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The Terms: Part One (The Terms Duet) by Ruby Rowe (7)



“I want to hire Emma,” I say, sitting in a chair across from Ellis’s desk. “She’s young, so she can keep up with Liam, yet she’s educated, too, having graduated from college last year.” I don’t even think he’s listening to me as he stares at my chest. “She’s light and happy, and I think—”

“Why are you wearing a different shirt?” he interjects.

I glance down at the red sweater I changed into after the interviews.

“I spilled coffee on my other one.”

Tightening his hand around an ink pen atop his cherry desk, his eyes flit to a matching credenza on his right. I look to it and notice he’s eyeing a red abstract sculpture of a woman.

“I’m hiring Beatrice,” he says curtly. “She’ll be stricter with Liam, which he obviously needs since you’re determined to baby him.”

“You don’t know how I am with him; we’ve been here a whole twenty-four hours. Beatrice was stuffy and would have a difficult time relating to Liam. She couldn’t chase him around this enormous house, either.”

With his elbows resting on the desk, Ellis palms his eyes.

“You’re trying my patience.”

Yes, he’s about to cave. I feel it.

“Emma could tutor him, too. You said you wanted him to have a tutor until he goes to preschool next fall, so this way, you wouldn’t have to hire an additional person.”

“Emma doesn’t speak any foreign languages.”

I make a face, wondering what that has to do with anything.

“How is that relevant?”

“Liam is learning other languages.”

“Well, how many do you speak?”

“I can read eight and speak six. It’s a must with my job.”

Crap, so much for working that angle.

“Ellis, please let me make this decision. Mothers have an intuition, and my gut is telling me Emma is perfect for the job.”

Dropping his hands, he stares at me. His eyes aren’t as vibrant today. Instead they’re a little bloodshot, and he appears tired, which I can relate to seeing how I was up for hours trying to keep Liam in his own bed.

It was a futile attempt. He was determined to win, his cries gut-wrenching. After close to two hours of listening to him wail, I couldn’t take it any longer and brought him back to my bedroom.

“I’ll think about it, but I need you to go now. I have an appointment.”

“On a Saturday? Do you always work on the weekend?”

“It’s not work related. Oh, and Irene is only here until one on Saturdays, and she’s off every Sunday, but I have her working all this weekend since you’re settling in.

“She’ll help with Liam if needed, and she loves to cook, so she’ll fix you anything at any time.”

“Thank you. I guess Liam and I will spend the day getting more acquainted with your home.”

“It’s your home, as well, Camilla, and we’ll adjust sooner if you treat it as such. I want my nephew to feel he belongs here.”

“And this mansion is not going to feel like home to me in a day, especially when I’ve been sentenced to jail.”

“Oh, please, this is far from jail. Liam being a Burke means his life is forever changed. The opportunities and wealth he’s entitled to are endless, so I’m trying to give you somewhat of the same opportunity since you’re his mother.”

I don’t have a reply. On one hand he seems like a generous man, but then I recall what Tony divulged about him, along with what Ellis expects from me in return for this luxurious life, and I’m conflicted. Standing, I cross my arms.

“I do hope you’ll consider Emma for the job. It would mean a lot to me.”

I leave his office to spend time with my son. Having been in more dangerous situations than this, I need to focus on the silver lining, which is the possibility of Liam having better opportunities in life and less struggles. That is, as long as Ellis isn’t the evil person I believe him to be.

I find Liam in his room, where Christopher’s watching him.

“Everything OK?” Chris asks.

“Yes, it’s fine. I’m hoping Ellis will hire the nanny I want. He’s going to think about it.”

“He better. You know what’s best for Liam. Ellis texted me to come see him, so I better go. Irene already fed Liam lunch. You should eat something, too, and check out the family room I showed you downstairs. There’s a flat-screen TV and a lot of movies Liam would like.”

“OK. I appreciate all of your help. It’s comforting.”

He pulls my forehead to him and kisses it.

“I’ll do anything for you. You know that.”

Unsure of how to respond, I simply smile and pick up Liam to go downstairs. Not having an appetite, I head right for the spacious family room.

There’s an enormous entertainment center taking up the wall across from a brown leather sectional, so I open the doors to it and spot stacks of DVDs, especially children’s movies. I pull some from the shelf and bend down to show them to Liam.

“Wanna watch a movie, kiddo? Pick one, and I’ll play it.” I already know the answer to this. One of the three DVDs I’m holding is a Ninja Turtles movie, so he’ll surely pick that one. He grins and points to it.

“I Mikey.”

“Yes, you’re Michelangelo.”

Shooting his arms in the air, he says, “Cowabunga! I need chucks, Momma.” He’s serious now, certain that one of these days he’ll persuade me to buy them.

“I think you’re still a little young for nunchucks. You’d whack yourself in the head. Let’s sit on the sofa and watch the movie.”

As we lounge, I dwell on how this is the only place in the house that feels casual besides Liam’s bedroom.

I can tuck my feet up beside me on the sofa, which gives me the sense of being at my home. It wasn’t much, but I paid the rent and decided whether to live there or not.

I sigh from annoyance over the predicament we’re in. I prefer that Liam not watch much television, but I see us spending a lot of time in here as a reprieve from Ellis and this lavish environment.



Close to two hours have passed when Christopher enters the room. Liam is napping on my lap, and the movie is off. I’ve been playing on my iPhone, wondering the whole time if Ellis is monitoring every keystroke.

“Hi, what’s up? I’ve heard a lot of commotion in the house,” I say.

Blowing out a breath, he grabs the back of his neck.

“You need to go to your room.”


“Ellis purchased a bunch of clothes for you and Liam. They were even delivered. I guess the man’s money gets him whatever the fuck he desires, including Saturday delivery—”

“Shhh, watch your language, even if it appears he’s sleeping.” I glance down at Liam.

“Sorry. I didn’t know how you’d like them organized, so Liam’s are on his bed, and yours are, well, everywhere in your room. There’s a lot.

“I can’t lie; it pisses me off. You’ve never taken help from me, so it’s irritating that he gets to do this, and you have to accept it.”

“I don’t have a choice, and I hate it. You, of all people, know I’m used to being independent.”

“I’ll watch Liam while you’re upstairs. Then, I’m taking off for the day. I’ve had enough of Ellis Burke this week.”

“I’m sorry. Thank you again for all your help.”