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Wish You Were Mine by Tara Sivec (25)

She did all this to torture me. I swear to God, every time she bent over, I could almost hear her laughing under her breath, knowing I was standing in the back of the room, barely holding on to my sanity. I’d been clenching my jaw so hard, watching her bend into every yoga pose known to man, that before I knew it, my temples were pounding with a headache and my dick hurt from being hard for so long that I’d need an ice pack soon.

For a week, I’ve been helping out here at the camp, doing all of the things I used to do back before I joined Doctors Without Borders, fitting back into the fold seamlessly and helping out wherever I’m needed. It felt good that Cameron would leave me alone from time to time to go back up to the main house and get things ready for the charity dinner, trusting me enough to know I wouldn’t screw anything up for her, letting me take care of Stratford on my own, and having faith in me to do right by her and the camp and make up for lost time.

She’s asked me on more than one occasion if I’m going to apply for a position at a local hospital and I brushed off her questions with a joke about being too busy helping her in her time of need. I’ve received several requests from some of the most well-renowned hospitals in the area, in desperate need of a doctor to run their trauma department, and they know I’m one of the best because of my experience overseas. I’ve ignored all of them, tossing the letters in the trash can and deleting e-mails as soon as I scan through them. I can’t tell Cameron the truth right now. That I’m scared to death to be a doctor again. That I’m petrified to be alone with a patient, making split-second decisions about them that could save their life or end it.

It’s been easy to push aside all these lingering feelings for her with both of us being so busy, and just concentrate on being a good friend and helping her however she needs it. It also helps that she’s never given me any indication that there could be something more. I’m always the one instigating the hand-holding, the touches, and the cutesy little pet names when Stratford is around, and she always just goes along with whatever I do, even though I can feel her nerves and tension every time I touch her. And last night doesn’t count. Waking up with her in my arms this morning and how right it felt had nothing to do with trying to make this into something more and everything to do with just needing not to be alone after that damn dream I had. If she gave me any kind of a sign that what I was doing affected her, there would be no way I could stick to my guns and focus only on being her friend.

Until now.

Until she waltzed in here in that outfit, bent over, and stuck her ass up in the air, or sat on the ground with her legs spread and leaned all the way forward until her chest was pressed to the ground.

It suddenly got really fucking hot in this room, and I could feel beads of sweat gathering under the baseball hat I’d thrown on this morning.

When Stratford looked at me, inquiring about other plans we have aside from exercise classes, I saw the panic written all over Cameron’s face, and I pushed away from the wall to come to her rescue, coming up with the first thing that popped into my head.

When I got behind her and wrapped my arms around her body, I realized self-defense wasn’t the brightest idea of activities to demonstrate. As soon as I pulled her against me and her ass nestled into my groin, my dick roared to life inside my pants. It took all the control I had to continue speaking in a calm and clear voice. It took every ounce of willpower I possessed to pretend like holding her in my arms, smelling her skin, and feeling the heat of her body didn’t make me want to throw her to the floor, slide between her legs, and ease some of the pain between mine. When she pushed her leg back between mine and hooked it around my foot, her ass rubbed right up against my cock and my eyes almost rolled into the back of my head.

As soon as I finish demonstrating the Bear Hug, I drop my hold on her and move away as quickly as possible before I come in my pants like a damn teenager. I continue explaining different moves to Stratford to try and clear my head of everything Cameron.

“We could even pair up teenagers with their parents to give them some time together for certain classes,” I finish, letting out a slow breath as I mentally count to ten and will my dick to forget all about the half-dressed woman I just had in my arms.

Right when my brain finally gets back on track, something slams into my ankles. It takes me by such surprise that my feet come out from under me and I feel myself falling, my arms windmilling until my back smacks against the ground and all the air gets knocked out of my lungs as my baseball hat flies off my head. Before I can even catch my breath or figure out what the fuck just happened, my eyes widen in shock when Cameron is suddenly on top of me, straddling my thighs.

She grabs tightly to my wrists and yanks my arms up, smacking them against the floor above my head. The position forces her body up until all that mouthwatering cleavage the top she’s wearing gave her is hovering right over my mouth and I can’t stop staring at it. The temptation to lift my head and slide my tongue right down the center of it is so strong that I immediately bite down on it until I taste blood.

Cameron turns her head to the side with my wrists still firmly in her grasp and my eyes move up to her profile as she smiles out at the audience.

“And that’s what we call a Leg Sweep. A little more advanced than the Bear Hug, but a lot of fun to practice,” she states.

The room erupts into a roar of applause, and I see out of the corner of my eye that Amelia and a few other workers crowd around Stratford and start talking to him in more depth about self-defense and how good it would be for the camp.

Cameron’s head slowly turns back and she looks down at me, her chest heaving with a few lingering, labored breaths from the exertion she needed to use to take me down.

I want to ask her where the fuck she learned a move like that. I’m six foot two and weigh two hundred pounds, and she just took me down like I weighed no more than a feather. I should be pissed she got the drop on me, but I’m too busy thinking it’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

But most of all, I want to yank my arms out from under her hands, slide my palms up her thighs, which are still straddling me, grab on to her hips, and pull her tighter against me. I want her to feel how hot she makes me and know it’s always been her, and it always will be.

Her hold on my wrists slowly eases and she slides her hands down the underside of my arms, and over my chest, pushing herself up as she goes until she’s sitting astride me, filling my head with new fantasies, like what she would look like doing this completely naked.

For the first time, her eyes stay locked on to mine instead of glancing away nervously. Her tongue darts out and slides across her bottom lip before her teeth bite down on the pink, wet fullness of it. There’s a challenge in those beautiful green eyes that I’ve never seen before. Never imagined in my wildest dreams I’d ever see, and it makes my heart beat faster inside my chest.

Without saying a word, she pushes down harder on my chest and swings her leg over mine, pulling her body off of me and quickly getting up from the ground.

“I’ve got some work to do. See you at dinner, honey,” she says from above me, loud enough for Stratford’s benefit, before turning and walking away.

I stare at her as she goes, watching her ass move and her high ponytail sway back and forth across her shoulders, until something suddenly blocks my view.

Looking up in irritation, I see Jason standing above me with his hand out and an amused smile on his face. I smack away his hand in annoyance, rolling over onto my stomach and pushing myself up from the ground, wiping off imaginary dirt from my pants just to give myself something to do other than look at my brother’s smug face.

“Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” Jason laughs.

“Fuck off,” I mutter, slamming my shoulder into his as I walk past him and out of the room to find somewhere I can hide until dinner to get my fucking thoughts in order.

So much for Cameron never giving me any indication that she wants more. If a challenge is what she wants, and going by the way she stared at me while she licked her lip and took her time getting off of me, I’m assuming it is, a challenge is what she’ll get.

Game fucking on.