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The Unacceptables Series Box Set Two: Books Five through Nine with Exclusive Bonus Chapters by Mazzola, Kristen Hope (27)



“Buck, I have to talk to you.” Ax walked into the barn with his head hanging.

I pointed to our chapel room where we could have a little privacy. “What’s up, kid?” I asked as we both took seats.

“Cass is pregnant. I’m going to be a father.” Watching as my VP pulled his cut off and started to hack away at the patches, my heart sunk a bit. Throwing them into the middle of the table, relief washed over Ryan.

With a shaking hand, I tried to reassure my young brother. “We have to call a vote, but if you want to patch out, I understand and support your decision. You have to do what is right for you and your family.”

“She said she’ll marry me. I have to do this for her. She deserves for me to choose her and put her first.” His voice shook as the words filled the room.

“You’re making the right decision. Cass is worth it, and we will always be your family. You’ll be under our protection for the rest of your life. You will always have a home here.”

It didn’t take long for me to make the calls needed and to fill the table. With a heavy heart I slammed the gavel to call our impromptu meeting to order. “Brothers, we have something to address that I want you all to take to heart. Please hear Ryan out and take his situation into consideration when making your choice tonight.”

They all looked from me to Ax as they mumbled curiosity as to why I had gather them. “This is a proud moment for me.” I added before turning the flooring over to my VP.

Ax stood to my left, leaving his seat empty as he addressed his brothers. He’d made a hard choice, but it was the right one for his new family and I respected the shit out of him for it. In all my time at the head of the table, we had never had someone boldly stand up for his family like Ryan had just done. It took balls and I needed to be as supportive as I could be. I’d known he was going to do great things with his life since the first day he put his cut on, I just always thought it would be a life as an outlaw. People do have a way of surprising you.

Ax put his hand on my shoulder. “Thank you, brother,” he whispered before clearing his throat. “This decision was not made lightly, but I must ask you all to vote me out of the charter. I need to leave the Unacceptables as I can no longer effectively do my duty and fulfill my responsibilities to this club to the full extent this organization deserves and requires. Buck will also be talking to you all about who will take my place.”

After setting the patches he’d just cut from his leather in the middle of our table, he walked from member to member, hugging each of them. His head hung low as he silently exited the chapel room in our bar, leaving me to call the vote.

I lit a cigarette, taking a few seconds in anticipation of one of the hardest votes I was ever going to have to call as a president. “In light of the recent attack, Ax has asked to be voted out of our club. Cassidy is pregnant, and Ryan has decided it is the best decision for him and his growing family. All in favor of letting Ryan Axston step away from the charter in good standing?”

Each member slowly agreed, most with reluctance, as I went from man to man sitting at the table. Slamming my gavel, I yelled, “Aye!”

Grabbing the vice president square from its resting place on the skull and bones on our table, I handed it to Riley MacLean. “Mac, come take your new seat and be my vice president.”

Standing, I wrapped my new VP in my arms before holding out Ax’s old seat. All of the members drummed their fists on the table in celebration for Mac’s new position.

“I’ll go get Ax,” Mac said before opening the door.

Ryan came in and sat in the back of the room, water welling in his eyes. “Thank you, guys.”

“There is one issue we need to discuss while Ax is still here with us—who the fuck hit our club the other night.”

A shooting could not go without retaliation. The threat of an unknown enemy was real and looming.

“It felt too impulsive for it to be the Sinners,” Ax muttered.

“Agreed,” Buck grunted, slamming his fist onto the table.

“I’ve put the word out with our other charters and have reached out to all my sources. Nothing yet. But, we will get to the bottom of this sooner than later.” I hated admitting it, but there were no leads, no information on who would have been fucking stupid enough to do a drive-by at the barn.