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The Kanes: The Complete Series (The Kane Family) by C.M. Steele (48)

Chapter Seven

July had gone with her brothers to finish Christmas shopping, but Ryan had taken Mrs. Cooper to Dallas. He wanted to pick something special for July and needed the expert with him. They were shocked when he invited her and a twinge of jealousy passed across July's expression.  “She looked ready to beat you for a moment,” Mrs. Cooper laughed as they drove to Dallas.

“Yes. I suppose so. I just want to make it special for her. I really love her. I have for so long.”

“I can see in your eyes that you’re telling me the truth, but it took you long enough to tell her.”

“I know. We have a company policy and what was I supposed to do? Tell her to give it all up and marry me even though we don’t know each other?”

“That’s true, but after months you couldn’t have said anything?”

“After months, I thought she didn’t like me. I was a jerk because I wanted her.”

“And others showed interest?”

“Of course they did. Every business dinner with clients I ended up going by myself or taking my brother’s assistant with me. A big mistake on my part, but seeing guys looking at her, asking if she was available and making flat out comments that would get them decked if she was mine, worked on my nerves, and I took it out on her. Having her fall for me wasn’t something I could hope for. I was going to bring up the policy to my brothers and father, either that or forget the rules altogether, but then she went out with that boy and a pissing match was about to happen.”

“Well, it worked, but you’re going to have to constantly prove your love. I don’t mean just because of your particular situation, but in general. My husband makes it a habit to show every day that he cares as much or even more than our first day together.”

“That I have no doubt about. I learned from the best. Now, what should I get her? I know she loves movies, the color blue, non-chocolate sweets, and horses.”

“That’s good. You don’t need me it seems.”

“I don’t know what she has. I’ve never been inside her place.”

“She didn’t take a lot with her when she moved to Boston, but she does have a lot of movies. We’ll have to see what the stores have. You know that if you’re getting married so soon, maybe a ring would be in order?”

“Way ahead of you. I have that. I’ve had it for over six months.” She gasped and looked at him like he was crazy. He knew that he’d been taking his time in claiming her or even letting her know that he was interested, but he was serious about being afraid that he’d pushed her too far. Yes, he knew that the sexual tension was off the charts between them over the whole time of their acquaintance, but love and lust were two different things, and on many days he thought she couldn’t even stand him.

Mrs. Cooper led Ryan all around the mall that was crowded because, like many men, he was last minute shopping. After six stores, they had to make a trip to the truck before they could stop at anymore shops. Ryan was pleased with the things he picked out for July with assistance from her mother. Some of the items were gifts meant for the wedding, but Mrs. Cooper promised him that July would appreciate his thoughtfulness.

Three hours later they made their way back to find Tyler Williams visiting with some girl on his arm.

"Whoa, the Yankee has returned."

"You know, I could pop you in your hillbilly ass mouth for calling me a Yankee. I'm Boston born and raised and a hard core Red Sox fan."


"I know, you dick. I'm not a hillbilly."

"I know, but you were flirting with my girl." Ryan knew he was starting some shit, but the cowboy made him jealous and he wasn't above being petty.


"No, doll. He thinks chivalry is flirting."

"Well, he is a Yankee. The Coopers will straighten him out. Come on, we have to go. July, I know that you’re going to be getting married soon, but will you please stand up with me?"

“When’s the wedding?”

“Next month. My daddy is ready to pitch a fit about it, but he likes Tyler.”

“At least someone does.” Ryan chuckled at July’s words.

“All I got is you, doll. Your dad is ready to gut me if you don’t have a ring on your finger soon.”

“No offense, but you barely look legal.”

“I just turned eighteen, but let’s just say we’re in the same position as the two of you.”

July hugged the couple before getting pulled back by Ryan. “I’ve missed you all day and I didn’t get a hug.”

“You’ll get a lot more when we’re alone,” she whispered in his ear.