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The Silverback's Christmas Bride (Holiday Mail Order Mates Book 6) by Lola Kidd (7)

It was the second day of work, and Wyatt was excited to see Dottie again. Today was the day they were all going to be fitted for the costumes.

It wasn’t much work getting trained. It had taken less than six hours. Since they had all filled out the information on hiring day, there wasn’t any paperwork to do, either. That helped speed things along. They went over the employee handbook, and Tim talked about when they were going to get paid.

Wy loved working with Tim. At his spring-fall job, they had spent almost two weeks on orientation before they could get to the real work. Wy hated having to listen to people talking all day. It was like being in school all over again. He just wanted to get to work and be able to talk freely with his coworkers all day.

He toned out most of the orientation. This part was the same as when he’d gotten his job with the grounds crew. He already knew all the rules and where everything was. Instead of listening, he spent his time studying his new coworkers. They were mostly cool. He knew most of them except for the teenagers who were working part-time.

The most stressful part of the whole thing was making sure he didn’t spend too much time starting at Dottie. He was dying to talk to her, but he couldn’t. She was sitting two seats over from him. She had gotten there first, and there were people sitting next to her. It was probably for the best that he wasn’t right next to her. He would have probably bothered her.

She had been cool after their first conversation on day one. She hadn’t messaged him last night, but that was fine. He could wait until she was more comfortable. He didn’t want to creep her out before she got a chance to really know him.

“Hey, Wyatt.” Dottie slid down when she saw him. “Are you excited about the costumes?”

“I am. Did you know we get to customize them?”

She nodded excitedly. “I have some ideas for mine.”

“Tell me everything. We have some time before work starts. I’d love to hear any ideas you have. I’m not good with creative stuff.”

“That’s surprising. You seem like a really imaginative guy. But I don’t think you want to hear my ideas. They’re a little out there.”

“No, I do want to hear them. I’m all ears.”

“Really? My parents weren’t too excited about it. But it would be nice to have the opinion of someone else who actually works here.”

Wyatt sat back comfortably. “Like I said, I’m all ears. And I’ll be honest, too. Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay, then. First, I’ll show you my inspiration pictures.”

Wyatt leaned in closer so he could see what she wanted to show him. Dottie got even closer, so she was practically sitting in his lap. Wy was fine with that. She could get as close as she wanted.

She held up her phone. “See, I was thinking something like this. Lots of glittering color. I think the traditional red and green is going to be done by everyone. I’d really love to give my costume a little more. Something a little more unique.”

It was a picture of a girl labeled Unicorn Glitter. The woman had some kind of blue glitter around her eyes and forehead. It looked a little crazy, but also kind of cool. Wy didn’t think he would be one for glitter on his face, but on Dottie, it would be beautiful.

“I like it. No one else will have makeup like that. You’ll look great.”

“Do you really think so? My parents said it was going to be a bit much.” Dottie looked longingly at the picture. “They said I should try to dress like everyone else and only wear conservative makeup. It might take too much attention away from Santa, and it isn’t in keeping with the Christmas spirit.”

Wyatt shook his head. “No way. I think it would add to the festive feeling. When people really like their jobs, it makes everyone around them happy. Nobody wants to work with a sad sack. I think if you just let yourself have the most fun, it’ll be better for everyone. The kids will love it, too. What little girl doesn’t love glitter?”

“That’s so great to hear. Now I’m extra-excited.”

She put the phone away, and she was smiling so wide that Wy couldn’t help but smile too. Her happiness was contagious. He would do anything to keep her smiling like that.

“I’m glad I could help.” He noticed some motion on the stage. “It looks like Tim is ready to get going.”

Tim was on stage, opening the events for the day. They were going to go to a room down the hall and try to find costumes that fit. Preferably two apiece, if they could. That way, they could have a backup. The deposit for the costumes would come out of their first check. As long as they returned the costume unharmed, they would get the money back at the end.

“I didn’t know you were working here, Wyatt.” A tall brunette woman walked up and hugged him.

He recognized her from going to the gym. She was friends with one of the trainers he hung out with.

“I sure do. Great to see you, Jen. This is my friend Dottie.” Wy introduced the two. “Dottie, Jen works at the front office of the pool. She went high school with me, and we hang out in the same circles.”

“And now we’re both elves. Great to meet you, Dottie. You’re so perfect for an elf,” Jen said. “I was hoping for Mrs. Claus, but apparently, I’m not what they were looking for.”

She made a face, but Wy agreed. She didn’t look anything like Mrs. Claus. She was very fit and looked like she could bench press him if she wanted to. It was shocking that she wasn’t a shifter or some kind of supernatural creature.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around town before,” Jen said to Dottie. “Are you from around here?”

“I’m new,” Dottie said. “But I’m trying to get to know people. I might not be in town much longer, but it would be nice to have friends while I’m here.”

“Well, we’re glad to have you.” Jen put her fingertip on Dottie’s nose. “You’re just as cute as a button. I don’t think they could have found a better elf if they went to the North Pole.”

Jen and Dottie talked as they started to search for costumes. Wy was happy to see that Dottie was fitting in. Jen was a nice girl, and she had more women friends than Wy did. She could introduce Dottie to some of the other women in town.

After Wy got down to it, it took him the better part of an hour and a half to find a costume and a backup. He had to try on dozens. Most of them didn’t fit, but he was lucky enough to find one that did and one that was close. He would have to pin up some parts, but they would do.

“Did you guys have any luck?” Wyatt asked the ladies when he found them outside the dressing room. “I bet you two found costumes in a minute. Anything would fit you two.”

“Not true,” Dottie said. “They don’t have costumes small enough.”

Jen laughed. “I wish I had that problem.”

“What are you talking about?” Dottie joked. “Every costume you tried fit you perfectly.”

“Well, not all of them.” Jen turned to Wyatt and put her hands on her hips. “You told her that her idea was good?”

“What idea?”

“That she should wear glitter?” Jen said accusingly.

“What’s wrong with some glitter?”

“This is a Christmas thing. If she wants to wear glitter, she can wear red or green. We don’t do blue, and we don’t do pink,” Jen lectured. “Not everyone can be a weirdo, Wyatt. She needs to do something that’s more like what everyone else is doing. Honestly, I think anything more than big eyelashes and black eyeliner is going to be too much for this event.”

“Well, I like what I like. And I like her idea,” Wyatt stated plainly.

“He likes it, but he doesn’t know anything,” Jen told Dottie. “All that weird stuff works for Wyatt because he’s Wyatt. But not everyone can pull off his kind of stuff.”

“I don’t even know what that means,” Wyatt said. “She should do what she wants to do. It makes her happy. What’s wrong with that?”

“What’s wrong is that it’s going to take away from all the rest of us. You have to be reasonable,” Jen said.

“I like it,” Wyatt said.

“You can like it all you want. But it’s a bad idea. Tim won’t go for it, either,” Jen insisted. “It’s almost lunchtime. I’ve got to get something. Do you guys want to come with?”

“I brought my lunch.” Wy turned to Dottie. “Do you need to go get something?”

“I have stuff in my car.”

“Cool,” Jen said. “Guess I’ll see you guys after lunch, then.”

Jen left, and Wy and Dottie went to the pavilion to eat.

“Don’t listen to her,” Wy told Dottie as they ate. “She doesn’t know everything. She’s just too scared to be different. You should wear any kind of makeup you want to wear.”

“I don’t know. My parents didn’t like it, either.”

“So what? Your parents don’t know everything. They don’t know better than you what looks good on you or what would make you happiest. I think it’s cool, and you should do it.”

“Maybe.” Dottie smiled. “Thanks for the pep talk. I think I’ll practice the look a bit and then try it once. If I hate it or it’s inappropriate, I can always never do it again.”

“That’s the spirit!”

Wy was glad he could help. He knew she was going to look great in whatever she wanted to wear. Her beautiful face would only be enhanced by the glitter. He loved that she had weird taste just like him. That was why LK Brides had matched them, he decided. They were the same.




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