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The Accidental Master: A Puppy Play Romance by M.A. Innes (10)


The evening couldn’t have gone better, even with Sawyer ordering a hamburger. Cooper was still slightly miffed that Sawyer wouldn’t pick out pancakes like we had. The entire time, he grumbled about Sawyer loving pancakes with blueberries and strawberries in them.

Even as Cooper had stuffed the last of his dinner-plate-sized pancakes into his mouth—he was a bottomless pit—he was still mumbling that Sawyer was going to regret the decision in the morning. If I was honest, I was going to have to say that Cooper was right because Sawyer was giving the pancakes some long looks.

But finally, Sawyer looked over at me and grinned. “And this is why he needs a spanking on a regular basis. I’m going to hear about the stupid pancakes for days.”

Cooper nodded, clearly enthusiastic about the plan. As soon as he swallowed, though, he threw Sawyer under the bus too. “And that snarky comment is why he needs a spanking on a regular basis too. He’s much more relaxed after. And being a pup more—”

Sawyer shoved a fry into Cooper’s mouth.

I tried not to laugh and ended up coughing into my napkin like I was choking. I couldn’t decide if Cooper said stuff without thinking, or if he loved getting a reaction, but I was leaning toward the latter.

His I’m-so-innocent smile was just too perfect most of the time.

“One day he’s just going to throw something at you.” I was expecting them to laugh, but Sawyer blushed a wonderful purple color and Cooper started to nod.

What the hell had they done?

“He threw his tail at me. Do you know how hard it is to explain away a bruise that looks like a dick?” Cooper was so earnest and matter-of-fact, I was shocked.

I started coughing and couldn’t catch my breath. They were the funniest people I’d ever met. Sawyer was trying so hard to be calm and not let anyone see how nervous he was, and Cooper was bouncy and open and honest to a fault most of the time.

Especially when it would drive Sawyer crazy.

“Why did you throw your tail at him?” I was very proud of myself for not stumbling over that question.

Sawyer’s coloring hadn’t gone back to normal, and his head fell back, so he was staring up at the ceiling. “I wasn’t trying to throw it at him. He was going on and on about something, and I was frustrated and started talking with my hands, and the damn thing went flying.”

Then his head came up, and he stared at Cooper, his voice dropping low. “And stop saying it looked like a dick. It did not.”

Cooper snorted. “It did too. It looked like your cock slapped into my thigh so hard it left a bruise.”

Lord, they were a handful.

But so perfect, I couldn’t help wanting to gather them in my arms. Cooper seemed to be craving a firm hand to help him settle down. Sawyer was a little harder to read, but all I wanted to do was hold him and tell him it was okay to let himself surrender.

So I thought that was a pretty good guess about what he needed.

Sawyer rolled his eyes and almost had his blush under control when Cooper struck again. He gave me that innocently sweet look, and I knew it was going to be good, or terrible, depending on his mood. “The bruise was too small to be his dick, though.”

Was he saying…? My brain had a hard time formulating a response.

“Cooper.” Sawyer’s voice was low but harsh. He couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to laugh or let his head fall to the table in exasperation.

“Well, it’s true. You’re much bigger than that bruise.”

Yup, that was what he’d meant.

Luckily, our waitress took that moment to stop back by the table, giving Sawyer a chance to recover. “Jackson, you guys want any dessert?” One eyebrow went up. “Not sure either of you two needs any more sugar, though.”

Sawyer laughed. “No, they don’t.”

Cooper looked over at him, wide eyes giving Sawyer a pleading look. “But they have—”

I could see Sawyer weakening, and I took a chance. I was hoping he wouldn’t get upset with me. “No.” Then I turned to the waitress, who I’d met several times before. “Jennifer, we’re fine. I think he’s had enough sugar for one day.”

She said something about coming to check on us again in a minute, but my focus was completely on Sawyer. Cooper craved someone to take control, but I wasn’t sure how Sawyer would react. He took a breath and turned to look at me. Caution was clear on his face, but there was also a relief that I couldn’t define.

I’d been doing as much research as I could, trying to understand what they were looking for. But no amount of reading or videos could really let me comprehend how it would feel to know something was missing in your life or to know that as much as they loved each other, he couldn’t be everything for Cooper.

It was easy to see that he tried.

I hadn’t pieced together much of the story about how they’d become a family, but I was used to reading people and their dogs. Sawyer’s entire focus was on Cooper, and it was clear he’d do anything for him.




However they defined their relationship, I could see it was unbreakable.

Maybe that should have scared me. Maybe I should have been worried about possibly joining a couple who was so tightly bonded together, but it sent relief flooding through me. They were solid. They loved each other more than any other couple I’d ever met. They’d each pushed aside their own needs and desires to focus on the other, and that wasn’t something I saw in most relationships.

Watching them, I knew that nothing I did, no inadvertent screw-up or misplaced words, would tear them apart. And I also knew that this was something that they’d thought out and discussed. A couple that close, one who knew each other as well as they did, wouldn’t do anything like this unless they knew without a doubt that it was what the other person desperately wanted.

What they both desperately wanted.

Sawyer was quiet, but either he was starting to let his guard down, or I was getting better at reading him, because I could see a warmth to him and something seemed to have settled in him. We were taking it slow, and I knew we weren’t at a point where I could ask, but everything in me wanted to know what was going through his mind.

Cooper broke the silence by sighing. And we both looked over to see his elbows on the table, and his face cradled in his hands. “All you two need is a bowl of spaghetti. It’s just so cute I want popcorn.”

I was lost.

Sawyer took pity on me. “Lady and the Tramp. He’s seen it like a thousand times.”

“Ohhh.” It had been years since I’d seen the movie, but it came flooding back, and I gave Cooper a long look with one eyebrow raised. “If I’m remembering that movie correctly, I’m neither Lady nor the Tramp.”

Cooper giggled. Sawyer shook his head and turned to give me a teasing look. “He’s definitely Lady. I’ll be the Tramp, and you can be our new master.”

It wasn’t a complete invitation into their life, but I knew it was his way of letting me know that he felt the same connection I did. I wasn’t sure where it was going or how everything would end up working out, but I couldn’t wait to find out.

Cooper missed the exchange, still focusing on the movie. He snorted and gave us both a look like we were crazy. “Disney does not make those kinds of movies.” Then he grinned. “And of course I get to be Lady.”

When his face turned serious, I thought something was wrong—nope, just Cooper being Cooper. “But only if I get a bigger tail. Hers was too short.”

I was left speechless again.

I glanced at Sawyer, and he shrugged like it was nothing. Finally, he started to explain. “It was one of those movies that he loved as a kid, but once you get to be a certain age, people think it’s weird if you still like it, so when he—when we started living together, and he finally told me about the puppy-play stuff, it was the first present I bought for him.”

Cooper was grinning ear to ear. “What he’s leaving out is that he could only find a VHS tape of the movie and had to go to three thrift stores to find a VCR that would play it. And this was before we got a car, so he had to take buses all over town just to surprise me with it.”

I was missing pieces of their past, but it was easy to tell that things had been hard for them. That Sawyer had gone to so much trouble to make Cooper happy made me even more sure I’d read them right. “I bet you wore out that tape.”

Sawyer laughed. “He’s starting to know you.”

Cooper nodded. “And now it’s on my computer and on DVD, so I don’t have to chase down a VCR to play it.”

“I didn’t even think those were still around.”

Shrugging, Cooper nodded again. “They seem to be the cockroaches of the machine world. When everything else is dead and unresponsive, there will be stacks of VCRs in old junk shops that still work.”

Laughing, I had to agree. “Aliens will come to our planet long after we’re gone and all they’ll find is VCRs and bugs.”

“Don’t egg him on.” Sawyer was leaning back in his chair and smiling.

“But he’s so much fun to play with.” Giving Cooper a long look, I continued. “And I think no matter how he wants to play, he’ll be just as much fun.”

I wasn’t sure if they would understand what I was trying to say, but Cooper grinned and wiggled in his seat a little, and Sawyer’s posture relaxed more, and he sank into the chair, making me realize how stiffly he’d been holding himself.

He wasn’t the bouncy type that showed his happiness and emotions the same way that Cooper did, but when people took the time to get to know him and to really look, I thought it would be as obvious as Cooper’s wagging tail—which was an image I couldn’t help but try to picture.

Cooper leaned closer and dropped his voice. “I like balls.”

I was hoping he was talking about toys—only because we were in public, though.

“I saw a lot of pups online that had toys and liked to play with them.” Cooper had vaguely mentioned that most of the time they took turns being pups, so I wasn’t sure exactly how they worked it out, but I was going to go out on a limb. “Does Sawyer throw the ball for you?”

Nodding, Cooper didn’t seem embarrassed by the turn the conversation had taken. “Yes, but our apartment doesn’t have a lot of space to run.”

I had the perfect space for a pup to run. Had he seen the pictures online? They’d both mentioned that they’d seen the photos of me online, but they hadn’t talked about the facilities. It was probably too soon to bring it up, but it was a nagging image in my head that wouldn’t go away.

Deciding to push my luck again, I leaned closer to Cooper and gave Sawyer a look. “Does Sawyer like to play ball?”

Sawyer took an immediate fascination with his silverware but didn’t tell either of us to back off, so I glanced back at Cooper. He shook his head. “No, he’s more of a cuddly pup. He’s like one of those big dogs who don’t understand they aren’t lap dogs anymore and still wants to curl up with you on the couch.”

“I bet he’d be great to cuddle with.”

Cooper smiled and glanced at Sawyer who was starting to inspect his fork. “He is. He’s definitely an apartment kind of dog.”

“But you’re a pup who’d like some space?”

Again, he answered without fear. His wide smile lit up his face. “Yes.”

What was the old expression? In for a penny, in for a pound? “I’d like to see you like that someday when we’re all ready. I’d like to play with you and get to know that side of you.”

Cooper finally blushed, but it didn’t diminish his ear-to-ear grin as he glanced over at Sawyer before nodding. “When we’re all ready.”

“There’s no rush. I’m not going anywhere.” I had a feeling that was going to end up being an understatement.

We talked and teased for a few more minutes, but eventually, Jennifer brought the check by, and it was lying there like a beacon that screamed out our date was over. Part of me wanted to see if they’d like to go to a movie or something, but I knew they needed a chance to talk things out before we took it any further.

Knowing they were going to head home together, and I was going to be alone, was weird. Not bad, but odd.

They waited with me while I paid. Signing the receipt, I turned to smile at them. “I had a wonderful time. Thank you for agreeing to come with me to dinner.”

“We have to come back for more pancakes.” Cooper glanced over at the table, longingly.

“Of course. Maybe next time, you can try the chocolate strawberry ones you were thinking about.”

Cooper nodded. “And you can pick Sawyer’s brain for a place that you two can go while I work late some night.”

Turning to Sawyer, I stepped toward the door, so we could get out of the way. “If you like burgers, I know a great place.”

He smiled and nodded. “That sounds good.” There was a little pause before Sawyer glanced at Cooper. “You work late next Thursday, don’t you?”

Cooper discreetly took my hand and gave it a quick squeeze as we started piling out the door. “Yes, it’s a late night to begin with, and my manager wants to show me some inventory procedures, so it’s going to be even later than usual.”

Taking Cooper’s hint, I looked at Sawyer. “Would you like to go try it out then? I have classes until seven that night, but after that, I’m free.”

Turning a little pink, Sawyer nodded hesitantly. “It sounds like fun.”

“Great.” Cooper started almost bouncing through the parking lot. “And pancakes with me on Saturday morning? I don’t have to work until ten.”

“It’s a date then.” As we got closer to their car, I was regretting not making the date longer. Asking them out to dinner had seemed a bit like we were rushing things, but I’d clearly underestimated how much fun we’d have. “Two dates, really.”

Sawyer paused by their car, leaning up against the black compact trying to look casual but failing. “And you’re okay with that?”

“The separate dates, or the dates in general?”

“Um, both probably. I don’t want us to rush you.” His words came out carefully, but I wasn’t sure if he was trying to give me an out or if he was getting overwhelmed.

“I had a lot of fun with you both tonight and want to do it again. But I also like the idea of getting to know you separately. To really see if we’re going to work, I think doing things together and as couples would be important.” They were both very different people, and I wanted to make sure I knew who Sawyer was without Cooper egging him on, and Cooper when there wasn’t anything else to focus on but us.

Sawyer’s head bobbed up and down, and his body seemed to relax again. I wasn’t sure how well I was reading him, but he seemed to be the worrier of their family, and I was having the damnedest time holding myself back. I wasn’t sure he was ready to let me step in and be the person he could share those fears with.

“Is this a kiss-at-the-end date or just a hug and see you next week kind?” Cooper’s expression was so open and honest, I had to smile.

Sawyer started to chuckle, but he looked relieved that he didn’t have to figure it out for himself. Cooper was one corner of our triangle as we stood by the car, but he didn’t even blink as I took a step closer. “What were you imagining, Pup? Judging by that grin and that sexy blush, if I had to guess, I’d say you wanted a kiss.”

Cooper started rocking back and forth on his heels, nodding excitedly. “Yes. A perfect first date like this needs a knock-your-socks-off kiss at the end.”

“Knock your socks off, huh?” But before I could decide how he would define that, Sawyer spoke up unexpectedly.

“Hey, I was more well-behaved at dinner than you were. I think I get the first kiss.” He was clearly nervous, but I wasn’t going to call him out on that. Whatever he was doing, I knew he had his reasons.

“He’s right, Pup. He didn’t try to get dessert, and he didn’t tell funny stories just to make you blush.” Cooper was grinning. Evidently he didn’t mind Sawyer getting a kiss as long as he got to watch.

“Yes, kisses.” He waved a hand back and forth. “I don’t get to see him when we kiss and stuff because he won’t let me record it.”

Sawyer laughed. “No home movies.”

“Spoilsport. But now I get to see.” I thought it was funny that he was more excited about Sawyer getting a kiss than he was about getting his own.

Reaching out, I took Sawyer’s hand in mine. It was shaking a little, but his face didn’t give me any indication I should take a step back and put a stop to our first kiss. Not wanting to trap him between my body and the car, I pulled him close and turned so that I was the one leaning against the hood.

He fit against me perfectly.

He wasn’t quite as tall as me, but he was broad and felt substantial in my arms like he belonged there. Bringing my free hand up to his face, I let my fingers caress the side of his cheek and trace the hairs that were curling around his ears. His short hair was more businesslike than Cooper’s, but it was just as touchable.

Sawyer sighed and leaned into my hand, closing his eyes. It wasn’t complete submission, but I knew it was the first step. His body was screaming out for what he desperately wanted. Bringing my mouth down to his, I kept the first touch of our lips light, just the barest pressure while they moved against each other.

If we didn’t have our sexy audience sighing and cooing over how cute we were, I would have probably ended it there, but with Cooper watching, I wanted to let him see how beautiful Sawyer was. Moving away from his lips, I kissed up his jaw while he moaned, the little shivers racing through him getting stronger.

When I finally got to his ear, I teased the sensitive skin with my tongue, loving the way he was coming apart in my hands. Between kisses, I whispered low, just for him, “I’ll never rush you. But I’ll be here when you’re ready to let me in.”

As I pulled back, frustrated that I had to let him go, he opened his eyes and leaned in for a hug. As his arms wrapped around me, I heard a quiet, “Thank you.” Before he pulled back, I heard more words that I knew were just for me. “He’s never really had a first-date kiss.”

Giving him a kiss on the cheek, I stepped away. He’d do anything for Cooper, even putting himself out there when he wasn’t sure about the outcome.

Turning to Cooper, I gave him a heated look. Cooper didn’t want careful or gentle. He wanted a smoking hot kiss he would remember forever. And I was going to do my best to give it to him. “Did you like watching Sawyer get kissed?”

Nothing was going to stop me from letting them both know they were sexy, and I loved our first date. However, I was glad that we didn’t have an audience in the parking lot. Cooper’s eyes were wide and filled with need, and though his wiggling hadn’t really stopped, it looked more about desire than sheer excitement.

“You’re both so hot! It was perfect.” So cute and open.

Reaching out, I took a step forward and grabbed his hand. When his fingers wrapped tightly around mine, I pulled him close, so he was flush against me, his body fitting into mine perfectly. Cooper gasped in surprise, but when his free hand reached out to pull me even closer, I didn’t second-guess my actions.

He was so tiny I could almost wrap myself around him. Someone else might have been taken in by how young and innocent he looked, but I was starting to understand all the naughty things that went through the sexy pup’s head.

Letting go of his fingers, I wrapped my hands around his waist and lifted him off the ground. I wasn’t strong enough to hold him like that forever, but hearing his surprised squeak and feeling his legs wrap around me was worth it.

Sawyer was laughing, and Cooper wrapped his arms around me tightly, not even trying to hide how excited he was. Taking his mouth, I kissed him deeply, letting my tongue dance against his while he moaned and started slowly rubbing his cock against my abs. Where my kiss with Sawyer had been gentle and beautifully tender, Cooper was like holding fireworks in my arms.

When I finally pulled away, he blinked back at me, desire shining from his eyes. “You were a naughty pup in the restaurant, weren’t you? Making Sawyer blush and saying outrageous things.”

Cooper bit into his lower lip and gave me a contrite expression that I didn’t believe for a minute. “I’ll be good next time.”

“We both know that’s a lie, naughty pup.” I gave his ass a light tap that made him moan again. “I think you owe Sawyer a thorough apology later, don’t you?”

Cooper’s eyes widened even more, and he looked over at Sawyer hungrily. “I need to show him I’m sorry.”

“That’s right. You need to make it up to him, don’t you?” I was going to torture myself all night with the sexy images that were running through my head, but it was worth it to see the surprised pleasure on both of their faces.

It wasn’t traditional domination, but I knew they could both feel it.

“Yes, Sir. I’ll be good and show him how sorry I am for being naughty.” Then my sweet cutie turned and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

They were such a mix of contradictions, but it made me want to learn everything about them. Letting Cooper slide down my body, I reluctantly released him, kissing the top of his head. “I had a wonderful time with you both tonight.”

Reaching out, I ran a hand over Sawyer’s hair. “Dinner Thursday? I’ll call you, and we’ll work out the details.”

He nodded, looking slightly overwhelmed by everything. “Yes. Dinner.”

Letting Cooper go, I resisted the urge to kiss them one more time. No matter how difficult it was, walking away was the right move. It was just harder than it should have been. As I headed over to my car, I couldn’t resist looking back one more time. Cooper’s head was resting on Sawyer’s shoulder, both watching me intently.

It was going to be a long night.




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