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To the Fall by Prescott Lane (10)


Two sex-filled days later . . .

I wake up to the sound of the garbage truck outside the hotel. One supple leg is draped over my hip, another over my chest. Huh, that’s not humanly possible. I lift my head and smile. It’s possible when you’ve got two women in your bed at the same time. These two were in the hotel bar after my session with Dr. Lorraine. We ended up in one of the empty guest rooms, and I haven’t come up for air since.

Now here’s a sexual experience worth remembering.

I look down at the blonde, her lips pillowed against my neck. Can’t remember her name—we’ll refer to her as Girl A. As for Girl B . . . well, I currently have a view of her ass resting on my chest. Take that, Dr. Lorraine.

The first thing you should know about threesomes is that there are rules. I mean, you don’t want anyone to feel left out. Besides, I don’t know these women, and I do have some standards. I never, and I mean never, perform oral sex on a pussy I don’t know. I told them that straight up. They seemed fine with it.

Umm, Girl B is waking up, and she has her mouth on my cock already. “Fuck,” I groan out, waking up Girl A, who starts kissing my neck. Love these girls. I lift her head and push it lower, so she can give Girl B a little lick. Girl B adjusts herself so her face is riding Girl A while she sucks my dick, and I can lean back and watch the whole fucking thing. The king of my castle.

“Open the damn door,” Annie yells, banging on the door.

Girl A and Girl B don’t seem phased by it, continuing to lick and suck and nibble. “That’s it, baby, deep throat it.”

“I swear to God, if you don’t open the door, I’m coming in,” Annie yells. “You know I have keys.”

I sit up, forcing my dick out of B’s mouth, and she actually pouts. I flash a naughty grin and adjust the girls so they are in sixty-nine then wrap a sheet around my waist and go to the door. I take one last glance at the vision of two women sucking each other off and open the door.

Annie’s eyes slide up and down my body with a sneer—judgment. “You fucking smell like old, leftover fish.”

She barges through the door. I have to give her credit. She only pauses in her step for a second. She throws a pillow at Girl B. “Get out.”

Girl B lifts her head, licking her lips. “Relax, you can join us.”

Annie puts her hand on her hip and turns to me, pointing her finger. “You, shower.” She pulls Girl B up by her hair. “You two get dressed and get out.”

“Hey, who made you Chief Pussy in Charge?” Girl A asks.

Annie points her finger in her face. “Listen here, you little cunt. Get the fuck out before I rip that weave out of your head!”

Weave? I watch them get dressed, noticing where the hair has been added in. How did I not notice that before? Annie shoves them out the door and pushes me toward the shower, sidestepping used condoms along the way.

“Gross.” She pushes me in the shower. “At least you were safe.”

I lather and wash my hair, using the extra suds to whack off, still hard from my unfinished blowjob. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. “Annie, do you see my clothes?”

I remember locking up my watch and wallet. I’m not stupid, but don’t remember what happened to my clothes.

“Annie?” I walk into the bedroom. Annie’s back is to me, but I can see her thumbnail being chewed on. “My clothes?” She moves over to the closet and sure enough, they are hanging neatly inside. Don’t remember doing that.

Now I can really see Annie’s face, tears staining her cheeks. “Annie, what’s wrong?” She shakes her head, and I slip my pants on and walk to her, rubbing her arms gently. “Did something happen?”

She turns around, her eyes on the ground. “You fucked two women.” She barely gets the words out before she collapses into tears. “God, this was so much easier when you were with Daphne. I could convince myself that you are okay. That you’re happy.”

“I’m fine.”

Her eyes lift to mine, her head shaking. “We both know you’re not, and we both know why.” She reaches up and strokes my cheek. I can’t make out the look in her eyes, disappointment, hurt. A knock on the door causes her to step away. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

“Why would I be mad at you?” I ask.

She walks toward the door, and I grab my shirt, slipping it on and working the buttons.

“I was worried,” Annie tells me and opens the door.

“Fuck,” I groan, seeing Dr. Lorraine standing there.

“How many times do I have to say no, thank you?” she quips.


What the hell, Annie? How dare she call Dr. Lorraine? I slam some things around on my desk, leaving Dr. Lorraine to wait outside my office with Annie. I need to regroup. I can’t deny what happened. She was going to find out anyway. The woman can read me so easily, plus I missed our appointment this morning. I sure as hell didn’t remember she made house calls, though.

I’d been almost halfway through my diet, too. Now it’s back to day one again. Well, Girl B had her mouth on my dick. I guess day one will start tomorrow. Holy hell.

And Sutton—God, what have I done? I know we aren’t a couple. Hell, we aren’t even dating, but I also know she was counting on me not to be another douchebag asshole. And I just failed, epically.

“Can I come in?” Dr. Lorraine asks, poking her head in my office.

I motion for her to take a seat. She closes the door and sits in front of my desk. She’s on my turf now. I sit behind my desk and say, “I’m sorry Annie called you.”

“She was very worried,” Dr. Lorraine says.

“She shouldn’t have been,” I say.

“I’m very worried,” she says.

I look into her eyes. “Don’t worry about me.”

“It makes you uncomfortable to have people worry for you.”

She doesn’t say it like a question. She says it like a fact. “I’ve got work to do. I’m sorry I missed our appointment and that you came all the way down here, but as you can see, I’m fine.”

“Physically, maybe.”

“Emotionally, too. Annie is the one crying. Go counsel her.”

“I’m not giving up on you, Mr. Kingston. You can have orgies until the cows come home, and I’m not giving up.”

“Why the hell not?” I ask.

“Because you are a good person.”

“Did you not see where I was this morning?”

“I saw.”

“Still think I’m a good person?”

“Absolutely,” she says, leaning forward on my desk.

I feel my chest crack slightly, my armor not holding up as well as it used to. “You don’t know me.”

“Who knows you best?”

“Probably Annie.”

“Is it alright with you if I ask Annie to come in?” she asks. “I’ll just be asking her some questions.” I give a halfway, what-the-hell nod, and she calls for Annie to join us. Annie comes in, her eyes red and puffy. She doesn’t look at me at all. Dr. Lorraine motions for her to take a seat.

“Annie, Pierce thinks you know him best. Would you mind answering some questions for me?”

She glances at me. Crack, there goes another kink in the armor. I’ve really upset her. I get up and round my desk, kneeling in front of her. “Annie,” I whisper, gently tilting her chin up, and a rush of tears fall off her face.

“Please don’t,” she weeps out, jerking her head away.

I look at Dr. Lorraine then back to Annie. “Annie, you’ve seen me with other women before. Why are you so upset?”

“I was so worried about you! That’s why I came in the room! I didn’t expect to see what I saw! I just walked in on two women performing . . .” She waves her hands in the air. “How would it make you feel if you walked in on me with two men? One up my ass and one in my mouth?”

I’m not going to respond to that. No right answer there.

“Annie,” Dr. Lorraine says, redirecting us. “Describe Pierce for me.”

“Driven, controlled, focused.”

“Told you she knew me,” I say.

“What else?”

Annie tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “He can be very sweet.”

“Only when I want something,” I say.

“Shut up,” Annie barks at me. “What did you want from me when you stayed with me all night when I had the flu?” I open my mouth, but she cuts me off. “Or when you held my hand when I had to put my puppy down?”

“What else?” Dr. Lorraine asks.

“And you should see him with Tawny,” Annie says.

“His sister?” Dr. Lorraine asks.

Annie nods. “The other night she had stage fright, and he got up on stage and played with her. He’s very tender.”

“Now this is getting ridiculous,” I say. “I’m not tender.”

Annie looks at Dr. Lorraine. “You saw it a few minutes ago.”

“Saw what?” I ask.

Dr. Lorraine turns to me. “The way you came to Annie when she was crying. You approached her slowly. The way you tilted up her chin so slightly, very concerned for her.”

“He’s like that a lot,” Annie says. “He’s got a sweet, tender, sensitive soul under that asshole facade.”

“Please!” I say, throwing my hands up.

Dr. Lorraine turns to me. “You said Annie knows you the best. Do you think the women you sleep with know you better?”

I open my mouth to respond, but then think twice. Annie does know me better than anyone. She’s known me my whole life. Who I was before . . . when I was just a kid. Is who we are as kids really who we are—our true personality? I exhale. “No, but I’m not some poet, either, like Annie’s describing.”

“She also described you as driven, controlling, and focused. You’re much more comfortable with that part of your personality. Why is that?” Dr. Lorraine asks.

“I don’t know.”

Dr. Lorraine turns to Annie. “Could you give me a minute alone with Pierce?”

Annie glances at me. “She can stay,” I say. “She knows everything about me.”

“You told me you sometimes have problems remembering certain details,” Dr. Lorraine says, tiptoeing around the subject. “Think really hard. Do you remember details about last night?”

It’s all kind of a blur. Honestly, probably couldn’t pick the women out of a lineup. I shake my head in response to her question.

“Do you drink or take drugs?” Dr. Lorraine asks.

“What?” Annie busts out laughing.

“I’ll take that as a no,” Dr. Lorraine says, and I nod that she’s right in her assessment. “Do you remember your first time? Who you lost your virginity to?”

My chest tightens in panic. My heart thumps loudly in my head. We don’t talk about that night. Annie and I agreed to never speak about it again. The few times she’s tried, I’ve shut her down quick. How is this damn doctor so fucking intuitive? I look over at Annie, hoping she keeps our agreement.

Annie holds my gaze and says, “It was with me. We were only fifteen.”

Dr. Lorraine’s brow furrows. “Really?”

“It was just the one time,” I say, hoping to end this.

“So two fifteen year olds had a one-night stand? Yet stayed friends all these years?” Dr. Lorraine asks.

“We both agreed it was a mistake,” I say.

“It was my fault,” Annie whispers. “Everything that happened that night is my responsibility.”

“Annie,” I say, reaching out for her, but she backs away. I turn to Dr. Lorraine. “I don’t see what this has to do with anything.”

“Maybe it’s nothing,” she says. “Maybe it’s everything.”

“You need to tell her. All of it,” Annie cries.

“Annie!” I yell, but she holds firm.

“Start with your mom. About when she finally gave up on your father leaving Vicki for her. She didn’t make good choices. This one guy used to beat her up pretty regularly. Pierce used to take care of her after.”

“Out!” I rage. “Right the fuck now. Out!”

“Pierce, it’s alright,” Dr. Lorraine says, getting to her feet so she’s in front of me.

“No, my mother, my family is off limits. Annie knows that.” I look at Annie. “You know that.”

“She needs to know,” Annie says, standing up and walking out of my office, closing the door softly behind her.

“This is so far beyond the reason I’m in this stupid court-ordered therapy program!” I say.

“Pierce,” Dr. Lorraine says, her voice as calm as ever. “We don’t need to talk about your family right now.”

“I don’t want to ever talk about it.”

“Then we won’t,” she says. “You are in control.”

My body relaxes slightly. She isn’t going to make me talk about it. I don’t have to relive it. “Okay.”

“Anything else you want to talk about?” she asks.


“Alright, but there’s something I want you to do. Another assignment.”

“What now? Cut my nuts off and roast ’em?”

“Nothing so dramatic,” she teases. “I want you to take a woman out on a date. Pick her up, go to dinner, a movie, a concert, anything. Just the two of you, no big parties or events. Then take her home, no sex.”

Sutton pops into my head, although I’m pretty sure I’ve ruined any hope of that. “Alright.”

“And I’ll lax up on the rules. Kissing, hand holding, snuggling—all allowed.”

“Wow,” I say with as much sarcasm as I can muster.

“Now hand over your condoms,” she says, holding her hand out.


“You told me you always use condoms, so if you don’t have them on you, maybe you’ll follow the diet.”

“Used them all,” I lie.

She forces her hand out again. “Hand ’em over.”

“I can get more.”

“I know that, but for now, get rid of them all.”

I roll my eyes and reach into my wallet. It’s not there. Ah, I used that one last night. I open my desk and take out a box, placing it in her hand. “I’ll want those back.”

Dr. Lorraine laughs and heads for the door. “Toss the ones at home, too.”

Outside my office, I watch Dr. Lorraine pause and speak to Annie, who gives her a huge hug, like they’ve been friends forever. Dr. Lorraine gives me one last look then slips away. I know that look—the fix this or else look.

Annie wipes her cheeks and turns toward her desk. I know she wasn’t trying to hurt me. I know she thought she was doing the right thing. “Annie, come in here, please.” She closes the door behind her and stands before me, her eyes locked on mine. “I’m sorry,” I say. She gives a little nod. “Come here. Come to me.”

She walks slowly around my desk. “I can’t find you like that again. I can’t.” She weeps quietly.

“You won’t,” I say softly, wrapping her in a hug, and in that moment, I know she won’t. I’ve always believed my behavior didn’t effect anyone but me, but I’m beginning to see how wrong I am. Besides, it isn’t Annie’s job to rescue me from myself. “Let me make it up to you.” She leans back, and I wipe a few tears away with my fingers.

A small smile crosses her lips. “Tender,” she whispers.

“So we’re okay?”

“Always,” she says. “But you still need to make it up to me.”

I chuckle. “What did you have in mind?”

“Dinner tonight.”