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War Angel Contingent (Everlasting Fire Series, Book 1) by S. J. West (15)


My irritatingly silent escorts walk me through the halls of the palace. We only pass a few people on the way to wherever it is we’re going, but those few stare at me like I’m a freak of nature. I see them whisper to each other and shake their heads in dismay. I’m really starting to get a complex now. I don’t think I am ugly, but from the looks these people are giving me, I must look hideous to them. Is it my pale skin? Blonde hair? Both? I’m not really sure, which makes me question why the king willingly accepted me in Helena’s barter.

Once we reach a set of shiny gold doors, I can only assume King Manas is in the room that lays behind them. Only an obnoxious person would make doors out of pure gold, and from what I’ve been told so far, the king is quite full of himself.

My escorts each push one of the doors inward, allowing me entry into the room. The first thing I notice is that the walls of the room are white with gold trim and numerous gold pillars placed randomly inside. There are possibly two hundred people within the interior standing on either side of the entrance dressed in colorful clothing. A plush red carpet runs from the entrance to the center of the room where a man and a woman sit on a golden platform that is built about a foot off the floor. They’re sitting on red pillows around a short square black marble table. The only things present on top of the table are two golden goblets and what looks like a gold tea kettle encrusted with rubies and emeralds.

The man is obviously King Manas because he’s wearing a gold bejeweled crown on his head. I hate to admit that his physical appearance is handsome, but it doesn’t make him in the least bit appealing to me since I know his insides are filled with hatred and selfishness. He has shoulder-length curly dark hair, and the lower half of his face is covered with a mustache and a well-trimmed goatee. His eyes are dark brown, and his skin is just as tan as those gathered in the room. He’s dressed in silky looking gold and maroon robes, which accentuate his broad shoulders and trim physique. There is a pleased smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he watches me stand in the entrance.

“Come!” he beckons with a wave of his hand in my direction. “Come sit with us, Julia Grace.”

Interesting that he knows my name, but not exactly unexpected. I’m sure Helena gave him as much information as she could about me when she bartered my freedom to him.

As I walk closer to the platform the king is sitting on, I can feel the curious and disapproving stares of all those around me. I’ve never enjoyed being the center of attention, but in this case, it’s not like I have anywhere to hide. I don’t even have an ally in this room to lean on for support to face what’s to come next. If I knew what to expect, I don’t believe I would feel so uncomfortable, but no one has told me what the king intends to do now that he owns me. Lady Maya seemed to imply that the king might want to have sex with me, but even that wasn’t confirmed.

When I reach the table, the king pats a red pillow next to him, indicating that I should sit down beside him. I carefully do what he wants, making sure the tracking device strapped to my thigh stays well-hidden as I sit. I allow myself a moment to consider the woman sitting on the other side of the king. She’s dressed in an outfit similar to mine, but hers is black. I find it strange that we’re dressed in identical dresses with only the color being the primary difference.

The woman looks despondent, but the small crown on her head seems to indicate that she’s probably Manas’ queen. I can only imagine how horrible it must be to live as his wife. She’s young though, maybe close to twenty, so they probably haven’t been married for very long.

“Tell me, Julia Grace,” the king says as he studies every aspect of my face, “how do you like my palace?”

“It’s stark,” I reply, seeing no need to lie. “Black really isn’t my favorite color.”

The king smiles, but his eyes never light up to match the false expression.

“Black can hide many things,” he tells me, reaching over and taking hold of the handle on the tea kettle. He cautiously pours the steaming liquid from the pot into the golden goblet sitting in front of me. He then fills his own goblet to near the rim before setting the kettle back in its original spot.

“Please,” he says to me, “let us toast your arrival to my home and into the hearts of those present here today to share in our first joining.”

Manas raises his goblet and holds out his arm to me as if he expects me to twine my arm around his as we make whatever absurd toast this is supposed to be. I pick up my goblet, but hesitate. When you’re in the midst of the enemy, it’s never a good idea to drink something that they have given you. Yet I have a feeling that if I don’t do what he wants, this pretense he has going on that he’s a benevolent host might end, and without knowing when or if Ethan and the others will be coming for me anytime soon, I need to come up with a plan that will delay Manas’ wrath.

I twine my arm around the king’s and bring the goblet up to my lips, but I don’t take a mouthful of the hot liquid. Instead, I pretend to take a sip and then quickly place the goblet back down on the table, hoping he doesn’t expect me to drink any more of the tea.

As soon as the king slams his own goblet back onto the table, the crowd erupts in a show of jubilation. The king stands from his pillow, raising his arms high into the air as he announces, “I am the first king of Laed-i to ever take a yellow haired woman to be his wife!”

“You’re what?” I say in surprise and perhaps a little too loudly.

The king looks down at me, and before I know it, he backhands me across the right cheek, causing me to lose my balance and fall backwards off my pillow and onto the platform.

“Never,” Manas says as he continues to look down at me, “raise your voice above a whisper in my presence, wife. You should feel lucky to have me as your husband. Our children will become the rulers of this land, and with your yellow hair, they will be unique among our people.”

I get the feeling that now isn’t the time to tell the king that I’m not physically equipped to bear his or, for that matter, anyone else’s children. I’m sure he would simply kill me where I lie and move on to the next woman who would be his queen.

As I sit back upright, I notice the woman in the black dress take the small crown off her head and place it onto the table in front of her. She then leans to her left slightly to pick something up that is laying on the platform beside her. In the time it takes me to blink, the old queen stabs herself in the gut and twists the knife to make sure the job is done right. I hear myself scream the word “no” while those at the gathering all cheer the untimely death of the woman. Her body slumps to the floor in a lifeless heap, and my two faceless guards walk onto the platform and haul her body away like it’s a piece of trash that needs to be discarded.

I sit where I am and watch the guards drag her corpse from the room. I’m left feeling completely bereft of hope about my situation and confused over why the people of this world are so heartless and bloodthirsty. How will I ever find anyone among them to help me?

And then, my prayer is answered.

Quite nosily, the gold double doors of the room are pushed open hard enough to make them bang against the walls on either side. Everyone present, including me, looks toward the entrance and sees a sight that would make most mere mortals drop to their knees. Empress Anna Devereaux stands tall and proud on the threshold of the room as she stares straight at King Manas. She’s wearing a white gown befitting someone of her station, adorned with diamonds from top to bottom. The gold and blue sapphire crown on her head glistens in the light of the room, and I hear most of the people present gasp in awe of the empress. I’m sure none of them have ever seen anyone like her. It’s not only Anna’s physical beauty that’s intimidating, but the expression of fierce determination on her face would make anyone quake in their shoes if it was directed at them. I notice King Manas shuffle his feet slightly as he watches Anna stride confidently into the room. While everyone else is mesmerized by the empress, my eyes are drawn to Ethan, Xander, and Zane who are following closely behind their earthly commander, dressed in their black leather War Angel uniforms.

Ethan’s gaze remains steadily on me, as if he’s checking to make sure I’m physically unharmed. I see his eyes narrow slightly in anger and can only assume the king’s slap has left a mark on my face. Unconsciously, I lift a hand to cradle my wounded cheek, which only seems to inflame Ethan’s anger even more.

Once Anna is standing in front of the platform, her War Angels remain behind her in a defensive line to guard her back.

“Empress Anna Deveraux from Earth, I presume,” Manas says disdainfully.

“King Manas of Laed-i,” Anna begins in a commanding voice, “you are holding a dear friend of mine captive. I demand that you release her into my custody at once!”

The king folds his arms over his chest and spreads his feet slightly apart to take a more defensive stance.

“I’m not quite sure how things work in your world, but once a bargain is made on this planet, it cannot be broken by either party. We rely on honor here, Empress Anna. Besides, Julia is my wife now and not even you have the authority to dissolve a marriage.”

“He tricked me into marrying him,” I quickly inform my rescuers before they get the wrong impression. “I just thought we were having tea, not a wedding ceremony.”

“I’m not sure how it works in this world,” Anna says to the king, using his own phrase against him, “but a real man doesn’t have to trick a woman into marrying him.”

“Are you questioning my virility?” Manas roars. “I can show you just how virile I am if you desire a personal demonstration, Empress.”

I hear the sound of a sword being drawn and see Ethan has pulled his blade from its scabbard on his hip. When he takes a threatening step toward Manas, Anna holds out a hand to block his way.

“Stand down, Ethan,” Anna tells him in a whisper. “Let me handle this.”

Reluctantly, Ethan takes a step back and sheaths his sword.

“What obedient little puppies you have following you around,” Manas says as he looks at the three War Angels with contempt. “Do they do tricks too?”

A few people in the crowd laugh, but their laughter stops as soon as Anna casts her withering glare in their direction.

Anna quickly returns her attention to the king and says, “I’ve heard that you take pride in your skill as a warrior and that you tend to enjoy games if the stakes are high enough.”

This seems to pique Manas’ interest. “Are you suggesting that we play a game to see who wins my queen? Why should I wager her when I already own her?”

“I’m saying that we should have a duel to see who is better with a sword,” Anna tells him, “and that the stakes shouldn’t be just for one person, but for each of our planets.”

A collective gasp can be heard in the room, followed by excited, quiet whispers.

“Are you saying that you will put up the whole of Earth on the outcome of a single duel?” the king questions, sounding as if he’s sure he heard her wrong.

Anna lifts her right hand, palm up. A holographic picture of Earth from space suddenly appears hovering over her hand as she says, “Earth is a planet plentiful with natural resources. We also control quite a large number of outworld colonies on neighboring planets. Not only would you be able to add all of this to your own kingdom, but you would also gain the technology we possess to travel to distant galaxies.”

“And you’re wagering your entire world just because I took one woman?” King Manas says incredulously. “Far be it from me to point out the mistake you just made. I accept your challenge, and I accept the wager of my planet against yours. However, what I will not do is fight a woman. There is no honor in beating someone so frail.”

“I assure you,” Anna says fiercely, “I am the best fighter on Earth.”

“You are an empress. Of course your subjects let you believe such a ludicrous fantasy,” the king scoffs. “If you truly want this duel to happen, I suggest you bring me someone worthy enough for me to fight.”

“I’ll do it,” Ethan is quick to volunteer. “Let me fight the duel for you, Empress.”

Anna looks over at Ethan and nods her head, agreeing to allow him to take her place in the challenge.

“Then tomorrow we duel!” Manas announces excitedly. “But tonight is my wedding night, and I plan to take advantage of my fair haired bride while I can.”

“Go right ahead,” Anna says, surprising not only me but also Ethan.

“Anna …” he says in disbelief.

I see Anna wink at Ethan, but I’m not sure anyone else was paying close enough attention to her subtle reassurance to him.

When she turns her attention back to the king, she continues, “Our scientists have proven that sex before a fight can weaken a man’s stamina and reflexes. That’s why many of my ancestors would hire whores to enter the camps of their enemies on the eve of a battle. It made their adversaries weak and ensured a swift and satisfying victory. So, be my guest. Have your way with your new wife because it will make it all the easier for Ethan to beat you tomorrow so I can claim this planet as an extension of Earth’s domain.”

Manas doesn’t say anything as he contemplates Anna’s words of caution. He realizes that Earth’s scientific knowledge far surpasses what the scientists of his own planet know. If he doesn’t at least consider what she’s said, he would be a fool of the highest order, and I can’t believe even he would be stupid enough to take a chance on losing his planet for one night of sex.

“Fine,” Manas says. “I will forgo my husbandly duties this night and meet with your man in the arena tomorrow at noon. If you don’t show up, you forfeit the game, and I still win.”

“Oh, we’ll be there,” Anna says with a beguiling smile. “And we’ll finally be able to rid Laed-i of the tyrant who rules it. There is one other thing though,” Anna looks over at me for the first time, “I need to have your word that your new queen will be cared for until the end of the duel. I can see your handiwork all over her face,” Anna says angrily. “I need your assurance that she won’t be harmed while she remains in your care. If I see that she is hurt any more than she already is by tomorrow, you forfeit the duel and hand over your planet to me willingly. Those are my conditions.”

“She will not be harmed,” Manas promises, sounding bored by what he seems to consider an unnecessary threat by Anna. “You have my word.”

“Then we will see you at noon in your arena,” Anna says before turning her back on Manas and walking out of the room without even a backwards glance in my direction. Xander, Zane, and even Ethan turn sharply on their heels and follow her out. I thought at least Ethan would give me some encouraging words or even a smile before they left. Perhaps they thought showing me any more favoritism would incense Manas to violence. I’m not sure, but I am disappointed.

The king turns to face me.

“I suppose our first night together will have to wait,” he tells me as his gaze travels the length of me. “Go back to your chambers for now, and I will call on you when I’m ready to bed you.”

Barbaric much?

“Can I make a request?” I ask him, seeing no reason not to ask for what I want. All he can do is say no because Anna has already laid down the law about hitting me any more before the duel.

“What is it that you want?” he asks gruffly.

“Can I attend the duel? I would like to watch it for myself since it will be determining my fate.”

“You can come watch me kill your friend, if you wish,” Manas says off-handedly.

“Kill?” I question him. “I didn’t hear the empress say that the duel was to be to the death.”

“Neither did I,” Manas grins cruelly. “I’m sure she’ll mourn the demise of her champion just like she’ll mourn the loss of her planet.”

“Are you at least going to tell them that the duel is to be to the death?” I ask.

“I’m sure they’ll be able to figure it out on their own once it starts.” Manas looks toward the entrance and yells, “Guards!”

My two faceless guardians come running up to the platform and bow before their king.

“Take your new queen back to her chambers,” the king orders. “I will instruct Lady Maya to watch over her tonight, but no one else is allowed inside her room. Is that understood?”

The guards bow again to their king, silently letting him know that they understand his instructions.

Before they can reach me, I stand on my own because I don’t particularly want them to touch me again. All I need is to be dragged out of the room by them like I was from the courtyard. We exit the room just like we entered it—with one guard in front leading the way and one guard following to prevent me from escaping.

“Sweet dreams, Julia Manas,” the king calls out, reminding me that I am now his wife, at least according to the laws of this world. As far as I’m concerned, I didn’t sign anything, so this so-called marriage is a complete sham. I have to wonder how many “wives” the king has had over the years. Uwe did mention that I would become a part of the king’s collection. If he collects wives, that has to mean that he has had at least two, more than likely more. I pity the women who came before me and wonder if they had to commit suicide like the previous queen did tonight in order to make way for a new queen to take their place. I don’t want to die, but if something unforeseen happens and Ethan loses the duel, I would rather be dead than let Manas touch any part of my body. He doesn’t seem like a man who would care much about a woman’s needs. I’m sure he’s as selfish in bed as he is to the people of this world.

Once we reach my quarters and the door to my room is closed behind me, I breathe out a sigh of relief.

“I’m so sorry, Jules,” I hear Ethan say from the doorway of the bathroom, presumably where he was hiding until the guards left.

We walk toward each other, and I soon find myself wrapped in his arms. I needed this. I needed to feel the warmth of his embrace to be reassured that everything will be all right.

“How did you know this was my room?” I ask him.

“Verati knew the basic layout of the palace. She told me this was more than likely where the king would be keeping you.”

“Can you phase me out of here?” I ask him, holding him even more fiercely to me.

When Ethan doesn’t answer, I pull back slightly and look into his troubled eyes.

“I wish I could,” he says with a great deal of regret. “But Anna wants to use this duel to not only set you free but to set the people of this world free from Manas’ control. You should be perfectly safe here until after the duel.”

“He plans to kill you. So don’t go into this fight thinking he will fight fair,” I warn Ethan, not in the least bit angry about his reason for not phasing out of here immediately. I agree that if Anna and Ethan can force Manas off the throne in such a way that his people will readily accept a regime change, they should take advantage of the opportunity.

Ethan raises his left hand and cups my right cheek where Manas hit me.

“I would be within my rights to kill him for doing this to you,” Ethan says in a low, menacing voice. “I can’t believe Helena put you in this position in the first place. It just gives me another reason to hate her.”

I don’t want to admit it to Ethan, but I feel kind of hurt that Helena would use me as a pawn in her game with him and Anna. Or maybe she did it to distract Ethan in order to keep him off her trail for a little while. Speaking of Helena

I take a step back from Ethan and slide my right leg through the slit of my skirt. It doesn’t take me long to pull the tracking device off my thigh and hand it over to Ethan.

“I want you to have this,” I tell him. “I don’t want Manas to take it away from me, or worse, destroy it. It’ll be safer with you.”

Ethan tucks the device inside a pocket of his leather jacket. “Are you kicking me out of your room so soon?”

“I don’t want to,” I say regretfully, “but Manas is sending someone to keep an eye on me until the duel. I talked him into letting me attend it, so I’ll see you again in the arena tomorrow.”

“That’s where Anna and the others are right now. They asked one of the guards to show them where the arena is located, and I made up an excuse that I needed to prepare our shuttle for departure. Do you hate me for leaving you here?” he asks. “I’ll take you away, if that’s what you want. I’ll go against Anna’s orders and phase you anywhere you want to go. You’re only in this mess because of me.”

“No, I’m in this mess because of Helena,” I remind him. “And I honestly think she just did it to make you stop looking for her for a while. I’m sure the pregnancy is taking a toll on her, and she just wants to rest since she’s so close to giving birth.”

“I have to find her before the baby is born, Jules,” he says desperately. “I can’t let her keep him.”

I don’t want to argue about this with Ethan again, so I just wrap my arms around him one last time.

“You need to go,” I tell him, squeezing him around the waist in a direct contradiction of my words.

I feel him kiss the top of my head. “He won’t hurt you. He knows Anna would take this planet in a heartbeat if he breaks the rules of their deal.”

“I’m sure we can at least count on his greed to keep him honest.”

Ethan hugs me tightly one more time before letting me go. Reluctantly, I do the same and even manage to force myself to take a step back.

“All you have to do is make it through tonight,” Ethan tells me. “I wish I could give you one of the communicators they use on this world in case you have a problem so you could call Zane, but Manas has a force field up that prevents digital signals from coming in or going out of this fortress.”

“How did the four of you even get here?” I ask. “This place is out in the middle of nowhere, and Uwe told me that neither Xander nor Zane have ever been here.”

“After we told Anna what was happening, we took one of the pods from Cirrus, phased it to this world, and flew it here. Zane and Xander knew where the palace was. They’ve just never had a reason to come here before now. I told Anna I couldn’t leave here without making sure that you’re all right.”

“I’m glad you came,” I tell Ethan, reaching out to take hold of his hand with mine. “I prayed that you would. Maybe prayer really does work.”

Ethan squeezes my hand as a tender look comes into his eyes. He pulls me in closer to him until our bodies touch. I watch expectantly as he lowers his head, making me think that he’s about to kiss me on the lips. Instead, he turns his head at the last possible moment and kisses the cheek Manas hit.

“I’ll make him pay for doing this to you,” Ethan promises, kissing the cheek again but a little bit closer to the corner of my mouth this time.

“Do you always tease your women this unmercifully?” I ask him breathlessly, hoping he gives me a third kiss that will actually land on my lips.

“I don’t normally tease,” he whispers, “but I like knowing that you want me to kiss you.”

“Am I that obvious?”

“Your breathing is a little faster, and there’s a rosy flush across the top of your cheeks that I find beautiful. Do you really want me to kiss you, Julia Grace, or do you find the anticipation of such a kiss to be more enjoyable?”

Unfortunately, I don’t get to answer that question, because before I know it, Ethan is gone and Lady Maya is walking into the room.

I sigh in disappointment. A part of me wishes I could have answered Ethan’s questions, and a part of me is glad he left when he did. Otherwise, our first kiss would have happened in Manas’ fortress, and that’s not really how I want to remember such a life-altering event.

All in all, Lady Maya’s arrival was fortuitous because I can now look forward to a first kiss with Ethan knowing that he wants it as much as I do.