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That Was Yesterday by HJ Bellus (22)









Chapter 21





“He’s a good boy.”

I blink once then twice.

“I was a horrible mother. Hurt him worse than anything possibly could. But he’s found you and Jessie and Jules. Even though I was evil, God answered my prayers. I just wanted my baby boy protected because I know I was nothing but evil.”

“Who are you?”

“Max’s momma.”

“Kate, can you hear me?” I’m being lifted up. “Kate, can you hear me?”

They need to stop screaming at me. I just want to sleep. I open my mouth to tell them so, only to find there’s no oxygen left in my lungs.






I pace the halls. Energy flows through me. After the six-hour drive to the hospital where Cody and Kate were life-flighted, I can’t sit still. Dad hasn’t moved from where he’s been leaning up against a wall.

“We don’t have a pulse,” are the last words I heard when Kate was put in the back of the ambulance.

No one here will give me any kind of information since I’m not next of kin. I’ve kept my stare on the doors leading to the operating rooms. The sun has risen and is threatening to go back down with no word on the condition of either of them.

I FaceTime with Finn, giving him the tiniest of details. All he knows is Kate had an accident and that I have to be with her. Only if I can be with her.

At that moment, the doors swing wide open. I’m bound and determined to get answers, no matter the cost.

“Kate. I need to know about Kate Wilson-Valentukonis. I’m her fiancé. Her parents have been contacted but are out of the country with no cell service. She has no siblings. I’m all she has.”

The surgeon pulls the cap from his head and balls it in his hands while shaking his head. I feel my dad lift me up from the back because my legs go out on me. My world spins, and I’m throttled into darkness.


I hear my name but can’t come to.

“Max.” This time, a harsh slap accompanies my name, bringing me back.

“There you are, son. Jesus, don’t be doing that to me. She’s alive.”

I’m on my feet, wobbling from side to side.

“Sit back down.” Dad pushes me down. “She’s alive and recovering from surgery.”


Dad nods his head.

“I want all the details, now.”

“She was beaten badly. The doctors are guessing who ever did this…”

“Ally,” I interrupt.

“…figured she was dead.” Dad sits back down. “The cops told us the house was set on fire. Cody got to her in time.”

“Surgery,” I repeat again.

“Her jaw was broken, and she has a collapsed lung, traumatic damage to her abdomen, and severe swelling on her brain. She’s pulling through, Max. Her lungs are in the worst shape, from smoke inhalation and being collapsed.”

I’m unable to process any of it.

“Cody saved her life. Got to her in time.”

“Cody, Jesus.”

“You worry about one thing at a time.”

I nod, unable to blink from shock.

“You can go see her, Max.”

Dad guides me to the intensive care unit. The massive hospital bed swallows up Kate’s tiny figure. Tubes and wires go in every direction. A steady thumping sound beats in the room. Whooshing accompanies the sound as machines help Kate breathe.

I go to her side and crumble, clutching her hand.

“Kate, oh my God, Kate.”

Not one shred of anger courses through me at the thought this all happened at Ally’s hands. I’m brought to my knees clinging to Kate’s hand, and I pray like I’ve never prayed before. I repeat the words over and over.

I don’t leave her side. One day, then two, and eventually five pass by with no signs of improvement. I hold her hand the entire time, only leaving to use the bathroom and spend a few minutes with Finn in the waiting room.

Doctors grow more dismal as each day passes by. I can’t help it, but in the quiet times I stare at Kate’s belly. She was pregnant. Not that far along, but we had created a tiny miraculous life that was ripped away from us.

If Ally and her partner weren’t announced dead the night of the fire, I’d be pounding the pavement in search of her in order to take her life. I’d bathe my knuckles in their blood and feel no remorse at all. Their greed and addiction ruined so many lives. Ally’s fatal and final mistake of raising a gun and firing at an officer cost her life and the man she travelled with. It was nothing less than a blessing that officer only suffered a surface bullet wound.

“Son, Mom has dinner and Finn out in the waiting room. Go take a break.”

I don’t speak unless I have to, and this is a time I don’t. I have no more energy left to put on a happy all is good face for Finn. I’m a hollow man.

“Dad.” Finn runs up to me when I enter the room.

I hug him tight.

“Grandma said no, but…”

He started calling Jules “Grandma” over the last few days. Should make me happy as hell and proud, but it doesn’t.

“Finn,” Mom warns.

“But,” he continues, “I want to see Kate, please.”

“Do the hand thing and jump up and down,” Emma tries to whisper.

Finn follows her instructions. “I miss Kate. Please, Dad. I can tell her stories and remind her of all her students. It will work. She loves us.”

I scrub my face, not knowing what to tell him. Seeing Kate in this state will scar him forever. I don’t want his last memory of her being laid up in a bed, lifeless. He needs to remember the full of life, loving Kate who saved him.

“Dad, it will work.” He frantically nods his head.

The sheer hope in his words are foreign. It’s been missing since the day I saw her in that bed.

“Sure, why not?” I sit him down and go over what to expect and that Kate won’t talk back.

I squeeze his shoulders as I walk him back to the room. The nurses don’t kick Dad out, even though there’s a strict two-visitor policy.

“Lift me up, Dad.” Finn raises his arms.

He winces when Kate’s face comes into view. But he’s on a mission, wiggling out of my arms and settling on the bed next to Kate. He manages to lie down next to her, avoiding all the tubes. He pets her hair gently. I’m forced to turn away because this is the final straw that will break me.

“Oh, Miss Kate, I’m sorry about your face,” he coos to her. “Dad finally let me see you. I’ve been wanting to tell you things. First, I love you, Miss Kate. Second, will you be my mom? Third, you have to wake up or Mrs. Bradshaw will be our substitute for the rest of the year. She has warts and smells. She doesn’t like me. I don’t think she likes any of the kids. You have to wake up.”

I face my brave and courageous son, going to his side.

Finn perches up on his elbows. “Are you waking up?”

His face falls in a frown.

“I hate fairytales. They’re dumb. You know this, but Emma said Dad needs to kiss you like in Sleeping Beauty and you’ll open your eyes. Dad.” He looks up at me.

I find a smile dancing on my lips. “I got this.”

I bend down, whispering my love for Kate before sealing my lips to hers.






I hear you, Finn. I’m right here, trying hard to wake up. Oh, his sweet words have me fighting hard. Yes, I’ll be your mom. I want to scream. The harder I try to open my eyes, the more weight rests on them.

I’m here, Finn. I hear you. I repeat it over and over in my head. It’s been dark and cold forever. I feel his warmth seeping in and crave it like no other. Come on, body.

“I got this.” Max’s deep voice seeps in.

He whispers his love to me, then the warmth I’ve been seeking flows from my roots right down to my toes. I pray he never leaves. He’s bringing me back to life.

Something in my throat causes me to gag. I’m choking, coughing, and spluttering. My eyes fly open, and the light blinds me. I can’t breathe again. I panic, coughing harder and fighting to get just a gasp of air.

“She’s awake,” I hear someone yell. “She’s awake.”

Finn is a blur as he’s jerked away from the bed. Random faces stare down at me. In one swift movement, I’m able to take in air. I try to talk, but there are razor blades of some sort lining my throat.

I thrash in the bed, reaching for my boys, only to have my arms put back down by my side.

“I’m here, Mommy. We are here,” Finn’s sweet voice hollers out over the chaos. I focus on it while gulping in air.

They’re here.

I’m here.

Max’s mom’s prayers were answered.