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The Unacceptables Series Box Set Two: Books Five through Nine with Exclusive Bonus Chapters by Mazzola, Kristen Hope (50)

Deleted Scene: Unstable

Years Later

Walking into my house, following Ryder into the living room, I was finally able to breath a much-needed sigh of relief. Most awkward fucking dinner of my life.

“Everything all right, son?” I asked as I slumped down onto the couch.

Ryder nodded, digging the keys out of his pocket. “Yeah, why?”

“Dunno, you just seemed a little off this evening. Offering to take on more work when you’re already working fifty-plus hours a week seems a little much, don't ya think?” I knew why he was offering and it wasn’t just to lend a helping hand when the club was in need.

I had known for years that Ryder held a torch for Raine, but sitting at family dinner with half of my club, there was no ignoring it. Raine was like a daughter to me and way too good for my son to be messing around with. Most dads would be excited for their boy to be with someone half as good as Raine, but it scared the shit out of me. She was born into a biker family, but that didn’t mean that we needed to drag her down into the muck with us. Raine deserved to get out, become something truly amazing.

Swallowing my feelings, I took a beer from Ryder as he sank onto the couch next to me. It was time to play the good dad for once.

“I’d do anything for this family, that’s all.” Ryder lied through his teeth. The only thing on his mind was finding ways to help Raine.

“That’s my boy. Gotta look out for the best interest.”

He pursed his lips after taking a swig from his freshly opened beer. “Exactly.”

“So, does she know yet?” I just had to come right out with it, I couldn’t let him think that he had pulled the wool over my eyes.

He stared down at his beer. “Does who know what?”

I chuckled a little. “Do you really think I am a fool, Ryder?”

“She knows.”

“When are you going to tell Abel?” The question made my skin crawl—it was going to be Ryder’s funeral when Abel found out.

He shook his head. “He won’t approve. Raine’s trying to keep it a secret for now.”

“Shit always hits the fan, son. You need to man up.”

Ryder pursed his lips. “I can’t go against her wishes.”

After staring at my beer for a few seconds, I finally looked up at my son. “You cannot let fear stand in your way. It’ll make you weak, and one thing we are not, my boy, is fucking pussies.” It was the best fatherly advice I could give, against my better judgment. I wanted to slap him across his face and tell him how big of a mistake he was making, but that would just turn all of this into a damn Romeo and Juliet saga that wouldn’t be good for anyone.

“I’m going to turn in.” Ryder shoved up from the couch, making his way to his room.

* * *

I must have dozed off on the couch for a bit. The vibrating of my cell in my pocket startled me.

“Yeah?” I answered, wiping the drool off of the corner of my mouth.

“I just caught Ryder in Raine’s room.” Abel barked into the phone. He was seething.

“Fuck.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“Did you know?” I could hear him pacing.

There was no way I was going to tell Abel that I had known since the day in the garage when Ryder first got to town that he had feelings for Raine, I wasn’t a damn moron with a death wish. “Of course not.”

“I’m going to kill him.”

“Let me talk some sense into him.” I heard Ryder’s bike pull into the drive way.

“You fucking better.”

I strode out onto the porch, ready to kick the kid’s ass myself. No more playing nice guy. The gloves were coming off.

“Get your fucking ass inside.”

“Dad, please.” He bowed his head as he walked up to me.

A beer gripped in my hand, I spit on the porch in front of his work boot. “You’re lucky Abel didn't kill you, son. What were you thinking?”

I followed Ryder as he walked through the front door, he looked so defeated. “I love her, Dad.”

I took my place back on the couch, staring at up at my son. I could see him heart breaking in his eyes. “This ain’t just a chick that you fuck and pretend to love, son. She deserves more than this. More than us.” 

“Fuck.” He started to pace around the living room. “Don’t you think I fucking know that?”

“Then why would you ever think a guy like you could be with her?” My nostrils were flaring as I tried to calm my temper.

“Didn’t you hear me? I fucking love her. I’ll give it up, all of it. I’ll turn in my cut. I’ll walk away, take her away.”

I took a long swig, glaring at him. “Do you know what you’re really saying, Ryder?”

He nodded and sank onto the couch next to me, beaten down and shaking.

“Then prove it. Fight for her and prove to Abel that you mean it. Win her and show you deserve it.”

“What if I can’t. What if Abel never approves?” He glanced at me, slumped over.

“All you can do is try, son. But, if you fucking hurt her, Abel will be the last person you need to worry about. I will kill you myself.”

“I’d never hurt her. She’s too perfect.”