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You're The One: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 12) by Shanade White, BWWM Club (9)

Chapter 9

Tabitha was glad that she had the morning shift the next day, it helped some to take her mind off Owen coming home and what might happen when they saw each other. But he was still on her mind, sneaking in every time she let her guard down. By lunch time, she’d resigned herself to a long day of worrying and thinking about Owen, but then one of the ranch hands walked in and she was immediately concerned because she’d never seen Steve in the restaurant during the day.

“Hi Steve.” She greeted him, her voice shaking. “I’m surprised to see you here this time of day.”

“Well…I… ummm.” Steve looked embarrassed.

Tabitha was instantly more worried, “What’s wrong?”

Steve took a deep breath and handed her an envelope. “Flynn sent me over with this, he said that he wouldn’t be home tonight and that Owen should be home by dinner.”

Tabitha took the envelope from him and felt a key inside and immediately knew why Steve had been so embarrassed. “Thank you, Steve.” she said, then asked. “How about some lunch since you’re here?” Hoping to save them both any further embarrassment.

When her shift ended that afternoon, she showered and dressed in one of the new outfits that Owen had bought her, it was a small gesture but she hoped that Owen would understand. Then she went back to the kitchen and gathered everything she’d need to cook a dinner that hopefully would make it clear to Owen that cooking was what she should be doing. Joe gave her a quick hug on the way out, boosting her confidence just when she needed it.

She was just putting the finishing touches on dinner when she heard Owen’s four-wheeler coming down the road, suddenly nervous she went out on the porch so he’d know that she was there. When he finally came around the corner and she could see him, her heart skipped a beat, even after two weeks roughing it, he looked good. No better than good, she thought, trying to squelch the rush of desire that followed.

He looked surprised to see her at first, but then a huge grin spread across his face. Relieved that he wasn’t mad that she was there, she went down the steps to meet him, some of her fear melting. It was reassuring that he was happy to see her, at least that much hadn’t changed.

“I didn’t expect to see you here.” He said, getting off the four-wheeler.

“Well, ummm…. Flynn got me the key, he won’t be home tonight.” She was stammering like a teenager, but couldn’t help herself.

“Of course he did.” Owen said as he crossed the yard to meet her. When he reached her, she expected him to hug her, but all he did was kiss her quickly on the cheek and then continued into the house.

She followed him inside unable to tell what he was thinking, she opened her mouth to ask him about the trip, but before she could, he said, “I need a shower.” Then went straight to the back of the house before she could say a word.

Owen was completely caught off guard to find Tabitha waiting for him at the cabin, he’d already worked out a plan to talk to her and now he wasn’t sure how to proceed. At first, he’d been overjoyed to see her standing on the porch, but then he realized that he was still filthy from the trail and slightly off balance. He’d wanted to take her into his arms, but realized just how dirty and smelly he was and simply kissed her on the cheek which had seemed inadequate.

Locking himself in the bathroom, he cursed himself for being so cold to her, it wasn’t intentional but there was so much hanging between them and he wanted time to rehearse what he was going to say to her. There was so much he wanted to say that it kept getting confused in his mind, a hot shower and some clean clothes might be just enough to help him collect his thoughts.

When he got out of the shower, he found Tabitha in the kitchen just putting their dinner on the table. “Something smells wonderful.” He said, this time crossing the room and pulling her to him.

Tabitha breathed in Owen’s scent, some of her fear draining away, the butterflies in her stomach disappearing. “I made you Mexican food. Do you like it?” She asked, when she was sure her voice wouldn’t quiver.

“I’ve only had it a couple of times, but if it tastes as good as it smells I’m sure I’ll love it.” Owen said, taking a deep breath of the fragrant air in the kitchen.

“Then let’s eat it before it gets cold.” Tabitha said, feeling on more solid ground.

They ate in silence for a few minutes, neither sure where to begin the conversation they needed to have, but the silence finally got to Tabitha who asked, “How did it go up there?”

There were so many ways Owen could have answered her question, but he took the easy road and stuck to the sheep. “The sheep are doing amazingly well, even Jack was surprised at how well they’ve done. We’ll actually make a profit this year, which is amazing since it’s only been two years.”

“Wow, that’s great.” She said, deciding not to tell him that Flynn had already told her about the sheep.

“I have to admit that I thought we’d be leaving here in defeat, but Jack’s crazy scheme looks like it’s going to work. Those sheep are so much more resilient than I ever imagined they’d be. In fact, I think they’re doing better here than they did at home.” Owen seemed excited about the sheep which surprised her since he’d never seemed that excited about them before.

“Well, you all have worked really hard to make it happen.” Tabitha said, offering him more food, which he turned down.

“That was very good, but I’m stuffed and it’s making me so sleepy I could fall asleep right here.” Owen said, pushing his chair back from the table.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Tabitha said, and jumped to her feet to begin clearing the table. “You probably want to get some sleep. I’ll just clean up the dishes and get out of your way.”

Owen could see the tears that sprang into her eyes when she thought that he was trying to get her to leave and jumped to his feet. He took the plates from her hands and set them back down on the table and pulled her to him. “I didn’t mean I wanted you to leave, that’s the last thing I want right now.”

He could feel her shutter, fighting back tears and rubbed her back until she relaxed in his arms. It was time for them to talk, past time he realized. It had been wrong to wait until after dinner he realized now. He also knew that he’d have to tell her everything that had happened to him in the mountains over the last two weeks. He’d planned to just apologize for being a jerk, but now he understood that he had to tell her how he’d come to realize just how big of a jerk he’d been.

“Forget the dishes, we need to talk.” He said, pulling her out onto the porch and the swing they so loved.

Once he had her settled firmly in his arms, he began to talk. “Tabitha I’m sorry we fought. It was my fault. I guess I’m more used to getting my way than I thought. And you were right, I didn’t understand what you’d been through to get to where you are today. I’m not sure I’ll ever be completely able to understand, but something amazing happened when I was up there that did help me to understand a little.”

Tabitha looked up at Owen relief washing over her, he sounded like a man who’d had a life changing experience, the exhaustion that had been in his voice gone. “Tell me about it.” Was all she said, just to reassure him that she was listening.

Owen paused trying to collect his thoughts, he needed to say this just right. “I think what you were trying to make me understand was how much more important something is when you’ve created it yourself. After we realized that the sheep were thriving, thanks in part to our hard work, I realized that for the first time in my life I created something. I grew up knowing that no matter what I’d always have our ranch in Australia and my money, but I’ve never felt any kind of ownership for those things. I didn’t understand how important that was until I realized that with the few sheep we brought with us, we’re creating an entirely new breed.”

Tabitha was shocked by the emotion in Owen’s voice, it was like something had woken him up from a long slumber. “Owen that’s wonderful. I know exactly what that feels like.”

“It is wonderful, but even better is that I now understand how important the restaurant is to you. I never should have asked you walk away or belittled what you’ve achieved. I did that and I’m sorry, it will never happen again, I promise.” Owen said, his voice becoming husky with emotion.

Tabitha was speechless, her emotions were raw from all the worrying she’d done, the tears welling in her eyes, but she held them back. When she opened her mouth to speak, he covered her lips with his fingers and hushed her. “I’m not finished. I know I always said that when the two years were up I was going home, but I’m not leaving. I want to make this my permanent home. I hope that’s okay with you.”

Her heart soaring with happiness, Tabitha’s only answer was to pull Owen’s head down so she could kiss him. That first contact of their lips brought all the passion between them swimming to the surface instantly. Tabitha turned in the swing and wrapped her arms around Owen and pressed her body against his and seductively rubbed her breasts against his hard chest.

Owen grabbed her hips and swung her around and onto his lap, her legs straddling him, his erection pressed firmly between her legs. He deepened the kiss and rocked her hips, sliding her against him until they were both gasping. When his mouth found her breast through the fabric of her shirt, she moaned with pleasure and threw her head back.

Owen slid his hands up Tabitha’s back under her shirt and unhooked her bra, then took each globe in his hands. Pinching her stiff nipples between thumb and finger, he ground his hips into her, and growled deep in his throat. But when he started to pull her shirt off her head, she became aware of where they were.

“Owen,” she whispered in his ear, “Your neighbors can see us.”

Without a word, he lifted her to her feet and pulled her into the cabin, barley letting the door close behind them before capturing her mouth with a searing kiss, that left her breathless and desperate for more. They managed to remove each other’s clothes in seconds, only breaking the kiss when it was necessary. When Owen removed the last piece of Tabitha’s clothing, he stepped back and looked at her, wanting to remember this moment forever.

But some primal instinct took over and before he could stop himself, he’d driven Tabitha back against the door and pinned her there, his mouth devouring hers in a kiss so possessive she had no choice but to submit to the sheer power of it. He felt Tabitha’s submission almost instantly and an overwhelming need to possess her came over him, he picked her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around him and drove himself into her.

Tabitha cried out with the sheer pleasure of having him so suddenly deep inside of her and the moisture gushed out of her, running down her legs. Owen felt Tabitha’s moisture slide over him and lost control, he drove himself into her over and over again, unable to stop himself until he climaxed, shuttering with the force of the pleasure of being joined with Tabitha.

Tabitha had never been possessed by a man before, and the realization that she couldn’t stop him if she wanted to was both frightening and exciting. Even more thrilling was the fact that her body responded to his, her pleasure spiking as his did, leaving her trembling and shocked in his arms.

But Owen was instantly sorry he’d been so rough with Tabitha, sliding her down to her feet, he pressed his forehead against hers, and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to happen that way.”

Tabitha pulled her head back and looked into his eyes, “It scares me sometimes how much I want you.” She said, then kissed him.

With her body pressed against his Owen felt himself begin to grow hard again, but this time instead of feeling the driving need to possess Tabitha, he wanted to show her just how wonderful she made him feel. He took her hand and pulled her into the bedroom and sat her down on the bed. Standing in front of her, he pushed her down on the back, her legs hanging off the side of the bed.

He gently spread her legs, then knelt down between them and began to kiss his way from her knee up her leg. When he reached the top of her leg, he moved to the other leg and worked his way down to the other knee. When he gently pushed her legs apart farther, she resisted him at first, but when he pushed again she let her legs come open all the way. She felt anxious to be so completely exposed to Owen, but when his tongue slid across her swollen clit, all thought vanished as a wave of pleasure consumed her.

Owen worked his tongue back and forth, making Tabitha writhe with sensations she’d never felt before. The sounds of her pleasure driving him to give her even more, he slid one finger inside her and began to move it in and out of her until the tight coil of pleasure deep inside her began to flourish and grow. When it finally burst over her, she cried out Owen’s name, as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

But to her amazement, her body wasn’t satisfied and she suddenly understood what had driven Owen only minutes before. Pulling him up her body and taking his face in her hands, she looked deeply into his eyes and said, “I want you inside me Owen. I need you.”

Owen growled, then pushed her farther up on the bed, and drove himself into her. This time Tabitha was the one who drove their pace, bring her hips up to meet his with each thrust he made until they cried out their pleasure in unison. The world fading until all that they were aware of was each other and the way their bodies were singing with pleasure.

They came back to reality sprawled across the bed the wrong way, so Owen pulled the covers down and they crawled underneath them and snuggled together. Tabitha listened to his heart beating where her head lay on his chest and was happier than she’d ever been. They’d passed the first real test of their relationship and come out knowing each other better. As they drifted off to sleep, Owen rolled her onto her side and wrapped his arms around her and she felt more content than she’d ever felt before.

They were awoken early in the morning by a banging on the front door. Owen mumbled a few cuss words then stumbled out of bed, stopping to put his boxers on before he left the bedroom. When he opened the door, Flynn was standing there a silly grin on his face. “Never thought I’d have to knock on my own front door, but since Tabitha has my key….” He trailed off, a wicked grin on his face.

“The door wasn’t even locked, you idiot. What do you want this time of morning?” Owen had been annoyed but now he was just plain angry.

Flynn pulled out what was clearly a plane ticket. “Someone needs to go home and it’s your turn.” He said, slapping the ticket into his brother’s hand.

Owen groaned, “Was it really necessary to wake me up at the crack of dawn to tell me this?”

“Your flight leaves tonight, so yeah it was.” Flynn said, clearly enjoying himself.

“What’s the big emergency?” Owen asked, thinking that it better be something good.

Flynn’s amusement vanished at once, “Max Hershberger died yesterday.”

Owen took the news as hard as his brothers had the night before when they’d heard, Jack had insisted that they give Owen and Tabitha the night they needed, before breaking the news to him. Max had been the foreman at the ranch since they had been little, in fact none of them could remember the ranch without him. But their friend had been sick for a long time and it really was a blessing that his suffering was over, still he’d be missed more than anyone wanted to admit.

After he’d taken a minute to process the news, he suddenly realized that he’d have to see Sarah at the funeral and had a moments panic. “Shouldn’t Jack be the one to go? He’s the oldest.” Owen protested, realizing that he didn’t want to face the memories that going home would bring to the surface.

“It’s your turn to go, Jack was just there. You’re going to have to face Sarah sooner or later, might as well get it over with now.” Flynn said, knowing exactly what his brother was thinking.

Owen gave Flynn a dirty look but knew that he was right. He needed to go back and face his past. It was the only way to completely put it behind him and start a new life here in America. “Fine, I’ll go.” He said, and slammed the door in Flynn’s face.

When he got back in the house, Tabitha was waiting for him in the kitchen, she handed him a cup of coffee then waited for him to speak. After he’d taken a sip, he said, “I have to go back to Australia, a dear friend of the family had passed away and someone has to go represent the family.”

Tabitha crossed the room and gave Owen a hug, “I’m sorry to hear that. Were you close to him?”

Owen sat down at the table and told Tabitha all about Max and what he’d meant to them growing up. “It sounds like you’ve lost a member of the family.” She pondered.

“It feels that way.”

Tabitha hated herself for asking but she couldn’t help herself, “Are you going to see Sarah when you’re there?”

“I’m sure I’ll have to, at the funeral if nothing else.” Owen said, looking at Tabitha, surprised at the question.

“Oh, okay.” She said, getting up from the table, overcome by a mixture of dread and jealously.

Owen followed her across the room and pulled her into his arms, “I have to face her, I don’t want to but it needs to happen. I wish you could be with me, but I might be gone for as long as three weeks and I know you can’t leave for that long.”

“I’m sorry, I know I’m being silly and a little jealous but I have this terrible feeling that something bad is going to happen.” Tabitha said, the tears rolling down her cheeks. “We just made up and now you’re leaving.”

Owen tipped her chin up but she couldn’t meet his eyes, she knew she was being silly but her emotions had gotten the better of her. “Tabitha look at me.” He said, then waited until she raised her eyes to his. “You are the only one I want. You were right about Sarah, I didn’t love her, I loved the idea of her, if I’d loved her I would have married her a long time ago. I’m going to go home and put some of these old ghosts to rest, but I’ll be back. I promise.”




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