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The American Nightmare: An Urban Thriller M/M Gay Romance by Jerry Cole (11)

Edward would be lying if he said this wasn't all a little bit exciting. The guy who had been harassing him for months and his angry husband were about to come face to face. He was pretty sure he had seen a similar scenario play out a few hundred times on his judge shows. And knowing that Trent was Greg's supervisor made it even more thrilling, if only because there was no way of truly knowing his motivations until he confessed.

But Edward was also hesitant. The things he loved watching usually ended quite badly for one or both parties in the televised lawsuits he enjoyed so much. And he didn't fancy being in the middle of one of them.

“I'm glad it was all lies,” Edward said softly.

Greg nodded. “I'm glad you finally told me... I can't believe you bottled it all up for so long. You should have come to me.”

“But—what if it was true?” Edward said. “I was so scared. I didn't want to ruin our marriage or hurt our kids.”

“Wouldn't me cheating on you have hurt us all?” Greg replied.

Edward paused. “Well, yes. But... I guess I thought I could shoulder it forever, keep it from the kids. What you don't know can't hurt you and all that.”

“You'd put up with all that pain to protect the kids?” Greg said, obvious awe in his voice. “I knew I chose the right guy to marry.”

Edward smiled. “And I must have chosen the right guy too. Cause all the while I thought you were cheating, you really were slaving away for bloody Trent, just because you thought it would make your family happy.”

“We both chose well. We work well together,” Greg agreed with a grin.

Edward felt the weight of the world slowly lifting off his shoulders. Greg was his and only his. They were together forever. And they were both completely and utterly committed to this family, and to their future together. They just needed to tie up this loose end.

Mark Trent didn't live in as nice an area as Edward had assumed. It wasn't a bad area, but it was not much better than where he and Greg lived. It was odd to see that even someone on the next salary up did not change their lifestyle that much. But it really drove home what Greg had been working for all these years. They weren't struggling, not even with Edward out of work. So what would that raise, that extra couple of grand, have been for?

Greg drew a breath and smiled at Edward as they pulled into the drive. After parking, he squeezed Edward's hand again. “Okay, so, this guy is still technically above me at work. I'd like you to film this, just in case he says or does anything. But remember I could lose my job over this.”

“If you don't want to you don't have to,” Edward said, gripping Greg's hand. He hadn't wanted this. This was exactly what he had been trying to avoid the whole time: his family situation changing dramatically. Such a change could hurt them all, lose the house, affect the kids' futures...

“Eddie, we need to do this. We need to get to the bottom of it. And maybe to get this to the police. So, put your phone on record and bring it with. Try and be subtle, but we need it.” Greg smiled softly.

Edward nodded. “I just... it could change our lives if we do this.”

“It changed our lives when you swapped colleges to follow me. It changed our lives when we traveled the world. It changed our lives when we got a mortgage. It changed our lives when we adopted two beautiful children with seriously painful backgrounds. Change happens. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but, to be honest, we will never know if the change was for the better or for the worse. Things are going to change whether I do this or not. And maybe if I don't do this, the change will be as bad, or worse. All we can do is at least try and get the best possible change.” Greg kissed Edward's hand. Edward then slowly stroked Greg's stubbly cheek.

“You're right. Let's see where this change takes us,” he said, not feeling utterly convinced, but putting all his trust into Greg.

After they knocked they only had to wait a minute before Mark Trent opened the door with a smile. “Greg, Edward, how lovely to see you both. Surprise visit?” he asked.

Greg nodded. “You could say that.”

“Want to come on in?” Trent said, stepping aside lightly.

“Uh, sure,” Greg replied. He glanced at Edward and Edward realized why. Not only would it be more private, but a casual situation would make it much easier to record everything Trent said.

They followed him inside. Again, Edward noticed the lack of a distinct class separation between their home and Trent's. It was different, sure, but it was more down to taste than wealth. He could only spot a few indicators here and there that showed Trent made any more money than them at all.

“Can I get you a drink?” Trent asked as Greg and Edward sat down. Edward carefully got his phone out, pretended to check for messages, and then put it in his pocket, the camera lens peering out and recording everything.

Greg shook his head. “No, I... We're here to talk to you about Chad. Or Jason or whatever he was actually called.”

Trent shook his head. “Who?”

“Don't pretend. You know, the guy you hired to hit on Edward,” Greg replied.

Trent's smile began to fade. “Do you have any proof of it?”

Greg nodded. “Yes, his own admission, and he has the emails and receipts if we need to go to the police. So you might want to talk.”

“How did you...?” Trent shook his head. “Never mind. I guess I wasn't as smart as I thought I was.”

“No, you weren't,” Greg replied.

“But I didn't hire him to hit on Edward. Not exactly. I just... I was hoping he would develop a bit of a natural thing with one of you...” Trent began. “Not that it worked, clearly. I'm getting that drink, you both sure you don't want one?”

“Positive,” Greg insisted as Trent made his way to the cabinet and took out a bottle of something caramel colored.

“So you got me. Big whoop,” Trent said. “Are you going to go to the manager? The cops? It'd still be my word against yours and that of some slime ball nobody actor.”

“And the emails,” Greg replied.

“Not my personal account. You have nothing,” Trent said, obviously still shaky. Even Edward could tell that, for all his talking big, Trent was petrified.

“But why would you do this? To anyone, let alone to me?” Greg rubbed his temples.

“I don't have to tell you that,” said Trent.

“To be honest,” Greg began, “that's all I actually want. I doubt you'd get much prison time for this, and I won't ruin your career over it if it's something small. But... I just can't work out why you would even want to. You're my superior. I may want the promotion to regional sales manager, but that wouldn't take your job or hurt you. And I know you're not into me so... why would you even go to all that effort?”

Trent downed his shot and poured himself a double. “Because I need you.”

Greg paused and stared at him. For a moment Edward stared also, wondering whether maybe Greg had been wrong about Trent being straight and not into him.

“I need you, okay?” Trent repeated. “The department is a disaster. You're the only one with any work ethic, not to mention talent. Without you that whole department falls over, and then who takes the blame? I mean, it's my responsibility to keep it all working, but all they give me is trash.” He poured another shot.

“But what about Lara?” Greg asked. “She is hard working, and you offload a lot onto her too.”

“Lara Grunstein is a nice kid, but she's only twenty-four. Not only doesn't she have your experience, but she is also four weeks pregnant. And when that baby comes out, my chances of asking her to pull your sort of overtime are ridiculous,” Trent explained. “No, it has to be you.”

Edward was seething. He knew that Trent had been using Greg to make up for other employees' shortfalls. That much was obvious. But he had never realized how essential Greg was to the maintenance of the entire department. If that was the case, then why had Greg been turned down for every pay raise he had asked for? Why had he been ignored and treated as disposable? It was dawning on Edward that Trent had been treating his husband like trash, just so that he never saw his worth. The same thing Trent had done to Edward himself through those emails.

He was the sort of jerk who only got what he wanted by tricking other people, who never wanted to pay his dues or contribute in return, who thought the world owed him something. He was just a bully.

“So... you're saying I am the only thing keeping your job safe?” Greg asked, hesitating.

Trent nodded. “I mean, I suppose I could find someone else to pull your weight. But it would take a while and—”

“You know what... I'm quitting,” Greg interrupted, taking out his phone.

“Wait, what?” Edward replied.

“I'm sending my resignation announcement to the manager right now,” he said. “I don't need this job. This job needs me. And I've sat here, waiting for a promotion, for a pay raise, for anything, for too long. I can find something else.”

“No, wait,” Trent began nervously.

“Too late, it's done,” Greg replied. “Just figured I'd send that out before you could try and fire me first.”

“Fuck you,” Trent spat, pouring himself another drink.

“Let's go,” Greg said to Edward, taking his hand.

As they sat in the car, Greg's hands were so shaky he didn't even start the engine, he just sat there and stared at the steering wheel. “Did you record it?” he finally asked.

“Oh, yeah, shit...” Edward said, taking his phone out and stopping the recording. “Well, it's going to end with a minute of pocket but...”

Greg nodded. “That's fine. I can't believe I just did that.”

“I can't. I mean... you are the only earner. What are we going to do?” Edward said in a quiet voice. He could feel his own heart racing and his own hands shaking.

“I can get another job. I'm putting out my resume tonight,” Greg insisted.

Edward nodded. “I do not feel any better, but I will try and stay calm.”

“We've done crazier stuff,” Greg replied, starting the car and beginning to pull out of the drive.

“Yeah, we have,” Edward said with a smile. “But... what if we needed that job? What about the mortgage?”

Greg was quiet and stayed quiet for a while. As they drove home, pulled into the drive, and got out the car, he didn't speak a word. Edward could feel his own thoughts racing, his nerves on edge. He was glad to find a note from Jill saying she had gone to see a friend and would be back later. They needed the house to themselves for a few hours.

It was terrifying to him. The idea that everything around him could vanish. But it was reality. Greg had no job. He had no job. They could lose the house to the bank, all their possessions, even the kids could be taken away if they messed up badly enough.

“I don't want to lose all this,” Edward said in a low voice.

“And we won't,” Greg replied. “We'll get it all worked out.”

“But what if we don't? What if nothing is enough?” Edward looked around their beautiful living room, decorated by the two of them not four years ago when they first moved in, full of family mementos.

“We are enough,” Greg said. “We don't need some special resort, or me working my ass off, or you staying home playing wifey all day to be happy. That's just the bullshit perfect family message people want us to believe. The people at the resort want us to believe we need their resort to be happy, when all they did was suggest the same things that Ms. Grant had been saying for years. Trent wanted me to keep my job and you to be a miserable house husband because it benefited him. It's not what we want, or what our kids want. It's what society wants because society can't make a profit from us if we're happy.”

Edward blinked, stared, and tried to take it all in. “So... you're saying no more nineteen fifties role models?”

“No, they're all bullshit made up by people who want you to keep buying a new TV every year. I wanna be happy. I want you to be happy. I want the kids to be happy. It's all I ever wanted. And I guess I was suckered into this nonsense that happiness only comes a certain way. But it doesn't. Happiness is deep and rich and varied, and sometimes you swap places, or do things you wouldn't normally do, or things other people don't do, because it makes you happy,” Greg smiled.

“Like good sex,” Edward said, wondering where the words had come from as soon as he uttered them.

Greg laughed. “Yes, exactly like good sex.” He rested his hands on Edward's hips, rubbing gently before reaching around and grabbing his husband's butt.

“That sounds like an idea, actually,” Edward said. “Just... to relieve a little tension. It has been a very tense day.” Edward kissed Greg, slowly parting his husband's lips with his tongue.

He felt Greg's strong hands under his buttocks, gripping, then lifting him up, and instinctively wrapped his legs around Greg's waist. Greg broke the kiss. “I know I'm strong, but I don't think I could handle stairs like this,” he said.

“Then carry me like a bride,” Edward said as Greg lowered him to the ground.

Greg chuckled. “Okay then,” he replied, sweeping his arms under Edward's knees and back, lifting him off the ground with ease. “Come, my beautiful bride, let's deflower the new us.”

Edward laughed back and nuzzled Greg's neck, feeling giddy at how he was being carried. Every step made him feel butterflies in his stomach, and Greg's tight hands gripping him felt hot as coals. He felt safe, loved, and desired.

The bedroom was inviting, but the bed, apparently, was not. Greg lifted Edward up higher and continued walking, past the bed and toward the desk that stood right in front of the window.

“Someone might see,” Edward said, glancing over his shoulder out the window, looking at the neighbors' houses.

“Only if they are really, really trying to look. In which case they are dirty perverts who won't say anything, so let's give them a show,” Greg replied, pulling Edward's shirt off and licking his right nipple gently, pushing the piercing with his tongue. Edward gasped and moaned, running his fingers through Greg's hair and pushing his face down, begging for his nipples to be teased more.

Greg obliged, moving between Edward's legs so their crotches rubbed against one another as he did so. The feeling of his husband's rock-hard erection turned Edward on even more, making him gasp as he felt his own cock growing more and more sensitive at every brush.

Greg lifted his head and Edward couldn't help but let out a disappointed groan. “It's okay,” he said quietly, lifting his hand up to continue teasing the neglected nipple. “I'll be licking something much nicer in a moment.” With that, Greg planted kisses slowly down Edward's chest and stomach, all the way to the hem of his jeans, which he unbuttoned with his free hand.

Edward moaned softly as Greg's hand slipped inside his boxers and gripped his erection firmly, guiding it out. Greg's tongue gliding over the tip of his cock sent shivers down his spine. As Greg paused, Edward looked back over his shoulder again, out the window. But Greg was right. Nobody would be watching who wasn't doing so on purpose. He remembered doing a similar thing on the roof when they were still in college. The memory, combined with the risk of being watched, turned him on so much more.

Running his fingers through Greg's hair, he pushed his husband's mouth back toward his cock, moaning as he was engulfed. Greg's hands were working his nipple and gently cradling his balls as his head bobbed up and down, slowly and softly, his tongue licking the tip of Edward's cock at the top before sliding back down again. Edward groaned and, gripping Greg's head, started moving his head faster and faster, bucking up as he did so.

Greg complied and began moving faster and faster, toying with Edward's nipple piercing and humming gently. Edward could feel the tension building up. He needed it. He needed release. Pushing Greg's head down, he felt his cock twitch and spasm as he came in his husband's throat. Greg gagged a little, but he didn't stop stroking his balls or tweaking his nipple the entire time he came. Edward continued to feel himself twitch and shudder a few times as Greg released him.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Greg stood up. “God you taste amazing,” he said, humming with pleasure as he licked his lips. “Now it's my turn.”

Edward was so exhausted, so deeply pleasured, he didn't even move. As Greg walked over to the bedside table. Edward leaned back a little, closed his eyes, and enjoyed his heightened senses. The warm sun on the back of his neck. The slight tenderness of the abused nipple. His quivering lips. The coolness of the air on his damp cock. The soft sound of Greg walking back toward him. The click of the lube opening.

Edward cracked open an eye.

“Shh, just relax,” Greg said, “you don't have to do anything today. All my treat.” He rubbed the lube between and over his fingers to warm it up, then, lifting Edward's leg with his dry hand, smeared some over Edward's entrance.

After a little teasing and stroking, two of Greg's fingers wormed their way in, gently but firmly, twisting and curling lightly as they did. Reaching Edward's prostate, Greg pushed down hard. Edward moaned wantonly, feeling his already spent body beginning to ready itself for another round. His cock stopped shrinking and began to reawaken as Greg continued his massage, stretching and opening Edward.

The fingers were removed, leaving Edward feeling the cold air on his slightly gaping hole, ready to be filled by something big and meaty. He lifted his other leg, resting his foot on the desk, leaning back so that he was presented to Greg's throbbing, deep red erection. Greg stepped forward and the tip of his cock brushed Edward's hole. Edward gasped. “Hurry up and put it in already,” he groaned, his hips wiggling of their own accord, trying to find Greg's cock.

Greg smirked and grabbed Edward's face, pulling him into a deep kiss. Before the surprise could wear off, Edward felt his husband thrust deep into him. There was a slight ache as he clenched down on the sudden invader, but he had been prepared well enough, and as he relaxed Greg's cock slid the rest of the way in, filling him out and making him groan softly into the kiss.

Not once releasing his face or his thigh, Greg began thrusting, long, slow, and deep, making sure to push hard against Edward's prostate with every thrust in. As the speed built up, Edward felt his erection reaching full size again, brushing against Greg's stomach with every thrust. Greg's hands groped their way around behind Edward's back, pulling him upright, increasing his grip on Greg's cock and the pressure on his own. He planted kisses all over Greg's face as he was impaled again and again.

“Can you... put a... finger... in?” Greg whispered between gasps, his breath hot on Edward's face.

A little awkwardly, Edward leaned forward as much as he could and reached around, grabbing Greg's buttock and squeezing it. He could feel Greg's throbbing erection struggling to move inside him, and his own cock was pressed firmly between their bodies. He lifted his hand back up and sucked his index finger before reaching back down. Surprised to find he could just reach Greg's hole, he teased it slightly before working his finger in.

One knuckle. Then another. He knew where his target was, all he needed was the flexibility to reach it. Leaning one last time, he found Greg's sweet spot and pressed hard. As he did so their bodies squeezed and massaged his own cock just right, and with a guttural moan he came hard. His ass clenching on Greg's cock, combined with that finger pushing his prostate, drove Greg over the edge as well, and he filled Edward with his hot seed.

Their orgasms were so intense, they both almost collapsed, barely managing to lean against one another, keeping Edward on the desk, slumped against Greg's chest. He sighed. He really did have the perfect husband.




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