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The Bear Shifter's Baby by Wylder, Jasmine (27)

Chapter Twelve

Melinda had to admit she was a bit nervous about Roth meeting her family. She did not often bring home boyfriends, not because she was embarrassed of them, but mostly because she was embarrassed by her family. Her family was really out of touch with the world outside of their little town, but then again Roth was an actual alien so he was pretty out of touch with everything on Earth.

It had been an interesting trip coming back to Earth and Melinda was thrilled that Roth wanted to do it. Even though she had pretty much accepted that the two of them needed each other and that she was free to go as she pleased, she was still apprehensive that Roth might get nervous about her going back home or stepping back for even the smallest glimpses into her former life. But surprisingly he was fine with it; it had even been his idea.

Her mother and father had been a bit taken aback by him, but she could tell that her mother and sister were practically drooling over how sexy Roth was. Even though Melinda had always considered herself attractive, even if she was a bigger girl, her family always thought it was odd that she was able to get very attractive men interested in her. It was not something they had ever directly said to her, but she could tell by the remarks they made to each other and the way they were always surprised that her boyfriends were sexy. Of course, Roth was by far the best looking she’d ever been with; the man made Liam Hemsworth look like an average Joe. He was immaculate looking.

Her mom had made a huge feast for her arrival. It had been a long time since she’d been home. She almost expected her mom and dad to resent her for leaving, but they had come to grips with the fact that they had a very independent-minded daughter who was very much her own person and not going to live her life according to the rules set forth by anybody else.

Roth was learning that too.

After the dinner, her mom cornered her to talk about a few things.

“So, how are you, Melinda?”

“I’m fine,” Melinda replied. “Why do you ask? Do I not seem fine?” Of course, she had been almost murdered a few days ago by a psycho, but she decided not to bring that up at the moment.

“You do, but it’s just strange that we hardly hear from you and when we do you show up with the find of the century,” her mother Julia said.

Melinda had to smile. “I know; he is something isn’t he?”

“That he is,” Julia replied. “What does he do for work?”

Melinda thought quickly. “He is a traveling salesman,” she said.

“Really? Like the pharmaceutical guy?”

“Kind of, but he sells life insurance. His company is expanding and he is about to embark on a big road trip where he goes from state to state working with the local branches there to teach the sales techniques to be used to drum up more business.”

“Well, that is interesting, I suppose.”

Melinda smiled. “I know it’s not, but he likes it. And he is really good at it; he has this way about him that helps to lure people in.”

“Is that what happened to you?”

“No, I was lured in by his killer smile and sparkling eyes,” she said.

Her mother laughed and shook her head. Hearing her daughter speak of sexual attraction had always embarrassed her mother to death. It was funny to make her mother blush that way.

“I’ve missed you mom,” Melinda said.

“We’ve missed you too, sweetie. When are you coming back home?”

Melinda sighed. “I’m still working on getting into film school and saving the money. I’m not going to give up on it, mom. I love it too much and I love living out there. It’s amazing. There is so much going on; it’s not like here. I need more than this. You know how restless I get.”

Her mother shook her head. “I know. Your father does too, and we both support your decision. But you have to understand how hard it is for him. You are his little girl after all.”

Melinda smiled. “I know.”

They walked in silence for a few minutes more, the cool air felt strange against Melinda’s skin after being gone for so long. It was like her blood had thinned out and she could not handle the cold the way she once did, but then again she had always hated the cold which was another reason why she moved to southern California, to begin with.

“I’m going to be gone for a while; not just in California, but in general. Roth as asked me to go with him on this trip. His company is pretty much paying for everything—meals, room, car, gas. It will be several months, maybe five or six.”

“Oh, wow. This thing is getting pretty serious. How long have you dated Roth?”

Melinda thought about lying and saying it had been months, but she didn’t like to lie to anybody, especially her mom.

“Not long. I’m sure you think this is all too fast, and maybe you are right, but I have to discover things on my own and go by what feels right to me. That’s how I’ve always been, so this should not be a surprise.”

“No, you are right; it is not a surprise. You are one of the most level-headed women I have ever met sweetie. I’m proud to be your mother. And I know you will be fine.”

Melinda felt the tears well up in her eyes. “I love you momma,” Melinda said hugging her mom tightly.

“I love you, too.”