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The Omega's Christmas Wish: an MM Shifter MPREG Romance by Alex Miska, V. Soffer (11)

I picked Liam up at the door of a brick mansion with huge white columns, off in the middle of nowhere. Now I understood why he wanted to take a town car rather than have me drive. A beta servant answered the door and asked me to wait in the hall.

Less than a minute later, a tall alpha with shots of gray at his temples strode down the hall to shake my hand, introducing himself as Will Montgomery. Yes, the Will Montgomery, who moved in the most elite circles of shifter society and owned half the country. “Liam will be right down. I just wanted to meet the alpha putting him in such a delicate position.”

I went cold. Would we wind up in some gossip column? “I’m so sorry. All I knew was that he was Tobias’ friend who volunteered at the shelter. If I’d realized–”

“No, no. It’s just a date to a company party, not some elite fundraiser,” he said. “I am more concerned that you’re using him to make your mate jealous.”

“No I’m not, I promise. Tobias was the one who suggested I ask Liam. And he’s not technically my mate, yet. Do you know anything about HouseHub?” I asked. The scandal had been pretty big news last year. He nodded. “Our boss caught us eating sandwiches together and insisted that we prove nothing is going on by each attending the company party with eligible dates.”

“Ah, I see,” he said less-than-approvingly. “And this situation has been going on for–”

“Less than two weeks. We were shocked to be matched a month ago, and managed to stay completely professional until just before Christmas,” I hurried to say, realizing that I may have blown our cover just by showing up here. “I have been working on a solution, but I still need to talk to Tobias about it and buy us a little more time.”

“I see. Tell me more about the situation,” he asked. So I did. He bristled a bit at Tobias’ uncomfortable position as an omega within the company. “Malcolm, nearly all shifter companies have a loophole for True Mates, although that isn’t common knowledge. If Fate steps in, she steps in. There are so few omega employees that it has only happened a handful of times in the past few decades. I doubt either of you will be fired if you claim him, but…”

“Oh geez, Grandpa! Are you meddling again?” Liam asked as he walked into the foyer. His clothing was elegant and festive, yet understated. Far different from the tattered jeans and tee he’d been sporting on Tuesday.

“Like you haven’t meddled already.”

“Sorry, I picked his brain earlier. It must have gone to his head.” Liam picked up a small envelope from a table and handed it to me. “Here are the names of a few companies that would be open to contracting out some of their work, and the names of two recent college grads who would be able to take over your position. I’ll give Tobias a copy next time I see him.”

“Thank you, both of you. This… means a lot.” I felt myself getting a little choked-up. We’d felt so powerless and alone in this. Little had I known that Tobias had befriended a friendly billionaire willing to pull strings for him. Of course, that didn’t change the fact that a relationship with a coworker would affect Tobias’ reputation.

“I didn’t have to call in any favors. Plenty of local companies have heard of you two. I’m just helping you know what’s out there.” Liam took my arm and steered me toward the door. “Goodnight, Grandpa!”

“Don’t worry,” I tried to assure the man. “I won’t be so blinded by my omega that I won’t look out for your grandson.”

He just laughed. “Liam can look after himself. But thank you.”

Liam and I spent most of the ride talking about Kitty, who was settling in wonderfully. I had taken her to my favorite shifting spot and we’d had fun running around and playing in the snow. She understood not to chase my neighbor’s cat, even though it teased her so much I wanted to chase it myself. She missed Tobias, but I left some of his laundry around, and that soothed her… especially the t-shirt I was using as a pillowcase. Because yes, Kitty had a crate, but she slept on my bed that first night and I didn’t have the heart to change the rules.

I saw Tobias the moment we entered the room — he stood by the bar talking to Fleming, who was leaning in aggressively. I made sure to keep my hand on Liam’s back, introducing him to people as we walked past, but my eyes kept straying to Tobias. Liam, thank goodness, was a master at inane small talk and was friendly enough for the both of us.

“Malcolm, stop growling,” Liam murmured, excusing us from yet another inane conversation. “You’re going to give yourself away. Let’s get a drink, then we can say hello. He does have a date looking after him.”

His date was looking after him. I knew we were making this look realistic, but I still hated the sight of this guy touching Tobias. A waiter walked by, and I snagged some hors d’oeuvres for Liam while casually watching that man act like Tobias’ alpha. “Did Tobias tell you anything about him? Because I don’t like him…”

“Who, Nick?” Liam asked, as if he didn’t know who I was talking about. “He’s a friend of his brother-in-law. A teacher. Very nice guy. I don’t think Tobias knows much more than that. He’s had other things on his mind.”

“Good,” I grunted.

We finally reached the bar and barely got a chance to order our drinks before Fleming clapped a hand on my shoulder and dragged us into their conversation. “We were just talking about you, Reyes.”

“You were?” I asked, suddenly wary of making a single misstep. “May I first introduce you to my date, Liam?”

“A pleasure,” my date said, shaking Fleming’s hand distractedly, all the while staring at the alpha at my mate’s side.

“We’ve met… at last year’s hospital fundraiser, I believe,” Fleming said, drooling over my date and giving me an odd look. Liam shrugged, as if to say that Fleming hadn’t managed to make an impression. “Reyes, I’m surprised you managed to snag such a… well-connected omega.”

“Trust me, I am too. We met at a pet shelter. You see, Liam does more for charities than just attend parties,” I told Fleming, trying to assume the role of proud date. “It wasn’t until I met Liam’s grandfather that I made the connection.”

“You met… Will Montgomery?” Fleming looked like he’d swallowed a slug.

I nodded and shrugged, pretending that was not a big deal. “He’s a really nice guy. Loves his grandson, of course.” Squeezing Liam’s shoulder, I pulled him into my side, away from my skeezy boss.

“And who wouldn’t adore such a lovely omega,” Fleming said to Liam, who pulled his eyes away from Tobias’ date just long enough to deliver a patronizing smile and dismissal. Nonplussed, Fleming returned his focus to Tobias. “Well, then. We were just talking about Tobias’ position at the company. I was warning his alpha that Tobias is a highly skilled programmer, but quite a handful. Very feisty.”

My eyebrow shot up at that inappropriate description. Not inaccurate, but definitely rude.

“I’m Nick.” The alpha reached out to shake my hand. His grip was firm and reassuring, with no challenge whatsoever. I immediately liked him, and then hated him for giving me a reason to like him. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person, Malcolm.”

“Oh, does Tobias speak of him a lot?” Fleming prodded.

“Occasionally, when we discuss work. He keeps Tobias’ job running smoothly.” As Nick spoke, it was clear 99% of his attention was on my date.

Thankfully, Fleming’s own date popped up out of nowhere and insisted they join a conversation about the CEO’s golf trip to Scotland. We breathed a sigh of relief, now free from a potential hour of playing nice while being pelted with mild insults.

“Liam, may I introduce you to Nick?” Tobias said as soon as Fleming disappeared into the crowd.

Our dates froze momentarily when their hands met, then Liam cryptically remarked, “We’ve crossed paths quite a bit in the past.”

“Oh,” was all Nick could say, looking confused as he slowly retracted his hand.

“Are you two enjoying yourselves this evening?” I asked, because I didn’t know what else to say.

“Well, the first person we spoke to was Fleming, so… no.” Tobias responded drily.

Tobias and I spoke directly to each other as little as possible, not wanting to capture people’s attention. There was so much I wanted to talk with him about, and I had a feeling a great deal was on his mind too, but I would have to wait until I got him alone.

We pulled our dates into a conversation about the Puppy Orphanage in general, constantly interrupted by anyone who visited the bar for social lubrication. Strategically, this was a genius location to introduce our dates to the maximum number of coworkers possible. But that also meant that Tobias’ patience wore thin rather quickly.

Thus far, every single person who spoke with us made a back-handed comment about the supposedly-masochistic alpha on his arm. Nick kept touching his arm and back, keeping Tobias settled and calm. I was both relieved to have his help and incensed that the man was attempting to do my job. Meanwhile, I caught him glaring at Liam’s hand on my arm more than once.

“And I told Tori, I just must meet the saint that’s willing to take Tobias Sanderson in hand!” Stella the Gossip-Bitch laughed at her own hilariousness and waved both arms dramatically, knocking the tray off the arm of a waiter.

Sushi with roe splattered onto the floor. Tobias gasped, “All those eggs!” and fled out to the snow-dusted patio.

“He hates to see food go to waste,” I explained lamely, just for the sake of saying something.

She lost interest in us within minutes of Tobias’ departure and moved on to her next target. Nick and Liam were soon deep in conversation about how they might have met… discovering they had no mutual acquaintances or charities or hobbies. They had barely been able to take their eyes off each other all night, and seemed to each be making a concerted effort not to touch the other. They were thoroughly engrossed in the mystery of a previous encounter, and I took the opportunity to slip away.

I made my way outside, fully expecting Tobias to be in a snit. I’d done my fair share of talking him down after an especially annoying meeting, usually because some higher-up insisted on implementing something that had little practical use other than to look pretty and screw everything else up. I knew how to make him laugh at the situation, but I also knew when he just needed someone to listen.

But Tobias wasn’t poised to rant. Snow was beginning to pile up on his slumped shoulders and artfully mussed hair, while he looked out beyond the bare-branched garden. Out here, the snow muffled all the sounds of the party inside, and it felt as though we were completely alone. But I still stopped myself from reaching out for him.

“I’m sorry,” we said simultaneously, then, “What are you sorry for?”

“You go first,” he insisted, his eyes daring me to courteously say, ‘omegas first.’

I needed to tell him about the job offer I got this morning. I needed to tell him it killed me to see that guy’s hand on him. I needed to tell him I loved him. I needed to say so many things, but even though I’d spent most of my life having conversations, I started the discussion in the middle: “I feel like I’m abandoning you, but I don’t want to let you go.”

He stared at me uncomprehendingly. Suuuuure, expect me to actually make sense!

“On Tuesday, after Fleming talked to us and you went home, I felt like I had to do something proactive so… I submitted my résumé to SynerTech.” I winced, waiting for the response, but his eyebrows just lifted and he waited for me to continue. “They immediately called me in for an interview that day. I didn’t tell you when I visited with Kitty, because I wanted to wait until I had something to actually say. And this morning, they called to offer me the job and… I think I want to accept.”

His face lit up and he started crying, simultaneously. I wasn’t sure what to do, but he pulled himself together, removed a tissue from his pocket, and dabbed at his eyes. “You’d better accept! This is the software engineering position with the synchronization team, right?”

“Y– yeah. Did they–”

“It’s, like, tailor-made for you! If anyone can get the software and hardware teams on the same page with minimal bloodshed, it’s you. I called Vince about it last month and told him he better snatch you up quick. If you applied, of course.” His grin was utterly baffling.

“You called him? Last month? Why didn’t you tell me?”

He waved away my questions as though they were ridiculous, babbling: “I’ve been doing it for the past two years. I mean, honestly, you’re way too competent to be my assistant, doing all the crap work nobody else on the team feels like doing. But I wasn’t exactly going to tell you to leave me for a better job because, let’s face it, I’m not that altruistic.”

“So… you want me to leave you and accept the job? Because that sounds pretty altruistic,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, it is. But maybe they’ll let you give four weeks’ notice? That would be perfect timing. After that, I’ll be working from home anyw–” He stopped abruptly and one hand fell to his lower abdomen. “I, um… have news too.”

When he didn’t say any more, I stepped closer and put my hands on his shoulders. I mentally gave thanks to the snow insulating our conversation. “Tobias, are we pregnant?”

He nodded.

There was so much to do! It would make more sense if I moved in with him. And we’d have to move the bed out of his spare bedroom and move the desktop computer into the living room. And I’d have to bubble-wrap the corners of all the tables and get those plastic things to put in the electrical sockets and keep all the loose wires out of reach of teething pups…

“Mal? Please say something.”

“Sorry, I’m just… Wow… This is so exciting! Have you seen a doctor yet? How many pups are there? When are we due?”

“Umm… haven’t seen a doctor yet, I’m not sure how many, and probably around Easter…” The panic had left him, and a beautiful, bemused smile formed as he searched my face. “So, you’re okay with this? And you’re not freaking out. How are you not freaking out?”

“Don’t worry, I promise to freak out later. But I was there that first night. In fact, I told you that you went into heat but nooooooooo, your body always does everything on schedule and my little alpha nose couldn’t possibly detect–”

“I’d kiss you to shut you up, if I could.”

“But you can’t.” And so I did the one thing I’d yearned to do to my boss innumerable times over the past three years: my ‘Told You So’ dance. It was much like my childhood football touchdown dance, only it involved a lot more stuck-out tongue and repeatedly singing, “I told you so. I told you so. I told you, told you, told you so!”

Applause broke out, and I stopped mid-prance. A crowd had gathered, and I could hear people gossiping. Some were saying they’d always wanted to do that to their boss. Others were saying they’d always wanted to do that to Tobias. And everyone seemed to agree that, after three long years, I’d finally lost my mind.

Our dates emerged from the crowd and fetched us. Nick told Tobias not to cry, that he was bound to be wrong eventually. And Liam pointedly offered me his congratulations on my victory, but insisted that I’d had more than enough to drink for one night. The four of us walked through the hotel and into the parking structure, Tobias and his date lagging slightly behind.

“Did you get his number?” I asked Liam as we walked through the ballroom, weaving around clusters of inebriated coworkers.

“I already have Tobias’ number,” he hedged.

“Really? That’s what you’re going with?” He just shrugged. “You two have chemistry and he seems like a really good guy.” When he still didn’t elaborate, I pushed harder. “Well, if he asks one of us for your number…”

“Yes, you can give it to him. But don’t volunteer it unless he asks. Which he won’t.” If Liam sounded a little bit like Eeyore, I would never dream of pointing it out. I opened my mouth to argue, but then he said the magic word: “Please, Mal. Promise me.”

Since my inaction was clearly important to him, I promised that I wouldn’t start handing out his number to random or not-so-random eligible alphas. But I foresaw a dinner party in our near future. You know, if my pregnant omega had the energy to cook and we had room.

Nick and I had purposefully both parked in the most abandoned area of the garage, which meant Tobias and I could actually leave together. We said our goodbyes to our dates, thanking them both profusely. A slick black car pulled up to us and Liam slid in before Nick had a chance to offer a ride and then Nick, too, drove away.

Tobias and I buckled ourselves into my car, I turned my key in the ignition, and we said, “So…”

Then we reached for each other, straining against our seatbelts, as our lips melded in a hungry, bruising kiss that stole the air from my lungs. I pulled back eventually, offering tender kisses.

“I missed you,” he breathed against my lips, one hand coming up to tenderly cup my cheek… and the other traveling downward to cup something else entirely.

I caught his wrist. “Let me get us home safely, and then we can molest each other to our heart’s content.”

Tobias pouted, but settled back in his seat. He texted his sister to tell her not to expect him home, and that started a firestorm of texting and laughter.

Yes, I was going the speed limit.

Yes, Tobias’ pocket was inexplicably full of tea.

Yes, Tobias told me about the babies.

Yes, our job situation was magically working itself out. (I handed Tobias the envelope from Liam when that came up.)

Yes, we were going to have so much sex.

Yes, we were…

“Tobias, you’re ominously quiet. What did she say?”

“Nothing, it’s just… nothing.” He shrugged jerkily and his smile was gone. It was so not nothing.

“Tell me.”

“Really, can we wait to talk about it later? After the so much sex we’re planning to have?”

“No.” He always fell asleep immediately. There was no way I was avoiding whatever conversation we needed to have. We discussed the babies, and the job, and we could be together now. Couldn’t we? “Oh no. Are you moving? They’re my pups, right?”

“Yes,” he moaned. After a few seconds, he clarified, “Yes, they’re your pups. And no, I’m not moving. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“So… what is it, then?”

“She just wanted to know if we were planning on… claiming each other.” His voice got quieter and quieter with each word.

“Of course!” How could he think I wouldn’t want to claim him?

“I don’t want you to claim me just because I’m pregnant,” he whispered.

I pulled over to the side of the road and took his chin in my hand. “Look at me, Tobias. Knocking you up and then claiming you wasn’t the order in which I’d want to do things, but I love you. If you want a big ceremony, we can do that. If you want to wait until after the birth, we can do that. I love you and I’m not letting you go. I’m convinced you are my True Mate.”

“Really?!” He blinked furiously and tears clung to his beautiful lashes.

“Yes, really.” I wasn’t sure how I’d keep myself from biting him until a ceremony, but I would if it was important to him.

“I love you too. And yes, you are my True Mate. No convincing necessary.” I kissed him tenderly. I cherished this moment, tried to pack away the memory of the seatbelt cutting into me, his palm against my chest, his smooth, freshly-shaved chin in my hand, his breath fanning my cheek, the slide of his lip-balmed lips caressing mine. Eventually, he pulled back and worried his bottom lip with his teeth. “But… would you and your fathers be mad if I wanted claim each other soon, without a ceremony, and have a wedding after the birth?”

“That sounds perfect. It gives my Papá and your mother time to obsess over wedding plans. I have a resignation letter all prepared — as soon as I hit send, we’re free to be together. In fact, I can get us a hotel room and plan something special for New Year’s Eve.” I really, really loved the idea, in fact. Buzz’s friend was having a gigantic New Year’s party we could go to, or just ring in the New Year alone…

“What if I don’t want to wait at all? Because I think tonight is pretty darn special already.” Tobias sat up straight and waited for me to argue, as if I would want to.

“You’re right, tonight is pretty darn special.”

His smile was blinding. Yes, I was giving all the right answers tonight! Tobias settled back in his seat and said, “Well? What are you waiting for? Let’s go! Even teenagers after prom get a motel room and, let me tell you, I am one classy-assed omega.”

I couldn’t disagree — his ass was extremely classy, and I had many things planned for it. So I pulled back onto the road and did my best not to break too many driving laws.

When we opened the door to my apartment, Tobias’ and Kitty’s reunion was heart-melting — a lot of tears were shed, along with a bit of excited piddle. Tobias took the puppy for a walk while I hit ‘send’ on my letter of resignation, cleaned the floor, and prepared some tea for my omega, which I was absurdly happy to do. When he returned, I retreated to shower off my pheromone blockers while he sipped his tea and played with Kitty, and then we traded roles.

Kitty sat outside the bathroom, her nose pressed against the crack of the door. I rubbed behind her ear. “Don’t worry, Kitty. Your Daddy and Papí are both going to be home with you all night long, and most of the weekend. Come, play with me.”

She huffed, but didn’t move. I shook the rope toy at her. Threw a squeaky down the hall. She wagged her tail once, just to humor me. So I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the bathroom door, too. As soon as the water stopped, we both stood. When Tobias opened the door, he burst out laughing.

“We missed you,” I grumbled and stepped toward him.

“Wait! If I kiss you I’ll get carried away!” he said and proceeded to take some treats and place them in a puzzle-toy on the living room floor for Kitty, then raced into the bedroom and quietly shut the door behind himself.

I pulled him into my arms and just held him, enjoying the feel of his warm, lithe body against mine. He sighed and melted into the embrace. When I nuzzled his neck I realized he smelled a little different. Sweeter. Over Christmas I just thought it was all the cookies he was baking (and I was eating) but… I inhaled again.

I pulled back just enough to see my omega’s face. I cupped his cheek and said, “You’re pregnant!”

“Yes,” Tobias said, laughing at me. “I thought we’d discussed this.”

“It’s more real now,” I said as I began sniffing him. He giggled and pushed me away. “Sorry, you just smell so good.”

He kissed me slowly, tenderly. I licked the seam of his soft, full lips and they parted to admit me. I took my time exploring his mouth… until he made a small sound in the back of his throat and canted his hips forward, his hard dick sliding alongside mine.

I groaned and caught his ass in both hands, intending to still him… but instead I pulled him closer and ground against him. Our kiss turned more urgent, until Tobias tore his lips away and kissed his way along my jaw and down my neck. He bit lightly on my alpha gland and laughed when I began to rut against him.

Looking coyly up at me from beneath his lashes, he very deliberately pried my fingers from the luscious globes of his ass and then got down on his knees. He wrapped his hand around the base of my cock and his tongue darted out to capture a bead of precum from the sensitive tip.

Tobias moved downward to lap at and suck on first one ball, then the other, before moving back up to lick a broad stripe up my cock. He pulled back the skin and swirled his tongue around the sensitive head, then nibbled lightly at my foreskin, before stretching his lips around me and taking as much as he could into his mouth. When his tongue began to move and his head began to bob, I reached down and carded my fingers through his hair.

“Tobias…” I rasped, caressing his cheek with my thumb.

His eyes smiled, though his lips were otherwise engaged, and he hummed around me. I groaned and he pulled off with an audible pop, then… he stood.

“What? Don’t give me that look,” he chided and took my hand in his. “I just wanted to taste you. But neither of us is coming until you are buried balls-deep inside me.”

I lifted him off his feet and he squealed as I tossed him onto the bed. He bounced once before I landed on top of him. Taking both his arms, I pinned them above his head and growled, “You’re not the boss of me.”

He opened his mouth to argue, but stopped himself. “I guess I’m not, anymore. Okay, carry on.”

I captured his mouth with mine in a long, drugging kiss, before trailing kisses down his neck until I reached his sensitive omega gland, just waiting to be claimed. I sucked and nipped at it, while using my free hand to tease his nipples. He gasped and writhed, and I only stopped when his arms began to tug against my hand’s firm hold.

“Are you done teasing me?” he asked, both hopefully and sadly.

“Not a chance.” Releasing his arms, I settled myself between his legs. “I have to taste you, too.”

I swirled my tongue around the tip of his dick briefly, before lifting his legs and parting his cheeks. I licked a wide circle around his beautiful, dripping hole then began to feast. My tongue lapped stripes, swirled in circles, speared inside until he was a panting, whimpering, begging mess. Then I got to my knees and poised my cock at his entrance.

“Tobias?” I asked, and waited until I had his attention. The sight and scent and sounds of his arousal had nearly driven me over the edge more than once, so this gave me a moment to pull myself together.

“Oh god. Please, Malcolm. I need… I need… you.”

I watched his face as I entered him, saw the mild discomfort and happiness and need. His passage hugged me close and I lowered myself on top of him. My wolf sighed with relief at finally coming home.

I fed from the sweetness of his mouth as we moved together slowly, no longer in a rush. My knot began to swell within him and I sped up, in ever-shallower and increasingly urgent thrusts. Tobias’ dick slid against my abs, which were slippery with his precum.

“Malcolm,” he gasped. I met his eyes, and knew it was time.

“I love you.”

He smiled, his canine teeth as ready as my own. “I love you too.”

I kissed the omega gland at the crook of his neck, then bit down. He did the same to me a fraction of a second later. My knot immediately locked us together and… magic happened. Our heartbeats synched. I could feel his orgasm, as well as my own. I could feel his joy and love, as well as his surprise at experiencing my overwhelming emotions.

Moments or several minutes later, I drifted back into my own body and lapped at his wound, then we awkwardly tried to roll so Tobias was draped on top of me. I felt a moment of panic when I realized I could only feel my own emotions, but I concentrated and became dimly aware of my mate… his presence wasn’t in my head, but my heart. I felt at peace and whole in a way I never could have imagined, and now I understood why so many people wrote this off as a myth.

“So… that happened,” Tobias said into the silence.

“Yes. Yes, it did.” I began to laugh and nuzzled his neck, reveling in the scent of my mate, underlied with my own and… babies. “You’re my omega now.”

“And you’re my alpha.”

“And you’re pregnant with my pups!” I was going to keep saying that aloud until it felt real.

“Hopefully,” he murmured and my heart stopped. Not mine? He lifted his head from my shoulder and gave me a hard stare. “Now’s the time to tell me if there are any other animals in your ancestry. Especially platypus. Or… birds, I suppose. Are there bird shifters? Ooooo — or dragons? I might be willing to lay an egg if it was a dragon…”

Oh thank god, they were mine, but I just claimed a lunatic. Luckily, I already knew that. Uncertain of my ancestry farther back than my grandparents, all I could reassure him with was science. “Egg species are recessive. And dragons are just a myth, but that would have been so cool.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “So what I’m hearing is that you are half-platypus, but I won’t have to lay an egg unless I inherited a platypus gene too.”

“Something like that.” I said, and decided to shelve this conversation for later. “Oh, listen! Liam–”

“Are you seriously about to talk about another omega while you’re naked in bed with me?” he asked, raising one brow.

“Yes,” I said stubbornly and he gasped in outrage. “Your friend Liam gave me a letter for you. Some names of possible alpha assistants I can train and a list of companies that would want you for contract work. You’ve got options.”

“New dog, new mate, new babies, and new jobs…”

“You know, when you say it like that, it sounds pretty overwhelming,” I joked and quelled the panic that was likely rising in both of us. I was adding to the list things like moving in together, his apartment being overrun by family, buying twelve of everything after he lays a dozen eggs…

“How should I put it?” he challenged.

I wracked my brain, and then I had it. “Malcolm and Tobias OS 2.0, conquering the world together.”





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