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The Terms: Part One (The Terms Duet) by Ruby Rowe (4)



“Cammy, get up. Christopher’s here and needs to talk to you,” Sasha says from the other side of my bedroom door.

I sit up, and it startles Liam, so he wakes from his nap, too. Of course, this is the only time I can ever get any sleep. Why didn’t Chris just text me?

Climbing out of bed, I mess with my hair, straightening it the best I can. I’m only in sweats and an oversized t-shirt. “Camilla,” Sasha says after cracking open my door.

“I heard you. Give me a minute.”

“Momma,” Liam says in his whiny voice as he holds his arms up for me to take him. I scoop him up, and before I head out to the living room, I dig for a mint in my purse and pop it in my mouth.

“Chris is here to see us,” I say in an excited tone. Grinning, my kiddo rubs sleep from his eye with his fist. We stroll into the family room, and I spot Christopher in the recliner. While tapping his foot, he stares out my window.

“Hi, is everything all right? I wasn’t expecting you.”

He turns to me, and in an instant I suspect something’s wrong. He’s pale, and a look of anguish is owning his face.

“Chris,” Liam says, reaching for our friend.

“Hey, buddy,” he replies with only a faint smile. Straightening my hair some more, I study him. Even though he appears to have not slept, he’s still dressed nice in slacks and an expensive button-up shirt.

“I’ll be in your room if you need me,” Sasha says. I nod before I direct my attention back to Chris.

“Come on, say something already.”

Getting up, he strides over and wraps his arms around me, squishing Liam between us. He’s hugged me in the past, but this is a different embrace. There’s a desperation to it. Liam fusses, so Chris releases us.

Taking a seat on the couch, I slide my fingers through my little one’s silky hair to calm him. He’s clingy now, like he senses our friend isn’t himself.

“I have to confess something to you, and I don’t know what will happen after, so I want to tell you first how much you and Liam mean to me.

“You’ve become my world the last few years. I was by your side after he was born, and I’ve watched him grow. I feel like I’ve been a good friend to you.”

My head shakes in confusion. “You have been. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”

Pacing in front of me, he drags his hands down his face.

“I want more with you, Camilla. Have you ever thought about us being a couple? I could be a dad to Liam and take care of you. We could have a great life together.” Dropping to his knees in front of me, he cups my face. “I want to be with you.”

Am I still asleep and having a bad dream?

Pulling away, I stand and shove around him to walk to the kitchen. Without a word, I remove a sippy cup from the cabinet and fill it with milk before I take Liam to my bedroom where Sasha has already made herself at home.

“Sis, I need you to entertain Liam while I talk to Christopher. He probably needs to go to the bathroom, too.” Without giving her a choice, I sit him on the bed next to her.

Ugh, I feel a pain in my lower back as I rise. He’s getting too big for me to tote around. Returning to the living room, I blow out a breath.

“Have you lost your mind?” I ask. Christopher sits again in the recliner and rubs his forehead. “I don’t know what happened to cause this desperation, but we’re getting to the bottom of it. I have enough shit going on in my life, so this can’t be another dark cloud hanging over my head.”

“Just answer me, Cammy. Have you ever thought about me in that way?”

“No. We’re only friends.”

“Friends often turn into lovers.”

“God, don’t say that word. See, it’s just–no.” Shaking my head, I sit back down. “You’re amazing, Chris, and attractive, but I don’t have romantic feelings for you, and why in the world are you telling me this now?”

Releasing a yell of frustration, he grabs his hair, and I about come off of my couch from the shock of it. “What’s happening? You’re not yourself, and it’s scaring me. Maybe you should go.”

Looking to the window again, he exhales a long breath.

“I see there’s no way around this conversation. If you wanted me like I’ve wanted you, we could move away from here, and I wouldn’t have to confess this.” Bringing his gaze back to me, he stares hard with his green eyes. “Tell me how you came in contact with Ellis Burke.”

“What? How did you find out about that?”

“I know him.”


“I work for him.”

“Once again, I don’t understand. Explain.”

Looking to the ceiling, his mouth moves, and is he for real saying a prayer right now? I’m about to kick his ass. “Tell me, Christopher, before I find a peanut and shove that allergen in your damn mouth.”

“Damn, that’s harsh. You’d kill me over this?”

“Seriously, if you’re any kind of friend to me, you will tell me what the fuck’s going on.”

“I was Tony Burke’s personal assistant for years, and once he discovered you were pregnant, he had me befriend you to find out what you were going to do about the baby.”

Stunned, I stare at him. “After you had Liam and I gave Tony all the information he wanted, I never told him we stayed in contact.”

“You were the friend I thought would never let me down,” I whisper. Wondering if I could ever look at Chris in the eyes again, I stare at the tan carpet instead.

“I’ve had strong feelings for you for a while now, but out of respect for Liam’s father, I’ve always shoved them down and dated other women, hoping like hell I’d fall in love with someone else.

“After Tony died, I thought maybe you and I could have a life together. Ellis offered me a job as his assistant last week, and I couldn’t resist the money, thinking I could use it to care for you and Liam, but then this morning he dropped this bomb on me.”

“So, Tony’s the friend you said died.”

“Yes, and now I’m supposed to be here handling affairs for Ellis, but I’ve been a fucking mess, going out of my mind over how to handle this.”

“Why would Tony have you spy on me?”

“He wanted to ensure you weren’t planning to cause him trouble. He said you held information you could use against him, and he also worried you might come after his money for Liam.”

“Wow, and I thought he was a worthless bastard before I knew this.”

“How did Ellis find out about you?”

“Against your wishes, I went to the funeral home. He did some digging after and figured it out. Now, he’s blackmailing me. If I want to keep Liam, I have to move into his house so he can see to it Tony’s child is raised as a Burke.”

Once again, Christopher is right at my feet and on his knees. His hands grab mine, but I pull them away.

“Camilla, I’m sorry for what I did. If you’ll give me a chance, I’ll prove to you that you can trust me again. You don’t have to live with Ellis. He can’t prove you’re unfit, so his threats mean nothing.”

“He does have leverage against me. He knows things about my past that could cause me to lose Liam, and do you honestly think I want anything to do with you after this?”

Hanging his head, he stands.

“I understand why you’re pissed at me, and I deserve it, but the friendship I gave you all these years was genuine. You need me right now, Cammy. If you agree to Ellis’s terms, then you’re going to want a friend while you’re living under the same roof as him.

“He can be difficult and demanding, and he’s seldom around children. I’m also suspicious that he has another motive since bringing you and Liam there is out of character for him.”

“I’ve taken care of myself for years now. I can handle Ellis Burke.”

“This is different, and you know it. You don’t get to be the one in control, and that’s going to kill you inside. Let me help you through this. If he pulls anything, like if he changes his mind about taking Liam from you, maybe I can diffuse the situation. I’ll also work on getting you out of this deal.”

Looking up at him from the couch, I glare.

“Now you’re manipulating me just like Tony and Ellis did.”

“I’m trying to make this right, OK? And he’s going to get suspicious if I don’t return with the answers he wants from you.”

“Fine, I’ll tell him what he wants to know, but it doesn’t mean I won’t rat you out. I haven’t decided.”

He pulls out his cell phone.

“I need to work out a date and time I can have the movers here. Ellis would like you to begin staying with him next Friday, so why don’t we have your belongings moved on Thursday. I imagine you’ll need your things until then.”

A thought hits me, and I look around the apartment.

“You only need to send a small truck and one person. I’m leaving my furniture here for Sasha, so I’ll only have Liam’s and my personal belongings. I won’t need to put anything in storage like he suggested.”

Nodding, he types away on his phone.

“I’m supposed to tell him things that Liam likes.”

“What do you mean?”

He looks off. “Like colors, toys … things of that nature. It’s for his bedroom.”

“He doesn’t need anything special. He’s been sleeping with me up until this point, and I imagine that’ll continue.”

“Ellis insisted Liam have his own room, so I’ll just tell him he likes superheroes, trucks and trains. Books… Oh, and how he absolutely loves Ninja Turtles.” Christopher smiles, and it angers me.

He does know my son and has been good to him, but I don’t want to forgive him for what he did. Although, maybe I should use his help like he suggested since he owes me that much.

“Ellis also asked for a list of foods you both enjoy. He wants to ensure the kitchen is fully stocked for the two of you, so I’ll write that down for him, as well. I know what you and Liam like to eat.”

I can’t help but shake my head. This is too bizarre. Even if Ellis sincerely wishes to know his nephew, I can’t comprehend why a handsome, wealthy, single man would move us into his home.

“OK, I’ll accept your help,” I say.

Glancing up from his phone, Chris’s eyes display relief.

“Thank you. I’ll feel better knowing I can watch out for you and Liam.”

“I guess it would be nice to have a familiar face nearby while I’m stuck in that mansion with the evil one.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this together.” Christopher stands and strolls to the door. “I think that’s all we need to discuss for now.”

“Wait, I have something for you to relay to Ellis,” I say. “Tell him I insist on interviewing candidates for the nanny position. I deserve to be involved in that decision.”

“I agree. I’ll be in touch, and thank you for not shutting me out.”

“This doesn’t mean we’re friends. I’m allowing your help because you owe me big time. Don’t get the two confused.”

Frowning, he disappears through the doorway, and good gracious, our lives have been turned upside down.



“You’re quitting?” Matt asks. He’s looking straight at me for a change.

“I know it’s sudden. I can give you a week’s notice, and you can deduct the cost of the drug screen from my last paycheck.”

“Who hired you?”

“Um, actually, I met someone. He’s going to provide me support while I finish my degree.”

“I haven’t heard a word about you being in a relationship. Have you been keeping it under wraps because it’s a client?”

I sigh. He’s the first of several people who will question me over this.

“No, he’s not a client. I didn’t meet him here. Look, you know I’m independent, so leaving Octavia is hard enough without me having to explain myself.”

His brow knits. “All right. Whatever you need to do. Unlike the younger servers, who want to take a break every goddamn minute, you work hard. If you ever need to come back, you’re welcome to.”

I smile. “You mean as long as I don’t age or gain twenty pounds, right?”

Motioning toward the door, he smirks.

“You’re only twenty-nine; you have at least a few hot years left in you. Go to work before this gets sentimental. I have a reputation to uphold.”

Repeatedly, I’ve prayed to get out of this demeaning place, but at least here, I know what to expect when I walk through the doors.

I’m in the dark over what Ellis Burke has planned for me behind his closed doors. If I read him right, my life won’t be less demeaning anytime soon.



I’m exhausted and emotionally spent as I stride to the exit of Octavia. My only female friend here, Gracie, is now pissed at me. She thinks I’ve been hiding a relationship from her, and it’s frustrating that I can’t tell her the truth.

I could possibly confide in her, but since I’m not a hundred percent sure, protecting Liam and Sasha must come before protecting a friendship. It sucks.

Once I reach the exit, Bruce’s mouth droops.

“I heard the news, my cannoli girl. It breaks my heart.”

“I’m sorry, Bruce. I really am. Maybe I can bring you by a dessert once in a while.” I smile, hoping he’ll do the same to ease my guilt.

“That would be great. Then, I can be sure you’re doing OK.” He pulls out his wallet. “Here’s my business card. You know I watch out for you ladies when you’re walking through the parking lot late at night.

“Well, I saw you get in that luxury ride last night. I wasn’t trying to be nosy; I was only concerned. Anyway, you were upset after, and now you’re quitting. I can’t help but wonder if the two are related.”

“Bruce, I appreciate the concern, but I can’t discu—”

“Stop right there,” he exclaims with his hands up. “I don’t expect you to tell me anything about last night. Just promise me if you’re ever in trouble and need help, you’ll call me at that number. I’ll be by your side in a flash to assist any way I can.”

My eyes wash with tears over his kindness. Maybe there are still people I can trust. Grabbing the big fella, I hug him hard.

“Thank you, Bruce.”