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Without Me by Chelle Bliss (13)

Gallo Time

I rang Max’s doorbell and could hear her heels on the hardwood floor as I waited. Yesterday, after much prodding both verbally and with my pecker, Max had finally given in and said that she’d come to a Gallo Sunday dinner. I had to agree to going to her mother’s next week out of respect.

Since I’d met her mother already, although not how I would’ve liked it to happen, I’d said yes. I knew that her mother was okay with everything, but her brother, Denzel, would be there. I remembered him from the first night at the bar, when I had become a little overeager about getting to know Max. Hopefully he’d let it slide, understanding that I cared for Max.

Actually, when I really thought about her, I knew I loved her. Maybe I loved her from the moment I saw her. I never believed in that shit, but she’d crept inside me and made it impossible to forget her. I swear to shit, they should have taken my man card away from me. Next stop, I’d grow a pair of tits for the way I’d become all sappy and shit.

“Fuck,” I muttered to myself as I rolled my eyes.

I’d never admit it to anyone, but I was pussy-whipped. More accurately I was Max-whipped. She could have anything she wanted. I’d give in to everything. Everything unless it came to her health. Then I’d give nothing.

After much resistance, she had taken the DNA test for ataxia. I went with her to the clinic in Tampa, and we were told the results wouldn’t be available for several weeks, but we weren’t given a specific time frame. I held her hand, reassuring her that, no matter what, I’d stay by her side.

Outsiders would think I was fucking nuts. The woman had treated me like a piece of trash. More accurately, like a piece of cock she could use and get rid of like a cheap whore. Before Max, I would’ve been okay with it and happily moved along. She had driven me mad for longer than I’d like to admit with her “please fuck me” and then “get the fuck out of my life” statements. My head had spun from the back-and-forth.

Looking back on it, I understood where her thoughts had been in the situation. If I had a future I felt was hopeless, would I willingly invite love into my life?

I knew I was a selfish motherfucker. I’d always been, but there was selfish and then there was cruel. If I were in her shoes, I probably would’ve lived my life much the same way I had—refusing attachment and fucking my way through life.

The problem had happened when we’d both realized how special the spark truly was. Neither of us had felt it before, and it kept bringing us back together, calling us to one another like the song of a siren and luring us to each other.

I wished things had been different. I wished we hadn’t had the rocky start, but there was nothing I could do to change the past. Maybe it would help us become a stronger couple moving forward, but I knew I’d always have a sliver of fear inside me. Scared that she’d run away in a moment of panic if she were told that she was carrying the gene and would someday meet the same destiny her father had.

My heart ached at the thought. There was no way Max had the gene. I could feel it. She was too graceful, too beautiful, and too full of life to be robbed of her life by something so crippling as ataxia.

“Hey,” she said as the door flew open. She had a sexy smile on her face.

I returned the smile and let my eyes wander down her body and take in her beauty. She had on a skintight pencil skirt and a crisp white dress shirt tucked into the waist. Black sling-back heels cradled her feet. I knew I shouldn’t have known the term, but having Izzy as a sister made it impossible.

My eyes crept back up her body and settled on her face. “You look stunning,” I said as I reached out and held her face.

“Thanks. I want to make a good impression,” she replied, as her smile grew larger.

“You could’ve done that in jeans and a T-shirt.” I bowed, needing to kiss her lipstick-stained lips.

“Watch the makeup,” she whispered, keeping her eyes locked on mine. “I don’t want to have to go back upstairs and fix it.”

“I’ll be careful,” I said above her lips before gently bringing mine down on her mouth. As I released her, I said, “Let’s go. We’re going to be late, and then you might as well have had a paper bag on. Maria Gallo doesn’t do late.”

She slammed the door and started to stomp away. “What are we waiting for, then? Oh my God, she’s going to hate me already.”

I laughed at her reaction. She already had the fear of Maria in her and she hadn’t even met the woman yet.

“We have plenty of time,” I replied as I followed her down the sidewalk.

“No, no,” she called over her shoulder. “I want to be early. Brownie points always help.”

“Suck-up. I’m never early,” I said as I looked at my watch, and she laughed in response.

I’d picked her up a little early, hoping to make out a little before we headed to my parents’ house. One look at her and I knew it wasn’t going to happen. She looked too perfect to mess up. Once dinner was over, all bets were off.

I held open the car door for her, closing it behind her after she was situated. My parents had always taught me manners. I’d just chosen not to use any of them my entire life. It would have thrown off too many wrong vibes if I had.

We had a thirty-minute drive to my parents’ house. I didn’t know if I’d sat this close to Max alone and not had it lead to sex. I set my hand on her leg, needing to be connected to her as we drove. We talked about work and family. She and I were alike in that way.

Work and family were the two most important things in our lives. They took precedence over everything else. When my family asked me to do something, I dropped everything and helped. I was still the big brother, even though, at times, it didn’t seem like it. They’d all grown, found their other halves, but only Joe had started a family. Sometimes, I acted like the youngest, unwilling to give up my freedom and totally join adulthood.

The drive flew by as we chatted about everything. She grew more talkative the closer we were to my parents’. I could tell she was nervous as she picked at her skirt, smoothing it over her legs, and fidgeted.

“Max,” I said as I put the car in park and turned it off. “It’s going to be okay.” I’d never brought anyone to dinner, but I knew how everyone had embraced Suzy, Mia, James, and Angel. She wouldn’t be any different.

She blew out a puff of air and closed her eyes before dragging in a breath through her nose. “Okay. I shouldn’t be nervous. Got it.”

I brushed the hair off her shoulder and ran my fingers up her neck. “It’s okay to be nervous, but I promise they will love you.”

“I’m sure your white family was over the moon when they found out you’re dating a black girl.”

“Max, they were over the moon when they found out I’m in love with a woman. Color’s inconsequential in the eyes of my family.”

“Uh huh,” she mumbled, and rolled her eyes.

“I’m creeping up on forty and have never brought a woman home to meet my family. I haven’t had a girlfriend since high school by choice. You’re different not because of your color, but because your heart. Shiiit,” I drawled with a small laugh. “They’re happy to know I’m not gay.”

She giggled. “No!” she yelled, covering her mouth. “They didn’t?”

“My siblings knew how I was. They’d seen the endless parade of women I’d been with, but not my parents. My mother secretly thought I was gay. It’s not that they wouldn’t have loved me, but I know she would’ve mourned for the children I’d probably never have with a partner.”

I immediately regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. I shifted in my seat, thinking of a way to stop the hurt I knew my sentence had caused. She didn’t want to have children, and here I was, like a dumbass, saying that it was all my mother cared about. My stomach was in knots and no longer craved the pasta that was about to be dished out.

“Anthony,” Max said as she placed her hand on top of mine.

I couldn’t look her in the eyes. “What?” I whispered before trying to swallow past the lump in my throat.

“It’s okay, baby. I know what you meant. We’re going to have to talk about kids someday. We need to have that conversation before we get any deeper.”

Before we get deeper? I was in as deep as I could be. There was no lifeline or turning back. I was sunk, with her as my anchor.

“Max, I want whatever you want. If you don’t want to have kids, that’s fine with me. I’m kind of old to even think about having a child. I’d be almost sixty by the time they’d graduate from high school. Now, if you said you wanted to have a baby, I’d make sure to give ya one to make you happy too.”

“You’d have a baby to make me happy?” she asked as her eyebrows knitted together.

“I’d do anything to make you happy. Including a baby.” I nodded, but I didn’t know if I was trying to convince her or myself.

“You know it’s not like a purse, right? I mean, you can’t decide a baby doesn’t suit you anymore or clashes with your lifestyle and get rid of it. There’s no refund once the bundle of joy arrives,” she replied, giving my hand a squeeze. I couldn’t tell if she was trying to talk me out of it or trying to make sure it was something I wanted.

“Max,” I said as the corners of my lips twitched. I wanted to kiss her and mess up that lipstick more than anything in that moment. “I know, Kitty Cat. It’s not something I want, but I want whatever will make you happy.”

“You make me happy, Anthony,” she said before she bent down and planted a light kiss on my lips.

“I love you, Max,” I whispered into her mouth as we sat in my car, parked in my parents’ driveway.

“You’re going to make me mess up my makeup,” she whispered back. “I love you too, Anthony.” She gave me a quick peck before blotting her eyes with her fingertips.

I smiled as I watched her dry her eyes without making a mess of her perfectly applied makeup. “Ready?” I asked as I glanced at the clock and realized we were five minutes early. “Or you wanna make out for a little bit?” I wiggled my eyebrows.

She slapped me on the shoulder. “We’re going in before you ruin everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve.”

“Max, you’re even more stunning without makeup.”

“You’re a complete liar, Anthony Gallo, but thank you,” she said as she grinned and swiped her thumb across my lips. “Let’s go before I chicken out.”

“Well, we’re the first ones here, so it’s probably good to go in now. They won’t pile into the foyer to stare at you like you’re a zoo animal.”

“Oh, God,” she muttered as she grabbed her face.

“You got this, beautiful. Let’s go meet the Gallos,” I said as I climbed out of the car.

Before I could get to her side, she opened the door and stood.

“Hey,” I said. “I was going to get that for you.”

“I got it, Anthony. I’m a big girl.”

“I know,” I said, nodding. “But my mother may be watching.” I looked toward the house, trying to see if I could spot her face in the windows.

“You’re really scared of her, aren’t you?” she asked before laughing softly as she placed her hand in mine.

“No. I’m not scared of Ma. I just never want to disappoint her, Max.”

She stopped walking, pulling me back by our connected hands. “Anthony, you’re making it really hard today for me to see that asshole I met in the bar.”

I grinned as I looked down at her. “I don’t ever want to be that man again, Max.”

“I like him. He’s frisky. Bring him out every once in a while for me. He’s a freak in the sheets, and I adore the hell out of him.”

“I can do that,” I responded before brushing my thumb along her jaw line.

“Lipstick,” she reminded me.

I blew out a breath and looked toward the sky. Today would be an exercise in self-control, and I could already feel it slipping.

I reached for the door handle as Max said, “You can’t just go inside.”

I looked at her, confused. “Yeah, I can. We do it all the time. I grew up in this house. Trust me. Everyone is beyond knocking at this point.”

“Okay.” She smiled at me and gave my hand a quick squeeze.

“Here we go,” I said as I opened the door and took a step inside. “Ma! Pop!” I yelled in the foyer, and waited for them to come to us.

“Should I take my shoes off?” Max whispered as she glanced down at her feet.

“Nah. You’re a guest.”

“Anthony!” Pop called out before I heard the squeak of the recliner being righted.

Ma walked out of the kitchen, entering the foyer with her arms outstretched. “Baby,” she said, motioning for us to come to her with her fingers.

As I reached for her, she grabbed Max and wrapped her into a giant hug. I stood there watching it as it happened. I no longer was the center of attention when I walked in the door. I now had another half, one who captured my parents’ attention more than I did.

“Hi,” Max said quietly. There was no doubt that the hug had cut off her ability to speak any louder.

“Son,” Pop called out as he walked in and held his hand out to me.

“Pop.” I shook his hand, stealing glances at the two most important women in my life.

“Let me get a good look at you,” Ma said, holding Max by the shoulders and looking her over. “You’re so beautiful.”

Max beamed at the compliment. “Thank you, Mrs. Gallo.”

“Maria, please. You’re prettier than Anthony described you.”

Max shot me a look over her shoulder. For the love of God, why had Ma had to say that? I’d told everyone she was drop-dead gorgeous.

“Anthony said you looked like a grown-up Rudy from The Cosby Show, but I say you’re a prettier version of Gabrielle Union.”

Hold up a second. I couldn’t believe that my mother had just told her about my Rudy comparison. I wanted to crawl into a hole. I’d never uttered those words to Max. I had been too worried about my balls to even drop it in passing. Beyond that, I was shocked my mother knew who Gabrielle Union was. The woman was full of surprises.

“He did, did he?” Max asked, glancing at me as I made my way next to them.

“Ma, we can drop the BET references. I think Pop needs to take away the controller.”

Ma smiled and slapped me on the arm. “Baby, I don’t know what BET is, but I know a beautiful woman when I see one.”

“Who do I look like, Ma?” I asked, fishing for a compliment.

“What’s that boy’s name?” She tapped her lip as I pulled Max to my side.

“A boy? I’m kind of old for that.” I squeezed her waist, feeling her body shake from laughter.

I glanced down at Max and smiled. I was glad she was enjoying herself. She looked more relaxed than she had when we’d walked in.

“Ahhh. Zac Efron. You look like him.” She nodded excitedly.

“Ma, he’s, like, twelve.”

“Oh, no. He’s all grown up now, Anthony. Your sister Googled him. He’s almost thirty. He’s very grown up,” she said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

“Jesus,” I mumbled. “Kind of pervy, Ma. Don’t you think?” I felt a little uncomfortable.

“I may be old, son, but I’m not dead.”

“Pop,” I said, turning to face him. “What do you think of this?” I motioned toward Ma with my head.

“He sure is pretty,” he replied, and snorted.

“Nice.” I shook my head.

Pop cleared his throat, reminding me that I hadn’t introduced him to Max. “Max, this is my pop, Mr. Gallo, and Pop, this is Max.”

“Max,” Pop said, holding out his arms for a hug.

“Mr. Gallo.” Max smiled and returned the hug he’d wrapped her in.

“Sal.” Pop smiled at me over her shoulder and gave a thumbs-up.

I chuckled to myself, trying not to ruin their moment.

“Sal,” Max repeated.

“Shall we go into the living room?” Pop asked as he released Max.

“Sure.” I nodded, holding Max. “Where is everyone?” I asked, surprised no one else had come barging through the door.

“I told them to come fifteen minutes later today,” said Ma.

“You did?” I asked, in complete shock. Never, ever had that happened before.

“Yes. I wanted to meet Max before everyone arrived. I didn’t want it to be crazy. I thought we could have a few minutes to ourselves before they showed up.”

“But that’s, like, sacrilegious or something, Ma.”

“We don’t want to overwhelm her, Anthony.”

“I’m not breakable, Mrs. Gallo,” Max said. “I have a very large, loud family. I’m used to a lot of people.”

I knew about her mother and brother, but I didn’t know how large the rest of her family was. Soon enough, I’d find out, and then neither of us would ever have a peaceful weekend alone.

“We’re good, Max. It was for purely selfish reasons, I assure you,” Ma said. “Why don’t you and Sal go sit down and Anthony and I will grab some drinks before the others arrive.”

I knew that confusion was written all over my face. My mother never needed help getting drinks. She must have wanted something or had something to say.

“Sure,” Max said, giving me a small smile before following my pop into the living room.

“What are you up to?” I asked Ma.

“Nothing,” she said flatly before turning her back and walking into the kitchen.

I followed her in and propped myself up on the counter. “Don’t lie, Ma. You have something to say.”

“She’s beautiful, Anthony. Stunning, actually. I’m so happy for you, son.”

“That’s it?” I asked with one eyebrow raised.

“Did you find out her test results yet?” Ma asked as she pulled down four drinking glasses from the cabinet.

“Not yet. It’s been a couple of weeks, but we possibly still have weeks to go before we hear anything.”

She sighed. “Tears me up, baby.”

“What does, Ma?”

“Thinking of that beautiful girl and what she has to be going through inside.”

“She’s okay.” I crossed my arms over my chest, knowing that I’d get swatted if I tried to help. My mother never liked any of her boys touching things in her kitchen when it could be avoided.

“Son. You’ve had good health your entire life. You’ve never had to wait for a test to hear your fate. I’ve been there. Your father has been there. I know how it’s eating her up on the inside.”

“What?” I asked. “When did you and Pop wait on test results?” I was confused. Clearly, there were things my parents had held out on in the sharing department.

“Sweetheart, you don’t get to our age without a couple of scares. Don’t worry. We’re healthy. I’ve just been there. I know how it feels to wait to hear if you’re going to be okay or if you should start planning a funeral. It’s horrible.” She shook her head as she poured the drinks.

“I know. It’s eating me alive. Waiting to hear what her future holds is killing me slowly—I can’t imagine what it’s doing to her. I forced her into taking the test. I feel like shit because of it, too.”

“Anthony,” she said as she set the bottle of Pepsi on the counter and looked at me. “You’re only doing what’s best. Living with the assumption that you’re going to be sick isn’t a way to live. It’s like a noose around your neck and waiting for the bottom to fall out. Once you two know the results, you can either rejoice in the good fortune or move forward with the knowledge and live every day like it’s the most important day of your life. Things can change in an instant, but knowledge is power, baby.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ve always been a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of guy.” I pushed off the counter and grabbed two glasses. “Thanks, Ma.”

“For what?” she asked as she picked up the last two drinks.

“For being you.” I smiled down at her. “You always know the right thing to say to make me feel better.”

“I love you, Anthony. I only want the best for you. I’ll always support you in everything you do, even if that meant loving a man.” She grinned and winked at me as she walked passed me into the living room.

“Jesus,” I muttered to myself as I followed her.

When Izzy hadn’t brought anybody home, no one had thought she was gay. Nope. She was a strong, independent woman. But me? My parents assumed I liked dick. Amazing how that worked.

Just as I was about to hand the pop to Max, the door opened and carried in loud voices. The rest of the Gallo crew had finally arrived. I wanted more time with my parents. The four of us was nice for a change, but it was too late at this point.

“Hey!” Izzy’s voiced echoed through the house as the front door slammed. A couple of seconds later, she strolled into the living room, trying to act nonchalant.

I knew she was dying to meet Max. It had to take everything in her to keep calm. James walked in behind her wearing his typical workout shorts and tank top. Over time, his outfit had become more casual as he’d felt more comfortable. It’d been comical to watch the transition.

Izzy had dressed up for the occasion. Typically on Sunday, she wore jeans or sweats, but today, she had on dress pants and a pretty off-the-shoulder top. It wasn’t her usual outfit. Max being a stylist was her wet dream. Not only was she ecstatic about me finally being “pussy-whipped,” as she’d said, but another female in the family made her insides sing.

She kissed our parents and went right for Max. “Hi. I’m Izzy.” She extended her hand. “Anthony’s sister.”

Max smiled and stood before placing her hand in Izzy’s. “I’m Max, Anthony’s friend.” She looked out of the corner of her eye, glancing at me.

“Friend?” I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Fine,” Max replied as she rolled her eyes. “He’s my boyfriend.” She gave me an “are you happy now” smile before turning her attention back to Izzy.

“I feel ya, Max. Men constantly need the affirmation.” Izzy laughed and rolled her eyes like Max just had.

I sighed. The two of them together with their attitudes could only be trouble. Suzy and Mia were calmer women, more easygoing. Max and Izzy were spitfires and could cause trouble in any circumstance. I knew that the best course of action was to not let the two of them hang out too often together without male supervision.

“Max, this is my friend James.” She grinned at Max before looking at James over her shoulder.

His eyes darted to mine. I knew by the single look that he was thinking exactly the same thing I had been thinking. They were trouble with a capital T.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Max.” James gently took her hand, bringing it to his lips. “I’m Izzy’s man. Maybe I need to remind her of that later.”

“Oh, you know I love your lessons, Jimmy.” Izzy blew him a kiss and laughed.

Pop cleared his throat. Most likely, he wasn’t entirely happy about the blatant sex talk in front of him. “Hey, baby girl. Come give your father a hug,” he said, holding out his arms.

Izzy walked over to Pop and touched his shoulder. “Hey, Daddy.”

I looked at James and mouthed, “Nice job.”

He grinned at me and shrugged. James seemed to get away with more than anyone. Maybe my family feared he was the only person who could put up with Izzy’s shit. Either way, he got a pass more often than not.

“We’re here,” Joe called out as the front door opened.

Max walked over to me and nestled into my side.

“You okay?” I whispered as I looked at her.

She nodded, giving me a small smile. “I’m good.”

Suzy waddled in first, looking like she was ready to burst. I hadn’t known that the human body could expand that much and not explode. She still had some time left before the baby was due, but I didn’t know how she could possibly grow more.

Joe rushed to her side, grabbing her by the arm as she stopped in the middle of the living room.

“I swear I’ve turned into a walking whale,” Suzy whined as she rubbed her stomach. “I can’t do this anymore.”

“Sugar, you can do this. You look more beautiful than ever before.” Joe kissed her on the forehead as he cradled her face.

I silently gagged. Suzy was stunning, but not more beautiful than she had been before the alien had started growing inside her. That statement could only come from a man who clearly loved his wife. Or maybe he liked his balls and had decided to give her a compliment to make his life simpler. Whatever his reason was, Suzy’s face changed as he kissed her.

“Joe and Suzy, this is Max,” I said, breaking up their moment.

They both turned as smiles crept across their faces. “Max,” they both whispered, and glanced at each other.

“What?” I asked, confused by their response.

“Oh, nothing,” Suzy sang, and shook her head.

“We thought Max was a dude. We made a bet,” Joe added with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Oh, go fuck yourself,” I hissed. “You knew Max is a woman.

“I just like to see you get your panties in a wad.” Joe placed his hand on his chest and laughed.

“Nice to meet you, Max,” Suzy said as she nodded toward Max. Then she smiled at me. “Still love me?”

“I don’t have another choice, Suz. I’m stuck with your ass for the rest of my life,” I replied as I kissed her cheek. It was almost acrobatic with her belly, but thankfully, Suzy was so short, it wasn’t an issue.

“You are.” She smiled at me and then looked Max over. “Wow. Your outfit is beautiful.” Suzy touched her own dress, which wasn’t as feminine as she typical wore, but it was of the “about to explode and can’t fit into any other clothes” variety.

“Yo!” Mike said as he and Mia walked into the room.

For a moment, I thought the gang was complete, but then I remembered that Thomas and Angel weren’t here yet. We’d been without him for so long that it was still weird and hard to get used to. It was a happy weird, though.

“Max, this is Mike, my brother, and his girlfriend, Mia,” I said, motioning toward Mike and Mia. “She’s a doctor,” I added for no particular reason, but it had felt necessary.

She glanced up at me and then looked over at Mike and Mia. “Hi,” she responded with a gracious smile.

“Max,” Mike said, reaching out and pulling Max into a bear hug.

Her body looked tiny and fragile in his arms as her feet came off the ground. “Mike,” Max squeaked out as her arms tried to grab on to his body.

As he set her on the ground, he peered over at me. “Good job, bro.”

Mia smacked him on the shoulder. “Put the poor woman down, Mike. You’re probably crushing her ribs.”

“Sorry,” Mike said.

Max shook her head and waved her arms. “I see that this family doesn’t know how to grow a small man.”

“Nope,” Mia replied. “They’re all big. Don’t let their size scare you, though. They’re all sweet as pie.”

“So only I get the asshole Gallo?” Max asked as she giggled.

Her statement caused laughter to break out in the room.

“I’ll embrace my assholiness, but I’m a changed man.” I wasn’t embarrassed by their statement or by my past. It was who I was, and I still loved myself.

As Joe sat down, he chimed in, “He acts like an asshole, but he’s just as much of a pushover as the rest of us.”

I even had them fooled. For my family, I’d give my life, and I treated each of them with respect at times. The other people roaming the earth had to earn my respect. Women, on the other hand, I often had treated like I was a complete asshole. Most of them loved it. When women say they want to settle down with a nice guy and live in a house with a picket fence, it’s all a crock of bullshit.

I hadn’t wanted to settle down—not until I’d met Max. That was why I’d perfected my asshole persona. I’d give the women what they wanted for a night but didn’t want them coming back for more.

“I’m learning that fact, Joe,” Max said as she squeezed my waist.

“Let me go get dinner finished. Who wants to help?” Ma asked as she stood from her chair. She’d been silently watching everyone and sipping her Pepsi.

“I can,” Suzy said as she tried to get up from the couch, but she fell backward.

“You rest, Suzy dear. You’re going to need all the strength you have soon enough. Izzy and Mia will help me.”

“Great,” Izzy mumbled. “What about Max?” she asked as she glanced over at her.

“She looks too pretty to ruin her outfit,” Ma told Izzy.


“I’d love to help if you have an apron,” Max answered.

“I have an apron for you, love. We’d love for you to help.” Ma walked next to me, sliding her arm through Max’s and locking them together.

Just as my ass hit the couch, Thomas and Angel walked in. “Sorry we’re late. We got caught up doing something.”

By the way their clothes were rumpled, I’d say they got busy in the car on the way over here. “I can see that,” I said, pointing to his unzipped fly.

“Shit,” he whispered as he zipped it up.

Angel blushed, smoothing out her hair. “Where’s your girl?” she asked as she scanned the room.

“The women are in the kitchen, where they belong,” I said with a grin.

“You’re lucky Izzy didn’t hear you say that,” Angel said to me as a corner of her mouth twitched.

“I know.” I stuck my tongue out at her before giving her a quick wink.

Thomas smacked Angel on the ass. “Go help out the ladies, babe.”

“Sure,” she said as she stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss.

“Lucky bastard,” I muttered as she walked out of the room.

“What did you say?” Thomas asked as he sat down in an empty chair.

“If I would’ve done that to Max or James to Izzy, we’d get a knee to the balls.”

“Maybe you should’ve been more selective with your choice,” Thomas replied as he rested his foot on the opposite knee.

“Shut it,” I shot back at him, and stared at the television.

“How is she?” Mike asked.

I zoned out as I watched Jason Statham kicking some bad guy’s ass.

“Yo! Earth to Anthony.”

I glanced over at Mike and realized he was talking to me. “Sorry. I’m out of it.”

“Clearly,” he replied. “How’s Max doing?”

“She seems okay. The waiting is making me crazy. I can’t imagine how she feels.”

“Yeah, Mia said it takes a while. That’s tough, bro.”

“Harder than anything I’ve ever done in my life.” I tried to smile, but I didn’t feel it. I took a deep breath and let out a silent exhale.

I felt a bit worn on the inside. Even though it wasn’t my health at stake, I felt the heaviness of the situation. Max had been put on this earth to be with me, and to think that she could be ripped from my life at an early age just pissed me off. I wish I had met her earlier. We both had wasted so many years with bullshit.

“Dinner!” Izzy yelled from the dining room.

“Thank God. I’m starving,” Suzy said as she tried to get off the couch again. Joe helped her up with a push on the back of her ass. “Thank you,” she said as she tried to steady herself on her feet.

Weeble wobble.

She looked like a Weeble as she tried to stand and then stay upright. Her weight displacement was off, just like those damn toys I played with as a kid.

I walked into the dining room and saw Max holding the bowl of meatballs. She had a smile on her face. One that burned brighter than I’d seen in a long time. It had to be my mother, or maybe just being with the girls. They seemed to be a support system for each other.

I stared at her with a matching smile. Knowing that she was here with me and things were finally calm between us brought me a sense of peace. Maybe, just maybe, things would work out in our favor.

“You look sexy in that apron,” I said as she placed the bowl down on the table next to me.

“Don’t get used to it, buddy. I’m not a chef. I prefer to eat out.”

“Lucky for you,” I said with a sly smile, “so do I.” I winked at her before pulling her to me and giving her a kiss.

For the first Sunday in a long time, I felt completely happy.




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