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Whiskey & You (The Kings of Texas Billionaires) by H.J. Bellus (26)













“Have the van contained. Back of the fairgrounds.”

My thighs scream and burn as I sprint through groups of people, knocking some out of the way and not stopping to apologize for it. I round the end of the barns and don’t see a van but hear screams. It fuels me on. A block from the fairgrounds, it comes into view.

I tuck behind a building, watching the standoff going on, waiting for my moment to strike.

“Let her go.” Dax raises his pistol. J.J.’s other men follow suit. “Right fucking now. You aren’t making it out of here.”

“Not a fucking chance. This cunt is the reason my brother is dead.”

I blink once then twice, swearing I see a ghost. He looks just like Jordan.

“I killed him,” Dax counters. “Kill me. An eye for an eye.”

The man roars in laughter, throwing his head back. “You really are a fool like this man I hear of they call J.J. You hicks messed with the wrong fucking family. All of Mexico wants you dead.”

I glance past the standoff to the inside of the van. There are a couple of women. Navy catches my attention; she’s clutched to another woman. Both have tears streaming down their face, but it’s the way they hold each other that gets my attention. It’s as if they know each other. Long lost friends or some bullshit.

The other men are focused on the standoff at the back of the van. I make a rash decision, rounding the building and coming up from behind them. The front of the van comes into view with all of the men engaged in the drawn guns.

I creep up the side where there are no men. The passenger door is left wide open. I peer in and make eye contact with Navy. A few of the battered women gasp in horror. I place a finger to my lips and nod. Navy nods too with all the courage she has left in her.

I have to get Dax’s attention somehow. I think, but then gunfire ensues. I leap into action, rounding the back on a brazen move and yank Navy from the van. She clings to the girl she was holding. I grab her too. My palm glides along her forearm, and I squeeze it. The van jolts, speeding away, and I can’t hold her any longer. The back doors swing with the momentum, knocking my grip away, and she disappears.

I roll with Navy, doing my best to protect her belly.

“No,” Navy screams, piercing my eardrums. “Don’t let them take her. No!”

I reach for my gun, pull it out, and aim at the tires, squeezing off round after round. I don’t process my actions before bolting up and running. The van swerves out of control, and I continue to fire rounds at the tires. It comes to a stop, and I’m sprinting toward it. My legs burn and scream as I dart right into danger.

Navy was frantic about the other girl. Haven’t seen her like that since the day she killed Jordan and she thought J.J. was dead. She means something to her, which in turn means something in my world. The sound of squealing tires rounds the corner, blocking off the back of the van. It doesn’t stop me.

“Hey,” I holler. “Stop.”

I raise my gun when one of the other men does the same thing. A flash of raven black hair blurs in my vision. It’s the woman. I don’t stop moving ahead, firing at the man who has a gun raised at me. I’m five steps away when pain radiates from my leg.

I crumble to the ground. A dark shadow looms over me. Jordan’s brother’s face fills my vision. He kicks my gun from my side, sending it skidding across the pavement.

“Tell your boss that I’m coming for him. The only reason I’m not splattering your brains all over the street right now is that I want my message delivered.” He points his gun between my eyes and cocks it. “We will get our vengeance at any cost.”

He pulls the trigger.

I flinch. The bastard makes me flinch. I never flinch. He roars in laughter, kicks me in the ribs, and takes off. I fight to get up but can’t do shit since I was shot in the leg. I glance down to it, knowing it’s a mere graze. Okay, probably pretty damn deep. I realize it’s not the shot keeping me down. It’s the copious amounts of adrenaline coursing through me. And her. Those emerald green pools and waves of raven hair have now become my nightmare. Her outstretched hand I let fall from mine my greatest demon.

“Jesus, man, let’s go.” J.J. pulls up in his truck, jumps out, and throws me in. “Navy is in labor. Belle is scared to death.”

J.J. slams on the gas, tossing me backward in the back seat. Navy groans in the front seat, and Belle shakes next to me. J.J. is all out of sorts since Belle isn’t even in her booster seat. I can’t risk her glancing down at my bleeding leg. So before she does, I grab her, pulling her to my chest. She tucks her head in my shoulder, and I soothe her hair.

“I’m very proud of you, Belle.” I squeeze her tight. “So damn proud.”

When is this fucked-up cycle going to end? Hell, we had action in our life before Navy, but now this is just flat out ridiculous bordering on fucking insanity. As Belle shivers in my arms and flashbacks of those green eyes attack, a resolve brews in me. I’ll do anything to bring peace to my family. It’s time for a little trip to Mexico and hours of research on Jordan, his family, and the cartel. They have to have enemies even in their little circle. I find that crack, and I win.

It will be my finger pulling the trigger. The only difference being my gun will be loaded.