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Thief of Hearts: A Rogue Billionaire Fake Fiance Romance by Carter Blake, Aiden Forbes (169)



As my head tilts up, I’m graced with a beautiful star-filled sky. What a perfect sight for a perfect moment.

I have an affinity for constellations. I studied astronomy for a semester in college, and I really had an amazing time learning about them. I see Cassiopeia, Orion, and a few other minor, less well-known constellations in the sky right now.

I’m relaxed and enjoying myself and this gorgeous view of the dark sky littered with bright stars.

“It’s a pleasure to have you here with me, Alison,” Jaxon says.

I bring my head forward, facing him, and I give him a beaming smile, much like the one he’s already giving me.

“The pleasure’s all mine, Mr. Covington,” I say cheekily.

“Oh, my. Please, doll. Call me Jaxon,” he responds.


I can tell a shiver courses down his spine as soon as his name passes my lips. He’s absolutely ecstatic to have me here.

What a strange night it’s been that’s led us to this point.

“You know, I must say, Jaxon,” I start, watching his face as his name exits my mouth, seeing pleasure in his body language, “I’m impressed with you this evening.”

“Impressed? Well, perfect,” he comments. “Tell me, Alison. Is it my lovely home? The large hot tub? Or the drinks?”

He takes a sip of his beverage, awaiting my reply.

“Oh, honestly, it’s none of the above, I’m afraid,” I start. His face draws a certain level of confusion that I just find adorable. “It’s how you handled yourself earlier.”

“Oh, that. Well, that was nothing, love,” he says, trying to play off the action.

The modesty he’s showing is also an incredible feat on its own. I’d never met someone so narcissistic in my life in the old Jaxon.

“No, Jaxon. It was absolutely something!” I assure him. “You managed to stop yourself from murdering someone that flipped your worst switch.”

He’s blushing at this point. There’s that loveable, overly confident man coming to the surface.

“And with my witnessing the altercation and seeing you back yourself down, I can actually deem you as rehabilitated. I’m so incredibly proud of you and how far you’ve come.”

“Ah, Ali. I can’t wait to make that official,” he comments.

And I’m sure. I couldn’t imagine being locked up in prison, just sitting around waiting to get the fuck out. I’d be restless, too.

Just like he is. And that his anger hasn’t gotten the best of him while he’s been left in a cell to fester is noteworthy.

Diagnosed psychopath or not, any man that goes to prison leaves humble, but with some goddamn anger issues like no one would believe.

The statistics on this are incredible. Seeing it all the time solidifies it, but someone unfamiliar with the environment might just be shocked.

So I’m just flabbergasted and over the moon about Jaxon’s progress. I knew tonight was a great idea.

“You know, Jaxon,” I start.

“Yes, dollface?”

“Nevermind. I shouldn’t.”

His lips curl into a smile, and he lifts his glass.

“Of course you should. Tell me. You know you want to,” he encourages me and takes a sip of his drink.

“It’s just…I guess a small part of me’s just the littlest bit disappointed I didn’t get to see you in action again,” I admit.

“In action…you wanted me to stab that dumb motherfucker?”

“I think a small part of me did,” I admit, my cheeks now hot and rosy from my confession.

“God, woman. You’re impossible to please.”

“Oh, no, I don’t mean it like that. I’m much happier that you didn’t. You’re getting better! So much better.”


“I guess I’m saying a part of me would’ve felt something about either course of action. There’s no wrong way to impress me, but only one right choice for yourself. And you chose correctly,” I explain.

“Look, sweets. You don’t need to explain yourself. I get it,” he replies.

He places his glass on the edge of the tub and leans in close.

“You’re a darker, dirtier girl than you lead on, Alison. And I love everything about this side of you. You’ve got the looks, the smarts, and now I know you have the demons, too. And I want all of it.”

His words send a jolt of pleasure through my body. The heat from the pool, the drinks, and Jaxon’s impeccable charm all have me squirming in my seat.

His waiter comes from the indoors to deliver refills for our drinks.

“What’s your next round going to be, Mr. Covington? Ms. Hughes?” he asks.

“Oh, nothing more for me, thanks,” I decline politely.

“I’m alright as well. Actually, could you excuse us for the evening? We’ll be fine on our own,” requests Jaxon.

“Of course, sir. You know where to find me.”

“Alison,” Jaxon starts, taking a sip of his last drink. “How long have you had these dark thoughts?”

I’m taking a strawful of my own drink as he asks, and it gets caught in my throat and I spit it out all over myself.

“Sorry about that,” I say. “Oh my gosh. I just wasn’t expecting that.”

Jaxon leans in, wiping my breast with his bare hand. His touch sends goosebumps all over my body and a lump in my throat.

“Ali, it’s fine. Really. Just answer the question.”

My heart’s thumping so loud and hard, I’m afraid his hand will feel it.

“Well, I’m just not sure that I can. Before knowing you, I didn’t know a whole lot about myself. And I’ve been so focused on rehabilitating you, I haven’t been worried about me.”

“Right, well, when you figure it out, Ali, you’ll know where to find me. Thanks to you, I’m going to be a free man soon.”

We smile at each other and hold our drinks out to toast.

“To us, Alison.”

“To us, Jaxon.”

Our glasses meet between us and clink before we return them to our lips to have a sip.