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Ultimate Game Changer by Kira Adams (24)

Chapter Twenty-Four:



The final show was one for the books. An unforgettable night that will be embedded in my brain for a very long time. The venue was packed, leaving just enough room to wiggle through. And tonight, we celebrate. We booked the place out for another three hours to hold an epic sendoff for such an incredible tour. I’ve been on a lot of tours in my time and played on a lot of bills, but this one will be difficult to top. I could say it was just about the music, my bandmates, partying, and having a good time, but I know there’s a blue-eyed reason behind my why.


I’m anxious about Emerson’s expectations of me once we go home. Does she expect me to be her knight in shining armor and we ride off into the sunset? Because as amazing as that fucking sounds, I know Cade wouldn’t allow it over his dead body. It doesn’t help that she’s my freaking next door neighbor, either. There is no way to avoid the situation, not to mention that Cade is still my best friend and bandmate.


Mischa, Cade and Emerson’s aunt, came out for the final show, and by the look she is giving me, she had a conversation with Emerson about us. I know Mischa well enough by now that she wouldn’t be grinning back at me so merrily if it weren’t for that. I glance over at Cade and he is beaming back at them. Good, he doesn’t suspect anything…yet.


I feel someone sidling up next to me, and I look to my right to see Tabitha, one of our biggest fans. Her short hair is dyed violet and it makes her brown eyes pop. “Braxton,” she purrs.


“Tabitha,” I follow suit, saying her first name. “I’m surprised to see you here.” I pull her into a side hug quickly before releasing her.


She grins back at me seductively. “What are you talking about? I’ve been texting you the last few weeks, and you said you couldn’t wait to see us.” She’s referring to her best friend, Hope. She’s Tabitha’s chubbier, yet bubbly counterpart. They’re a package deal. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one without the other.


“Oh, you’re right! I’m sorry, time moves differently when you’re on the road,” I say, making up some lame excuse. In all actuality, I probably did text them back and tell them to come. I’ve always had a decent relationship with my fans; and what can I say, I’m a flirt.


“Can we get a picture?” Hope asks, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.


“Of course, of course,” I reply as we pull a random person to take the photo.


I spend another fifteen minutes chatting up Hope and Tabitha before I excuse myself and let them move on to one of the other guys in the band. They love and appreciate all of us equally, so it works out in my favor.


Making my way through the crowded venue, my eyes land on Cade, Emerson, and Mischa toward the back of the room. Expertly maneuvering between the human walls, I approach the trio. “Hey,” I say simply.


“Hey,” Cade replies, lifting the drink in his hand as a greeting.


“Braxton, I haven’t seen you in a while,” Mischa says with a slight head nod. “You know, I can’t say I miss the extra electricity, dishes, or the overall mess.” She’s giving me a hard time, one of her favorite things to do. We’ve always had a decent relationship. Honestly, I think she was just thankful for someone to give Cade a distraction from his tragic life. In the beginning, I was more talkative and adventurous, and after a while, it became less about his deceased parents and more about our friendship.


“You’re hilarious,” I finally reply. I’m curious to how she reacted when she found out about Emerson and me. I wonder if she was appalled or supportive. I wonder if she will say anything to Cade.


“You guys want to get something to eat?” Mischa offers up, glancing around between all of us.


Emerson nods. “I’m starving. You guys ready to go?”


I’m not one to say no to food, but I don’t feel like I’ve had enough time to see everyone I wanted to tonight. I have friends in all the bands I was planning on celebrating with, and I’d feel guilty leaving, especially knowing this is our last night together. “You know what, I think I’m going to hang back and visit with all the guys before they start heading out. It’s the last time I’m going to get to see most of them for awhile.”


Cade nods. “I’m good.” He throws his arms around both Emerson and Mischa’s necks. “Let’s vamoose.”


I chuckle as they walk off. Cade walking off with a girl on each arm? I wouldn’t expect anything less.


Grabbing another whiskey sour from the bar, I make my way over to my buddies from Tanks. By the time Cade and the ladies return from the restaurant, I’ll have managed to work the room in its entirety. People are already beginning to leave and the crowd is thinning out.


I pull out my phone and shoot Emerson a quick text. I don’t want her to be upset with me since I didn’t tag along. Hey, will I get to see you later? Simple and to the point. I stuff my phone back into my pocket and go back to mingling with my friends.