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The End (Deadly Captive Book 3) by Bianca Sommerland (5)

Chapter Four

Elah had suffered far worse than a belt ripping through his flesh. The training he’d gone through as a hunter made Daederich’s strikes gentle taps in comparison. He could have lain here for hours, taking each lash without uttering a sound.

Only, he’d lost enough strength with the blood-thinning poison Rosali had fed them and he couldn’t afford to be weakened any more. Let the crowd believe he couldn’t stand the pain. Few would underestimate a hunter, but he would take any opportunity to show himself as less of a threat. It was his only chance to ever gain his freedom.

His bloody saliva wet the floor under his cheek as he bowed his back in response to another lash of the belt. The pain traveled up his spine with a long slice of heat and he let out a louder, rougher sound as though he couldn’t hold it in.

The next lash came with a crack, fracturing a rib and driving the agony in deep. He would heal, but without blood any more damage would cripple him further. The metal glove on his hand was bad enough. He had to find a way to get Daederich to stop.

“Please…” He swallowed back the acidic blood rising in his throat. He’d never been forced to beg in his life. Doing so now brought on a murderous rage he struggled to bury deep. “Stop.”

“Ask me to fuck you, Elah.” Daederich knelt behind him and raked his fingers into Elah’s hair, wrenching his head back. “Tell me how much you want it.”

No! Elah’s pride rammed into his chest like a cement block trying to crush him. “I want no man.”

“No man but me. She said the same once—before you came along. Now we’ve both lost her. But I still have you.” Daederich let out a bitter laugh. “She sees you where she was once. A victim being abused and violated by me. What was it I said to her?” He cocked his head as though thinking it over. “Ah yes.” He leaned heavily on Elah, the thick head of his dick pressing in. “Just let it happen.”

Any hunter would have killed Elah rather than perform like this. Elah would have killed Daederich. He’d once cared enough to make sure the man never fell into Cyrus’s sadistic hold again, but no more. He would make Daederich pay.

Then he would find a way to save Lydia. And the boy. She would never forgive Elah if the boy suffered the same fate as his father, being twisted into a shell of a man willing to do anything to survive another day.

But to do so, Elah would have to become that same kind of shell. He almost laughed at the irony. They’d all become puppets on Cyrus’s strings, dancing for his amusement, no matter their reasons.

Daederich drew away slightly, spitting in his palm once again. He pressed his chest to Elah’s back as he ran his slick fingers between his ass cheeks.

“This stage, this is the exact setting where I took Lydia the first time.” Daederich released a shaky breath as he whispered in Elah’s ear. “There’s a reason Cyrus wants her to watch me taking you the same way.”

“Enough with the pillow talk, you pathetic fucker.” Elah gritted his teeth as Daederich pushed a finger into him. “Get it over with.”

Daederich bit his shoulder hard, drawing more blood. He ran his tongue over the wound, then let out a soft sigh. “Do you love her?”

Elah closed his eyes, his jaw hardening as another finger joined the first. He didn’t want to answer. Admitting how he felt about Lydia, here of all places, wouldn’t do any of them any good. Why would Daederich even ask? Was this revenge?

For all Elah knew, he would be fucked for the crowd, then torn to shreds for their pleasure. He may never get a chance to say the words out loud. And he needed to speak them, even if she never heard.

“I do love her. That’s the only reason you’re still alive.”

“Good, because she will hate me when this is done. No matter what happens, you fight for her. Do what you can to keep her whole.” Daederich inhaled roughly, shoving his fingers in all the way. “She may never forgive me. He’s playing with her, and he’s winning. Don’t let him.”

Caught off-guard, Elah turned his head to meet Daederich’s eyes. Maybe he’d been wrong about the other man. His request wasn’t that of a man enjoying, or even trying to survive the game. There was a tone of defeat he couldn’t hide.

Every detail of the act played out like still frames in Elah’s mind. This was what Lydia had gone through with Daederich on the first day she remembered. Twisted so Lydia saw him as one of her tormentors, rather than a fellow captive.

Cyrus was taking everything Lydia thought she knew and warping it. Elah would have fallen into the same trap far too easily. Become yet another jagged piece to the puzzle Cyrus was putting together to portray a picture that would leave Lydia even more vulnerable to his manipulation.

To get close to her, Elah would have to play his part. Let Daederich be the enemy. It was the only way Cyrus would have use for him.

“Have you ever done this before?” Elah held in a nervous laugh, focused on keeping his tone too low for any but Daederich to hear.

Daederich pumped his fingers in, pressing his lips to the side of Elah’s throat. “Yes. But only on top with a woman.”

Likely not willing with a man. Elah braced himself, hands in fists. “Cyrus?”


“Fuck me.”

A soft chuckle, and Daederich whispered in his ear. “I’m working on it. You’re so fucking tight you’ll rip my dick off if I try now.”

The image of using his ass as a weapon helped Elah relax slightly. He shuddered as Daederich’s fingers hit a sensitive spot, sending a jarring rush of pleasure into his balls. The pleasure affected him more than any amount of pain. He struggled not to react to the surge of lust.

“You didn’t rip Cyrus’s dick off. You’d be a fucking hero if you had.”

Snorting, Daederich rammed his fingers in all the way, stretching Elah as he curved them. “I was human. And beaten worse than you are now. Two of his men held me and my dick was in a vise. Count yourself lucky.”

The crowd began to mutter, likely bored with how long Daederich was taking to prepare him. Daederich bowed his head kissing Elah’s throat as he withdrew his fingers.

“To a hunter, this is the greatest shame. I understand. But you will live to see Cyrus buried. If you don’t consider that worth any debasement, I don’t know you at all.”

The hunters had some old-fashion fucking ideas. Understanding Daederich’s stance made this performance trivial. The man was no less in Elah’s eyes for having been raped by Cyrus. Elah wasn’t even that sore. He’d hurt worse taking a shit centuries ago when he’d been mortal.

“I’m a little hurt that you didn’t offer dinner first. Perhaps a kiss?” Elah chuckled and braced himself on his elbows when Daederich frowned at him. So much for giving the man a hint of willingness.

Then again, Daederich understood the way performances were supposed to play out. Perhaps Elah was ruining the act.

“Fuck him, Joe!” Rosali’s delighted voice rang out over the din of the crowd. All went silent as she clapped her hands. “You’re both so fucking hot. I can’t wait to share you with my men.”

Daederich went still with his hand on Elah’s hip. He cursed quietly, his fingers digging into Elah’s flesh.

Elah drew in as much air as his lung would hold and spoke softly. “Fuck me, Daederich. If we’ll be passed around, I’d rather take you first.”

Bending over him again, Daederich took hold of Elah’s jaw and drew him up as much as the chains would allow. He claimed Elah’s lips in a desperate, bruising kiss that told Elah all he couldn’t say.

They’d become friends searching for Lydia. Almost brothers. Daederich had lost an innocent girl he’d hoped to spare the pain of rape when he’d gotten her pregnant. That clearly wasn’t a risk now, yet Daederich had a history of losing lovers to untimely deaths.

You’re not his fucking lover.

Better his lover than his bitch, Elah cut off his inner, tight-assed hunter irritably. This mission would take more than his training and experience. He panted into Daederich’s mouth as the other man pressed firmly against him.

The man would be hung like a fucking horse. Elah struggled not to groan. Or laugh. The sense of humor that had pissed off his masters when he was young might come in handy, but not if their captors caught on. And while Daederich had no choice but to fuck him, others would take great pleasure in mounting one of the mercenaries who so often spoiled their fun. Not to mention those who had a taste for other men.

Which Elah couldn’t grasp, but he’d never gotten the point of sodomy either. He’d done many things with women, but why fuck a dry ass when there was a nice wet pussy available? Not that sex had ever been a priority. As a hunter, most could count lovers on two hands. After almost three centuries, Lydia had been Elah’s sixth.

Daederich would be his seventh.

None of them had kissed like this man. The pressure of his lips held more emotion than he’d ever displayed. There were several feminine sighs from the crowd, enjoying the tenderness. Elah wasn’t sure if letting Daederich kiss him made this better or worse. The affection couldn’t continue if they were to keep up the act. Only Daederich had to understand that Elah was willing. Knowing the man’s reasoning, Elah wouldn’t force Daederich to rape him.

Their friendship would survive if they did, Elah would make sure of that. And he would do whatever necessary to make sure Lydia didn’t see Daederich as the enemy. No matter how long it took.

But until they were free, he had to perform. Had to let the crowd see what they wanted to see.

And a hunter didn’t go down without a fight.

He bit Daederich’s bottom lip. Licked the flow of blood with a shaky laugh. “Just let it happen? Rip me open, you sick fuck. Enjoy what you can take. Because I will break free. And you will be the first man I kill.”

Daederich pressed his eyes shut, licking his lips as he regained his bearings and gave Elah a cold smile. “You may hate me now, but you’ll hate yourself more. Because you’ll enjoy everything I do to you.”


“Yes.” Daederich pushed into him, groaning as his dick filled Elah’s ass. “Scream for them. They fucking love it.”

* * *

My nails dug into the wood of the railing as I watched Daederich pound into Elah. Cyrus stroked my arm, as though to comfort me, but Rosali was enjoying the show. She managed to cut the rest of my dress without cutting me and her fingers slid over my cunt. I tried to twist away the first time her fingers dipped into me, but Cyrus held my arm and brought his lips close to mine.

“Let her play with you.” He cupped my bare breast in his hand. “You’ll live much longer if you amuse her.”

Her fangs sank into my throat even as her fingers pushed into my pussy. Her hand in my hair made sure I never looked away from the stage. A man came to me, one with long blond hair bound at his nape, and Rosali growled at him to kneel, my blood spilling past her lips to drip onto my breasts.

His fingers joined hers, stretching me. He bit through the fabric still covering my stomach, thrusting his fingers up hard as he undid his pants and began stroking his own dick.

“Cyrus, have you brought her simply to play with?” Rosali brought the knife in her free hand up to my breast, slitting the sensitive flesh. The cut was ragged with her and her man finger fucking me. She brought the blade to my throat. “You’ve starved our pet. I could kill her so easily. Do I have to? Do you care for her?”

Cyrus met my eyes as he shifted behind the man crouching before me. He looked troubled, but then he smiled.

“She’s one of my favorite toys, but I brought her to share with you. Do you like her, my dear?” He moved out of sight and Rosali let out a happy sigh. “She’s warm and wet, just how you like them.”

“Yes, but I want you. My man will use her, but I want you to make love to me like you used to.” The knife pressed against my throat, slick and warm with the spill of my blood. “Watching them makes me want you. We make such beautiful pets together.”

Cyrus ran his hand down my side in a strangely comforting gesture even as he moved closer to Rosali. “We do. But have you learned not to break them so quickly? With this setup, I assume you’ve come to appreciate their value?”

Rosali nodded against my shoulder as she pulled her fingers free. “I have. But you don’t have her in a cage like the rest. Why? Is she special?”

Cyrus laughed. “Of course not. After you, who could mean anything to me?”

“Will you put her with the others? She does well with Joe.”

“Joe is a special pet. He needs to be alone. I’ll teach you how to toy with him.” Cyrus lifted Rosali’s skirts, pressing her against my back. “The hunter cares for Lydia more than he cares for himself. Cage them together and it will be amusing in the long run.”

Rosali cried out, barring her arm under my breasts as her man stood against me. His fingers left my cunt and he undid his pants, grinning at me at he used his knees to part my thighs. He guided his dick to my slit and pressed in, groaning as he rested his head on my shoulder.

Fingers slid over my pussy. Not the man’s, he was holding my hips as he fucked me. Rosali was feeling him slamming into me, even as Cyrus thrust into her. “She’s so wet. I want to see her opened wide, taking as many dicks as she can, bleeding as they’re shoved into her.”

“But not me. I’d rather enjoy you, my love.” Cyrus’s voice sounded strained, almost as though he was forcing himself to enjoy her.

She didn’t seem to notice. “Give me a moment. My men know how it’s done.”

Rosali drew away, Cyrus with her. The dick in my cunt disappeared. Chairs were removed by men in robes and a table was brought in.

Cyrus frowned. “Now?”

“You know I have no patience!” Rosali laughed. “Watch her with me, then make love to me. She’s the perfect toy. I’m so happy you brought her.”

For what seemed like forever, Cyrus glared at her. He clearly wasn’t used to giving up control. But when she arched a brow and met his gaze, he smiled.

“Nothing is more important than making you happy. I haven’t heard you laugh in far too long.” He stood by her side as the man who’d already touched me reclined on the table. Another man joined us, lifting me by the hips to help me straddle the other man.

His dick slid into me so easily, tears of shame spilled down my cheeks. I was wet from seeing Daederich with Elah, no matter how disgusted I told myself I should be. As angry as I was, I still loved both men. I tried to push Daederich out of my heart, but his presence was as familiar as every single rhythmic beat. Elah was like a hand reaching out, steadying me as I tipped off balance. Seeing him under Daederich didn’t lessen his strength.

Instead, it made me feel like survival, despite the costs, was worth anything we had to go through. I held the expression on his face, eyes closed and jaw hard, in my mind as the second man settled between my thighs and pressed in along the first. He moved me over them both like I was nothing but a toy to use.

A third man came and I had to shut my eyes tight. I could feel him angling into me. Shoving deep. Stretching.

I pulled away from my body as they used me. Part of me was aware of the stretching, of the pain of being slammed into, of how close they were to one another as they strained in. As much as I tried to shut myself off, my pussy was being tugged in each direction. And it fucking hurt. Cyrus had forced himself on other women with another man, but he hadn’t done that to me. Which made sense if he’d claimed me.

But he couldn’t with Rosali. He seemed a little afraid of her. He would let her men use me, no matter the damage.

Then again, my body would heal. I wasn’t a mortal whose wounds would be permanent. As far as I knew, I’d had one, gentle lover before Daederich.

As an immortal, my body would always return to that state. If Daederich had found me snug, every man would. Be it one or three. The one on the bottom barely moved, simply enjoying the friction from the others. He moaned every time they jabbed in.

I bit into my cheek until I tasted blood as they used me. Disjointed thrusts and then the two men above me pressed in, kissing awkwardly and laughing. They weren’t lovers, but that might change. Rubbing dicks in a tight cunt did that. My blood was slick enough for them to glide against one another.

The heat of their bodies, the stench of them, smothered me. Darkness eating at my vision, stealing me away, gave me some relief. Reality would lose its grip on me, and no matter how short my escape, I was grateful for my mind’s attempt to shield me from the horror.

My body would heal in no time at all. The rest of me?

Waking to a nightmare can only be endured for so long.




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