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The Silverback's Christmas Bride (Holiday Mail Order Mates Book 6) by Lola Kidd (20)

This was going to be the best Christmas ever. There was snow on the ground, but it wasn’t terribly cold outside. It wasn’t supposed to snow on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, either. Everything looked festive without it being dreary or cold out. Dottie couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather.

Last night, they had gone to Wyatt’s friend’s house for a Christmas party. She was much more relaxed meeting everyone this time. It had been the perfect way to start Christmas. After the party, they’d slept over at Dottie’s house. Her parents didn’t care, and it was much easier that way.

It was tradition for Dottie and her parents to have a big Christmas breakfast as a family and then spend the day playing with their presents and lounging about. This was the first year she was able to include Wy in all the festivities.

“Wake up!” she said as she kissed him all over his face. “You’re missing Christmas.”

Wy rubbed his eyes and rolled over. “I think it’s all day. Unless I’ve been sleeping for days, I don’t think I’ve missed it.”

Dottie got up and tugged on his arm. “Come on. I’m starving.”

“I am pretty hungry.” Wy reached up and grabbed her, pulling her back to the bed. He bit on her arm playfully.

Dottie giggled and swatted him away. “I don’t think I’d be a filling meal for a big guy like you.”

“Want to find out just how much I can eat you before I get full?” Wy asked with a smirk.

“You’re terrible. And maybe later.”

He laughed and got out of bed to get ready. He’d brought pajamas and slippers, as Dottie had instructed. Wy usually slept naked, but it wouldn’t be appropriate to show up for Christmas breakfast with no clothes on.

“Where did you get those?” she asked, laughing when he met her in the hallway.

“These?” Wyatt pulled at his pajama pants. They were dark green and covered in snowmen. “I’ve had these forever. This isn’t my first Christmas morning rodeo. I know you think I spend most of my time naked or shifted, but I do actually own a lot of clothes.”

Dottie grabbed his hand. “I don’t mind if you want to spend every other day naked at home, though. I might just prefer that, actually.” She slapped him on the butt and growled.

“Aww.” He let go of her hand and put his arm around her shoulder. “You should, like a little fox. Do butterflies even growl?”

“We make a noise. But it’s too low for most people to hear.”

Wy laughed. “I’m going to have to hear that sometime. I’ve never heard a butterfly make any noise before.”

“Good morning and Merry Christmas,” her dad said when they reached the top of the stairs. “You guys almost missed Christmas.”

Wy groaned. “Is that a thing with you guys?”

Dottie’s mom laughed and offered him a plate of cookies. “More a daddy-daughter thing. I would prefer to sleep in, too.”

“On Christmas?” Dottie’s dad feigned horror. “What would Santa think?”

“You know that Santa’s sleeping in on Christmas morning,” Wy said. “He just flew all the way around the world. There’s no way he’s getting up early after a night like that.”

Dottie took a cookie from the plate. “Want to do presents first?”

Her dad nodded. “We have so many.”

They handed out all the presents and started ripping them open. Dottie’s parents had gotten something for Wy while they were in the city, and Dottie had picked out her present a week ago.

She was almost bursting when he opened it. She stopped opening to watch his face.

“What? How did you know?” Wy held up a sweater that had been sold out for weeks. It was a super-warm sweater that cost a fortune. It was basically waterproof, so even if he got it wet, it wouldn’t matter.

“I saw it in your internet search history.” She leaned over and kissed him. “I had to get it.”

“How did you even find one?”

“I have my ways.” And by that, she meant that she had searched all night online and had paid a small fortune to a reseller on eBay. It was worth every penny to see the look on Wy’s face. He was so happy.

“Open ours next,” her mom instructed.

Wy ripped open the package and held up new boots. “Thanks. This is perfect. Now I have a whole new winter wardrobe.”

“Those are the best winter work boots,” her dad said. “Now, open the other one.”

Wy opened the last package to reveal tickets to a football game. “What?!”

“We’re season ticket holders,” Dottie’s mom said. “I thought you could enjoy them with your friends.”

“Thank you,” Wy said. “This is the best.”

“Don’t feel like you have to take me, either,” Dottie told him. “I don’t even like football. This is a gift just for you.”

Dottie looked at her spread of presents and sat back in her seat. This was all turning out so perfect.

“Want to eat?” her dad asked. “My stomach is rumbling.”

“Mine too,” Wy said.

“Oh,” her mom said. “I think you guys need to go get one last present from the basement. It’s a big one, though, so we couldn’t get it upstairs.”

Dottie looked at her parents. “What is it?”

“We can’t say,” her dad chuckled. “It’s a present, dear. You and Wy go down, and we’ll wait up here.”

Wy took her hand. “Come on. Let’s see what they got you.”

She let him lead her down the basement steps. When she reached for the lights, he stopped her.

“Wait,” he said.

He led her down in the darkness, navigating only by the light of his phone. When they got to the floor, she almost misstepped. The floor felt funny. Like she was stepping on cotton.

“Stand here and don’t move. No peeking.”

He let go of her, and she heard steps moving away from her in the darkness. She waited patiently, and then she heard a click and Christmas lights lit up the entire basement.

Dottie gasped. “This is so pretty.”

The boxes had all been moved to the back of the room. The floor was covered in glittering fake snow, and there were giant candy canes next to a path of silver snow. She clasped her hands excitedly in front of her and followed the path to its end.

Wy was waiting next to a giant blue box with a white bow on it. “Go on. Open it.”

“This is huge.” Dottie examined the paper before starting to rip it. “Is it a puppy? It can’t be. I don’t hear any noise.”

“Don’t worry. It isn’t a puppy.”

She got the paper off and saw that the box was taped shut with red tape. She easily ripped it and opened it. The thing was filled with what had to be thousands of rose petals.

She looked at him. “What is this?”

“Go on. You have to search for the present.”

He lifted her up and put her in the box. She sank into the soft petals and immediately felt something hard near her feet. She crouched and felt around until her fingers brushed a hard object. She pulled it up and saw that it was a velvet box.

Wy held out his hand. “Come on, I’ll help you out.” He lifted her out and held her close. “Go on. Open it.”

With shaking hands, Dottie opened the box. Inside was a ring that she knew right away. “This belonged to my grandmother.”

“And now it’s yours. If you want it.” He let her go and got down on one knee. “Dottie Hart, will you marry me?”

She nodded. “Yes. Yes, I’ll be your wife.”

He stood up and kissed her. “I love you so much, and I would love to prolong this moment, but we have to get upstairs. Your parents have been on pins and needles this whole time.”

“How did you manage to pull this off?” she asked. “I was with you all day yesterday.”

“They set this up. It was my idea, but they did all the work.”

Dottie took the stairs two at a time. “I said yes!”

Her mom rushed toward her, crying. “I knew you would! I knew it.”

“Congratulations, honey.” Her dad kissed her and then hugged Wyatt. “Welcome to the family, son.”

“Now, let’s have breakfast. I’m seriously hungry,” Wy laughed.

“Is this why we did presents first?” Dottie asked.

“Yes,” her mom said. “I wouldn’t have been able to eat. I was so nervous for you two.”

Her dad put in, “We knew you would say yes, but we didn’t know if you would like our surprise.”

“I loved it. And I love you guys.” Dottie put her arm around Wyatt’s waist. “All of you guys. I’m so lucky to have my family.”

“And the festivities aren’t going to end,” Wy said as they sat down. “We still have the party tonight.”

Dottie shook her head. “This is all too much. This is more than I could have ever hoped for. Thank you, guys.”

“Our pleasure.” Her dad took her mom’s hand. “We’re happy you found such a nice man.”

Dottie nodded. “Me too.”

Not only was she getting to celebrate Christmas with all the people she loved, Dottie was now engaged to the man of her dreams. And after two parties, she still had one more to go to. This was better than anything she could have dreamed. She hadn’t even known it was possible to be this happy. She didn’t know how she and Wy were going to ever top this, but it had been the happiest Christmas of her whole life. Hands down, the best Christmas ever. The most romantic season hadn’t let her down. She was getting the man of her dreams.




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