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Tripping Nitro (Charon MC, #6) by Khloe Wren (7)

Chapter 7


After Cindy’s explanation earlier today, I was a little worried about what I was going to find at Titanium. Especially after she told me she wanted to keep working there so she could see her friends even if she did move back to Bridgewater. On the plus side, she’d seemed okay with the idea of moving in with me—at least she hadn’t flatly refused and told me to fuck off. I was calling that a win.

Since Cin seemed as nervous as I was about tonight, I’d suggested she drive us there in her car, leaving my bike safely in her apartment building’s parking garage. She’d been more than happy to drive, and got us there in record time. From the outside it didn’t look like much, but obviously it was a private club that you wouldn’t be able to find by just wandering down the street. Before I could get too good a look at the exterior, Cin was grabbing my hand and dragging me over toward the door. After passing a badge over a security panel, the large metal door swung open and I found myself standing in the entrance of a sex club. Sorry, not a sex club, a BDSM club.

I’d met Natalie at the derby practice I’d gone to the night before so I recognized her waiting for us when we came in. She strode over and I was a little taken back at what she was wearing. It was completely different from the leggings and t-shirt she’d worn at derby practice, that’s for sure. A red leather corset with a matching mini skirt that laced up either side. She had thigh-high black leather boots on and her long, dark hair was down around her shoulders. She looked like a woman in full control of everything around her. It was a little daunting, even to me, a Charon who was used to commanding respect everywhere I went.

“Nitro, it’s wonderful to see you here! I hope you like my club. Maybe you can convince our girl here to leave the bar and play a little. I think every Dom we have has tried at some point over the years but she’s shut them all down. Myself included.”

“Mistress Natalie, your offer to train me was most generous but I just couldn’t bring myself to accept it at the time.”

She gently cupped my girl’s face in her palm as she smiled at her. “And now I’ve met your man, I know why.”

I wasn’t sure what the hell to think, let alone say, so I kept my hand on Cin’s waist as I stood there silently.

“Right, well, normally I get newbies to go over all the paperwork here before they’re allowed in the club, but since you’re here so early and Cindy needs to get changed, then set up, you can come on through to the bar and I’ll sit with you there and go over everything. You don’t need to change, unless you want to, but you do need to take off your club colors. We don’t allow them inside. I can arrange for you to have a locker in the men’s change room, or if you want to keep things simpler for tonight, Cindy can put it in her locker?”

“I trust Cin to look after it for me.”

I shrugged out of my cut and put it over my girl’s shoulders. She slipped her arms through the holes and I didn’t miss the way she pressed her nose to the shoulder to inhale against the leather. Thing looked huge on her small frame but fuck, it looked right.

“Excellent. You can head off, Cindy. I’ll take care of your man until you get back.”

Before she could run off, I grabbed her for a fast kiss and gave her a tap on the ass as she moved away from me. Fuck, she looked good wearing my colors. I definitely needed to check with Scout that he’d ordered her property patch.

“Oh, you’ll fit right in here, Nitro. Or do you prefer Johnny? Cindy told me she thought you’d prefer Nitro.”

“Nitro is what everyone, except for Cin, calls me.”

“Excellent. Nitro it is. Please follow me.” She began walking in the direction Cin had gone earlier. “Normally there’s a pair of greeters in this first room when you arrive, but as I said, since you’re early, things aren’t rolling just yet. Part of the greeters’ job is to make sure no one gets in who shouldn’t. I would hope that whoever it is that is stalking our girl hasn’t been able to get into the club.”

“Do you run checks on everyone who wants to join?”

“That’s just not possible. This is a private club, Nitro. No one would want to join if we ran invasive checks on everyone. Not to mention the cost of such a thing. But that’s not to say we let just anyone in. Most new members are people like yourself, a partner of a current member. Also, we get friends and sometimes family of members who want to join.” She smirked at me. “That one can be fun on the floor when someone is trying to avoid seeing the bare ass of their sibling who’s a shameless exhibitionist.” She chuckled like she was remembering that very thing happening. Made me glad to be an only child. “Back to your question—every new member has to have a current member nominate them. It’s the only way in.”

“So, that type of system would make it hard for Cin’s stalker to find a way around it?”

We arrived at another door but she didn’t move to go through it yet.

“Oh, they could if they wanted to. But it would take some planning. First, he’d have to work out we’re a BDSM club, then he’d need to learn at least a little about the basics. He would then have to seduce one of our sweet little subbies until they brought him in with them. So, it could happen. I doubt it has, but Cindy is right to still play things safe even when she’s in here. The fact she hasn’t received anything from her stalker about working here has me thinking he doesn’t know what this place even is. If he, or she, is that possessive of her that they don’t even like her talking to other men, I can’t see them being happy with her working at a club like mine.”

“Cin thinks her stalker is a male, you don’t?”

Natalie gave me a broad smile that, to be honest, was more than a touch scary. “I’ve been here at Titanium for a long time and I’ve seen just about every type of love, lust and obsession there is. Women can love just as fiercely and possessively as men do. Honestly? Cindy’s stalker most likely is male, but it could be a woman. I can tell you she’s had just as many female Dommes drool over her here as male Doms.

“Now, through this door is the main floor of Titanium. There’s several smaller themed rooms, along with a series of privacy rooms. But this main area is where most of the action takes place, and this is where Cin stays. The main floor is broken up into two areas, the first is the bar area where people sit and mingle until they decide to go play. There’s a drink limit, of course. For each alcoholic drink people get a stamp on their hand. After one, they can’t do any hardcore scenes, after three, they can’t play at all.”

“And how in the hell do you monitor that?”

She cocked her brow at my outburst and I cleared my throat before mumbling a quick apology.

“We have Dungeon Monitors who keep an eye on all the scenes that are being run. And if Cindy happens to see someone she knows has three stamps wander into the scening area, she’ll alert one of the monitors to the situation.”

We were through the door and halfway across the bar area when I stopped short.

What the fuck?

Natalie chuckled. “I gather you’ve never been into a club like mine before, Nitro?”

“That would be a hell no. And Cin didn’t explain this nearly well enough.”

A little more warning would have been nice. And I would have greatly preferred Cin here with me right now rather than Natalie. Just glancing at the large crosses on the walls, and the benches and tables, all of which had some type of cuffs or shackles hanging from them had me mentally putting Cin on them. Bound and helpless while I buried myself deep inside her body over and over. Fuck, could Natalie see my hard-on? It was a little dim in here. Hopefully she’d missed it.

“Come and have a seat, I’ll give you a little crash course in BDSM.”

With my interest piqued, I followed the woman and sat in the seat next to her.

“Now, to start with, I want to make it clear that everything that happens here is consensual and safe. The Doms are monitored closely, and the subs all have a safeword. They say the word ‘red’ and the scene stops and a DM, Dungeon Monitor, takes them back to a privacy room where they can sort out what happened in private. Most of the time the DM leaves the Dom to take care of the sub, but there’s been a time or two where a sub has requested otherwise.”

“Natalie, I’m sorry, but I only understood about half of what you just said.”

She gave me a gentle smile, like one you’d give to a toddler you were trying to teach. It grated on my nerves but I held myself together. This shit was apparently important to my girl, so I needed to at least try to understand it. And it was also more than just spanking her ass and tying her up, which was where my brain had gone the moment I saw all those crosses and shit.

“Please, call me Mistress Natalie inside the club. Okay, let’s start with the basics. BDSM is all about dominance and submission. It can be between two, three or any number of people, but for my explanation, I’ll use a male/female couple as an example. One person is the dominant and the other is the submissive, or one is the top while the other is the bottom. The difference between those two is whether there is a power exchange in the mix. You see, a submissive chooses to give their power over to their Dom, they submit to them and the Dom takes and cherishes that gift offered to them. Power is exchanged between the two. With a Top/bottom, it’s more about sensation. There’s no prior agreement to exchange power between them. You’ll see plenty of examples once our guests start coming in and scening. And you can always come find me to ask questions if you have them later.” She paused and pointed a finger toward me. “And no thinking that it’s always the male that is the dominant or top, although we do have a number of male Doms here, we also have plenty of female Dommes, like myself. The Dom or Top isn’t always the physically stronger of the pair. A sub submits to their Dom because they choose to, not because they are forced to. I’ve Dommed a number of men who would have easily been able to overpower me, but because they chose to submit, to give me that power over them, they didn’t even try to. My club is open to all, Doms, subs, Tops, bottoms, switches... my door is open to everyone. Does that all make sense?”


“Switches are people who switch between being a Dom or a sub, or a Top or a bottom, depending on who they’re playing with, but I won’t confuse you with that one tonight.”

Cindy came through the doorway and after a concerned glance in my direction, headed behind the bar to start the process of getting everything set up for the night.

“Cin is definitely a submissive. And now she’s confided to me about her stalker, I can see all that she’d gone through on her own. Well, I can see why she would want this type of relationship with her man. And I’ve seen it in her gaze many times over the years. She craves having a Dom to take care of her. For so long she’s been forced to take control of everything in her world, to be so very careful of every step she takes, of who she talks to. A good Dom would be able to give her a break from that, a place where she could let go of all her fears and worries and just be in the moment.”

“I hope you’re not suggesting I should back off for some other man to step in and take care of my girl?”

I was trying my best to not curse up a storm but I was getting close to completely losing my shit at this woman.

“Oh, of course not! I’m implying that you be that Dom for her. If you want, I’d be happy to give you some pointers. We also have training sessions each week on a Sunday afternoon.” She put down the clipboard she’d been carrying on the table in front of her. “I really think it’s something Cin could benefit from. I don’t know you well enough yet to say, but from what I know about bikers in general, I think you’ll find your place here quite easily too. Please fill out this form at some point tonight, and feel free to watch any of the scenes you’d like to, but I ask that you watch from here in the bar area this evening. If you like what you see and want to have a go, I’ll arrange to set something up for you at training this Sunday.”

“Thanks. I think. Can I sit at the bar and do this?”

With a chuckle she gave a nod before she stood and moved away. Standing myself, I snatched up the clipboard and headed over to where Cin was finishing off getting set up. It wasn’t until I got closer that I could see well enough to notice what she was wearing. I leaned over the bar to get a better look at her lower half.

“Fuck, Cin.”

She paused and glanced over her shoulder at me with a smirk.

“What? Don’t you like it?”

My girl wasn’t dressed like a pin-up tonight. Nope. She was still wearing a pair of her sexy as fuck stockings with a garter belt, but now they were teamed up with a skin-tight black skirt that was so short, it revealed the lacy tops of those stockings. Her shirt was made of a fine mesh that showed her black bra beneath, over the top of the shirt she wore a harness type thing that had straps going all different directions in a way that made her tits stand out like they were spot lit.

“I like it just fine, I’m just not sure about how many men I’m gonna have to kill by the end of the night for drooling over what’s mine.”

“And women.”

That had my head jerking up. After the info dump Natalie just unloaded, I wasn’t sure I could handle too much sass from Cin on top of it. “What the fuck do you mean?”

She laughed and set a beer down in front of me.

“Didn’t Mistress Natalie tell you? Everyone is welcome here, babe. Gay, straight, bi, trans... so it’s not just the men who’ll be drooling. But don’t worry too much. While anyone can look, they all know better than to even attempt to touch me. Mistress Natalie runs a tight ship—she doesn’t tolerate any bullshit, and won’t stand for anyone trying to get rough with her staff. She’s an awesome boss.”

I didn’t respond as I recalled what Cin and Natalie had said out in the entrance, about Natalie training Cin. I took a large mouthful of beer as I tried to push aside the image of the two women together. I knew it hadn’t happened, but damn, every man on the planet had at least a few girl-on-girl fantasies. And I just got a new one.


I tried not to laugh as Nitro drained his beer in a couple of swallows. Poor man really hadn’t known anything about the lifestyle. I wasn’t sure how that could be. I’d been certain since those Fifty Shades movies had come out, everyone knew at least a little, but apparently not MC members. Grabbing the stamp, I leaned over and pressed it against the back of his hand twice before I set his next drink down. Marking another drink down against my account.

“I know you’re not scening tonight, but I always follow the rules.”

He tapped the tip of the pen against the form as a smirk grew across his face.

“Is that right? And what would happen if you broke the rules?”

Was he screwing around or serious? I chewed on my lower lip as I tried to work out how to respond.

“Would Mistress Natalie spank you for it?”

I rolled my eyes. Yep, he was screwing around.

“I bet you’d just love to watch me strapped down to a spanking bench with Mistress Natalie spanking my bare ass while you watched. Pervert.”

“Oh, now there’s a scene I could get behind. Literally. And of course he is, you need a good pervert, pet.”

My cheeks flared hot with embarrassment as Natalie came up beside me and gave me a little hip check before she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and marked it against her account.

“Nitro, you let me know if you want me to act that one out for you. I’d be happy to oblige. Added bonus for me would be that I’d be the envy of every Dom here for being the first to leave my mark on the most unattainable sub we’ve ever had here.”

With a wink, she sauntered off and I let silence fill the space for a minute before I worked up the nerve to glance at his face. His focus was solely on me and I could clearly see the lust in his gaze.

“I’m thinking I might like this place, Cin, but I’ll be the first one to leave a mark on you. Not her.”

Pulling my own bottle of water out, I took a large gulp as I watched Nitro get busy filling out the form that would make him a member.

What the fuck had just happened? I mean I’d hoped Nitro would react favorably to Titanium, but this was beyond that. And was he seriously implying he’d let me scene with Natalie? I wasn’t sure how I felt about that one. I wasn’t bi, I’d never been sexually attracted to a woman in my life, but the thought of Nitro watching me bottom for Natalie before he took me back to a privacy room definitely had my interest piqued.

I took another deep drink of water and tried to clear my thoughts as the first few people started coming into the club. It was time to work, and fight off gossip. I knew me having a man with me would be big news and would spread like wildfire. Over the twelve years I’d been working here, I’d had many a Dom try to woo me out from behind the bar. It helped that Natalie had publicly made me off limits a long time ago, but it didn’t change the way people spoke about me. Apparently it was strange that I had stayed single for so long.

The chances of my stalker getting access inside Titanium were slim, I knew that. It was why I’d initially loved working here so much. I didn’t have to watch over my shoulder the entire time. Then I made friends with so many of the regulars and I loved working here even more. Didn’t hurt that Natalie let me eat for free on the nights or days I worked. She had a chef on staff so people could order meals before or after they played, which a lot of people took advantage of. But none of that changed the fact that if I had decided to risk it and start playing with a Dom, at some point they would have wanted to meet outside the club and that I couldn’t have ever risked. Well, and if I’m going to be honest with myself, nor could any of the men here compete with the memory of Johnny. I mean Nitro. I was grateful he didn’t seem to mind me calling him Johnny when it was just the two of us, but I was trying really hard to remember to call him Nitro when we were out.

There might have been only a handful of people in the bar area when Natalie came over to take Nitro’s completed form, but every one of them watched the interaction. A new member always got attention, but as soon as they realized he was here with me, things would really heat up for us both.

Trew, an unattached subbie, came up to the other end of the bar and I steeled myself for the first round of questions. Trew was a sweetheart, but one of the worst gossips Titanium had.

“Hey, Trew, what can I get you?”

“Details about our newest acquisition. He has that Dom feel to him. What’s his name? Does he have a sub? Is he gay, straight or bi?”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Trew threw out questions so fast, there was no way I could have answered any of them. And since he was bi, and adored big, strong, alpha male Doms, I’d known Nitro would have his attention the moment Trew saw him.

“Slow your roll. His name is Nitro, and sorry to disappoint you but he’s straight.”

He frowned at me. “Are you sure? Because—”

I held up my palm to stop him. “I’m quite sure, because he’s with me.”

For at least a full minute, Trew stood there blinking at me like I’d set off a bomb or something.

“Get. Out. You found yourself a Dom? A hunky one at that. At last!”

He held his palm up high so I gave in and gave him a high-five.

“Well, he’s not technically a Dom, at least not yet. Although, it looks like he’s keen on learning.”

That had Trew’s eyes gleaming. “You found yourself a vanilla boy to corrupt? Such fun. So, are you the top, bottom or are you going to switch it up?” He dramatically wriggled his eyebrows. “You know, none of us have ever been able to work it out for sure. Most think you’re a subbie.”

The very thought of trying to top Nitro had me laughing so hard my eyes teared up.

“Oh, honey, there is no way that man would take to me trying to top him. Although, it might be fun to try on occasion. He’s always been one-hundred-percent alpha male, that one.”

“That sounds like you’ve got some history. Is he the reason you’ve been the club’s resident spinster all these years?”

I rolled my eyes as Simoni slipped in next to Trew and joined the conversation. Clearly her Dom, Dilan, had given her permission to come and get the news.

“You two are terrible, you know? Yes, there’s history. We dated back in high school, then we ran into each other in Austin after the last derby match we went to over there.”

Simoni’s expression lit up. “Oh, I want to know what happened that you lost contact for so long. Please tell us!”

I pulled out two bottles of water. “Not right now, guys. I gotta get working. Water, or something stronger tonight?”

Both their expressions dropped like I’d just offered them sour milk to drink but they accepted their water bottles and headed off from the bar, letting me serve others, and repeat the information about Nitro. I had a feeling I was going get tired of saying the same thing over and over. Maybe I should have made a sign to hang around my neck, explaining things.




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