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Unchaste Fate (Pretty Pinks MC Book 1) by Dana Arden (27)

Chapter 27






Today is the day we’ve been waiting for. Baby girl Peters decided she wanted to hibernate in Bellamy’s belly longer than she was invited to stay, so Bellamy is being induced. We got here at the ass crack of dawn, and the exhaustion of artificial contractions on top of Bellamy going into labor on her own have wore us out.


I’ve been called a big dick motherfucker several times. She’s told me that she'd hated me one minute and the next she loved my big dick. She’s told me that she’s going to turn into a lesbian and that her hoo-ha would have me on the banned list. I’ve laughed, cringed and wanted to cry watching her go through every aspect of this hell she’s going through.


The cherry on top of our cake is that she’s dilated ten centimeters and it’s time to push.


I hook my forearm under her thigh and pull back as her mother does the same with her other thigh. Bellamy’s face is flushed with sweat beads dripping off her forehead, but she’s being a trooper. When Dr. Shaw told her, it was time to push, her whole attitude changed from ready to give up to determination to get our little girl out of her vag.


Bellamy doesn’t utter a word just clamps her teeth together and pushes. Four more pushes and a screaming, red-faced ball of fury with a head full of brown hair is placed on her mother’s chest, and I can’t help the wetness that overflows my eyes. Bellamy counts her fingers and toes as I run my fingers through her fine hair down her cheek. Viola has her phone out and is taking Callie Bea’s first pictures out of the womb.


That’s right we added Granny into the mix. We figured since we were probably going to have a spitfire like Granny anyway that we might have well hand down the namesake. Her entry into this world proved that we were right.


The nurse takes her from Bellamy, and I follow like a lost puppy as they clean her up, weigh her and check her vitals. They didn’t need to do all that shit to prove she was healthy. I could’ve spared them the time because my daughter is perfect from her coco-brown hair to the cleft in her chin to her goose-necked big toe that she got courtesy of me. Don’t worry little Callie Bea, if anyone makes fun of your funky toes I’ll shove my size fourteen up their ass.


The nurse bundles her in a pink blanket and sets her in my waiting arms. I trek back to the chair beside Bellamy’s hospital bed as carefully as I can before I sit and take in the miracle that I helped create. She yawns, and it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. Her eyes pop open as soon as her mouth closes, and her eyes are dark, and I know from conversation with Bellamy that we won’t know their color until she’s a little older.


“She’s beautiful,” Viola says while leaning closer to Callie Bea.


“She is.”


“She’s a mixture.” I glance at her confused, and she continues. “She has your lips and eye shape, but that nose and chin is all Bellamy.” I nod. “I’ll go get her dad and brothers so they can see this beautiful angel.”


She leaves, and I look off to Bellamy who is silently watching me cuddle our daughter. I stand up, and she scoots over in the bed so I can lay beside her with Callie Bea in the middle.


“We made a pretty little girl.” She coos. “What do you think, Daddy?”


“I think I want a few more of them,” I whisper around the emotion clogging my throat as I scrutinize every inch of my daughter.


“In due time, let’s just appreciate her for a few more years before we take that step.”


“I can handle that.”


Kenny comes bustling in the room and bellows, “let me see my grandbaby,” making Callie Bea jump and starts squawking. I glare at him and he looks sheepishly at me. I hand her over and he stares at her with awe. Travis and Mitchell huddle close attempting to steal her from Kenny’s arms, but he does not have it. He backs away from his sons and settles into the chair I just vacated.


I lay on my back and Bellamy curls into me resting her head on my chest as we look on to our family as they hem and haw over Callie Bea.


God took one angel away from us and blessed us with another, and I will never be more thankful for Granny pushing me on Bellamy; making us see the light and finally joining in each others desire to be one.