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The Lost Sister (Sister Series, #8) by Leanne Davis (17)


“HI, CAN I GET you started with something to drink?” Tara asked as she handed the lone woman who was dining a menu. The café was almost empty except for a couple having dessert in the corner booth and a single guy who was chowing down ribs at the bar. The woman was a stranger, which was an anomaly; not many strangers ventured in, to be honest. She was skinny with a pretty face, dark hair, and she wore a nose ring. She also had a great smile that was slightly slow and shy before blossoming. She nodded to Tara after taking the menu and Tara realized she was more of a girl than a mature woman.

Chloe was still taking time off. No one said a word to her about what most onlookers witnessed when Chloe started yelling at Tara during the funeral reception. Tara wondered what her position would be there now. But Ryder subtly reminded her that he still owned half of the café. Nothing changed that. Chloe couldn’t just fire Tara. But Tara hated the idea of strong-arming the woman who gave her a chance and was such a good friend to her in the beginning. And her sense of common decency urged her to restrain herself. Chloe was already hurting so much over her twin sister’s death, Tara didn’t want to compound it.

“Yes, I’d love some coffee,” the new girl said.

Tara smiled and replied, “Coming right up.” The girl’s eyes followed her for a prolonged moment before she dropped her gaze to the menu. Tara returned carrying a clean, white cup and the coffee pot. She poured a cup for the girl.

“So, what’s to do around here?”

Tara glanced up. “I’m not originally from here, but there’s the Columbia River and most all of the different recreational sports are here strictly because of it. Fishing, swimming, kite surfing… you name it, and it’s here, I swear.”

“What’s kite surfing?”

“Kite boarders use the wind and a large, controllable kite to propel themselves across the water on a kite board, which is a lot like a wake board. It’s crazy. You see them out there all the time in their wetsuits flying all over the water’s surface. Sometimes they get going super-fast. Are you visiting anyone?”

“Family. I’m visiting my boyfriend’s family.”

Tara returned the girl’s warm smile as she said boyfriend. “Well, it’s a very pretty area. There’re lots of hiking trails.”

“Beautiful scenery.”

“So much so, I can’t get over it still.” Tara grinned and nodded at the menu. “Is there something I can get for you?”

“Um… let’s see… how about some of that pie? It looks mouthwatering.”

“It is. Chloe, the owner of the café, makes it herself. All of her desserts are homemade and the main reason she opened up this place.”

The girl handed her the menu. “Have you worked here for a long time?”

“Just shy of a year.”

The girl nodded. “I’m a server too, back at home. It’s a lot fussier place to work than this. Get a lot of snobs in there. This seems like a nice place to work. And you seem to like it…” She tilted her head and read the name tag on Tara’s breast. “Tara?”

“I do like it, actually. And I rarely get any complaints. Most of the customers are locals that know Chloe and the rest of the staff who are locals too. I’m the only transplant who works here. So that part’s nice.”

The girl held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Kylie.”

“Hi,” she said, smiling back at her. Tara instantly estimated they were within a year or two of the same age. “I’ll go grab you some pie.”

“Thank you,” Kylie said politely.

Tara gave her the slice of dessert and refilled her coffee. Wyatt came in with Mrs. B and his squeally voice echoed as usual as he rushed in to hug Tara. Summertime kept him mostly hanging with Chloe and her parents, and occasionally their kind neighbor. She often brought him into the café to see Tara. Wyatt’s newest hobby was making little handmade books in which he wrote his made-up stories, although only he could read the words he wrote. But the pictures were pretty interesting. She laughed and asked him all about his day as he ran back to show Petra his tiny book.

Tara returned to give Kylie her bill. “He’s adorable,” Kylie said.

Tara nodded and for some reason, she added, “He’s my boyfriend’s child.”

Kylie’s eyes bugged out. “That infectious giggle of his. He could have his own sitcom and be the star of it without any laugh track. As soon as I heard it, I nearly started giggling with him.”

“I know. You’re not the first to feel that way.”

Kylie took a bite of her dessert. “This is amazing. So good. I’ll be sure and come back before I leave.”

Tara smiled and replied, “Well, we’ll be glad to see you again.”

Kylie smiled and took the bill. For a second, her hand was on the bill with Tara’s and before she let go, Kylie fastened her eyes in an intense eye lock. Then she slowly smiled and Tara blinked. How long did that last? It was almost as if the newcomer were trying to memorize Tara’s face.

Tara shook off the encounter and went into the bar to hang out with Wyatt. She had to serve a few stragglers in between coloring and talking with Wyatt. It seemed to be a much better week for him. Back on his familiar routine, he was starting school in two weeks. Ryder was scheduled to pick them both up soon.

“Wyatt?” she said while he was coloring his picture of a cow. It was standing in a pasture with daisies around it.

“Yeah, Tara?”

She licked her lips. Ryder gave her his permission to ask him. She wanted to know the truth if Wyatt didn’t really like the idea of her living with his dad and him. “So, you know I like your dad a lot, huh?”

Wyatt merely smiled, somehow looking far older and wiser than his recently turned, six years old. “Yes.”

“Well, I’d like to ask you how you’d feel if I moved into the house and lived with you and your dad? I told your dad to let me ask you alone because I want to know the truth. Okay? We’ve always been honest with each other, huh?”

Wyatt nodded, biting his lip. Tara wondered if that was because of what she was saying or was he just concentrating on his drawing? She wasn’t sure but he didn’t glance up from it. He carefully stayed within the lines as he colored with his brown crayon.

“What do you think? You can be totally honest.”

“I think it would be fun,” he said easily with a smile before lifting his head up to her. Tara’s shoulders relaxed and her mind eased from the tension.


“Yes. Really.”

“This doesn’t mean I’ll try to take over or be your mom or anything. I mean, nothing has to change between us… we’re already good friends.”


“Yes, honey?”

“I’d like you to be my stepmommy.”

Tara’s breath literally sputtered and her mouth hung open. Wyatt shrugged and smiled at her, adding, “You seem to like me enough.”

“Oh, Wyatt, I do. Very much.”

“I don’t remember having anyone else for a mommy. But I remember you.” His statement was quiet and direct and his signature bubbliness was gone. She touched his hand with hers.

“I know. I think… I think we need to talk about this with your dad. You understand? I can’t say yes without his permission. But, in my heart, I love being here with you and taking care of you… whatever you want to call it.”

Wyatt beamed and asked, “Does it bother you that we’re different colors?”

Startled he had asked that, her eyebrows jutted upwards. “Oh, no. Not at all. I love how we look when we’re together. Don’t you? Or… does it bother you?”

Wyatt grinned and shrugged. “No. Not really. People always wonder if I’m really Dad’s little boy. That’s the only time I care. I’m his.” Wyatt’s tone was fiercely defensive.

She touched his hand. “You’re darn right you are.”

He grinned and shook his head. “Is my aunt still mad about that?”

“About me? No, I don’t think so. I think it was especially hard on her because your mom was her twin sister.”

“No, I meant about you being white.” He shrugged. “I don’t care either way, you know.”

Tara leaned forward and kissed the top of his head. “Honestly, Wyatt? I don’t either. But it’s different for your aunt and she misses her sister so much. Seeing any woman with your dad and you… probably hurts her.”

He scrunched up his face. “So it’s not just because we’re different colors?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

“Good. ‘Cause I don’t care. Never mattered between Daddy and me.”

Tara smiled and her heart swelled with so much love for this child and the man who created him. “Never mattered to your dad when he loved your mom, right? Because she loved him right back. Everyone says so.”

He nodded and exclaimed, “Daddy’s here!” He jumped off the stool and ran towards Ryder who walked in and scooped him up with a glad but tired smile for Tara. He was acting less awkward around her and reverting more to his normal self. Tara wondered what he’d do once Chloe returned to work and if he’d allow Chloe to fire her. If she were not fired? She dared not imagine how angry Chloe would, no doubt, be at her.

Ryder set Wyatt down and walked up to Tara, who said, “I have fifteen minutes.”

“We’ll wait.” He kissed her cheek.

“I talked to him and he seemed happy about it… but…”


She blushed to the roots of her hair. “He asked me to be his stepmommy.”

Ryder smiled. “And you got tongue-tied and didn’t know what to say and that made you afraid that I’d get mad that you overstepped your position?”

She squinted up at him. “How did you know?”

He tweaked her hair. “Because that’s what you do, Tara. You’re unsure. You stress over inconsequential circumstances. It’s okay. I trust whatever you said.” He leaned in closer. “It’s kind of what first attracted me to you.”

“My insecurity?” she huffed.

“No, your sweetness. And your honesty.”

She rolled her eyes but her smile remained.

When her shift was over they went home. They made dinner together and did the dishes before helping Wyatt get ready for bed.

All of it felt suddenly more meaningful than anything she’d ever done and joy filled her heart.


The next morning, Tara went into work and Chloe had still not returned, but the new girl she met, Kylie, came in about ten and ordered breakfast. They soon struck up a conversation, which was easy enough since there were no more patrons for Tara to serve at the moment.

Tara leaned on her bent knee in the opposite booth as they chatted away while Kylie scooped up her eggs on a biscuit. “So, do you like your boyfriend’s family?”

Kylie glanced up at her, pausing momentarily before she smiled softly. “I do. Immensely. What I know about them so far.”

Tara nodded. “That’s refreshing. Usually, it’s a nightmare.”

Kylie laughed. “Usually it is. The rest of his family… well…” She shuddered. “I hope to never see any of them again.”

“That bad?”

“Worse than that bad. The family here, however, has serious potential.”

Tara smiled. “Only a few good apples in a barrel of bad ones? Sounds like my family.”

Kylie laughed. “Sounds like most families.”

They chatted for another half hour before the lunch crowd came in and Tara got too busy. The next evening, Kylie appeared during the lull between lunch and dinner. That was the time when Wyatt usually came in too. Kylie ordered more dessert.

“How do you eat dessert every afternoon and stay looking so trim?” Tara inquired.

Kylie took the fork from her lips and replied, “I don’t know. I’ve just always looked like this.”

Tara sighed. “If you knew how hard I had to work at it just to look like you…”

“You don’t still? I mean, you look amazing, I can’t imagine you being any thinner.”

“I tried pretty hard. In my teens. The usual eating disorder. Suffered from it pretty bad and made myself sick.”

“You don’t now though?”

“Me? No, do I look anorexic?”

“You’re very trim, as you say.”

“Well, I was emaciated before. Not anymore. I learned a few things in the hospital. Like, a meal is a precious treat to some people, so I should appreciate every single one.”

Kylie nodded, and her gaze grew more serious on Tara. Tara smiled and shrugged. “So am I ever going to meet this boyfriend of yours?”

Kylie smiled as a glow brightened her skin. “Yes. Yes, you will. But…” She scooted her butt around on the seat. Ryder walked in just then and waved, slipping into another booth.

Tara nodded her head, letting him know she saw him before turning back to Kylie. “I’m sorry… what were you saying?”

She sighed. “I… I think you should know that I know your brother, Tara.” Tara instantly stiffened. Her entire body went numb and her ears started to buzz. But Kylie, whoever she was, kept talking. “He… he raped me.”

“Tommy?” Tara whispered out loud. Her eyes fastened on Kylie’s, which were filled with tears. Oh, God. This poor girl. Is that why she came here? To punish Tara? What was this? What was going on?

“Yes. How did you know? How did you know I wasn’t referring to your other brother?”

Tara stiffened. This girl knew her entire family?

“Tristan? Because he’d never do that. Not to anyone.”

“But you believe me? And you believe Tommy would? Without any hesitation?”

Tara licked her lips and nodded her head. “No. No, I don’t hesitate to believe you. I’m so sorry, Kylie. But how did you find me? And why? What can I do? I mean, is there something I can help you with to make up for it… or… well… what?”

Kylie smiled a soft, sweet smile. “You’re nothing like him.”

Tara breathed deeply. “No. Thank God.”

“Neither is Tristan. That’s why… that’s why I fell in love with him.

Tara’s mouth again dropped open in disbelief. “What? Wait. You mean Tommy raped you before you fell in love with Tristan? How? How could that happen? How could that be? Why are you here?”

“Tristan came after me with the intention of smearing me and my reputation as your grandfather ordered him to do. But Tristan never did. Instead, we fell in love and he helped me. More than anyone else could, Tristan helped me overcome what Tommy did to me.”

Tara shook her head, jumping to her feet. Her hands trembled. Hearing her history pounded through her brain like one great, big flashback. Pain stabbed her head in more than one place. Then… shit. Ryder. There he sat. He was watching her because she reacted so dramatically. She shut her eyes.

“What do you want?”

“I’m sorry but he wants to see you. He’s not Tommy. Or your grandfather. He’s… pretty amazing. Loving. Kind. He won’t hurt you. But he does miss you. Please, will you just see him?”

“I—I...” Her words failed her.

“He’s right behind you. I’m sorry. We thought you’d run away if we didn’t just surprise you here. I hated to corner you. We’re both so sorry. But we both felt it was worth it.”

Kylie’s voice echoed in Tara’s brain like a gigantic alarm. Her breathing became more shallow and rapid. She clenched her fists and opened them, open-shut, open-shut. When she finally turned around, she had to force her eyes to rise… and there he stood. Her brother. Tristan.

Tall and blonde, he was so handsome, he could easily break any girl’s heart. Straight hair and clear skin with iridescent blue eyes and amazing bone structure. He wore a suit and a long coat. Always so dapper, her brother. Her big brother. She whimpered out loud and sniffled before hot tears rolled down her face. Her brother. Oh, God, she hadn’t seen him in years.


She never expected to cry. She didn’t know her heart would start breaking. She doubted she’d have any kind of reaction to him. But she did. Seeing Ryder in her periphery rising up from his table, she looked over and caught the concern and confusion on his face. But her gaze was still fixed on her brother, who was watching her with so much visible sorrow and… happiness. His relief at seeing her was undeniable. She didn’t think she’d care so much. She didn’t think her heart would soar. She didn’t expect tears to roll down her cheeks and clog her throat and sinuses while blurring her vision. She never expected she’d even care, much less so desperate to see her big brother again. She fought the urge to run past them all. Or start yelling at him to get out. She even worried about passing out.

But she chose to suddenly fling herself into the arms of her big brother. He caught her against his chest and she started sobbing. A lifetime’s worth of anguish, rejection, abuse, and neglect at the hands of the same family she shared with him rushed over her. She clutched him tightly and lost her sense of time and space. Her head became fuzzy and her tears obscured her vision. She wept for the little girl she once was. The girl who was so lost and got tarnished and ruined on the streets. The girl who was neglected and abused. So sad to be so far from the lap of total luxury on which she had been raised.

His head bowed and Tristan kissed the top of it. She could not stop sobbing. Her hiccups were making her gasp for air. She rubbed her face where his neck met his shoulder and shook her head. His hand combed through her hair. “Hey, Tara. Hey, hey. It’s okay. I’m here now. I’m here. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry it took me so long, but I’m here now and forever, Tara. Shhh.” He crooned softly in her ear but she still cried. The café became deathly quiet and only her loud sobs were audible. No words could describe the scene. Five years. It seemed like so long. Her brother had finally found her.


Her neck nearly collapsed and her head fell forward as she took in a deep breath. She felt utterly defeated at the sound of Ryder’s voice. He was naturally concerned, troubled, and completely clueless as to why she was hugging and clutching a stranger. Seeing Tara have such an emotional outburst was indeed rare.

Tristan’s arms encircled her; he was ready to protect her. For so long, she had no one. Not one person. Now she was back in Tristan’s arms. And Ryder was overcome by obvious concern. She drew in a breath and tried to calm her sobs and tears. Leaning forward, she wiped her eyes. Tristan released her and she turned just far enough to see Ryder.

“This… this is my brother.”

Ryder’s neck jerked back. “Your brother?”

Tara closed her aching, burning eyes. “Brother,” she repeated. Glancing up at him, she saw his mouth tweaking upwards. “Tristan. Tristan Tamasy.” She practically wilted in his arms. Bolstered by his presence, the words she forbade herself from saying so many times, although she wanted to say them, were finally expelled from her mouth. “Yes. Same as mine. My name is actually Tara Tamasy. I ran away when I was seventeen and my family hasn’t seen me since. Not until now. Today.”

Tristan held her limp body up as he extended his right hand. “You’re her boyfriend?”

Ryder’s eyebrows jerked up and down. “How do you know that?”

Tristan tilted his head towards the girl behind them all. “That’s my girlfriend, Kylie. She thought we could talk to Tara first, just to get a feel for what her life was…”

“You mean, you were spying on me?” Tara asked.

Tristan shook his head. “We were unsure if you would enjoy seeing me again or not. But you always kept everything close to your vest. She still wasn’t sure. Until… well, maybe it’s okay, that is, if your reaction is any indication.”

Ryder’s face was stoic. “I take it then your name isn’t Aderly?”

Tara’s heart sank fast. “No. I used that alias after I ran away.”

“And also with me for this entire time.”

“Ryder… just let me explain. Let me talk to Tristan… I don’t know what to do first…” But Ryder was walking away. “Ryder! Please, wait! Let me explain…” Legs frozen she finally started after him.

He grabbed Wyatt and went out the door before she could catch him. She stared after them and her heart climbed up her throat. What had she done? She’d lied to him for so long, and about something so basic about herself, of course he was furious. Of course it was going to be a deal breaker. She’d broken his trust and there was nothing worse she could have done to Ryder, not after everything he’d survived from Ebony’s disappearance. Head tilted down, she shut her eyes, realizing she just lost Ryder and Wyatt.

And there was no one to blame but herself.




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