry,” Tommy said.

“It’s pancakes,” I said. “It’s the one thing I can actually cook. Come on, eat. Would you?”

Tommy sighed and finally poured syrup over his pancakes. He dug in and ate slowly, quiet for the first time all morning. When I looked at Sarah though, she was glaring at her plate.

“Sarah,” I said softly. “Come on.”

“They smell like poop,” she said.

“They do not,” I said. “That’s not nice. Just eat.”

“No.” Sarah looked at me with the same challenging look I’d seen a hundred times since the move. She, more than her brother, hated leaving California. I knew it was the memories of Telissa she missed the most, but there wasn’t anything I could do about that. The more helpless I felt, the angrier I became.

“Fine,” I said. “Don’t eat. Starve.”

With that, I stood up and took her plate. I dumped her pancakes in the trashcan and put her plate in the sink. When I looked back at her, she was staring at me with her mouth wide open. I just stared back.

If she wanted to challenge me, that was fine. I could challenge her right back. After all, a five-year-old couldn’t throw anything at me that I couldn’t handle.

“He threw away my food!” she said to Tommy.

Tommy shrugged and took another bite of his pancakes. Sarah stared at him and waited for him to speak. When he didn’t, she huffed and stormed upstairs to her room. Tommy giggled and turned to face me.

“What are you going to do now?” he asked.

“Wait until lunch,” I said. “I bet you anything she’ll eat without a complaint.”

Tommy laughed again and nodded. I smiled and started doing the dishes. Sometimes, it felt impossible to go up against Sarah. She was so much like her mother, strong-willed and full of fire. I couldn’t look at her without seeing Telissa staring back at me. Most days, it was a comfort, but others, it was a real obstacle. Telissa was always great with the children. She knew how to handle the tantrums better than I ever did. I was always the busy career focused father. Admittedly, I put more time than I should have on my career. I was paying for those sins now. Inside, I knew it was a shortfall in my relationship with Telissa. She didn’t get the attention she deserved and sought it elsewhere. I was a damned fool not to see it coming. It was my fault.

As the day drug on, the kids continued to fight nonstop. Sarah finally ate at lunchtime, but she decided to do so while kicking her brother’s chair under the table. By the time they were finished, Tommy was so angry he was almost in tears.

He marched upstairs and threw Sarah’s favorite teddy bear out the window. The bloodcurdling scream she unleashed made me think she was dying. I flew upstairs, only to find her and Tommy standing in front of the open window, glaring at each other.

I knew then that I wasn’t going to survive the summer without help. I had planned our move for the week after school let out. It was barely June now. I had three months left before I could ship the kids off to school and get a little peace and quiet. Just the idea of being locked in the house with them for three full months was enough to drive me insane.

After I finally got them both calmed down, there was a knock on the front door. I groaned and hurried to answer it, hoping it wasn’t some nosey neighbor coming to try and drum up a conversation. I wasn’t in the mood. When I opened the door, I was almost relieved to see it was just Mrs. Johnston.

“I brought you some brownies,” she said with a smile.

Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t help but smile back. “Thank you. Please, come on in.”

She stepped over the threshold and made her way back to the kitchen. Mrs. Johnston had already stopped by twice since we moved in, and each time, she brought over a different baked good. I was really starting to warm to her, as much as it wasn’t in my nature.

“Kids!” I yelled. “Mrs. Johnston’s here!”

Tommy and Sarah came bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen. They each hugged Mrs. Johnston and quickly helped themselves to a brownie. It was amazing how quickly they could go from absolute terrors to perfectly behaved in a matter of minutes. I knew it was only because Mrs. Johnston was here, but I didn’t care. I welcomed the silence, either way.

“Would you like one?” Mrs. Johnston asked, already pulling one out of the pan for me.

“Thank you.” I said. “You didn’t have to do this.”

“Baking is my hobby.” She shrugged. “It keeps me young.”

I nodded and ate my brownie in silence. Mrs. Johnston stood in the kitchen with me, just watching over me and the kids. Ever since we met her, I got the sense that she needed a family to look after.

“How are things going?” she asked, her eyes locked on my face.

“Fine.” It was a lie, and she knew it. Her eyes narrowed, and she waited for me to correct my answer. I sighed and said, “I’m going insane. I’ve been thinking that I need to get some help in here, at least for the summer.”

“That’s a good idea.” She nodded and glanced at the kids.

“I don’t know,” I said, my voice rough. “Part of me thinks I should be able to handle it. They are my kids, after all.”

“They are,” she said, nodding again. “But everyone needs help from time to time. There’s no shame in that.”

Her words and her eyes were too understanding. I looked away, suddenly uncomfortable by how much I’d opened up to someone I’d only just met. One year of shutting myself away from the world could do that.

“I know a girl,” she said. “Emily Ward. She lives in town, and she’s a darling with children. I could give you her number, if you’d like?”

She looked around the house and then slowly back at me. She had a warm look on her face, but I could tell she had something brewing in her mind. “It would be nice to have a woman around the home – I mean for the children of course.”

“Sure.” I shrugged, not quite sure what she meant. I didn’t want to seem too eager, but was secretly relieved at the prospect of getting some help with the kids.

Mrs. Johnston smiled knowingly and grabbed the pad of paper from the kitchen counter. She scrawled Emily’s number on the top page and then turned back to me. She patted me on the shoulder and went to say goodbye to the kids. They both hugged her and thanked her for the brownies. She beamed at them and then left.

I watched her disappear through the front door with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Mrs. Johnston was kind and generous, but she was already too comfortable around us. Since Telissa’s death I’d kept everyone at arm’s length, and I liked it that way. If no one got too close, then no one could hurt me or my kids again. It wasn’t a realistic plan, but it was one that had worked for me so far.

The kids finished their brownies and then immediately started fighting over which movie to watch. I groaned and ran my hand over my face. Whatever I felt about Mrs. Johnston didn’t matter. I needed help before I lost my ever-loving shit on my kids. That was the last thing I wanted. I’d managed to keep myself together so far. I wasn’t going to screw it up now.

Before I could change my mind, I picked up the phone. I dialed Emily’s number and put the phone to my ear. It rang three times before she picked up.

“Hello?” she said, her voice older than I expected.

“Hi,” I said. “My name is Sean Evans, and I’m new in town. My neighbor, Mrs. Johnston, thought you might be able to help me out with child care?”

“Oh!” she said. “What exactly do you need?”

“A nanny,” I said quickly. “At least for the summer.”

“How many kids?” she asked, her voice falling into a professional rhythm.

“Two,” I said. “My son is seven and my daughter is five.”

“I see,” she said. “When are you looking for someone to start?”

“Yesterday,” I said seriously.

She laughed, and my stomach clenched. Her laugh, along with her voice, sounded nice. When Mrs. Johnston said she knew “a girl,” I thought she meant a teenager, maybe someone in college. Emily sounded like an adult. I was immediately uneasy.

“Well I’ll have some more questions, if that’s all right.” she asked. “I can bring in my résumé and references. I have a degree in child development from—”

“That sounds great,” I said quickly. “I’m sure you’re more than qualified.”

“Wonderful,” she said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. “What’s your address?”

I gave her the address, and she promised to be over by eight the next morning. I thanked her and we hung up. My heart beat slightly faster than normal. Her voice had been sure and sexy.

I shook my head and forced the thoughts away. Even if she was hot, she was going to be my kids’ nanny. Nothing could happen between us, I wouldn’t allow it. The rest of the day dragged on endlessly. I fed the kids dinner and put them in front of a movie, which they bickered their way through. By the time bedtime rolled around, I was more than ready to be alone for a few hours.

I tucked Tommy in, then went across the hall to do the same for Sarah, but she wasn’t in bed. With a frown, I searched the house for her. Just when I was beginning to worry, I found her asleep in my bed. She was clutching the picture of Telissa I kept on my nightstand.

I sighed and made my way over to her. The last thing I wanted to do was disturb her sleep, but I couldn’t let her get in the habit of sleeping in my bed. When she was a toddler, she would only sleep sandwiched between Telissa and me. When Telissa was in the hospital, it was impossible to get Sarah down without hours of tears. I didn’t want to start that process all over again.

Carefully, I lifted her out of the bed and carried her to her room. She was still holding tight to the picture of her mom. My heart felt heavy at the sight of her precious little fingers holding the photo. I thought about pulling it from her grasp, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. She needed it more than I did.

I kissed her forehead and then tiptoed out of the room, grateful to finally be alone in a quiet house. As I made my way downstairs, my mind turned once again to thoughts of Emily. Her voice was so enticing. I could have sat on the phone with her for hours, just listening to the rise and fall of her words. As I remembered our conversation, I felt that same tug in my stomach from before, and I quickly pushed it away.

Sinking down on the couch, I sighed and shook my head. There was no use daydreaming about Emily or her voice. No matter how sexy she sounded or even how sexy she might look, I couldn’t date again. I had thought that Telissa was the love of my life, but then she broke my heart and left us. All of it fucked me up on so many levels.

After everything I’d been through, I didn’t have it in me to let someone else in. I wasn’t sure I ever would or could.

My back slowly relaxed into the couch, and my eyes began to droop. I thought about dragging myself upstairs, but I was too comfortable to move. My mind was still racing as I flashed between what I imagined Emily to look like and my memoires of Telissa. Just picturing my wife’s face was enough to make me forget about Emily completely. Emily’s voice had piqued my interest, but one thing would always be true: she wasn’t Telissa.

I finally fell asleep, with thoughts of my wife floating through my mind. I didn’t know if I would ever move on or let go of her memory, but I did know that dating just wasn’t in the cards. Not for me. Not yet. Not for a very long time.


Tuesday morning arrived, and I found myself parked outside the Evans’s house. Given my current financial situation, I was relieved in the prospect of locating a stable job that involved children. I was also a little shocked that the very man Janie and I were joking about called me to offer me a job in his home. In any other part of the country, it would be a farfetched scenario, but in my tiny town, it was actually plausible.

The house was a beautiful, large colonial. It was evident that whoever this man was, he had good taste and was loaded. I still had ten minutes before Sean was expecting me, so I waited in my car for the time to pass.

The garage door opened so hard it slammed against the house’s exterior. The sound of it made me jump, leaving me to feel a little foolish. I was just glad no one else had seen my reaction.

An incredibly handsome guy with thick shoulders and a well-trimmed beard emerged from the doorway with trash bags gripped in both fists. The garbage must have been heavy because I could see his muscles flexing beneath his thin white T-shirt. He threw the bags easily into the garbage bins.

He must have been finishing up some last-minute tidying up around the house before my arrival. He pulled his arms behind him like he was stretching his back, and it had the pleasant effect of making his shirt cling to him like a second skin. His broad, masculine chest lit a warmth inside me.

Fuck. How long had it been since I’d been close to a hot guy? Shit, any guy for that matter? I sure as hell hadn’t ever been with a guy that hot, or ripped. Only in my dreams.

My eyes followed the hard lines of his torso down to where the hem of his shirt had risen above his stomach. His jeans hung low on his hips, exposing the V-shaped muscles of his abdomen.

My mouth watered at the sight of him and I couldn’t help but wonder how he looked with the jeans thrown in the corner and his undies pooled on the floor beneath him.

Get ahold of yourself, Emily.

I giggled to myself at my train of thought. Clearly, I needed a boyfriend if the mere sight of a good-looking guy got me all hot and bothered.

The man turned his face in my direction. “Hello?” he called out.

Oh God.

I hoped he hadn’t noticed me eye-banging him from my car like some pervert.

He walked toward me.

“You must be Sean,” I said when he arrived to my car door.

“Right,” he said gruffly. “Emily?”

“Yes.” I nodded but my voice faltered slightly. Janie’s description of him didn’t do him justice. Sean was incredibly handsome. His dark hair was cut casually, and his eyes were a deep, probing blue. He had an air of confidence about him that I found both incredibly sexy and also a little intimidating. I didn’t quite know how to behave around someone who came from a big city, they always seemed more worldly than anyone from this tiny town.

“You brought your resume I assume?”

“Yes, I have it right here.” I took the sheet of paper out of the folder in my purse and handed it to him. “I typically find that the best way for you see if I’d be a good fit for your family, is just to jump in and show you what my routine with the kids would be,” I said.

He flicked his eyes briefly to my face before returning them to my resume. Jesus, this guy was a tough sell.

As he read of the paper, I sat in my car awkwardly and I couldn’t help but feel like he regarded me with some suspicion, or was I imagining it? His voice had been near desperate on the phone yesterday, but now that I stood in front of him, his tone and demeanor suggested arrogance and borderline annoyance even.

“Come in,” Sean said shortly.

I smiled and exited my car, then followed him inside, my eyes roaming over his body. He was tall, much taller than me. It was obvious he took care of himself. As I looked at him, my cheeks flushed. I shook my head and tried to pull myself together. Marveling at the sexiness of my potential boss was not the best way to start my new job. His attitude was probably for the best. It would keep me focused on what I was there for, which was the kids.

“How’s your morning going so far?” I asked, keeping my voice light and casual.

Sean shrugged. “Fine. The kids only just woke up.”

Sure enough, when we walked into the living room, I saw the kids sitting at the kitchen table. They were both still in pajamas. When they turned to look at me, there was trepidation in their eyes that I wasn’t used to. Most kids either looked overjoyed to meet the new caretaker, or they had a troublemaking glint in their eyes. These kids possessed neither. Instead, they simply eyed me closely, waiting for me to speak.

“Tommy,” Sean said. “Sarah. This is Emily.”

I smiled and walked over to sit down with them at the table. I’d found that it was easiest to just make myself comfortable. If I dawdled around awkwardly, the kids became more nervous.

“It’s so nice to meet you guys,” I said brightly.

“You too,” Tommy said politely. His cheeks were red, and his eyes darted between the table and my face.

“So,” I said. “Anyone hungry? How about some breakfast?”

“You can cook?” Tommy asked, surprised.

“I can,” I said proudly. “In fact, don’t tell anyone this, okay?”

“Okay.” Tommy nodded eagerly.

“I make the best french toast in Telluride,” I said, keeping my voice low and conspiratorial.

“You do?” Tommy asked, his eyes wide.

“Why’s that a secret?” Sarah asked sharply.

I looked at her with a smile, happy that she was finally speaking.

“Because,” I said. “If anyone else found out, they would break down my door every morning just to get some. I can’t have that, can I?”

“I bet they aren’t that good,” Sarah said.

“Sarah,” Sean said, a warning in his voice.

I glanced at him with a soft smile, silently telling him I could handle it.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you, won’t I?” I asked her.

Sarah eyed me for a few seconds. I looked back at her impassively. She was clearly in the challenging phase of childhood that I knew so well. As I watched her, her eyes narrowed, and she folded her arms across her chest.

“Are you going to be our new mommy?” she asked boldly.

Of all the things I expected her to say, this never even crossed my mind. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

“No,” I said kindly. “Of course not. I’m just here to help your daddy out. I’ll be your nanny.”

“What’s a nanny?” Tommy asked.

“It’s kind of like a babysitter,” I said. “Only I’m around more often.”

“Oh.” Tommy nodded, but I turned my attention back to Sarah.

“Is that okay with you, Sarah?” I asked.

Normally, I didn’t give kids this option. Most of them attacked the second they smelled fear, but with Sarah, I knew something was different. She wasn’t challenging me just because she could. She was challenging me because she needed to; because she needed to see me as an ally. It was obvious she missed her mother.

“That’s fine,” she said, her voice lighter now.

“Good.” I smiled and stood up. “I’ll get that french toast going. Sean, would you like some?”

“Gotta eat,” Sean said on a grunt.

When our eyes met, I smiled again and bounced into the kitchen. I couldn’t look at Sean for too long, or I lost myself in his blue eyes and naturally muscular body. They almost made up for his asshole demeanor. As I got breakfast ready, I observed Sean and his kids.

Tommy was obviously shy, and Sarah was bold and rude for her age, but I was sure that was just a defense mechanism. From what I could tell of Sean, he was much more like Sarah than Tommy. He wasn’t shy, but he also wasn’t talkative. He had a distant air about him that made me nervous and curious at the same time.

After I finished cooking, I laid the food down on the table and helped the kids get their plates ready. I cut Sarah’s toast and poured Tommy’s syrup. When they each took their first bites, their faces lit up with joy, and they quickly devoured the rest.

“More?” I asked. They both nodded, and I put another slice on each of their plates. “I’m glad you like it.”

“This is awesome!” Tommy said. “Dad can’t cook at all.”

“I’m sure that’s not true,” I said kindly.

“It is,” Sarah said around a mouthful of french toast.

I laughed and looked at Sean. He was eating his breakfast in silence, watching the kids interact with me. I got the impression he was sizing me up, observing me to see whether he wanted to keep me on. It made sense, but still, I felt my skin burn whenever his eyes found mine. He was by far the most attractive man I’d ever met.

“All righty,” I said after we were all done eating. “Can you guys go get dressed please?”

Tommy and Sarah jumped out of their chairs and ran upstairs. I smiled as I listened to their footsteps.

“You’re good with them,” Sean said simply. His voice was flat, emotionless.

“Thank you,” I said. “They seem like great kids.”

“They fight a lot,” Sean said.

“That’s okay.” I shrugged. “I grew up with three older brothers. I can handle fighting.”

I piled all the plates together and carried them to the kitchen. While I washed them, Sean continued to sit at the table. He was sipping his coffee, but his eyes flickered over to me every so often. I wanted to say something, anything, to draw him into a conversation, but I wasn’t sure where to start.

When the kids reappeared, I quickly finished the dishes and ushered them back upstairs. Tommy gave me a quick tour of both their rooms, and I saw that there was still some unpacking to do.

“Can we go to the park?” Sarah asked eagerly. “It’s just down the street, but we’ve only been once since we moved here.”

“I think we can do that,” I said with a nod. “But first, let’s get these boxes unpacked. Then we’ll go.”

I expected an argument, but Sarah just nodded and moved immediately toward the first box. I smiled and opened it up. Sarah, Tommy, and I spent the morning unpacking boxes and organizing their rooms. When that was done, we had a quick lunch, and then, after getting Sean’s approval, we walked down the street to the park. They played hard for an hour before they were both winded and exhausted. Laughing, we made our way back to the house and spent the afternoon unpacking some things downstairs.

I didn’t see Sean much. He ate lunch with us and asked the kids what they thought of the park, but he didn’t speak to me often. He spent most of the day holed up in his study. I wondered what he was doing in there, but I didn’t ask the kids. Instead, we unpacked every box we could find, organized a few rooms, and then sat down to play a game together.

“Do you think your dad wants to play?” I asked as we set up the board.

“I’ll go ask!” Tommy said, running toward Sean’s office.

Two minutes later, Sean and Tommy walked into the living room. Sean looked down at Sarah with a smile. It was the first smile I’d seen cross his face all day and damn if it didn’t make him even more attractive.

“I’m going to grab some chinese food for dinner,” he said. “I suppose you can stay.”

When he looked at me, the smile vanished, and though it hadn’t really been a proper invitation, I decided to take it.

“That sounds great,” I said. “Thanks.”

“I’ll be back.”

With that, Sean left me with the kids and drove into town to get the food. Tommy, Sarah, and I spent twenty minutes playing our game before Sean made it back home. We all sat down around the kitchen table, and again, I helped the kids get their plates settled. Sarah needed help cutting her chicken and Tommy was excited to learn how to use chopsticks.

I placed the sticks in Tommy’s hand and showed him how to pinch them together. After a few failed attempts and a lot of giggles, he finally managed to take a successful bite.

“I did it!”

His joy was infectious, and soon, we were all laughing. Even Sarah cheered for her brother’s success. Throughout the day, I’d noticed what Sean mentioned about their fighting, but it never grew out of control. With a few words of warning and a bit of a distraction, their bickering always subsided quickly.

We ate dinner and everyone seemed happy. Even Sean was smiling and laughing at times along with us. For the first time all day, I felt like he was okay with my presence.

“So,” I said as the kids finished eating. “What do you do for a living?”

The look of suspicion returned to his eyes before he answered. “I was a lawyer back in San Diego,” Sean said slowly. “But I left the firm when we moved here.”

“What do you do now?” I asked.

“Nothing yet.” He shrugged, unwilling to offer more.

I nodded.

“It’s good to take your time and go after what you’re really passionate about.”

Sean nodded but didn’t say anything. I knew then that I’d exhausted his conversational abilities for the night and didn’t want to press my luck. It was obvious that he wasn’t looking for a friend. As Tommy and Sarah finished dinner, I washed the dishes and took them upstairs for bath time. Tommy took a quick shower, and then he went to get his pajamas on. I helped Sarah take her bath and brush her teeth before she got on her own pajamas and climbed in bed.

“Good night,” I said. “I’ll send your daddy up.”

“Good night,” she said back with a wave.

I poked my head in to check on Tommy on my way downstairs, but he was already asleep. Smiling, I walked into the living room to say goodbye to Sean.

“They’re both in bed,” I said. “Sarah’s waiting for you, but Tommy’s already asleep.”

“I can handle bedtime by myself. There’s no need for you to do that part,” he said grudgingly.

I stifled a sigh. “Ok, I’ll be sure to leave that to you in the future.”

Sean nodded. “I’ll see you same time tomorrow.”

Yes sir. Is there anything else you need me to do? Like maybe take that stick out of your ass?

The guy needed a good lesson in manners, but considering what he’d been through, I could give him a pass—for now.

“Good night,” I said, moving slowly toward the door.

As I stepped out onto the front porch, I couldn’t help but glance behind me. Sean was already making his way upstairs. With a sigh, I pulled the front door closed and walked to my car. Once inside, I let out a relieved breath and drove home.

My first day went better than I could have hoped. Tommy and Sarah both seemed to take to me easily, and even Sean had shown small glimpses of humanity at dinnertime. The kids were easy, but Sean had been my main concern. Some parents were nervous and had specific instructions for how to take care of their children. Sean wasn’t one of them.

As gruff and standoffish as he was, he let me take over effortlessly, and that only made my curiosity even stronger.

It didn’t help that he was exceptionally hot. Every time I looked over at Sean, my stomach filled with butterflies. He was gorgeous and incredibly sexy. I couldn’t keep my eyes from roaming over his biceps and obvious six-pack hidden just beneath the thin fabric of his T-shirt.

Sean’s body was on my mind the entire drive home.

End of Sneak Peak. Would you like to know how this continues?

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Mr. sexy and enigmatic is seeking a nanny.
I'm the lucky lady.
But he's rude, impatient, and  totally  barbaric.
And it's getting hard to ignore the rumors.
Suspicions for why he moved into my small town.


People tell me he's damaged goods.
Flawed or not, I wouldn't mind accepting  his  package.
I just hope whatever he's running from is locked away for good.




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