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The Xmas Ride: A Christmas Biker Romance by Xander Hades (19)

Chapter Seven


I sang as I drove home. One more day of work and then I had Halloween and the following weekend off. I had just picked up my costume and was going home to try it on. Tina was coming over for dinner and to let me know how it looked.

“Everything is coming up roses, Dana Doll,” I said aloud, remembering how Jake liked calling me. I pulled up to my house and parked. It was almost dark. As I got my packages out of the car I saw the porch light come on. I loved that feature. I started up the four steps and heard a motorcycle and turned as I reached the top, thinking it might be Mitch. I knew immediately it wasn’t. Wrong bike and wrong man on it. It was that Tom dude who wouldn’t take no for an answer. I cursed myself out for forgetting to call Mitch to get the guy to back off. Tom waved after pulling off his helmet. I nodded and reached in my pocket for my keys as he came up the stairs.

“Hi Dana, could I ask you something,” he said.

“You just did,” I said, trying to be funny. When he nervously chuckled, I changed tactics as I slipped the key into the lock. “Sorry, go ahead.”

“I was wondering if you might be interested in going to a Halloween party the Wild Wolves are putting on at the club house. It should be a blast, and of course, I will be there in case it isn’t,” he smiled, which somehow came off as awkward. I sighed.

“Look, Tom, is it? I appreciate the offer but like I told you before, I am not interested. I am not dating right now and won’t be for quite a while. I am building my life first and don’t have the time or interest.”

His face fell, and looked irritated. He was irritated? I felt my frustration with him surface. “Seriously. You don’t seem to want to believe me, but that shouldn’t be my problem. I am not interested, now please stop leaving notes and stopping by. We both will be better off,” I said and turned quickly, going into my house and shutting the door behind me, locking it as I did so.

I walked through my living room and heard him screaming outside, “You bitch!” I heard him stomp down the steps. I tossed my package on the couch and got my phone out of my pocket as I went to the window. I pressed Mitch’s number, watching Tom go on his bike. He looked at me in the window and flipped me off before putting his helmet on. He started up his bike as Mitch answered.

“Hey sis, what’s up?” Mitch’s voice was tinny on the other end. I watched Tom roar off and kick my car as he passed by.

“That son of a bitch!” I yelled.

“Dana! What is it?”

I shook my head and waited until the bike was out of sight before going to the door.

“A club buddy of yours just kicked my car, Mitch. Tom McCreety. Remember he came looking for you?”

“I remember. What the hell is he doing there?”

“He has been hitting on me. I tried to be nice and polite because he is a brother of yours, but I finally had to cut him down. He screamed at me through the door and I am sure my neighbors appreciated that! Just now, as he was pulling out he kicked my car.” I went down the steps to check the damage. It was almost too dark to do so, but I could see, by the light of my phone, a dent in the rear corner panel.

“Great, it will need some body work. Can you lasso that guy and tell him if he does it again I will be the one kicking his ass? I love this fucking car,” I snarled. I rarely lost my temper but this Tom guy had done it. “You don’t mess with my little car. I don’t care if it’s old, it is mine and it works!”

“That little shit. He is going to hear from me, alright,” he said and I could hear voices in the back ground and realized he had mentioned a meeting earlier.

My anger softened. “I am sorry for calling you. You’re in a meeting, aren’t you?” I never wanted to be a burden to my brother.

“Not yet, Dana. Besides, that little shit is supposed to be here. I’ll rip him a new one. That won’t be near as bad as what The VP does to him. Don’t worry sis, it will be taken care of on this end. Are you worried he may come back? I can send some trustworthy brothers over to look out for him.” He asked and I almost took him up on it. As soon as he asked about Tom coming back, I got worried about it. Before I said yes, however, Tina pulled up in her Kia truck.

“Tina just showed up,” I said. “We are having dinner here. Don’t worry, Mitch, I should be okay. I will lock the doors. I don’t see why he would come back. He has to know you would be getting a call.”

“True, but since that is the case, he knew better than to go over to your house because you would eventually call me,” Mitch said, anger making his voice quake. “He ain’t all there in the head, sis. Be careful and let me know the instant he shows up again, if he does.”

“You’re sending some brothers over, anyway, aren’t you?” I asked as Tina walked up. I pointed at my car’s dent.

“Uh, yeah. Do you remember David and John? The Bear and the Alligator?”

“Sure, I do. I always liked them. My going-away party, right? They brought the balloons. Okay, have them stop by and I’ll get them some coffee. It’s too fricking cold and I know they will insist they stay outside.”

“They will appreciate that. I am going to go inform the others. Stay near your phone sis, love ya,” he said.

“I take it that wasn’t the insurance company?” Tina asked. I took her arm.

“Let’s go inside,” I told her. I began thinking she may not want to stay. Foolish me, I had forgot who I was dealing with.


“The food will be ready in a bit, Dana, but let’s see you in costume,” Tina said after I had explained the problem. She wasn’t fazed and had immediately got dinner going. Mitch’s buddies showed up and I had a travel mug of strong coffee for both. They came over in a big truck and were parked outside, drinking coffee and smoking. Nice guys. I figured Tina was right. Nothing to be stressed about. We had people looking out for us. I really wanted to call Jake, but couldn’t, not right then, anyway. So, I went along and had some fun with it.

It took some wiggling to get into it. Then again it was latex. I was going as a blond Black Widow from the Avengers. The suit felt like a second skin. I walked around my room and looked myself over in the mirror.

“Does my ass look fat in this?” I asked Tina and she laughed.

“Your ass looks spectacular in that suit. Well, they always look great, but especially in that suit. If I didn’t know you were otherwise dating I would try for ya. Tom has nothing on me,” she said and we both laughed. She was right about that. I stretched and twisted to get a feel for it. It was a little constrictive but not too bad, I decided. It was latex, it wasn’t supposed to be loose and flowing. I privately thought I did look sexy and that Jake was going to love it.

“Well, you got Tom beat for sure. You are much cuter,” I told her and then the phone rang.

“Hey Mitch, did you talk to that weasel?” I asked point blank.

“I would but he hasn’t shown up. He had to be here for a couple of things so the thought is he knows you called me. We have people looking for him, though. I wouldn’t worry. At this point he is holed up somewhere and we will find him, or he left town, in which case good riddance. Is Tina still there? Do you need anything?”

“I am good, brother. Thank you for sending those guys over. I do feel better. I won’t have to kick his ass if he comes back. I already got my workout for today,” I joked and he chuckled.

“Then he is luckier than he deserves for yelling at you and harassing you. I will be coming over after the meeting is finished. I can still stay in my old room?”

“If you want to. I really will be fine. He scared me at first, but I shouldn’t have a problem.

“Tell him I am staying,” Tina said, sitting on the bed.

“What?” I was startled.

“Damn right, girl. We have some things to drink and you will need company. Tell Mitch he can go hunting the bad guy if he wants. I’ll be here,” she said. She said it loudly, too. I sighed, knowing there would be no argument I could give that would work.

“Did you hear that?” I asked into the phone. Mitch was chuckling.

“I did and thank her for me. I will go hunting, but I will still be by later. Keep your phone nearby, I will call before knocking so you don’t have to stress it,” he told me. I nodded to myself. That’s my brother through and through.

“Got it. I will keep the phone handy. Go finish your meeting, Mitch, I’ll be here,” I said.

“Well, it looks like it’s you and me. Thanks for staying. I really would be fine, but having you here will help me sleep I think,” I said and she hugged me. I hugged her back. It was nice to have friends.

“Anytime, my friend. Now why don’t you call that hunk of man you’re dating, he needs to know what is going on. I will check on dinner and open the wine,” she said and I nodded. I did need to let Jake know. So, I did. Saying he was not happy about Tom was the understatement of the century.