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A Weekend with the Mountain Man by Nicole Casey (51)



My car couldn’t go fast enough as I had to be mindful of any cops around and avoiding getting hit by traffic. The text message kept playing through my mind. If you want to see what your boyfriend is up to, then I suggest you come to his place right now. He won’t be alone and you won’t want to miss this. It came from an anonymous phone number and I sat there for three minutes pondering if I should pay attention to it. But, I would kick myself if I didn’t.

So, I made an excuse that I wasn’t feeling well, and broke away from the table and Sydney’s exciting news. Then when I bumped into the strange man that was heading in the same direction I was, I let a couple more crucial minutes pass by. He looked at me like he knew me from somewhere, or at least that was what I thought the look was, but then I realized that he wasn’t recognizing me, he was admiring me. I hadn’t had that much attention from my boyfriend, Josh, in well over four months. So, it was nice to have that affirmation.

But now I was driving towards Josh’s home, just hoping that the text message was full of shit. However, as I turned down his road, I spotted an unfamiliar car in his driveway. I cut the lights, so I wouldn’t warn him I was there, then pulled up to the curb and parked my Jeep.

My heart was racing so fast, as I got out of my vehicle, leaving my purse and phone behind. I held my keys in my hand and I was shaking as I approached his door. I slowly unlocked his door and took a deep breath before entering.

After getting inside, I found the foyer and living room dark. There was a light coming from upstairs, so I followed it. I crept slowly, so I wouldn’t alert anyone I was there. When I got to the top of the stairs, I hesitated. The light was in his bathroom across the hall from his bedroom. I moved toward the bathroom, fearful of finding him naked and having sex in the shower. But the shower wasn’t going.

I glanced at his room and that was when I heard soft murmuring. My heart caught in my throat. I paused, trying to figure out if I really wanted to see what I was obviously about ready to see, but I had come this far and I wasn’t going to allow some bimbo to get in the way of me finding out the truth. I walked over to the door and peeked my head inside, careful not to let the door creak.

My mind went blank as I came into contact with my boyfriend screwing another woman. His naked ass was moving up and down, between the legs of another woman and I immediately felt tears stinging my eyes. I covered my mouth and left the opening of the room. I stood in the hallway, feeling sad, sad that I let this man rob me of my happiness.

Then the moans intensified, shooting through his bedroom and I couldn’t take it anymore. He had to know what a true jerk I thought he was, so I stormed back into the room, this time uncaring if the door creaked.

“Hello, honey,” I said.

He looked up and his face was a mask of confusion and guilt. He was in mid thrust and I looked down at the two of them, shook my head and stormed out of his room.

“Jasmine…wait!” he hollered.

I didn’t want to see him or to talk to him. The tears flooded my eyes, then streaked down my face as I ran down his stairs and out the front door. It wasn’t until I got in my Jeep that I let all my anger out. I hit my fists against the steering wheel, crying out my anger to anyone that was within earshot.

I leaned my head against my wheel and sobbed. As the sobbing died down, I was left to gasps of air every once in a while. The thing was, I wasn’t sad that my relationship of two years was over. I was sad that I let another human being get to me and eventually shatter my insides.

There were so many thoughts that crowded my mind as I sat there. Was this all because I wouldn’t sleep with him? Did he ever love me? Did he love her? I looked out the window and spotted her car pulling out of the driveway. She whizzed by me; I didn’t expect her car to go so fast.

I looked up at Josh’s front door and he was coming out on the front porch. He was fully dressed and walking towards my vehicle. I started my Jeep, with every intention of tearing by him, but I hesitated.

He got to my door and gave me a pleading look. I rolled down my window and glared at him. “How long?” I simply asked.

His face was a sheet of white. “A couple months,” he responded.

That didn’t really give me the response I wanted to hear. I wanted to know if she was the only one he was sleeping with and how many times. “Is this because I wouldn’t sleep with you?” I asked. My lower lip trembled and I fought hard to be strong. He didn’t come out and respond. He just shrugged.

“You knew I was a virgin,” I countered. “You told me you respected that. Were you just lying to me?” I asked.

He looked uncomfortable and I was glad about that. I didn’t want this to be easy on him. “I wasn’t lying, but come on…sometimes a man can only take so much.”

My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe he was defending himself.

“Okay!” I said, looking away from him. “I hope you two are very happy together.” I put my foot on the break and put my car into drive, then started to drive away, but he reached in my window and grabbed my arm, causing me to slam on my breaks and glare at him. “Let me just go!”

“Jasmine, I’m sorry. I didn’t want you hurt. That’s the last thing I wanted.”

He looked sincere. He sounded sincere. But I knew Josh for too long and he wasn’t fully sorry this had happened. In a way, he was blaming me and I couldn’t stick around and try to convince myself to stay and move past it. Our relationship had technically been over for months and I was just holding on. No more. I was ready to make a break of it and Josh was not going to change my mind.